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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Nope, as soon as you hit 50 Red Reaper disappears from the GF. Just had that today. Rather relieved, tbh. The one and only time I ran that FP was on my Scoundrel healer a while back and boy, did we die often. :D It pretty much started like this:


Red Reaper with my Bodyguard Merc. I immediately realize that this is going to be bad, when I load in to find that the tank and one DPS (the other hadn't loaded in yet) had already started the first pull. I (foolishly) ran in to try to save them. As you may expect, we all died. The other DPS loaded just before we died, and also rushed in. Multiple deaths by everyone, as people ran back into the fight one-by one...


and it didn't improve much from there. :o

Edited by Padabiene
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Boarding party. Decided to do that mission with two flashpoints at level. Me on merc healer, 2 maras and sin tank. I'm on the low end of lvl possible for the fp, but refreshed mods a couple of levels go so I dnt worry. And then we are starting to die. I' m really struggling with healing, dps tend to tunnelvision sstrongs and ignore standard and weak... Wipe on the boss with 2 droids, one of the maras shouts at ke "Heal!" and leaves. I' m absolutely at a loss. I have commando, I healed hm operations, so I just dnt understand how I cant keep up on sm fp. We q, appears very overleveled sorc-healer, I respec, I kill everything in proper order... tank dies, we wipe. Then I suddenly decide to check our sin tank. He has a lot of low-lvl greens, but its ok usually. The funniest part - no shield, just focus. Guess sorc would tank it better :) I left it after telling sin to get himself a shield. Was quite relieved that it wasn't me having no idea how to press the buttons though.
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Then I suddenly decide to check our sin tank. He has a lot of low-lvl greens, but its ok usually. The funniest part - no shield, just focus. Guess sorc would tank it better :) I left it after telling sin to get himself a shield. Was quite relieved that it wasn't me having no idea how to press the buttons though.


Reminds me of that time my Sage Healer did Cademimu with an Infiltration Shadow "Tank".

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I did Korriban HM with an Infiltration Shadow who had queued as a tank by mistake. You know how every dps that can taunt is now a tank for GF ToS and he/she had probably forgotten to deselect the option after that. No tanking gear so we soldiered on with 3 (well geared) dps: shadow, sentinel and commando plus a (very good) scoundrel healer.


A couple of close calls but just one death at the final boss plus mobs were melting nicely. We also did the bonus boss with no issues (he's not hard but he hits harder then the rest).


It was quite a lot of fun actually and as the sentinel I could finally pull first without any qualms: sentinel tanking as nature intended, yay!


Major props to the healer of course, who told us he had just come from a very bad Battle of Rishi where his group couldn't past the first boss: safe to say it wasn't his healing the problem there ;)

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It's official, roles don't matter anymore. :eek:


Levelling my Vanguard Tank, tonight I got a pop for RR. She was 49 at the time, so I took the chance before being 50 to run a FP without too much stress. The team was 2 lvl 46 GSs, and a lvl 45 Scoudrel Healer. Actually a healer, but DPSing like crazy all the time. I zone in just to see that gal - female character - aggro all the enemies in the first room. Or rather, I see blaster shots and lightsabers converge on her... :rolleyes:


Anyway, as a Tank my job is to Tank, so I do my best to. I charge into a group and use my Explosive Surge to get aggro on them, then pull another guy to me using the my target of target while selecting the Healer, then throw a masstaunt to the remaining enemies. I get the whole room on me, and die because no heals other than my Adrenaline Rush and my medpac. Note that at this point the GSs haven't logged in yet, but get jumped right away as soon as they lose the loading buff...


I remained silent about how pissed I was at that behaviour, but made it clear it wasn't me that pulled that crazily. Nobody spoke but nvm, I'm used to silent ppl as of late.

Still, off we go, and I get to see the marvel of selfhealing. Yep, that Healer never healed anyone but herself. Thrash mob with silvers? I'm burning my CDs and medpacs to survive (barely) the pull. Gotta love random medpac drops, I guess... :o


As we get in sight of the first boss, the two GSs are still far, so I move just beyond the door to be ready, but the Healer pulls throwing a grenade. I jump in because this Healer has a weird luck when it comes to threat, in the sense that it pulls, and as soon as someone peels everything goes to the peeler. I have no qualms with the GSs, so I don't want them to die. We still beat the boss, with me being hte only one interrupting the cast he does on the prisoners, but again, nvm. I'm not going to be annoying about tactics as long as we all get through.


The way to the second boss is a "cakewalk" again, I burn my CDs, use a medpac per mob, and we take the higher passage to avoid a few larger ones. Then we get to the blue-red-beams-of-death Droid. Again, the Healer pulls, while me and the two GSs are still clearing the two gold turrets before it. That she pulled, obviously. :mad:

At any rate, I see it's channelling hte blue ray against our Healer, and I turn the crystals to red to make it fail. I succeed, but of course, guess what? Nobody returns hte favor when I get targeted by the red beam of death, so I die.

I keep watching, as the Healer spam heals herself - she has aggro now - and the two GSs throw in some huge DPS to make up for that Healer's foolishness. Also, I've had about 1 pull at full Energy Cell for me... The first one. All the others I was some way around 50% Energy. :eek:

They still beat the droid up, but I don't get a rez even when I ask. So, I respawn. Where the first boss is. Sigh.


No matter what, apparently the three decided to go forward without me, as I'm constantly in battle with nobody on my screen. At a point I'm stuck at the elevator, because you can't use one while in battle. When I finally get to them, we're at the hybernated Sith area. Here I try to control pulls again - I guard the two DPS to make it harder for them to rip aggro off hte Healer or myself - and I think I do a nice job, everything is on me all the time. We go on, I select the DS choice and win the roll. :cool:


We go on and get to the area with Sith Healers and bridges. The Healer keeps pulling, I take the the Elite and the Sith Healers and make sure to interrupt at least one of them - otherwise I Neural Surge to stop them both. ;)

I still don't get heals, and up to now I burned almost all my medpacs. I started with 20, and at the end of the FP I had none, as a reference. :D


Still, at this point I'm really getting fed up. What am I there to do if this crazy Scoundrel turns everything in a mess? I speak up to ask she lets me pull, explaining it's a Tank Job still now, because it's not a Tactical. Well, see the exchange below...


Healer: "What, you live in 1995? It's not that complicated now, just attack and kill."

Me: "Yeah, in Tacticals, maybe... This is a standard FP, it still requires the trinity of roles. I'm the Tank here, I'm supposed to pull."

Healer: "Lol, what a n00b."

Me: "Noob, huh? Inspect my achievements, please."

I'm pretty experienced wit hthe game, enough to say I have a clear 50% of all FP achievements, to put it in perspective. And I was wearing my Living Legend title too (Legacy 50, which isn't exactly the mark of a noob), although it was not to boast but because of character reasons... I thought it'd fit Havoc Squad's CO. :o

Healer: "Shut up, Tanking is obsolete, you'll see when nobody will ever need them anymore... Tacticals FTW!"


Yep, you got it. The Healer chuckles at how Tanks will soon be useless with the proliferation of Tacticals. After that, I'm not in the mood to speak to her anymore, so I just go on. :(

Also, said Healer complains I break CCs at this point... I suspect after being prooven I know what I'm saying. Well, if you CC someone in the middle of a Team and throw a grenade to the enemy at his side, it's not like I have many alternatives, you know. :rolleyes:


I have some fun when we get to the famous bridge before the final boss, that with the three pushback Sith that usually throw you down the abyss if you're not careful where you pull them.

Said Healer throws out the mass stealth, to which I comply, but a GS remains a meter or two too beyond, and when the mass stealth ends it pulls. I jump in and get aggro easy, keep them all on me and we take them down. So much for Tanks being useless, huh? :cool:


At the final boss, you can imagine how it goes. The Healer pulls with me at 50% health and Energy, the two GSs are both at around 60% Energy too. Nevertheless, we give it a try.

I get aggro almost instantly, then proceed to focus on the boss. When it summons the adds, I throw in a Taunt to it and take the Lightning to the one farthest from my allies - I was thinking she'd heal them while I was downing the other target, but obviously not. :p

Still, I take down my target using an interrupt when it's being hit by the lightning, then take the lightning to the other one, where I'm called a noob again because I don't down the other add... Which has so many HP we'd still be there DPSing him now - two hours after I logged off - and he'd still be alive. Well, sorry my interrupt has a CD... :D

Still, after I interrupt the guy it dies normally, then I take a round with the boss again. Adds go again as before, critiques included.


Finally we down it, and I'm at about 6% HP, without Energy, after having burnt all my DCDs and my medpacs. The Healer is at 100% HP, but not because of some great effort... I had the boss on me all the time, and the adds every time I was positioning them. The two GSs were both at about 10% health aswell, and I get a feeling they both used medpacs too. :eek:


In the end, the two GSs thank all for the run. I thank them both, but am so much at a loss with that Healer I decide not to say anything. Sure, the Healing was good, in itself. I noticed she followed a proper priority system, always keeping Energy above 60% and having HoTs on the healed target... Only problem is, said target was the Healer itself 100% of times! It's a Multiplayer game, dammit! :mad:


Tbh, if this is the attitude right now, I think I'll just stop queuing, I really can't be bothered. No rewards, and the fun is destroyed by those sort of ppl. :(


Sorry for the wall of text, but I really felt the need to vent. :o


TL;DR: RR run on my Vanguard Tank, team was decent in itself, especially the DPS, but the Healer pulled all the time regardless of the team's condition and actually called the whole concept of Tanking a "useless relic of the past". We beat the FP, but no thanks to her. She screws us up a few times, and we only manage because the two GS DPS know their stuff and tank when I die because of no heals. In the end, I have been drained of my faith in new players, at least for now. :(

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Meh, next time, just kick the healer. Tanks are in more demand anyway and tacticals offer meh in rewards. Ops/HM FP's have all the action, so that guy will be missing out on the high-end stuff.


Personally, I would've just sat back and watched him die after he said that crap. Just to see how well he "kills" when everything is converging on him. Sure, I'd die too, but what does it matter? I'm just a "obsolete tank", right?


In the end, stupid is as stupid does. Just don't get dragged along for that ride.

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This and I really don't understand why you haven't done that.


I tryed, but nobody seconded the vote. Forgot to mention, now that I re-read my last post... Apologies. :p


However, considering how nobody runs FPs anymore, well... I could use the practice anyways, I guess. Repairs are still not a problem sub 50. :o

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I'm usually pretty patient on my tanks, so if a healer or DPS likes to pull in regular or tactical flashpoints, but can hold their own without it impacting the group, so be it.


But if you get that special individual who not only has an itchy trigger finger, but makes things a mess in the process, there's a simple rule: You pull it, you tank it.


It usually only takes 1-2 deaths before they see the error of their ways. :D

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I'm usually pretty patient on my tanks, so if a healer or DPS likes to pull in regular or tactical flashpoints, but can hold their own without it impacting the group, so be it.


But if you get that special individual who not only has an itchy trigger finger, but makes things a mess in the process, there's a simple rule: You pull it, you tank it.


It usually only takes 1-2 deaths before they see the error of their ways. :D


In that case I only jumped in when the Healer lost aggro to the Gunslingers. Unfortunately, they played by the rules, peeling off her... So I really had no choice but to save them, as even though they didn't second my kick vote, they didn't even do anything wrong. Proper kill order, use of CCs when it's smart to... They were competent, I didn't really want to make them "pay" for the Healer. :o

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I'm usually pretty patient on my tanks, so if a healer or DPS likes to pull in regular or tactical flashpoints, but can hold their own without it impacting the group, so be it.


But if you get that special individual who not only has an itchy trigger finger, but makes things a mess in the process, there's a simple rule: You pull it, you tank it.


It usually only takes 1-2 deaths before they see the error of their ways. :D



When I used to play WoW I said that at the beginning of every dungoen for awhile... usually the healer would say something positive and the dps (especially hunters) would rattle off some lame excuse. What was worse (luckily SwtOR doesn't have this kind of thing) was when the hunters would use Misdirection, which for those who don't play or remember it in WoW, it allows a hunter to pull yet all threat is redirected to his/her focus target. Which means, the hunter pulls yet it's as if I did. When a hunter pulled that crap I did a vote for a kick, if it failed I quit. Even with the 30min penalty, I was able to eat that as a tank.


Though, eventually it got so bad I just quit playing my tank. Then I quit playing WoW completely cause... when I was able to do it tanking was actually more fun. I loved my Paladin.. when I was no longer able to play her, that's when I lost interest in the game.

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I'm usually pretty patient on my tanks, so if a healer or DPS likes to pull in regular or tactical flashpoints, but can hold their own without it impacting the group, so be it.


But if you get that special individual who not only has an itchy trigger finger, but makes things a mess in the process, there's a simple rule: You pull it, you tank it.


It usually only takes 1-2 deaths before they see the error of their ways. :D


this rule backfired on me once. Got grouped with 2 operation geared guys from the same guild for blood hunt hm. Sorc dps kept pulling before me. On the last boss I decided - fudge this and wanted to let that sorc die. But heals was so good, they healed the sorc.

They asked: are you going to tank it? I said: you pull it, you tank it. And got kicked. I felt so used...

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I know this opinion isn't popular, but most of the times, tanks can only blame themselves if a dps or even a healer pulls before them. Cause in most cases it's the tank taking ages, standing around doing nothing...


tanks don't do that though, at least no tank who knows what they are doing. Granted I often meet pt tanks who "wait on CD" on every single pull, then open with dfa (or used to pre 3.0, I don't think they have it now, not seen mortar volley on my vang, though that's because its not on my quickbars. I also remember all the hilarious vang tanks complaining that they had lost full auto from their rotation at 3.0 lmao).


Then again how long it takes the tank to pull depends on the rest of the group, if the tank ends the previous pull with 2% hp, they are going to take 15s to recharge to full. This wouldn't be a problem if the healer kept them around 80/90%. If dps aren't following kill order and the jug/guardian tank has to resort to aoe taunt every pull to keep the healer alive (no excuse for vang/pt and shadow/sin, they have loads of aoe aggro gens) then they may wait for aoe taunt CD.


If the tank is taking ages its because they are wasting long CD abilities on the wrong pulls or they aren't being healed.


On a side note about people waiting. I joined a group with my shadow tank, group was sage healer, sage dps and sent dps all from the same guild, it was korriban HM. We set off and we burn through the first few pulls easily, then the sent tells me to slow down.

me: "Why, seemed to be going fine"

sent: "I need time to build centering"

me: "surely then you should say speed up?" (I have always found with my sent that a fast pace is good for things like juyo or merciless buffs, though this guy wasn't watchman so w/e)

sent: "I need to charge it up"


I wait at the next pull and the sent uses out of combat heal to get centered, then tells me he is ready. I jump in, finish the fight, run straight to the next one and pull again. I get told to wait again, with a threat of being kicked. From then on I have to wait at every pull for this guy to get his centering before pulling. Does zen really make such a serious difference that its necessary for a group that was storming through with no problems to have to wait at every pull?

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I know this opinion isn't popular, but most of the times, tanks can only blame themselves if a dps or even a healer pulls before them. Cause in most cases it's the tank taking ages, standing around doing nothing...


I totally get your point... And it also makes a lot of sense, in the case of Tanks that spend really a lot of time waiting while the team is ready. :)


The question is, may I at least have my HP and Ammo at full before pulling? Or my Force? Or at least, my Force Charge, depending on class? May I use my out-of-battle Regen? With that Healer, the answer was no, unless she had to use it too for some reason (usually Energy regen only, so extremely fast). :p


Tbh, I'm not the kind of guy who waits ages to pull when I tank, but at least I like to have the team be ready. Two GSs at 25% Energy, plus me at 50% Ammo as a Vanguard and nobody save the Healer at full HP is not exactly the best way to start a pull, right? :eek:


tanks don't do that though, at least no tank who knows what they are doing. Granted I often meet pt tanks who "wait on CD" on every single pull, then open with dfa (or used to pre 3.0, I don't think they have it now, not seen mortar volley on my vang, though that's because its not on my quickbars. I also remember all the hilarious vang tanks complaining that they had lost full auto from their rotation at 3.0 lmao).


Then again how long it takes the tank to pull depends on the rest of the group, if the tank ends the previous pull with 2% hp, they are going to take 15s to recharge to full. This wouldn't be a problem if the healer kept them around 80/90%. If dps aren't following kill order and the jug/guardian tank has to resort to aoe taunt every pull to keep the healer alive (no excuse for vang/pt and shadow/sin, they have loads of aoe aggro gens) then they may wait for aoe taunt CD.


If the tank is taking ages its because they are wasting long CD abilities on the wrong pulls or they aren't being healed.


What you said is good. Totally understandable. What I underlined is what caused my "waitings", if asking for 15 secs to Regen can be called waiting... :D


Btw, DFA for PTs and MV for Vanguards is still there, although rarely used... I use it mostly as an emergency tool to temporarily shut down weak/normal adds during either a boss fight or a problematic pull. :)

Whenever I see the Healer struggle, normally, while I have masstaunt and Blitz on CD... Which is still pretty rare, but may happen, I guess. ;)

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Well I wasn't talking about when the group is on low health/energy etc. But I've seen more than enough tanks standing around with everyone ready to pull doing nothing. Even if you wait on a certain cooldown, say saber reflect for a spread out group, what's the problem in telling? A simple "20secs for ability X" and everybody knows whats up.


Seriously, I've been in a run once, think it was Athiss HM back in 2.x, where the tank stood around doing nothing for at least 30 secs with EVERY trash group. But the group somehow didn't start pulling on their own.

Although I live by the motto "Your time to get threat is the time I need to get to a mob", I don't pull. Well, normally, some single patrol or a weak pull I know I can kill myself without any help, like the first group in Mandalorian Raiders, I pull on my own ;)


And to tell the truth, when I'm tanking I never have problems with pulling dps. Most of the time I have to wait for them :D

Edited by Torvai
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Sometimes you get strange queues in FP's. Like the time I queued for Blood Hunt HM. I come in, and the group had already wiped 5 times on the first boss. Why? Because one of the DPS was in SAWBONES SPEC. XD


The worst part is when it happens in Ops. I was trying to get a Rav run up for loot, and we are one tanking it. The tank is really good, but we wipe at bulo a ton. I focus target the sage healer, and it turns out that he was DPSing. He obviously didn't know how GF worked, and got sucked into an op labeled wrongly. And his DPS sucked too.



Then the other day, we did a guild Rav run with 3 pugs, 2 of which shared a guild. One of the pugs and our healer get in a fight b/c the healer took the set piece for an alt. The healer even offered to GIVE HIM THE GEAR but he wouldn't listen (facepalm). He ended up leaving, convinced his guildmate to leave, then spent the next out bombarding us with PM's saying that you should give the pugs the gear because its harder for them of some crap like that. Hey, at least the 3rd pug was great :D

Edited by diamondpretzel
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....... . Does zen really make such a serious difference that its necessary for a group that was storming through with no problems to have to wait at every pull?




That's the Jedi Promulgator utility that builds 30 centering before a pull, it makes a huge different in the DPS rotation for Sent's, also, Mando DPS/healers need to build stacks before pulls, this is why we have "ready check".

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...... The tank is really good, but we wipe at bulo a ton. I focus target the sage healer, and it turns out that he was DPSing. He obviously didn't know how GF worked, and got sucked into an op labeled wrongly. And his DPS sucked too.....


Bioware really needs an in-game raid parsing feature, pretty sad that we have to use 3rd party software to do what the game should do as a default option.


It only takes one player to not understand his role, the group wipes and 7 people are left trying to figure out who's lying when they say they know the fight....a built in parsing feature would at least allow members to look at who was doing what.

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That's the Jedi Promulgator utility that builds 30 centering before a pull, it makes a huge different in the DPS rotation for Sent's, also, Mando DPS/healers need to build stacks before pulls, this is why we have "ready check".


90% of flashpoint trash pulls don't benefit appreciably from Zen. You can build Centering in fights, just tap Introspection momentarily to refresh your stacks if pulls are far apart, and constantly have 30 stacks just waiting for that one tough pull where the extra DPS is actually useful. If using Zen versus not using Zen doesn't make the fight easier, or even just make it shorter by 15 seconds, it's not worth making the group wait while you build your stacks just to use them on trash.


And Commandos? Med Shot is instant, has no cost or cooldown, and builds one stack of Supercharge. If you have fifteen seconds between fights, you can fill your stacks up while moving and without having to wait one bit. Any Commandos who run along doing nothing and then demand that the group wait on them to stand there and build stacks is a bad. And any Commando who picks Supercharged Reserves is a bad.


Ready check is very good for challenging pulls, but when a group feels the need to /rc every pack of trash, it means that the group has low confidence in its ability to work together. /rc on bosses, certainly, and /rc the big packs where if the DPS are slow, the mobs they haven't killed yet will melt the tank once his DCDs fall off, but most trash should be fairly easy for a competent group in decent gear.

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Begeren Colony, on my Deception Assassin. I queue up on Alderaan and Cademimu pops. Me doing DPS, merc healer, merc DPS, Assassin "tank". We go in, tank pulls but his health is dropping like crazy. The healer is overwhelmed and his heat is constantly building up trying to keep the tank alive. We wipe on a couple of mobs, then I decide to inspect the guy. Turns out he wasn't Darkness, but Deception like yours truly. I ask why is he tanking in a DPS spec? He switches to Dark Charge but it does nothing to help. One of the mobs right before you get to the Officer drops Cademimu Ranger boots. I pass, both mercs need...as well as the fake tank. The healer finally can't take it any more, kicks him, and requeues us. We wait a couple minutes for a real tank. It's at a time if day where the wait shouldn't be that bad. But we get nothing so one of the mercs asks if anyone has a tank companion. I whip out my Khem Val, and we made it! We got all the way to General Ortol with Khem tanking. We forgot about the turrets initially and wiped but tried it again. We go to fight Ortol again, get him to ~80% before the rockets start firing. I put Khem on passive and taunt the boss. Rockets off, Khem goes back to tanking. Unfortunately for a second my screen froze and Khem died at the second wave of rockets. So I turn my view to where I can see the exhaust easily and basically the rest of the fight was me keeping Ortol on me while the mercs healed me and "kept firing" at the boss. It took a bit but we did it, and I got a new dualsaber out of the deal.

Same character, a few levels up, it's Boarding Party. Me and Marauder doing DPS, Juggernaut tank, and Operative healer. Healer is at the minimum level for it, but overall it's going OK. As time goes on, and as I learned from the first boss, she was trying to DPS as well as heal. Now if everyone has good health and the fight is easy, of course a healer can do some DPS. And she was clearly Medicine, because she used Recuperative Nanotech, which is exclusive to the spec. But it was like she didn't want to do her role. I died on the first boss and the first attempt on the second boss, I think also as well on the Jedi boss. We decide to go for the bonus, of course we wipe because she's doing damage and bot healing. Then she disconnects, we give her a few minutes then kick her. Tank, who is level 37, whips out Quinn...and we cleared not only the bonus boss, but Storm Squad as well.

Edited by josephinec
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It only takes one player to not understand his role, the group wipes and 7 people are left trying to figure out who's lying when they say they know the fight.


For the record, the other healer was doing a fantastic job, we got Bulo down to about 10% with him keeping us all up :D






On another note, here is an old KDY tale of annoyance:


A long time ago, my toon was severely underleveled, so I did KDY about 20 times in a row. Totally smart. Anyways, it was me (Sharpshooter Gunslinger), a Guardian DPS, and I forget who the other guys are. Anyways, the Guardian was the issue XD. the first room is the captives room. He rushes ahead, and pulls the stunt where you push a mob into the center of a room. Then, HE LEAPS DOWN TO IT. He melts instantly, and the room basically resets. By the time we clear out the room, he is screaming at us to rez him, even though we clearly can't get to him and its KDY. You respawn like 2 feet away. Anyways, we humor him and rez him, then he instantly goes to the other room and does it AGAIN. Now this room had the bonus boss, so by the time we kill them all, I am the last one standing. He yells at me to rez him, and I calmly explain that since I already rezzed him, it is on cooldown.


Him: No it isn't.

Me: Uh yeah, my revive has a cooldown.

Him: No you're lying, revives don't have a cooldown.


After a few seconds the other 2 do the smart thing and just respawn, then one of them runs over and rezzes this guy.


Him: Told you revives don't have a cooldown you just had to try.

Me: I wasn't the one who rezzed you XD

Him: Stop lying you idiot.


So finally we go to the next room, and its starship assembly. I explain to everyone that I know how to do the puzzle, so we clear the room, and I get to work. RIGHT AS I CLICK THE BUTTON, the guardian switches one of the parameters. So now we have to fight the elites.


So we get to the last room, and its the boss with the nades. We explain to him what to do, but he jumps in without listening to us. He thinks they give buffs, so HE CLICKS BOTH STATIONS before the nades even go out. Bam, he dies, and we barely survive to the next round. He spends the next 2 minutes screaming at us to rez him even though none of us are either healing spec OR are lv 51, so no one has a combat rez. We all tell him to manually respawn, and he ends up clicking the respawn outside the phased area button. He then quits, for "Crap group who don't know how to rez properly."


We requeue and instantly finish the map.

Edited by diamondpretzel
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Well it finally happened. I put a PUG on my Ignore list.


Ran SM Hammer Station on my lowbie Jugg Tank. Got her into her freshly modded lv. 17 set and wanted to go for the daily. Everyone checks in.


No heals from the healer. Zip zlich nada. I go down on the pair of droids. I'm like... ok...that place can be kinda tricky...2 golds, some trash. I respawn and go back.


Make it to the mining droid.


NO HEALS From The Healer!


One dps points it out even. Healer not even healing himself. I type in chat HEAL PLZ.


Take two with the boss. Heal pulls AND suddenly is by me doing DPS! :eek:


Something in me just snapped. I try to be the nice tank, hell, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but I was tired of seeing players, dpsers passing off as healers, dps passing off as tanks, blah blah blah.


One of the dps was a merc, and he was kind enough to throw me some his own base heals to keep me alive, while he was getting mauled, who I thanked in chat.


Soon all of us are raging at the "healer" and trust me, a vote kick went by instantly. The "healer" never said a word in chat. Why not healing, nothing.


Waited for a few mins. Got a healer who was excellent, and we cleared the FP in like 10 mins, to my knowledge, no more wipes.


This "healer" is the first player on ANY of my toons to go on the ignore list.

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