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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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So, today I logged my Lightning Sorc to run a few dailies, when an ol'friend of mine whispered me asking me if I was up for a S&V SM run via GF. Well, I hadn't done that yet this week, so why not? I accepted and got invited into the group. Pretty balanced, all 60s and obviously overgeared for SM S&V, but... whatever.


We zone in and my friend asks for a moment as something came up IRL. Well, we were all cool, so he went ahead. I knew nobody in there. Or at least, none of those characters, all from the same Guild - not that of my friend, that much I'm sure of.

We waited for a fair while, until my friend DCed due to inactivity. :confused:

At this point ppl must have been wondering if we were trolling them, as the group was done and we entered with GF and so on. Everyone started inspecting me, or at least that's what I think it was since everyone had me as their focus target... I was on my PvE set, 50k HP and all. Proper mainstat, 100% Accuracy, augments... You know the drill. :rolleyes:


We decide to queue for a replacement, after all no reason not to drag another guy with us, then we start the Op. We pass the first boss without trouble, same with all the mobs after that. While fighting the second boss, we get a new DPS, that doesn't zone in even as we clear the way to the following boss. Then he DCes aswell, and we 7man the boss without trouble. :p


We still go on, and in the town infiltration phase we split as evenly as possible, the most geared DPS - a guy in full 198 with set bonus, augments and 204 MH - soloes a patrol group. We still go on no problem, defeating all money bosses throughout the Op aswell. Because, after all, why not? :D


We still faceroll pretty much everything up to the final boss, where we have a bit of a WTH moment as our maintank gets thrown outside the lightning square Dread Master Styrak makes after we kill his Kell Dragon, and he dies to some 0 dmg thing. :eek:

Somehow, I "tank" as our offtank is a bit puzzled and forgets to taunt off me, and our Healers keep me up nicely. :p

Maintank gets rezzed, we get rolling again and defeat Dread Master Styrak without any other sort of trouble.

Never saw that happen before, but I believe it was due to too much DPS, as the Tank was caught outside the lightning square area after a pushback when the boss skipped to that mechanic. :D


Still, I got a nice decor off that run, and apparently found a good chance to have other ppl call me for their pug runs. Which never hurts, if you're not into an Op group already. Especially if you're a DPS. :cool:


TL;DR: Casually joined a Pug Op for S&V thanks to a friend who DCed shortly after, facerolled the Op with ppl I didn't knew and actually had some of them add me to friend list so they could all me if needed. All in all, a nice run with unknown ppl. :D

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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^ My favorite runs TBH. I love going with friends and having a good time stomping through an op, but somehow there's something awesome about a total group of strangers coming together and doing the same exact thing. Like you've been playing together for months even though it's your first time with each other.


I was fortunate enough to have runs as awesome as that a few times.

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So... You'v been so nice and gentle person to help for 300k, eh?



A d*ck would of taken the money left the group, and put the person on ignore. He/she got what they wanted, and so did I.

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A d*ck would of taken the money left the group, and put the person on ignore. He/she got what they wanted, and so did I.


no. A dick is the person who takes over half of the new guys money (you took 300 from his 560) to run them through a mission.


You could have just done it without payment, it doesn't take long


You could have pointed out he can level up to 60 then it is easily soloable in any gear


You should mail back the 300k and apologise for behaving like a d*ck and make up some lame excuse like "I was in a funny mood, seeing what I can get away with"

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I very rarely ever post on the forums, but this I had to...

So my question to all of you reading this is would you have taken the money, or would you have done it for free?


i remember on my first toon i was so poor, i couldn't even buy new skills upon leveling (that was before they became free) and to me to get even to a 100k credits would've been a dream come true.

So knowing that and how figuring out a new game could be overwhelming, I would never take money off a new player. But to be honest I wouldn't volunteer to help them either.

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So I'm a doofus completionist who insists on doing every bit of content more or less at the point it comes up. So when I level, I try to do all the SM flashpoints through group finder, complete all of the H2s and H4s, find all the datacrons, and suchlike things. This is an extremely inefficient way of completing content, but I'm usually willing to do it anyway.


A week ago, I queued my tank Vanguard for Red Reaper. I understood that this would probably be a long queue because few people queued for it even before 12x XP. But whatever.


The strange thing was that I got more queue pops than I was expecting - four over the course of about two hours of waiting. The stranger thing was that none of these queue pops went anywhere, because somebody always either didn't ready up in time or declined outright. So that first time I had to log off empty-handed.


Tried again the next day, for Round 2. Again, I got a fair number of queue pops, but somebody was always declining or timing out. It seemed like the same person was responsible for most of the declines, a Commando healer. I thought that this was a little weird. Don't queue if you're not going to actually do an FP.


But on the ninth try, everybody - including the Mando healer - readied up, and we all zoned in. It took awhile for everybody to get there and get set up - me in my tankguard, then the Mando healer, a Sentinel, and a DPS Shadow.


Before everybody'd gotten there, the first sign that something was amiss was that the Mando healer zoned in, immediately zoned back out again, and dropped group. Welp. The Shadow, who had lead, tried to invite somebody else into the group, but it was a gf group so no dice; after I suggested that she requeue us, she was like "yeah I dunno how to do that" and passed me lead. I requeued us and we got ready to go.


Since I really really really wanted to get through this, I summoned Elara, who was extremely well geared for level, and put on some antiviral kits for the presence boost. We'd just roll with the comp healer until a human showed up. No big deal.


The second sign that something was amiss was that the Shadow was in Combat Technique tank stance. This was despite queuing solely as a dps and despite using a focus offhand instead of a shield. I thought that this was a problem, so I politely indicated that she might want to change stance to match her role. She responded by saying that no, she was dps. I said, "well, you might be specced dps, but you're in tank stance, just click on your dps stance button". No response.


I figured, "okay, we'll lose some dps, but it's just SM RR, no big deal, they even nerfed the fight at the beginning". I was also pretty confident in my ability to hold aggro during the whole of any of the fights; I had level and gear on the dps, and while I'm no great shakes at tanking I figured I'd be good enough to generate more threat than them. So away we go.


The third sign that something was amiss was that the dps had a weird target priority and spent a lot of time attacking elites before moving on to the small fry. It wasn't a crippling problem - we didn't wipe or anything - but it made a few fights somewhat dicey. Also, the Shadow generated a more-than-usual amount of threat and I had a hard time getting many of her enemies off her, even with area taunts and Mortar Volley and suchlike things. I tried guarding her for a few fights but that just meant everything attacked Elara; some of those trash pulls on RR SM are kinda rough even for good groups. And of course, the Shadow refused to get out of tank stance, which was probably responsible for most of her problem. So I kinda just left the Shadow to her own devices and restricted myself to making sure Elara and the Sentinel didn't die. Again, no group wipes, but a significant amount of annoyance.


And they didn't know the usual tricks that people used on RR to avoid fighting most of the mobs. That again wasn't a big deal - they'd accidentally pull, I'd run over and corral everything, fight continued as normal. But it made some confrontations a good deal more difficult, like the fight with the bridge crew after the droid boss. I'd try to lead them up the side route to kill the bridge crew before the boss, they'd run around the long way and pull the turrets and the boss anyway. And sometimes it was the other way around - we'd start a fight, they'd try to end it prematurely by pushing an enemy over a cliff, they'd screw up the push, they'd leave, and I'd be stuck fighting the enemy that was very much not dead yet.


Oh, and we never managed to get another healer, obviously.


So when the Darth Ikoral fight started, I wanted to make absolutely certain that they knew the mechanics. There were only two to keep track of, no big deal. I mentioned the spheres, which is really more of a tank mechanic than a dps one, and I mentioned the lightning and adds. They both claimed to understand all that stuff. Cool.


When we pulled, though, it was another story. I tanked Ikoral back up closer to the stairs, but of course the Sentinel ignored the holy dictum of "never get between a boss and a cliff" and got killed by Ikoral's KB at the start of the add phase. Lovely. He ran back excruciatingly slowly, yelling and swearing at nothing in particular, while I moved behind one of the adds and put Elara on passive so she'd follow me. The Shadow didn't come over. The Shadow didn't even come over until about twenty seconds of me repeatedly saying her name in group chat with the words "come over here". Naturally, she was the one getting lightning'ed. But she followed me eventually, then we knocked out the other add relatively easily, started burning Ikoral again, and then the Sentinel arrived and Ikoral reset.


Try number 2 went much the same way, with an added twist. The dps didn't die, surprisingly. But they still didn't pay attention during the adds-and-lightning phase, and they still did anemic amounts of damage. And the Shadow decided to start using her taunts for some reason. Maybe she thought they were attacks. Maybe she'd been using them all along and I just hadn't noticed. Whatever the reason, she seemed to have incorporated them into her rotation for Ikoral Part 2: Electric Boogaloo, so I'd have to taunt back from her, and sometimes I didn't have a taunt up so she'd take obnoxious amounts of damage before Ikoral turned his attention to me.


We finally finished the fight, I hurriedly said my goodbyes and tyfgs, and got the heck out of there.


I...I felt like I was being reasonably obliging the whole time. I made polite suggestions but didn't press them and tried to work around the fairly significant limitations of the group as best I could. And I didn't repeatedly wipe, or fail to complete the FP, or anything, so it's not like the whole thing was a disaster. But I think that the run was probably as annoying as any successful run possibly can be.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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no. A dick is the person who takes over half of the new guys money (you took 300 from his 560) to run them through a mission.


You could have just done it without payment, it doesn't take long


You could have pointed out he can level up to 60 then it is easily soloable in any gear


You should mail back the 300k and apologise for behaving like a d*ck and make up some lame excuse like "I was in a funny mood, seeing what I can get away with"


No a d*ck is what I stated above. I'm not saying im an angel for what I did, but I was far from being a d*ck

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I've had insta pops as a DPS... usually for FP's in progress though.


My 182/192, semi-optimized sniper (I'm more of a pub player, but come on. AGENT STORY! :cool:) got a near insta pop for Blood Hunt. He stands at a whooping 48k HP with custom acc/power implants to keep at 100% w/o using accuracy augs. 2 pc set bonus, but only cause they're hand-me-downs from my gunslinger. Oh, and a massassi earpiece.


Apparently, the DPS before me raged quit after a few pulls on the first boss. The group was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to handle myself, but were willing to give me a shot once I assured them that I knew the FP.


One pull later and they apologized for doubting me (Nice of them, that) and said that I was much better than the DPS before me despite him being better geared. The rest of the run went super smooth and we all walked away happy.

Edited by LuxDragon
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And again those characters running around HMs in clown gear, going down at double speed compared to rest of the party and gets pissed when not healed fast enough. Lovely.


What's clown gear in your eyes? You might wanna watch

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Last night, TFP Kuat Drive Yards.

leveling my Sage Healer (lvl 42), a gunslinger (lvl 17), a sentinel (lvl 38) a guardian tank (lvl 18).

There we are, just going through to the prisoner area and the Tank runs left, so I follow as does the Sent. The slinger goes the other way, straight into the champion droid. Shoots at it, gets knocked off the platform and dies as landed near 2 mobs. We defeat the other droid (elite), the tank runs forward, throwing heals left right and center and kill the mobs but eventually, I'm out of force, unable to keep the tank and sent up and we all die.

Over chat the slinger says to me "what role are you supposed to be?", so respond with healer. He then says "learn your role, you are a crap healer".

Obviously this gets my goat, especially after keeping the sent and guardian up, kill most of the mobs and then get taken out by the droid. So I respond with "you expect me to follow you because you aggro the droid, all those mobs and I should keep you up?

He says a good healer can keep us all up.

From the other side of the room where i can't reach you?

Anyway, after his tirade, he went on ignore, got no heals, died 7 times (had to be rez'd by the other 2) and we completed the fp with no other deaths.

Was I a bast**d? Yes probably.

Took him off ignore, hope to see him in some more runs for more of the same :)

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Last night, TFP Kuat Drive Yards.

leveling my Sage Healer (lvl 42), a gunslinger (lvl 17), a sentinel (lvl 38) a guardian tank (lvl 18).

There we are, just going through to the prisoner area and the Tank runs left, so I follow as does the Sent. The slinger goes the other way, straight into the champion droid. Shoots at it, gets knocked off the platform and dies as landed near 2 mobs. We defeat the other droid (elite), the tank runs forward, throwing heals left right and center and kill the mobs but eventually, I'm out of force, unable to keep the tank and sent up and we all die.

Over chat the slinger says to me "what role are you supposed to be?", so respond with healer. He then says "learn your role, you are a crap healer".

Obviously this gets my goat, especially after keeping the sent and guardian up, kill most of the mobs and then get taken out by the droid. So I respond with "you expect me to follow you because you aggro the droid, all those mobs and I should keep you up?

He says a good healer can keep us all up.

From the other side of the room where i can't reach you?

Anyway, after his tirade, he went on ignore, got no heals, died 7 times (had to be rez'd by the other 2) and we completed the fp with no other deaths.

Was I a bast**d? Yes probably.

Took him off ignore, hope to see him in some more runs for more of the same :)


I probably would have done the same as you. I don't know where these unrealistic expectations come from.

When I'm healing, I'm putting most of my energy into keeping the tank alive, and simply topping up the DPS as needed.

When I'm tanking, I'm hoping the healer is paying more attention to me, but I handle my DCD's as if they aren't so I'm not in a position to blame anyone if I die (especially in TFP's).

When I'm DPS, I never expect the healer to focus on me, and I handle my DCD's and medpacks accordingly, while following correct kill order.


Hopefully your solo DPS learned his lesson about running off when three other members of the group are going a different way, and how a healer's maximum range works.


I think what's worse in these situations is when one of these ***hats starts spouting off in chat about your "crappy heals" and the others in the group stay silent. You didn't say if they did or not, but I've been in situations where I'm being attacked by someone when they are clearly in the wrong and no one supports me.

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Last night, TFP Kuat Drive Yards.

leveling my Sage Healer (lvl 42), a gunslinger (lvl 17), a sentinel (lvl 38) a guardian tank (lvl 18).

There we are, just going through to the prisoner area and the Tank runs left, so I follow as does the Sent. The slinger goes the other way, straight into the champion droid. Shoots at it, gets knocked off the platform and dies as landed near 2 mobs. We defeat the other droid (elite), the tank runs forward, throwing heals left right and center and kill the mobs but eventually, I'm out of force, unable to keep the tank and sent up and we all die.

Over chat the slinger says to me "what role are you supposed to be?", so respond with healer. He then says "learn your role, you are a crap healer".

Obviously this gets my goat, especially after keeping the sent and guardian up, kill most of the mobs and then get taken out by the droid. So I respond with "you expect me to follow you because you aggro the droid, all those mobs and I should keep you up?

He says a good healer can keep us all up.

From the other side of the room where i can't reach you?

Anyway, after his tirade, he went on ignore, got no heals, died 7 times (had to be rez'd by the other 2) and we completed the fp with no other deaths.

Was I a bast**d? Yes probably.

Took him off ignore, hope to see him in some more runs for more of the same :)


This is a great story of someone actually getting their comeupins! Amazed that the Sniper-hole stuck around for 7 deaths and rezes. How many times have I faced a similar knuckle-dragging waste-of-space, tried to retaliate only to have them quit the group?! Wait, where are you going.....don't you want to eat massive damage with no healz? It'll be fun!

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I think what's worse in these situations is when one of these ***hats starts spouting off in chat about your "crappy heals" and the others in the group stay silent. You didn't say if they did or not, but I've been in situations where I'm being attacked by someone when they are clearly in the wrong and no one supports me.


It happened to me once. I was doing Legacy of the Rakata on my sage, on the last pack before the final bosses I aggroed trying to pass them. Everybody died. We went back to the pack, this mando was all insulting me, I asked him if he'd be able to heal himself. Told me he sure would so I stopped healing him. He died first, continued to insult me, apparently everybody stopped fighting so we all died again. The mando told me I was a crap healer because I couldn't even heal myself, he vote-kicked me and I was kicked of the group even if I just stepped a bit too close and got insulted for a few minutes.

Sometimes, people are just jerks, nothing you can do about it.

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I was talking about it with my mate yesterday (He used to play SWTOR, went back to WoW and now plays neither as his wife had a baby - no time, bless him) and he said, I bet he got no heals after.

I mean, come on, why insult the guy who is going to heal him.

Yes he stuck around. The group said absolutely nothing all through except thanks at the end.

I agree, when I play my DPS I don't expect heals. If I get one it's a bonus and yes thankful and also say thanks to the healers. Also same as previous poster when play tank. I like to think i manage my CD's effectively to keep myself going and hope the healer focuses on me.


The fact this guy, ran a different way, got knocked back, ran and aggro'd everything in his way to try and get back to the group, causing us to wipe then moans no heals, beggers belief. If he does that every single TFP, FP, OP (Btw he was unguilded), he is going to have to manage his credits effectively for his repairs.


I'm also unguilded on TRE rep side so if anyone want's an up and coming Sage Healer for low level PVP and Heroics/FP's - ;)

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Hopefully your solo DPS learned his lesson about running off when three other members of the group are going a different way, and how a healer's maximum range works.


That was the thing, he didn't, he kept going off in his own little world, hence the deaths.

His armour was f**k*d, he had absorption, shield and defense in his armour, maybe he thought he would survive.

Before we started I asked if he was a slinger-tank to be told the Shield/Absorp/Def helps keep him alive. Yeah looked like it lol

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That was the thing, he didn't, he kept going off in his own little world, hence the deaths.

His armour was f**k*d, he had absorption, shield and defense in his armour, maybe he thought he would survive.

Before we started I asked if he was a slinger-tank to be told the Shield/Absorp/Def helps keep him alive. Yeah looked like it lol


Part of me is screaming troll (not you, the slinger), that this was someone who was trying to be deliberately bad, but the rest is just weeping at the more likely option that he just hasn't read any tooltips, has no clue what is going on, and reacts abusively to any comment that even suggests he may not be perfect. After all, that's the way most people described on this thread seem to be.


I used to try to help, but group finder in various mmos has crushed my desire to do anything more than rush through, get my rewards and escape back to sanity when more friends are online...

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I used to try to help, but group finder in various mmos has crushed my desire to do anything more than rush through, get my rewards and escape back to sanity when more friends are online...


I know what you mean. When I'm group leader in FP's, I usually ask if people know tactics (especially after checking peoples gear, not to the point where i'm an*l about it, Endurance and all that rubbish, more making sure they have the right armour for their class), and happy to provide guidance. When people don't speak up, there are multiple wipes, I usually quit.

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That was the thing, he didn't, he kept going off in his own little world, hence the deaths.

His armour was f**k*d, he had absorption, shield and defense in his armour, maybe he thought he would survive.

Before we started I asked if he was a slinger-tank to be told the Shield/Absorp/Def helps keep him alive. Yeah looked like it lol


Some people really are that stupid - and they go on the ignore list and are never removed.


It is one thing to be ignorant, make mistakes, and then learn from them from experience and feedback.


It takes a special kind of stupid to keep making the same mistake over and over and never learning.

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Pulled out of SM HS...........you all see there this is going.


I have a full set of valiant armor for my Lv. 17 sent. Team loads up.


The tank keeps dying. and dying. and dying. After the fourth wipe. I check gear.


Tank had on a medium lv. 13 chest piece. Lv 11 boots, and the tank was lv 16. Asked if this was their first time playing, said "no"


My stomach sank.


Got to the final boss. Kept dying over and over and over. I think the Lv. 23 slinger said his gear was at 0%! ALL OF IT!


The slinger was Lv. 23.


Had NO clue what the repair droid was:eek:


Not enough face palms in the world here.


The healer, who had been trying and trying, finally just dropped group and I didn't blame him. I whispered to the tank, your gear needs a touch up..... and tried to point out the repair droid................


After that I warped out. I just couldn't anymore.



Was I right to drop or not?

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Pulled out of SM HS...........you all see there this is going.



Was I right to drop or not?


I think it's perfectly reasonable to drop when it's obvious it's going to take longer than usual and your time is more valuable than trudging through an early SM flashpoint where the rewards are definitely not worth it.

That said, when I DO have time I actually like carrying people who want to learn and just need a few pointers. If they're ignoring that and continue making the same mistakes over and over, or they're continuously rude, I apologize to the competent members (if there are any), tell them why I'm leaving, and leave the group (they usually follow suit)

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