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Hatered of F2P


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For a f2p game this forum seems to really hate the concept.


So often when I see people bring up concerns on the forum and ingame about f2p players being disadvantaged not just in terms of restrictions but in other ways, everyone's reponse seems to be "sub you noob".


This really bites at me since it really doesn't create a nice environment for f2p players to play in, in game. If they don't feel welcome by the community then they won't subscribe or buy cartel coins. And lets remember that your game was dying until f2p players came in.


F2P brought people to try out the game, then subscribe. F2P helped the growth of the subscriber base. The model saved the game, not the people playing solely for the purpose of not spending money to help out the company. Why would we care about people who truly don't care about the game?

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If you sincerely just think that f2p are treated badly, then let me tell you: there will always be some people who will treat some people badly. There are some pve players that think pvp-players are "second class citizens" and pvp players who think pve players are those. I'm pretty sure the same goes with f2p and subs. Some f2p may think that all subs are full of themselves and their own greatness (when the f2p option first came out, the general chat was full of people with this attitude) and some subs may think that f2p have no idea how to play the game or behave themselves and they just cause wipes or act stupidly. It's just people acting like people usually act, and even though it's not always nice, there really isn't much to be done. You can try, but you can't make everyone to listen.


You've pretty much nailed it there. People will be people.

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Like it or not sub players were not paying the bills. It took F2P and the market to save the game.


I don't think that sub players are getting ignored...but at the same time I think Bioware is doing what is best for the game, and that means the market and F2P players.


As long as it keeps the game alive I will support that assumed position.


Players that are prepared to run around the world until lvl25 rather than spend £2.99 on a beginner bundle really dont pay any bills.

The one thing you got right is the cartel market is paying the bills but the subscribers are the ones spending on it not F2P.

The badwill for the most part is players who see so much resources going to the cartel market rather than content or bug fixes. It looks like 2.1 will be nothing other than more ways to spend cartel coins no real content, I do think its a mistake to treat F2P players poorly when its the subs throwing money at the cartel market that cause the problem or save the game depending on your outlook.

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If this game hadn't gone F2P, I never would have tried it and I never would have subscribed. I was "one of those people" that was disappointed that a third single player KOTOR game was never made. I didn't have any real interest in MMOs so I never paid attention to this game.


It was on a whim that I decided to give this game a shot. This was in February. Even with all the F2P restrictions I found it to be an enjoyable gaming experience. I played the game F2P for two weeks (pretty much keeping to myself in game) pondering whether or not I should start subscribing. After two weeks of playing F2P I finally started subscribing and I am glad I did. I like the game far more than I ever thought I would.


The point is not all people playing the game F2P are freeloading jerks. Many of them are potential subscribers.

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Its the fact Bioware are focusing everything on F2P And doing nothing for subs...theyre focusing too much on the CC store because thats their main source of income now. :/


They're not focusing on f2p though. They're focusing on the cartel market, which is seperate from both f2p and subbers. It was bound to happen. Kinda wish the cm never existed, even at the cost of the game

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It doesn't matter if you are a f2p or a subscriber, that has no bearing on how I or my guild will treat you. If you act with respect and courtesy then that is the way you will be treated.


If you are willing to listen when we try to help you then we will help you but if you expect us to run you through a planet because you didn't do the other quests prior to coming to the other planet then no we will not.


I get this a lot lately and the comment is well you are level 50 you can do it and you should do it. That's when you will get a piece of my mind. I should? why? because I took the time to level my character so some of the players (and it doesn't matter if they are f2p or subscribers doing this as I have seen it both) expect to be catered to like this. Sorry no I will not.

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I will be very honest I hate F2P people even personal friends out of the game have F2P accounts and I refuse to help them. But I think some issues are far worse than these F2P users and that's the support we get as a subscriber it's horrid and a total kick in the face not just ingame support but telephone support we get treated like we are non-sub players and then you get the dreadful M0-T0 ticket master yeah right they need to rename the training dummy to M0-T0.
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If this game hadn't gone F2P, I never would have tried it and I never would have subscribed. I was "one of those people" that was disappointed that a third single player KOTOR game was never made. I didn't have any real interest in MMOs so I never paid attention to this game.


It was on a whim that I decided to give this game a shot. This was in February. Even with all the F2P restrictions I found it to be an enjoyable gaming experience. I played the game F2P for two weeks (pretty much keeping to myself in game) pondering whether or not I should start subscribing. After two weeks of playing F2P I finally started subscribing and I am glad I did. I like the game far more than I ever thought I would.


The point is not all people playing the game F2P are freeloading jerks. Many of them are potential subscribers.


I run across players like yourself quite often in game.


It's a testament to the fact that the model works as it is clearly intended to in that it draws players in at no obligation and for many players what they find is worth subscribing too after they try it. Some other MMOs with trial frontends do not fair as well in conversions to subs IMO.



As to the OPs complaint... sorry... but I don't really buy into it. The reason being.. non-subs cannot post here.. so you are only see one side of the discussion... and honestly... even with the complaints about F2P players.... it's a minority of forum members which in turn are a minority of subscribers. I rarely see hate directed at F2P inside the game unless it is someone who insists on shoving their head up their backsides and annoying people in the process... which is not that common either.

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Players that are prepared to run around the world until lvl25 rather than spend £2.99 on a beginner bundle really dont pay any bills.

The one thing you got right is the cartel market is paying the bills but the subscribers are the ones spending on it not F2P.

The badwill for the most part is players who see so much resources going to the cartel market rather than content or bug fixes. It looks like 2.1 will be nothing other than more ways to spend cartel coins no real content, I do think its a mistake to treat F2P players poorly when its the subs throwing money at the cartel market that cause the problem or save the game depending on your outlook.


In all fairness, and this is completely speculative BTW based on what I see in game, it seems that F2P players are forking over cash for coins. I've personally seen plenty of F2P players that I play with every day (a few obvious identifiers, like slower running and reduced response speed in chat) that seem to have the shiny new armors from the market.


Considering the credit caps it would be very difficult for them to buy some of these items with credits from the GTN. I think, if anything, F2P players (or that market demographic) is traditionally the target audience for "pay as you go" play, and in this game it is no different.


Besides, it seems many of those free players convert to subs, at least for 30 days. I see that quite a bit as well.


Naturally I have no numbers to back it up. It's just an educated guess.

Edited by LordArtemis
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  • 3 weeks later...
I was f2p for the first month. After getting annoyed with the restrictions I subbed. I feel it was one of the best decisions ive made. At first I wasnt going to bother subbing, I was going to be one of those people who expect handouts but rather than complain I went to wal mart and bought a $30 60 day card and have been renewing my subscription ever since. Now when people who are f2p complain about the subscriptions I just suggest that they either subscribe or make a one time purchase of cartel coins or the digital upgrade and be bumped up to prefered status which has slightly less restrictions
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Meh, I've a feeling the game is moving away from relying on subs for sustainability with more CM updates. I think we're already past that point.


By now, purchases by F2P rich kids of Chinese Communist parties, Brazilian cartel drug lords, and princes and princesses from the oily Middle East who by the way CANT whinge on the forums can support this game even though subs can drop to ZERO.


SWTOR has gone too far down a path we cannot follow.

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If a game is F2P that means it is not worth paying for.


We want a game to be good enough that it is worth paying for.


It is that simple.


Then why do most great games end up getting pirated?


No game is ever "worth paying for" because people are cheap dirtbags.



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Then why do most great games end up getting pirated?


...gets me to thinking what could be done with the source code from this game if it were ever to go public. I bet community-made mods generated by teenagers in their parent's basement would blow this current version of the game completely out of the water within weeks. :D

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Then why do most great games end up getting pirated?


No game is ever "worth paying for" because people are cheap dirtbags.


This is a ridiculous generalization. A perfect example of this is DA2. That game is probably a case study in EA training on how to mislead, lie and abuse an existing IP to get the most money possible with the least effort possible.

Edited by Jandi
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This is a ridiculous generalization. I pirate every game before buying it because I've been burned too many times. A perfect example of this is DA2. That game is probably a case study in EA training on how to mislead, lie and abuse an existing IP to get the most money possible with the least effort possible.


Yeah, you pirate games to "try before you buy".


Like test driving a car and then booting the sales rep out on the side of the road.


Even though the guy deserved it.





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Admitting to a felony in a public gaming forum = priceless.


Dude you need to remove your posts about pirating software.... on a gaming software companies website of all places. :rolleyes:

Edited by CommunityDroidFR
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Admitting to a felony in a public gaming forum = priceless.


Dude you need to remove your posts about pirating software.... on a gaming software companies website of all places. :rolleyes:


Especially EA forums. those guys get off on busting pirates to say "Look! We found one! Clearly our DRM's are working because he didn't pirate X!"

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Stupidity you say? Trying to validate piracy is a moot point when you yourself have admitted to doing so. And admitting to pirating games on a gaming forum is not quite what i would call a bright move, considering the rather large legal fines and prison sentence attached to this particular admittance.


But please, continue to lay out any other hobbies of yours.

Edited by CommunityDroidFR
Edited for amusement factor
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Admitting to a felony in a public gaming forum = priceless.


Dude you need to remove your posts about pirating software.... on a gaming software companies website of all places. :rolleyes:



I just love it how all 3 of you just don't even address what I actually said and instead assume everyone gives a **** about YOUR laws. Now that's priceless.

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everyone's reponse seems to be "sub you noob".


Of course.


Everyone who subs and/or been playing the game since the beginning is annoyed at those self-entitled prats who get to play through the 8 various storylines to lvl50, being able to geared "decently" geared in blues and not paying a penny for it....all while complaining about how that isn't enough for them.


Seriously, just hit any leveling planets and soon enough, a f2p will start a qq debate about how he doesnt get "as much" as those who actively support the game.

Bioware hasn't helped the situation either by focusing most of its attention on the f2pers with the CM.


So yeah the f2pers aren't guilty of anything in itself, Bioware has encouraged a bad system and as a result you have some f2pers that come with a stinking attitude.


As a founder, I don't care too much. But when a f2pers comes to me and complain about how the game does not give him everything for free, when I'm a paying customer since jan 2012 and havent got much coming my way for my loyalty in months, yeah I'm gonna give that guy a new hole lol

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