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unScheduled Maintenance: May 5th, 2013 [Servers unAvailable]


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Aaaaand the server's back up and (surprise, surprise) STILL NO WORD FROM BIOWARE!


Pathetic and amateur.


Like you could do better.. Are you like some psychic and know exactly what happened?? I would rather they just fix it and ditch the blow by blows.. You want a blow by blow.. Watch football.. :p

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Like you could do better.. Are you like some psychic and know exactly what happened?? I would rather they just fix it and ditch the blow by blows.. You want a blow by blow.. Watch football.. :p

Oh, get over yourself.


BioWare is a professional game company. Any company that provides a service that's expected to be up 24/7, with reasonable interruption, gives as much notice as they have.


We got a 15-minute notice in the game. Obviously, this means there's something wrong.


But no Twitter notice, no forum posts (even now, several hours later), and no launcher notice. That is the very definition of pathetic and amateur. Letting us know SOMETHING is going on, and as much as they can say about what and how long, is required by any professional game company.


I don't work for a game company. However, I have worked for other companies that provided 24/7 services accessed by customers across the country over the Internet.


Guess what? If the site was simply down, with no explanation and no prior notice, heads would (and did) roll. There's a change control process, even for repairs, and professionals follow it.


Exacerbating factors: it happens often with this server, and it was Saturday bloody night during the trailing edge of the West Coast's prime time.


People are angry, and whether you feel it was overblown or not, we have a right to be.

Edited by Adwynyth
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No kidding. There's a way to do it right, and a way to do it HORRIBLY HORRIBLY wrong.


This would be the latter. No announcement on the forums, no blog post, no Twitter post, and absolutely no idea WHY. Not to mention only a 15-minute in-game notice instead of 30. Nice, guys.


Also a sub, and not happy about this.


Per the EULA you signed, they don't really have to tell you anything about what they are doing when they need to schedule maintenance. And it said unscheduled right? So they probably didn't even know they were going to need to till something came up.


And to the op, I'll talk on behalf of BW and say, my bad for not checking your schedule to make sure we don't schedule any server down time, again my bad.

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Unannounced maintenance on a weekend. And oh look, it's just the Harbinger again.


That should equal some extra cartel coins to everyone's account.


But instead we'll get jack-sh^t, a lame a*s we're sorry and still have a buggy server.


For subs you basically pay 50cents a day to play the game. Let me repeat it for you...50 cents a day.


That's basically 2 cents an hour. 1 hour of downtime doesn't come close to the cost of 1 cartel coin :p


If this was an all week thing, this would be a different story, right now, it's just an inconvience.

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Oh, get over yourself.


BioWare is a professional game company. Any company that provides a service that's expected to be up 24/7, with reasonable interruption, gives as much notice as they have.


We got a 15-minute notice in the game. Obviously, this means there's something wrong.


Oh so you did get notice.. And you agree something went wrong.. So what is the problem?? It also appears they fixed it..


People are angry, and whether you feel it was overblown or not, we have a right to be.


No.. You don't have a right to be.. Having a right requires a valid reason.. People are angry.. Sure.. But that is their problem.. Under the circumstances, I think Bioware handled this correctly.. As you said, something went wrong.. Technically, they don't have to give you any notice.. So they were very professional in the handling of this event.. Some of the people of this thread?? Not so much..


As for me getting over myself?? Why?? I can't help it if I just have an over dose of common sense.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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For subs you basically pay 50cents a day to play the game. Let me repeat it for you...50 cents a day.


That's basically 2 cents an hour. 1 hour of downtime doesn't come close to the cost of 1 cartel coin :p


If this was an all week thing, this would be a different story, right now, it's just an inconvience.


Lets say you have a busy schedule and are only able to play once a week and the Server downtime happen to fall on that time period? You number crunching is pointless when you spread it out the way you did. At one time I used to have Tuesday night off from work and the weekly maintenance always fell on my day off (night worker). Two cents an hour doesn't mean crap to me if I cant play a service that I paid to play.

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Lets say you have a busy schedule and are only able to play once a week and the Server downtime happen to fall on that time period? You number crunching is pointless when you spread it out the way you did. At one time I used to have Tuesday night off from work and the weekly maintenance always fell on my day off (night worker). Two cents an hour doesn't mean crap to me if I cant play a service that I paid to play.


If you ask really, really nice, maybe BW will schedule it's unscheduled server downtime around a time that works best for you.

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It was scheduled enough that they could post the 15 minute nuclear warning. Apparently they haven't quite got a handle on this "communication" malarky yet though.


:rolleyes: Generally, when Harbinger decides to go belly up... the in game coms channels are among the first things that stop working.


"Unscheduled" look it up in the dictionary.. the word has interesting meaning. It is the antithesis of "scheduled"


Typical MMO Forum court martial hearing:

Armchair General: Lieutenant!! why did you not not tell us we were under attack and about to get over run?!!

Lieutenant: derp! the radio was broken. derp! :rolleyes:

Edited by Andryah
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Lets say you have a busy schedule and are only able to play once a week and the Server downtime happen to fall on that time period? You number crunching is pointless when you spread it out the way you did. At one time I used to have Tuesday night off from work and the weekly maintenance always fell on my day off (night worker). Two cents an hour doesn't mean crap to me if I cant play a service that I paid to play.


That's not BW's issue. How about this, you go up to BW and tell them when you work so they can schedule things around your work schedule.


Honestly... If the server was up 24/7 with no maintenance and quick fixes, the performance would be garbage. Get off your high horse, a lot of people work. You're not the only one :p

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Lets say you have a busy schedule and are only able to play once a week and the Server downtime happen to fall on that time period? You number crunching is pointless when you spread it out the way you did. At one time I used to have Tuesday night off from work and the weekly maintenance always fell on my day off (night worker). Two cents an hour doesn't mean crap to me if I cant play a service that I paid to play.



If you can only play once a week, why are you subbing at all? It would be cheaper for you to microtrans in the long run. You can only play once a week, so it's pretty pointless to pay for the rest of that week, right? Buy the unlocks you'll need and you'll never need to worry about the money you're losing on unexpected downtime.

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I have no "compassion {read: tolerance}" for childish whining. Even less for those that would use absurd exaggerations and then backpedal when called on them.


If you're going to whine, own it. Don't try to justify it as anything other than whining.

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I have no "compassion {read: tolerance}" for childish whining. Even less for those that would use absurd exaggerations and then backpedal when called on them.


If you're going to whine, own it. Don't try to justify it as anything other than whining.


Alright then thump your chest and stick it to them because you aren't helping anything by attacking them. Pot kettle black, continue on.

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*facepalm* If you don't want to be mocked for childish whining, don't do it on a forum. If you do chose to do so, grow a thicker skin and accept that people will mock you for whining when you whine.
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I want one week of sub playtime added to all sub players on harbinger.

And no doubt such petulant demands carry great weight with BWEA.


Geez, stuff happens. If it were my server, I wouldn't be happy about it, but I wouldn't be here crying about it, either.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Per the EULA you signed, they don't really have to tell you anything about what they are doing when they need to schedule maintenance. And it said unscheduled right? So they probably didn't even know they were going to need to till something came up.


And to the op, I'll talk on behalf of BW and say, my bad for not checking your schedule to make sure we don't schedule any server down time, again my bad.


Yeah, I have to agree, most of the posts here are unnecessary.


So? Bioware saw a developing problem on the harbinger server, then had the gall to give you all 15 minute warnings before shutting down the server to fix the problem, so they could start it back up again and allow players to play?


Are you saying they should have instead, made an official announcement (on the weekend) about the problem while the server was left alone to develop further problems, possibly causing LONGER delays in fixing it?


Or maybe, they should have just let the server crash?


Please, so many of you seem to have degrees in Network & Business management, present in detail exactly what they should have done.

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Yeah.... no. You've been lied to son. Crashes don't come with a 15 minute warning.


Those crashes don't even give Bioware a notice..LOL Sometimes things go boom, with no warning, the intern hit the powerplug with the vacum again..:eek:


I wish i lived in a world some of these players seem to live in where nothing goes wrong all is rosey, and sunshine all day.. the real world is full of surpises :D

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From what I saw ingame, this surprise maintenance ruined some pub guild's PvP gank on Tatooine. Nice one BW. :jawa_tongue:


I was running Black Talon solo with a character that had badly outleveled the flashpoint in order to get the title from it, and saw the five-minute warning as I was getting close to the end. I managed to complete the flashpoint, and was in the zoning screen back to the Imperial Fleet when I got disconnected.


It was scheduled enough that they could post the 15 minute nuclear warning. Apparently they haven't quite got a handle on this "communication" malarky yet though.


Not necessarily. If a system caches disk writes for better performance, a sudden loss of power can result in a loss of any cached data that has not been written to disk. To alleviate this issue, systems that have uptime and data preservation requirements will generally be attached to a UPS -- uninterruptible power supply -- that supplies power if the regular power grid fails. However, because a UPS is essentially a big battery, they have a limited amount of total power they can supply before running out. A facility will employ a UPS large enough to give them time to perform a clean shutdown of the system; for large servers, 15-20 minutes is common. If the facility hosting Harbinger lost power, the admins would know how much time they had before they had to have all pending writes flushed to disk and the server shut down, and could make a fifteen-minute announcement, without having known ahead of time that the server would be going down.

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