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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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This one was a while ago, but since I still remember it, I guess it's worth putting in, though not particularly special.


HM Czerka Core. Right off the bat, the Guardian tank admits that he's new to the FP. He's decently geared, specced right, and throws a guard on me (My main, Guardian DPS).


I liked the guy already.


The others was a sent (Replacement when the other sent DC'ed) and a scoundrel healer that was pretty patient too.


I explain the bosses, a few tanking tips, where to move, what CD's to use, etc. I think the reason I liked this guy was that he actually took the time to listen to the strats, instead of saying, "OK" and jumping in halfway in before I could get to the warning/dangerous/wiping parts. Not only that, he followed my advice rather competently. Sure, he lost aggro to me despite the guard, but he was quick to taunt.


For a new tank, the run was surprisingly smooth. Kudos to you mate.

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Hmm it is possible they have changed it for 4.1 I suppose...but as you are saying that they vary from FP to FP it will be difficult to see (impossible for me since I don't have the time to run multiple FPs right now)...


....the other possibility is someone is healing you just as you click:)....Mercs have instant heal regardless of the specc (that can be used on others...sorcerer have too but it is self only and I have no idea about operatives)....


If it truly gives you 30-40k heals than that changes things, but if not...well...you are creating the need to heal for so much yourself:)

...and even with 40k heal ''Fat bosses'' are still good reason for someone else to use kolto stations:D


It was like this a long time before 4.1. It's been that way since I returned to the game around June 2014, for the flashpoints that have them. For the scaled ones, which came with 4.0, it has been that way for as long as they've been around, too. The groups in question, it wasn't someone healing me, because one, more often than not there simply was no healer (and often nobody capable of dropping any heals whatsoever), and two, I would have seen the number pop up anyway if that was the case.


I'm pretty sure you're just not intimately familiar with the way kolto works, heh. Not trying to be insulting, your opinion is just based on information that is inaccurate.


Again, for most fights it heals you for about half your health, but there are a few exceptions. The only one I can definitely confirm is the Taral V bonus, and I feel like it's also the case for the last boss of Rakata, but I haven't had enough issues with it to really parse the information from the past. Not to mention Taral V comes up more.


The point is that the heal is significant, and so barring some exceptions that are perfectly reasonable (such as a teammate getting incapacitated while very low on health) you are and should be in charge of healing yourself with kolto if you need it. /shrug


The most reasonable way to do it is just, if you're at 50-60% health, it's time to hit a kolto. Particularly if you have aggro.

Edited by E-Zekiel
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The most reasonable way to do it is just, if you're at 50-60% health, it's time to hit a kolto. Particularly if you have aggro.


While I agree with looking after oneself, there are marked exceptions to this. If you have aggro, someone has a nice channeled AoE going on a pack of mobs, the boss is melee and/or the majority of the party is melee, pop some CDs if you can and push through it. Don't run immediately for the kolto and drag bosses around the room. I tend to DPS-tank 4-DPS-tacticals, and I know what I'm getting into when "tanking" a situation like that. Pop some CDs and let the kolto HoT do its trick instead of turning the fight into a conga line.


Survival before DPS/tanking, obviously--just don't make the entire thing into a nightmare for everyone else for the sake of a big heal; use your class tools.


Have you seen a DPS/tank drag Stivastin through the giant last room of Manaan so that they can rush to the kolto, while the mechanics are ignored? Great way to hit enrage.

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is anyone getting HM FP pops? i'm queuing as healer lately and all i get is insta tactical pops where i carry clueless newbies in their headless chickens runs. zerging all like there's no tomorrow and still clicking kolto while it should be obvious i'm more than competent since i normally tank the adds, the boss and keep our sorry asses alive, all while doing more dps than them..:mad:
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Korriban Incursion tactical

Low levels mostly. I was on my lowbie sentinel. We get through first boss and continue to next boss. One member gets kicked for pulling enemies we skipped. We requeue for replacement. Other two die at one point during boss fight. I try to keep the fight going as long as possible: dps -> run -> kolto -> dps -> run -> kolto.


Level 65 shadow tank joins just before I die. Other two already got to boss just in time to keep the fight going. Also shadow was there already. When I get there boss resets and two lowbies just left. We finish the FP with healer and dps companions.



"Pull everything!"

First scenario is prison and we start to clear the area but I notice that everyone picks their own group of enemies to kill. Only I try to help someone else. We go to other side and start clearing the area. They open the prison cells even before killing the elite defender. While they were finishing last few enemies I start to run to elevator. They wait at elite defender. Not worth it really at this point. Especially since we all were lvl60+. I get kicked for being afk. Getting out of that group was actually a good thing. I would really like to see how well they would perform in operation. Should be fun to watch.

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My Togruta Corruption Sorcerer healed a tactical Foundry last night, which overall went well. Now, I know it shows what levels the other group members are, and I should consider that before hitting "ready". The other members were an Arsenal Mercenary, a Carnage Marauder, and what was supposedly a Powertech tank. The tank was at level 17 at the beginning, and I forget when we(I have a Shield Tech myself) learn our taunts. So I let that slide, but I'm pretty sure we have Guard trained around level 15, and the Merc never gets a guard(feel free to correct me).

Mara and PT die to the Foundry Guardian, and I want to rez them but they're right under the boss. So I beg them to rez. They don't. OK, maybe that was my bad.

I'm also starting to notice that the PT was constantly building up a lot of heat. And I don't see any buffs on him. I get eaten by the droids right after we first talk to Revan, and it was third time's the charm on HK. I noticed I was pretty strained during that boss, so I inspect the Mara and the PT. PT does have a tank implant and earpiece, but no relics and he's still wearing most of the armor you get from your missions on Hutta. Mara has no implants, and is in level 9-12 gear, at level 22 at the beginning of the flashpoint. Oddly, the Borrower Matriarch and Revan go down easily, but mainly because the Merc and I explain tactics to them.

So later, I go to BC and my Deception Assassin. I need some money so I queue for a tactical. Manaan pops, me and a Merc at 65, a Sorc in the thirties, and another player, who left by the time I arrived on Manaan. I ask where the fourth player went, Merc said the guy left right off the bat. Sorc is taking forever to show up, so the Merc whips out his nexu and we begin trash pulls. The Sorc finally arrives and Sarisi is one shot. We clear trash, I stealth around to unlock the labs. We get to Ortuno and I ask if everyone knows this boss. All say yes, so we pull. Sorc dies to electrocution, and so does the Nexu due to him not going to passive for the Merc. We wipe, even though I ask for the Sorc to come back, which she doesn't. We try again, another wipe, then the Merc's companion won't rez. Merc and I agree to queue for a replacement, and ask the Sorc, who is the leader, to requeue. She keeps claiming it won't let her. Now, I have had issues with queues and group finder not working. I did have an issue when queueing my group on another server for DP. We throw out several suggestions for her, like passing lead. She keeps insisting that she is not the leader because it won't let her, even though it clearly says at the top of the screen that she is. Merc and I are whispering back and forth, getting suspicious because neither of us can tell any more if someone is trolling or really that stupid. He adds that a lot of people in the Sorc's guild tend to be stupid or arrogant or both. I inspect her gear, and it's decent, mostly greens but AFAIR nothing tanky or something. She is now practically crying that she isn't leader, and that's that. Merc whispers me, thanking me for my patience.

So after doing some dailies, I queue again, and Manaan pops again. Me and a Sorc at 65, a lower forties AP PT, and a 20 Immortal Juggernaut. Now I know that tanking at a lower level is harder, but I want to give her a chance. The Jugg is starting most pulls, and even with the guard on the Sorc, most aggro is on the rest of us unless she taunts. Sarisi dies easily, then it's time for me to stealth and do the unlocking labs thing. Jugg pulls the mobs around the computers and gets yelled at by the PT. I whisper her and tell her that in fps like these, stealth groups can cc and make our lives easier. She thanks me. Ortuno takes a while to kill and the Jugg keeps dying but she does run back. After we finally kill the boss, the PT says in group chat that the Jugg did horribly. Trash goes easily, then it's time for the final boss. Jugg has tactics explained but kept losing aggro and I had to taunt, as well as the PT. Sorc and I were the last ones standing, with less than a minute left, and we killed it. I whispered the Jugg afterwards, giving her some advice and how to tank at a lower left, as well as passives, gear and utilities and recommended Dulfy to her, which she really appreciated. I added to never be afraid to admit if you're new to a fp or op, and to practice her rotation. She was really grateful for the advice.

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Hmm while I agree with you that if there is a healer present you, as dps, ( a tank can do his/her job even from a distance so guess only DPS) should not go running to kolto stations (unless they are right next to them in which case they should help the healer)....I certainly don't agree with your insinuation that DPS should ''tunnel vision'' the particular mob.

If your party is running to click kolto's while they have healer (unless very bad...some don't heal at all) and refusing to liston to you when you explain why they shouldn't....you have bigger problems on your hands:)


I don't know of any mobs that have kolto stations around them. The dps should definitely be tunnel-visioning the boss, and when adds drop, take those out, then back to the boss. So often I see dps leave adds to either the tank or healer.

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That is because specific mechanic.


That's why you always let melee dps pull the last boss btw.


im not sure what FP you're talking about specifically but i can't think of any where it would be at all beneficial to have a dps pull

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im not sure what FP you're talking about specifically but i can't think of any where it would be at all beneficial to have a dps pull


Manaan. First one to attack boss gets kicked and aggro dropped, and can't get aggro back for like 15 seconds, so have a dps pull and problem solved.

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im not sure what FP you're talking about specifically but i can't think of any where it would be at all beneficial to have a dps pull


Depths of Manaan


"Has a Spin Kick that will drop threat on his main target and switch to someone else."


And that's the first thing he does when he gets to melee range. Very bad for tank if Shadow/Assassin since you open with Force Pull.


Almost GF stuff:

Just joined a group on fleet. When we only needed 1H and 2T, healer said that would whisper from tank and left. We ended up in 2T 5D 1H group. They tried to force me to heal EC (I have never healed an op + in dps gear).

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Finally, an opportunity for the true leader of the group to shine! It took almost an entire flashpoint and far too many Selkath and shock puddles, but they will show the party what a real tank looks like, in a ferocious battle with a massive fish cyborg and fire and enrage timers, all in a large arena for them to display their godly skills with their leadership sticks. What a beautiful, engaging learning experience this will be for everyone else!





*Stivastin kick*






Not quite GF, but I joined a guild run the other night when they were LFM.


I'd never run Eyeless, so when there was a group looking for one more heals/DPS, I decided to jump in on my Gunnery Mando.


The red flags were all there, and yet I failed to see them, because it was a guild run and some had decent-ish achievements. There was ONE guy out of seven who knew what he was doing.


Highlights include:

When greeting someone with "Hi, I'm the token PUG", I got "What's that?" as a response. Should have turned and run right there.

Tank that had never run an op, in 190 greens, who opened with taunt even before closing, no threat building, and then never taunted again. I rip aggro in 10 seconds at most and we wipe twice.

Guard on healer. Placed on the competent guildie DPS after request after the first wipe.

People standing in stupid. Have I mentioned all the DPS were melee? Great fight for that. (RP guild made up of Jedi, on BC. Again, I should have known better.)

No grabbing adds at all, by anyone, tank, DPS, anything.

Chatter all over the place on TS3 before the fight, but when it comes to actually use voice for better coordination, nobody steps forward to lead and call phases/adds.

Blaming the one guildie who had purple PVP gear for the wipes, when a lot of them were in blues and had no clue what they were doing--including having a level 60, when the bolster doesn't put you at 65.


The two wipes were very, very quick. That tank's flailure was so blatant that I offered to hop on my Defense Guardian and tank it. They take it. Now, of note--first time doing Eyeless, on a spec that makes me anxious, and yet that seemed a better prospect than letting that derpface "tank" it again. I warned them that I was new to it, although I know mechanics.


DPS fail to grab adds again, healers get swarmed and start running all over the instance, fight falls apart super quickly because healers are out of range.


At the very first adds stage.


On TS3, dead silence, obviously. Then in chat, with two people alive, tank dead, a DPS calls for a combat rez.



The group immediately fell apart, instead of actually, you know, checking what we were doing wrong and hopefully improving. Their plan was to get the "heavy hitters" of their guild and try to 16 man it later. I pity the poor fools who are expected to carry 5-6 RP-derps through that.



tl;dr Joined an RP guild run of 8m SM Eyeless, the failure level should have been expected.




Lost Island HM last night, featuring a "DPS" Vigilance Guardian who seemed to think his gear needed all the stats in existence. In Soresu, stayed that way until asked three times to change it, not doing any nice Vigilance DoT-spreading (or AoEs, for that matter), didn't know how to requeue us when someone dropped, and the star of the show: healer PvP relic, set bonus healer bracers.


I've seen some ridiculous gearing choices (1200 Accuracy comes to mind), but why on Earth would you use healer gear as a Guardian?!

Edited by KhirsahRoshah
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Not a bad GF run or anything like that - although we wiped about 4 times and had 2 level 18 dps, but everyone listened and talked about what to do/not to do after a wipe so for me that was a good party:) - but since you are talking about the depths of Manaan FP and one of the dps insisted we kill the last boss fast let me ask you why? Am I missing something since I think the adds there are the real threat and not the boss?

...talking about tactical btw

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Manaan. First one to attack boss gets kicked and aggro dropped, and can't get aggro back for like 15 seconds, so have a dps pull and problem solved.


Oh touchee guess i should have read a little more careful... I think that a lot of dps dont understand this fight I mean it's fine if the tank pulls but the dps need to know that the tank isn't going to have aggro very long or very consistently and the dps always seem to just be spread out 20m away from the fire lol

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Oh touchee guess i should have read a little more careful... I think that a lot of dps dont understand this fight I mean it's fine if the tank pulls but the dps need to know that the tank isn't going to have aggro very long or very consistently and the dps always seem to just be spread out 20m away from the fire lol


Weird, I always stand in fire.

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woah joke man calm down


Hehe... in that fight the boss takes extra damage while in the fire... since the boss is melee, everyone should stand "in the fire" so that the boss stands in the fire as well.... that way boss takes extra damage and dies faster...


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Hehe... in that fight the boss takes extra damage while in the fire... since the boss is melee, everyone should stand "in the fire" so that the boss stands in the fire as well.... that way boss takes extra damage and dies faster...



The only time anyone should stand in stupid... :p

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Speaking of standing in things, let's not forget the new "what just killed me" phenomenon that is "False Emperor": when fighting the 2 droids, stand inside the blue circle if you want to live :).


NOTE: This mechanic is really only "new" to people who never payed attention. The immune droid always threw an "energy blade" to anyone outside the blue circle (since day one). The thing is, now it actually hurts :).

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Queued up solo for a HM FP.


Groupfinder sends us in the foundry. Alright, let's do it.


I immediately recognise the healer, i alreday played with him and he know what he does.

first red light when the healer tells the tank to put himself in the right stance.

We clear our way through HK, but, as a dps, i find that i often pick up aggro. I do regularly use my aggro drop, maybe i'm too rusty and should really keep an eye on my cooldowns.


We make our way to HK, healer details the fight, tank dies. second try we make it but HK came after me.

"Hey, tank, are you taunting?"

To which i got no response (and healer says he probably doesn't know what taunting means)


We somehow make it to Revan, and surprise, another wipe. at that point, the second dps is like "i'm out, sorry" (understandable), quickly followed by the tank.

So both the healer and i are asking in our friends, with no real success, when he just says "what if we just try with our companions?"

I'm like "Brilliant idea. I hate leaving a FP unfinished, and i want to see if we can do it ^^"


We set them in the right roles, and as we go back to Revan, he says something that made my day:

"i was kind of willing to get out too, but now that the tank is gone, i'm curious to see if we can pull this off"


And goodbye mr Revan. we did better (with 2 companions granted) than with the full original group.

Scolaris, Kudos ^^

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Depths of Manaan

Level range is 30-ish to 64. We get through first boss after wipe and continue with some struggle here and there. Only level 50+ in the group, Sorcerer, asks for revive few times during combat. Nobody else isn't correct class to have combat revive or isn't high enough level to have one.


Two consoles part: Everyone knows that stealth* classes can easily solo this part or so I thought... First, I go to right and stealth cc the closest enemy just in case. Merc starts to scream "NO" and "don't engage". Np, that wasn't on my list anyway.


* = funnily this includes Force Camo.

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Tactical Athiss. Me on my Sin DPS, Jugg tank , Sniper, Sorc DPS. Everyone was 63+ except the Sorc at 35.


Tank guards the Sorc. I ask him to guard me instead, he switches. And then he proceeds to pull every possible trash group that I was CCing to sneak us through.


When he keeps doing it after Doctor Leyrasha, long after he had been asked not to, I realize I don't want to deal with this crap on the champions section (even with archaeology). I start a vote kick, it goes through, and then the fun begins. I pull out a healer comp, we go on our merry way, I tank the Beast in the arch, everything going textbook and both Sorc and Sniper playing perfectly... but the tank is whispering me that I suck balls, that they are hacks, that they are timewasters, that I will need luck to finish the FP with them, that the Sorc was the one pulling groups. He couldn't seem to make up his mind on whether I was a terrible player or just a terrible person for kicking him.


I relay all this stuff to my perfectly competent teammates, and cheerily whisper Mr. Tank, calling him "dear" and "sweetie" as we go. He throws a fit at that ("Don't call me sweetie!"), gets treated to "pumpkin" and "honeybunny" instead, and I inform him when we're through with the FP (no doubt he ran at least three tactical flashpoints solo while we one-shot everything).


I wouldn't usually rub salt in the wound (most people I don't want to play with anymore get summarily ignored), but this fellow decided to be mouthy toward all of us with no good reason. If you can't stand the heat...

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