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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fix Healing in PVP


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Seriously its getting old now... how hard is it to fix this god mode u gave healers.... Fix bolster, reduce healing done on expertise, grp pre mades with pre mades - ( I do alot of pre mades & would actually want a challange )


But healing is screwed up right now a couple heals on Both teams and no one Dies & most the game its a stale mate... How is this fun


Plz look at Healing done in Pvp, copy wow serioisly, u have in the past

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Seriously its getting old now... how hard is it to fix this god mode u gave healers.... Fix bolster, reduce healing done on expertise, grp pre mades with pre mades - ( I do alot of pre mades & would actually want a challange )


But healing is screwed up right now a couple heals on Both teams and no one Dies & most the game its a stale mate... How is this fun


Plz look at Healing done in Pvp, copy wow serioisly, u have in the past


Lol. Look, it's this thread again. :D

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Funny, as a healer I seem to have an issue keeping people up when I face a team that knows how to focus and put out some dps. If you are one of those people at the end of a WZ that has less than 100k dps, I think the problem lies on your end.
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Funny, as a healer I seem to have an issue keeping people up when I face a team that knows how to focus and put out some dps. If you are one of those people at the end of a WZ that has less than 100k dps, I think the problem lies on your end.


Lol, yep. But as a healer, I'm glad that 90% of people don't know how to focus fire and then come to the forums to start threads like these. :D

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Funny, as a healer I seem to have an issue keeping people up when I face a team that knows how to focus and put out some dps. If you are one of those people at the end of a WZ that has less than 100k dps, I think the problem lies on your end.


Funny, as a healer I seem to have no issue keeping people up when I face a team that knows how to focus and put out some DPS. If you are one of those people at the end of a WZ that has less than 100k hps, I think the problem lies on your end.

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Wait you do premades and yet u can't shut down a healer?


You do know every class has interrupts?


Chain your interrupts.

Chain ur CC properly.


No healer will survive unless they pull some mystical space magic ****.


Seems the majority of the players in this game are worthless and forget they gain interrupts at like lvl14.

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Funny, as a healer I seem to have no issue keeping people up when I face a team that knows how to focus and put out some DPS. If you are one of those people at the end of a WZ that has less than 100k hps, I think the problem lies on your end.


You're my hero.

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Look. Let's just be serious for a bit here, folks. Healing IS kinda powerful right now, but TTK is also shortened as well. The issues you're facing, however, are not "X is overpowered", it's the same problems you will always face whenever you join a PvP match. Coordination. An individual healer is a threat to a party, yes, but CAN be shut down if your group focuses the healer. Of course, that assumes the enemy team lets you kill their healer, but that's another point. The main issue is not single healers. It's a combination of healers, working in sync. Basically, "Healers healing healers." We've all been there. Our team is bursting down that Sorc/Sage, who sprints away as they run low on HP, and the other healer in the group pops them back up to full. Repeat ad nauseum.


Things like Hypergate, Voidstar and Novare, for instance, are really Healer paradise. You always end up running into a wall of heals, because you keep having to come back to where the healers are, be it center, or a door. That being said, I really don't think it's a healer problem. I think it's a bolster problem, especially in the lower brackets. That free expertise makes it so healing isn't reduced much at all. And when you hit 55, you end up running into the wall of heals again, but this time, because so many people work together at 55. So it's not an actual "Overpowered" issue at all, but more of the way the system is set up. Nerfing healing itself will do nothing but make PvE suck more, due to less healing being generated in OPs and FPs. So, I really don't know how this can be fixed, barring scrapping Bolster.

Edited by Zuntrios
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Wow this thread is a nurf smash and roll qq from being the greatest I suck at pvp so it must be broken thread. The only major imbalance in this game is players skill lvl. 2.0 honestly has across all classes the closest balance this game has seen so far and the biggest problem is people judge class and role balance based on reg pvp where the biggest imbalance in regs is team compositions and players skill. Healing is not overpowered in this game, but now we have tons of players who are bad at this game and can't kill healers so bioware will end up nurfing healing into the ground again just like 1.2 because no one knows how to interrupt or focus fire a healer.


If you are like the op and want more of a challenge they have created a way to enter wz's with only premade groups its called ranked wz. The problem with ranked wz's is that people don't like losing or dislike the realization that in actuality they are not that good at pvp and play one match against a skilled team, get stomped, never play again and don't get better. The problem with reg wz's is that you will face a team with 4+ healers or have 4+ chitty dps and cant kill anything this does not mean the game is broken.

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funny, as a healer i seem to have an issue keeping people up when i face a team that knows how to focus and put out some dps. If you are one of those people at the end of a wz that has less than 100k dps, i think the problem lies on your end.


*********** thank you

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Sorc is op now, every wz i see 5-6 sorc in imp team, 500-600k dmg and ~ 300k healing, focus one of them not help because they healing this one. It is about just average sorc, good sorc healer can do ~ 1,5kk (!) healing 200-300k dmg, and good sorc dps can do ~ 1kk dmg 300-400k healing. None can kill them, i think it must be fixed.
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Sorc is op now, every wz i see 5-6 sorc in imp team, 500-600k dmg and ~ 300k healing, focus one of them not help because they healing this one. It is about just average sorc, good sorc healer can do ~ 1,5kk (!) healing 200-300k dmg, and good sorc dps can do ~ 1kk dmg 300-400k healing. None can kill them, i think it must be fixed.


The troll is strong with this one.

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Funny, as a healer I seem to have no issue keeping people up when I face a team that knows how to focus and put out some DPS. If you are one of those people at the end of a WZ that has less than 100k hps, I think the problem lies on your end.


Basically everyone then, right? I want to see proof of you doing 100,000 healing per second anywhere in SWTOR...


Just sayin'...


But to bring it back around to the topic at hand, PVP healing is fine, it's the numerous bad players that cannot or will not focus the healers that give you such a problem. I can hit 1m healing in a warzone if I'm not bothered by pesky enemies, but if the heats on me, I'm lucky to get the Combat Surgeon medal or whatever it is for 450k. Learn to focus my friend, and tell your friends to do so as well- nothings more amusing than using my vanish and popping up 10 feet away from you guys and starting to heal again and NO ONE NOTICES ME.

Edited by buzbuz
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  • 2 months later...



I think this is the effect of the PVE/PVP overlap which I have seen in many other games such as WOW.


Generally people who want to PVP want to fight. Go in .. inflict damage and kill stuff. That is what PVP should be.


PVP is a way of playing this game if PVE is not your thing and dancing around with a first aid kit just doesn't do it for you.


Healers play PVP like it is a PVE boss. Shield, heal, run away, shield, heal .... boring!


Most hot blooded PVP players couldn't bare that kind of game. They want to kill!


I think that the perfect solution to this is to have a one click PVE and PVP build and gear sets.


Get rid of healers from PVP all together and make it a mans fight again and not a first aid competition.


WHen a healer fancies PVP, click the PVP build and kit button and fight like a man ... instead of heal like a girl.


The fact that 1 or 2 good healers can create a crappy game for everyones is in my opinion wrong.

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and remove stealth too. it's so pve to go stealth. fight like a man, not hide and sneak like a girl.


also remove jump, walk to your target like a man. remove cover, stand up like a man. remove skills, fight with default attack like a man, not some fancy rotations like a girl. :rolleyes:

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and remove stealth too. it's so pve to go stealth. fight like a man, not hide and sneak like a girl.


also remove jump, walk to your target like a man. remove cover, stand up like a man. remove skills, fight with default attack like a man, not some fancy rotations like a girl. :rolleyes:


And die like a man. Stop the pathetic "aarrghhhh" and "uuuuggghhhh" when dying. Make it a "see ya in hell!", or "I'm prepered to die, are you?", or "hasta la vista, baby!", or "I'll be back to haunt you!".

Edited by Cretinus
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Why noone brings commando in this? ;) He shoots (pain), he heals (coltobomb .... plomp), he is borderline psixotic... (heavy armor, someone tried to kill me? No never seen it :cool: )


Well, now serious. Things are pretty much ballansed. It's what u pay attantion to - if u heal yourself - others die, if u heal teammates - u die. Easy. Make your choise...


P.S. And if u choose to heal yourself and not a dying tank inb your team, then u are not a healer, so drop it and find yourself a better role.

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Why noone brings commando in this? ;) He shoots (pain), he heals (coltobomb .... plomp), he is borderline psixotic... (heavy armor, someone tried to kill me? No never seen it :cool: )


Well, now serious. Things are pretty much ballansed. It's what u pay attantion to - if u heal yourself - others die, if u heal teammates - u die. Easy. Make your choise...


P.S. And if u choose to heal yourself and not a dying tank inb your team, then u are not a healer, so drop it and find yourself a better role.


How many red lines where in this post before you hit submit?

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Most hot blooded PVP players couldn't bare that kind of game. They want to kill!


I think that the perfect solution to this is to have a one click PVE and PVP build and gear sets.


Get rid of healers from PVP all together and make it a mans fight again and not a first aid competition.


So, you want one big derp fest. Okay, the solution is that you get one and one life only in a warzone. When you die, you are done and have to sit in the respawn area for the rest of the warzone until one person or persons is standing. Then you will only be awarded medals, comms, and valor if your side wins. However, if you were killed, you would get nothing, only the winning survivors should be awarded for their stellar derp play. However, if your side loses, you get nothing. That is how it should be.

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8 matches last night on my carnage marauder solo queueing i went up against a full ops premade with generally pug groups. The premade team had a guarded scoundrel and an unguaded sage. By myself with no focus fire i could eventually kill either of them while my group was most 1v1ing or throwing out random poorly placed AOE damage.


3 of those 8 matches were wins, when a few people on my team (usually tanks actually) assisted with interrupts.


If you think healers are op, bring some strong single target dpsers. But be prepared for them to focus fire the guys demolishing their heals, because they absolutely will try to.

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8 matches last night on my carnage marauder solo queueing i went up against a full ops premade with generally pug groups. The premade team had a guarded scoundrel and an unguaded sage. By myself with no focus fire i could eventually kill either of them while my group was most 1v1ing or throwing out random poorly placed AOE damage.


3 of those 8 matches were wins, when a few people on my team (usually tanks actually) assisted with interrupts.


If you think healers are op, bring some strong single target dpsers. But be prepared for them to focus fire the guys demolishing their heals, because they absolutely will try to.


On my Jugg Tank, when I encounter a healer of any type, I know I'm not going to be able to kill them. However, I do harass them. I'll either hit them with Ravage, throw a force choke on them after using my intimidating scream and they use their CC breaker, use bash, or my favorite thing to do is force push them. This is especially useful if they are up on the second tier at mid in CW. Force push them up and over the wall, thus eliminating them from the battle. It will take them a while to return back to begin healing.

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