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random queue WZ on POT5 just brutal for the Republic


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Some of my guildiies were on vacation this week so joined some randome single queue WZ's on the Republic side...what a complete joke the performances were. How do you guys that single queue do it? I'd be quitting pretty quick if that was the normal experiences I was getting in WZ's.


Back to my pre-made tomorrow!

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Much as I love my faction I have to agree here. If you can only put up 60k damage on your class in a level 55 full length civil war, won by less than 100 points, and werent guarding the off node. Please Please Please look on the internet or ask someone because you clearly can not play your class and even a premade can not carry that level of bad.
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Yeah....I really wish the old stereotype that bad players flock to the "bad guy" faction was true on POT5, but its really the other way around on POT5......


For whatever reason, the imperials definitely have the upper hand on this server. On the other hand, the Bastion is full of tunnel vision "I want to be Darth Vader" people on the imperial side.

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I do agree i gave it an honest chance until level 25ish pvping from 10-25 and i couldn't stomach it.


People *****in

People not knowing what they are doing.


Hell even had one guy literally stand next to a node capper and look at him hard as if trying to use irl force to stop him from capping. I gave up and went back to imp after that. I was hopeful but man... they need either a priest or a damn miracle.


I love some of the pub stuff (animation wise etc... some armors) but hell no.

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Having played on both factions in all 3 brackets, it's a common theme that the republic is full of either brain dead zombies or bots, possibly both, and that the empire is full of bads. Both factions are pretty evenly matched on the levels of stupid that bursts through the floodgates of PvP when that queue pops, the empire simply has more hardcore pvp guilds than the republic, and the republic is full of sore losers, even more so than the empire, and the empire has some SORE losers and even worse, they have sore winners.


TL;DR: Both sides are full of bads, empire just has more premades and guilds doing pvp than republic


My recommended solution: Republic needs to organize, get guilded, work as a team for once (instead of mocking someone for detailing instructions) and for the love of god COMMUNICATE!

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Much as I love my faction I have to agree here. If you can only put up 60k damage on your class in a level 55 full length civil war, won by less than 100 points, and werent guarding the off node. Please Please Please look on the internet or ask someone because you clearly can not play your class and even a premade can not carry that level of bad.


Thank you.

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Having played on both factions in all 3 brackets, it's a common theme that the republic is full of either brain dead zombies or bots, possibly both, and that the empire is full of bads. Both factions are pretty evenly matched on the levels of stupid that bursts through the floodgates of PvP when that queue pops, the empire simply has more hardcore pvp guilds than the republic, and the republic is full of sore losers, even more so than the empire, and the empire has some SORE losers and even worse, they have sore winners.


TL;DR: Both sides are full of bads, empire just has more premades and guilds doing pvp than republic


My recommended solution: Republic needs to organize, get guilded, work as a team for once (instead of mocking someone for detailing instructions) and for the love of god COMMUNICATE!


Alternatively, premades should be made to work for their commendations by forced queues against other premades and bads be allowed to suck against other bads.

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Here's how I do it:


1. watch for good communication. good means they might have a chance of winning. none or hateful comments early mean the death of the pug before the match starts.


Good communication is always the key to victory, if there is none and everyone assumes someone else is going for the objective, its over. just grab your metals and comms and move on to the next one.


2. never assume the pug will be successful. but always play the objective/your role reguardless.


You see a pug running away and killing things off the objective, caught in dumb fights, etc. you know its bad news, but that doesn't mean develop their bad habits. try to keep the game rolling. Nothing like ninja capping as a trooper because everyone and their dog is too busy dueling each other to pay attention to the one guy doing nothing by the door.


3. Always learn.


God knows how many pvp matches I've done since the game opened, but I've learned a lot from them. When you think you know everything someone shows you a new trick. You dont often learn these from being in a premade pug where these little buggers drop the moment they see more than 3 of the same guild name appear unless they have a few of their own.


4 Ignore the hate spam.


The dude shouting the loudest is the one doing the least. you cant fight and type at the same time. if you can well your still not paying enough attention to the fight. Talk less, say more. Most fights I've one involve "inc snow Lots switch to grass" back and forth followed by "gg" and thats it.


pretty much do your own thing and keep at it. Dont drop because you just wasted more time queing again and hoping for a win than just taking two losses. I saw someone drop que after the imps took the east node in NC and im thinking "they always take east...how is this fight any different from any other" of course after the early droppers, we suffered too much but almost pulled it around. which leads to my biggest advice for anyone premade or not:




I've seen ACW turn from a three cap loss to a three cap win many times with very little left. 3-0 huttball leads turned into 3-6 losses. Its not over until the summary screen pops up. until then play your heart out.


Finally: if PVP isnt fun for you: QUIT PVPING.

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I consider myself a sensible individual and witnessing 3-4+ reps running to cap grass is a cause for immediate departure. And other similar instances. My playtime is too short to avail myself to other people's cluelessness. Having hit 55 I was saddened to discover that wearing full partisan did nothing to imbue its wearers with an actual ability to play their class.
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Some of my guildiies were on vacation this week so joined some randome single queue WZ's on the Republic side...what a complete joke the performances were. How do you guys that single queue do it? I'd be quitting pretty quick if that was the normal experiences I was getting in WZ's.


Back to my pre-made tomorrow!


Except for a couple awesome games this morning, pot5 has been BRUTAL for rep solo players. You can bet your sub fee that a least 1, if not 2, imp premades will be on the opposing team.


During certain times of the day the rep is literally cannon fodder for imp teams farming comms.

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Here's a novel idea! Premade vs Premade; PuG vs PuG brackets!


Then they won't notice how bad they are, because the opposing team will be just as bad and they'll even feel good when one clueless team beats the other. Win-win.


Sadly, I don't think the population levels could support this. I'm already noticing the same people in multiple WZ's on a regular basis. I just think the mess the devs have created for pvp in 2.0 has drove many people away.

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Here's a novel idea! Premade vs Premade; PuG vs PuG brackets!


Then they won't notice how bad they are, because the opposing team will be just as bad and they'll even feel good when one clueless team beats the other. Win-win.


How about no, never, dumb idea.


Queues are already 15+ minutes during the day at times. I'm not willing for those queues to get any larger. I've been in pure PuGs many times and still beat Imp pre-mades. Granted, it's more the exception rather than the rule, but it still happens.


Sometimes it is brutal for pubs on POT5, but sometimes it's actually not too bad. If you go Imp, they just get wargames against themselves and that's just as bad if not worse.

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How about no, never, dumb idea.


Queues are already 15+ minutes during the day at times. I'm not willing for those queues to get any larger. I've been in pure PuGs many times and still beat Imp pre-mades. Granted, it's more the exception rather than the rule, but it still happens.


Sometimes it is brutal for pubs on POT5, but sometimes it's actually not too bad. If you go Imp, they just get wargames against themselves and that's just as bad if not worse.


Are you just blatantly lying? The queue has never, ever been 15 minutes. I have characters on different servers and this has never happened.


Yes, we need solo only queues.

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Some of my guildiies were on vacation this week so joined some randome single queue WZ's on the Republic side...what a complete joke the performances were. How do you guys that single queue do it? I'd be quitting pretty quick if that was the normal experiences I was getting in WZ's.


Back to my pre-made tomorrow!

It really depends on the people queuing at the time. There are good and bad players on both sides.

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Are you just blatantly lying? The queue has never, ever been 15 minutes. I have characters on different servers and this has never happened.


Yes, we need solo only queues.


I am not blatantly lying. Try queueing @ 8:30AM pub side on a Tuesday.

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Regular pug matches last couple days have been at an all time low it seems. I could post a vid of the rampant warzone quitters and even people standing/dancing/sitting near the rez pad. I don't have time for that kind of rubbish and its an exercise in futility. The point is clear... To those who behave or perform unfavorably in warzones, either grow a pair or don't que up.
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I was solo qing with my gunslinger (I enjoy soloq'ing), we had a 35K shadowtank in the wZ, he ended up with 0 protection (he was using tank stance). I had 2 more with him, again 0 protecion numbers.

I sent him a Pm asking why he was not using taunts or guarding healers, that maybe it was better to go infil if he was not going to use his abilities.



That site should be banned tbh

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I was solo qing with my gunslinger (I enjoy soloq'ing), we had a 35K shadowtank in the wZ, he ended up with 0 protection (he was using tank stance). I had 2 more with him, again 0 protecion numbers.

I sent him a Pm asking why he was not using taunts or guarding healers, that maybe it was better to go infil if he was not going to use his abilities.



That site should be banned tbh


Lol, there are sadly a lot of fake "tanks" on the republic side exactly as you've described. That has to be the most hilarious response ever, though.

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I was solo qing with my gunslinger (I enjoy soloq'ing), we had a 35K shadowtank in the wZ, he ended up with 0 protection (he was using tank stance). I had 2 more with him, again 0 protecion numbers.

I sent him a Pm asking why he was not using taunts or guarding healers, that maybe it was better to go infil if he was not going to use his abilities.



That site should be banned tbh


noxxic has to be the worst site for pvp ever. it does give me a good laugh though :D

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