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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Force Push is annoying. Especially if you have to be behind the enemy.


Favorite tactic on my Powertech is: Juggernaut uses Force Push on enemy for no real reason, Juggernaut leaps to enemy, I Grappling Line that enemy right back on over. Sadly, the directional specs have to burn their mobility abilities (Scamper/Exfiltrate, Force Speed), and Scamper/Exfiltrate is a big defensive tool for Scrapper/Concealment.

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A wasted 3 and a half hours.


8:30 yesterday evening Guild is calling for a HM DP run. I join as a sent. The group is shadow tank, guardian tank, sage dps, commando dps (here-on referred to as H, he comes up later), another commando dps, commando healer and scoundrel healer. All guild members. At the start H is asking for a share of weekly DP and weekly classic ops. I share them, then he asks again, and again and starts complaining he doesn't have them. I shared a total of 4 times, the leader said he had shared a couple of times and so had the sage dps. Eventually H realises he already has them but didn't see them on his list.


First boss the leader (commando healer) give instructions because the guardian tank is new to DP as a whole and afew of us are new to HM. We start and pahse 1 and 2 are easy, obviously then we get to phase 3 and my sent is soloing adds and the tanks aren't swapping to the point that the shadow gets a 15-stack of the debuff. At this point they finally swap and I finish soloing the tenticle I am killing and there are no small adds so I go for the big ones. However the guardian tank has positioned them such that they are surrounded by green circles. I write in chat (I have no mic) "I cant get the adds due to aoe, can you 3 ranged dps do it?" and then go and start attacking the boss. The 3 ranged dps ignore the adds and kill the guardian and eventually we wipe.


On the way back the leader tells the dps not to tunnel-vision and take some adds (at one point there were 3 large ones alive at the same time). I also point out there is very little I can do when adds are positioned next to aoe's (sometimes I wish I had a rep r-dps but I already have 8 characters and dont want any more). We get back to the room and with the leader now saying "adds" every 10 seconds I get 1 of the 3 ranged dps, the sage, helping me kill them. We complete and loot, then move on.


Second boss and I cause problems. I dont use my zen/whatever as I want to save centering for transcendence when I get the *delete a tile red circle thing*. However I dont bother re-arranging my quickbars and my transcendence is on ctrl + z which is hard to press without letting go of w. Then with the server delay not updating my position the deleted tile usually ends up 2 places away from where I am stood when it finishes because I dont jump. We end up wiping (both tanks and 2 dps standing in the red circles didnt help).


Try again and I move transcendence to an easier button and we try again. I probably spend about 20% of the fight stood 10m away using 10m abilities which have nothing to do with my rotation and running out of focus quick. Oh well, its better than standing in stupid. We kill and loot, move on.


Third boss the future/past bloke. The leader spends 8 minutes explaining it, during which time the scoundrel healer dc's and leaves ts. We wait another 15 minutes for them to return before getting a commando dps to go on their healer and a sent (who is considered an expert of the game) from the guild. We now have a sent dps in place of the commando and a sage healer in place of the scoundrel. The leader then re-explains the fight again in the same amount of detail taking another 7-8 minutes. We all get to our positions and the guardian pulls.


The commando dps I mentioned earlier, H, gets red circle and stands still with both healers and the sage dps inside the circle. The 2 healers and sage frantically run away while H just carries on regardless. The boss makes the portals and me, the leader, the guardian and H go into future. We start fighting, the add comes, I attack it and H ignores it and I kill about 0.2s before it finished its cast. Then I write in ops chat where the plant is growing. Second add and I solo it again, H ignores it, but cant kill it in time and we get mass affliction. The healer keeps us up until the second add comes then I solo it again but not fast enough and it afflicts again. We die and the people in the past die.


Second try, after waiting 8 minutes for H to get from the respawn point to the boss. We get through the planting seed bit, do some more fighting the boss then I go to the past with the leader and the guardian. However H is too busy shooting the boss to realise portals are up (despite 3 people in ts telling him and 2 people writing in ops chat). H dies while us 3 go to past. The sent (the expert at the game) calls the crystals over ts, we destroy it, then a second, then the third he says "front right 2". We go to front right and there is a 3, 7 and 11. Leader asks in ts "you mean 3?" and the sent says "yeah 2, 3, somewhere around there." We kill the crystal then carry on then suddenly wipe. The sent says in ts "kill it faster" and I write back in op chat "it was long dead." the leader agrees and after a conversation it turns out the sent meant to say front left instead of front right.


We get to boss again and wait for H who is taking his sweet time again getting back. We pull, get to final phase but the 2 people in past, 1 healer 1 tank place 1 yellow circle then both come to future. Boss is at 3% and needs to have his shield broken a second time but nobody has realised that nobody is in past. Eventually the leader realises and goes back but its too late and the boss wipes us.


We run back in, H taking his sweet time again and the shadow tank says they are going afk for a smoke. The sent suggests a 5-min break so him, the sage dps and the sage healer go afk. H comes running in and decides to run laps of the room. In doing so they run close to the boss, pulling it. The tank is back from afk, but the 2 dps and 1 healer arent so we /stuck it. Get back and res the people who were afk waiting for them to come back. The sent asks on ts what happened and we tell him H pulled.


We try again and get first phase then a small mistake with the tanking causes the boss to push me, the other sent and both healers into the red circle of the sage dps, killing all 4 of us and we wipe.


Try again and get to second phase, kill the crystals as instructed then die. Sent apologises, they meant 12 o'clock instead of 5.


Try again and kill it, finally. I had a derp moment in that 1 when I went to the future on the first phase and jumped straight in before the boss, I later apologised to the tank for it but they werent fussed, they taunted straight back anyway.


Get to 4th boss. Long explaination which I think is unnecessary, the only completely new guy is the guardian tank and I have seeb by now that he learns fast and thinks on his feet. We kill it first time.


Waiting at the 3 trash things on the stairs, waiting for H of course. We are stood waiting for 6 minutes for H to come from 4th boss to the steps before the tank writes "lets just clear the trash", which we do and get to final boss. Get a 11 minute explaination, H turned up during that and we pull. Tank swapping goes abit hectic and some poor timing sees the shadow taunt bestia when stood in the wrong place and get pused off the edge. We wipe.


Second try after waiting 9 minutes for H to get from the entrence to the final boss. The shadow gets pushed off on the second push. We wipe.


Third try goes exactly the same as the second.


The sage healer apologises they have to go as they have work the following morning. It is now midnight, 3 and a half hours after we started and with reset mid-day today we will have to re-do the first 4 bosses on our next run. I whisper the leader asking what was going on with H, it wasn't the first time I ran with them and they weren't usually that slow or stupid enough to pull bosses with 3/8 people afk, and state I do find it annoying when 7 people are stood waiting a number of minutes for 1 bloke to walk the same distance everyone else managed in 1 or 2 minutes.


1 good thing came out of it, I got a promotion from leader as I was in the same portal as him and he was happy with how quick I sorted out tacts/called positions and my dps.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Tales from KDY (maybe we should start a thread just for that):

Load in on my marauder (lv 24) and the team is: 22 Merc, 22ish Op (flagged for heals), and 40 Sorc.


We go in, first floor: shipbuilding. Sorc starts pulling, no big deal, but he's not waiting for anyone else to get into the room. We clear the enemies and he starts on the elite, I leap in, rapidly pull agro, and end up dead, then elite dies. We go to build the ship, he starts the choices, and I guess someone else was going behind him and changed something, so the ship blows and we get more xp free droids to kill. Sorc start ranting about how close he is to lv 41 and how it cost him leveling up right there.


Second floor: Four rooms with the bombs and stuff to blow up (can't remember what it's called). Sorc starts chain pulling, again, still not waiting for us to heal up, and ends up dead a few times. We get to the elite, with the same story as before. I comment on how I would love some heals (the merc, specced dps was tossing heals when he could, but lv 22 dps merc heals aren't that great), especially since 3 of the 4 in the group can toss out heals. Sorc promptly informs me that he can't heal (he can't toss out static barriers either), but we make it through. Some time on this floor, I notice the op is staying away from enemies and shooting them, not stabbing anything.


Final boss: Commando from hell. As it's become apparent that at least the merc hasn't done this before, I'm about to start giving tactics. Sorc charges in. Merc dies quickly to grenades, as he didn't know about the cleanse. Nobody would take out adds or heal, so we wipe. The sorc runs back and starts again before we get into the area. Wipe #2 (*** right?). Repeat once more. After the 3rd wipe, the merc initiates a vote kick which goes through, and tell everyone to come out of the area so I can explain the fight. After the sorc phases out, I get a whispered threat from him that he will slit my throat and he knows where I live (reported as spam, as I couldn't report the actual harassment). We reque and I start explaining the fight. We get a replacement sorc, who is somewhat better than the first, although the adds are still slow to go down and we cycle through deaths a few times.


I can't wait to see the repair bill (I didn't repair before logging out). Then I went out to get sushi for lunch and all was right with the world again, even though it was supermarket sushi.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but a sniper's preferred MO is not:


1. to the near complete exclusion of anything else on your toolbar only use that shot that makes the single rifle crack sound (forgive me, I've never played a sniper);

2. only attack the 'biggest' enemy;

3. stand in red circles; and

4. pop your big DCD cherry (the shield) immediately at the start of combat and whilst you are at max range to ensure that no one else gets any benefit from it ...


Or am I totally wrong?

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Correct me if I am wrong, but a sniper's preferred MO is not:


1. to the near complete exclusion of anything else on your toolbar only use that shot that makes the single rifle crack sound (forgive me, I've never played a sniper);

2. only attack the 'biggest' enemy;

3. stand in red circles; and

4. pop your big DCD cherry (the shield) immediately at the start of combat and whilst you are at max range to ensure that no one else gets any benefit from it ...


Or am I totally wrong?


No, no, that is absolutely the only correct way to play sniper. Anything else is being a noob.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but a sniper's preferred MO is not:


1. to the near complete exclusion of anything else on your toolbar only use that shot that makes the single rifle crack sound (forgive me, I've never played a sniper);

2. only attack the 'biggest' enemy;

3. stand in red circles; and

4. pop your big DCD cherry (the shield) immediately at the start of combat and whilst you are at max range to ensure that no one else gets any benefit from it ...


Or am I totally wrong?


There is a utility that makes your 4 next Overload Shot (that shot that makes the single rifle crack sound) free when exiting cover.

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Today on 60 sniper on tactical blood hunt. It was me a 60 sorc healer, 60 jugg dps and 60 jugg tank. Everything seems to be going fine until the Tank starts complaining in chat that the DPS Jugg is pulling all the aggro and rages at her to stop it (umm ok?). He has to scan EVERYTHING and then when we run ahead because he’s taking so darn long he gets angry in chat that we’re leaving him behind and he’s the “leader” and we’re supposed to follow him. The Jugg DPS who’s pulling all aggro tells him to calm down it’s only a tactical and we all just want to do it as quickly as possible and he blatantly tells her to not tell him what to do because he’s really good and that he’s the leader so we do what he tells us… (Seems to have had a complex about having to be in charge of every little thing we did). The healer is mainly doing DPS because honestly we’re getting through very quickly and we don’t really need the heals but the Tank tells her to stop DPS'ing and only heal him and no one else, she ignores him. We get to the manka cat (?) enclosure and me and the others go to the right and the Tank in all caps says, “NO WE GO LEFT I’M THE LEADER FOLLOW ME!” we ignore him and he rages in chat even more before running and pulling everything he can on the left side. The Jugg DPS drops instantly and I follow suit and I hope the heals went to so he could be the King on his own little castle by himself :rolleyes:


TLDR // Tank wanting to boss 3 others around by telling us exactly what we can and can't do when he obviously has no idea what he's doing and when we don't do what he wants he rages and says how good he is and how bad we are compared to him.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Today on 60 sniper on tactical blood hunt. It was me a 60 sorc healer, 60 jugg dps and 60 jugg tank. Everything seems to be going fine until the Tank starts complaining in chat that the DPS Jugg is pulling all the aggro and rages at her to stop it (umm ok?). He has to scan EVERYTHING and then when we run ahead because he’s taking so darn long he gets angry in chat that we’re leaving him behind and he’s the “leader” and we’re supposed to follow him. The Jugg DPS who’s pulling all aggro tells him to calm down it’s only a tactical and we all just want to do it as quickly as possible and he blatantly tells her to not tell him what to do because he’s really good and that he’s the leader so we do what he tells us… (Seems to have had a complex about having to be in charge of every little thing we did). The healer is mainly doing DPS because honestly we’re getting through very quickly and we don’t really need the heals but the Tank tells her to stop DPS'ing and only heal him and no one else, she ignores him. We get to the manka cat (?) enclosure and me and the others go to the right and the Tank in all caps says, “NO WE GO LEFT I’M THE LEADER FOLLOW ME!” we ignore him and he rages in chat even more before running and pulling everything he can on the left side. The Jugg DPS drops instantly and I follow suit and I hope the heals went to so he could be the King on his own little castle by himself :rolleyes:


TLDR // Tank wanting to boss 3 others around by telling us exactly what we can and can't do when he obviously has no idea what he's doing and when we don't do what he wants he rages and says how good he is and how bad we are compared to him.


fun story for a change. Thanks :)

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Interesting sutuation in which I annoyed the guild "expert".


I was doing my story on my 60 trooper, going back to balmorra. The expert starts asking for people for HM 60 fp, he is tanking, a dps and healer join him and he uses gf for the second dps. The first I know of this is when the 3 in the group start talking over guild chat:

dps: "what went wrong"

expert: "tight enrage timer".

dps: "what do we do"

expert: "shadow doesnt stay on the boss"

I take a look which one they are in but I think I can guess by tight enrage comment. Its BH

me: "the dps shouldn't tunnel vision the boss"

expert: "they should with that enrage"

me: "no because the adds will throw down electronets, mines and enrage themselves"

expert: "its bh mate, not sure what your talking about"

me: *links the 10 bh HM completed achievement* "yeah, i know its bh"

healer: "can you switch to your dps and come help?"


I switch to my sent and zone in. Tank pulls and tunnel-visions boss, healer doesn't cleanse after knockback and I solo the adds. After the wipe I write "healer cleanse whoever has aggro after knockback, dps on the adds and tank move out of the blue circles. The expert tells me to just listen to him and stop slacking on my dps and wasting time on adds. We pull again and other dps follows experts instructions and we wipe.


I explain it again, dps says we might as well give my method a go seeing as I have done it at least 10 times. We beat it first time. I then write "if you dont know the fights you could just ask". Expert stays quiet for the rest of the evening.


He is considered the expert because he reads all the dev's pre-update info to see what the next update's will be. He reads a load of guides to know every rotation on every class in every spec, reads guides on ops bosses and has the datacron master (guide reading master more like). Strange how someone can be held up by an entire guild referring to him as the best player they have when he cant even do a HM fp.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but a sniper's preferred MO is not:


1. to the near complete exclusion of anything else on your toolbar only use that shot that makes the single rifle crack sound (forgive me, I've never played a sniper);

2. only attack the 'biggest' enemy;

3. stand in red circles; and

4. pop your big DCD cherry (the shield) immediately at the start of combat and whilst you are at max range to ensure that no one else gets any benefit from it ...


Or am I totally wrong?


my favourites are knights popping every DCD before leaping and ofc the ranged operatives

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The Jugg DPS drops instantly and I follow suit and I hope the heals went to so he could be the King on his own little castle by himself :rolleyes:


TLDR // Tank wanting to boss 3 others around by telling us exactly what we can and can't do when he obviously has no idea what he's doing and when we don't do what he wants he rages and says how good he is and how bad we are compared to him.

Why the eff did you drop group and not kick that son of a hutt?:confused:

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Just zoned into Battle of Rishi HM, and one of our dps immediately asks if everyone knows everything. After a few seconds I respond "yup", but I'm the only one (and I was sorely tempted to ask him why it's any of his business). So he just says he'd rather not, and drops. Anyway, tank pulls out Jaesa, and we continue on our merry way when new dps shows up at first boss. Dps joins up, and we one shot everything and finish in about the time the first dps's groupfinder would have been. Karma rocks.
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Just zoned into Battle of Rishi HM, and one of our dps immediately asks if everyone knows everything. After a few seconds I respond "yup", but I'm the only one (and I was sorely tempted to ask him why it's any of his business). So he just says he'd rather not, and drops. Anyway, tank pulls out Jaesa, and we continue on our merry way when new dps shows up at first boss. Dps joins up, and we one shot everything and finish in about the time the first dps's groupfinder would have been. Karma rocks.


it's so crazy that he would quit even before the first boss pull. just insane. Rishi is so much fun too. Now if I could only figure out how to beat Mokan I'd be happy. For some reason I just don't get that fight. I think I do everything right, but nope.

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Just zoned into Battle of Rishi HM, and one of our dps immediately asks if everyone knows everything. After a few seconds I respond "yup", but I'm the only one (and I was sorely tempted to ask him why it's any of his business). So he just says he'd rather not, and drops. Anyway, tank pulls out Jaesa, and we continue on our merry way when new dps shows up at first boss. Dps joins up, and we one shot everything and finish in about the time the first dps's groupfinder would have been. Karma rocks.


I always tell at the beginning if it's my first time there. I always thought it's just polite to say it. Most of the players are just "np, it's easy. I'll explain" but I guess there are people who think it's irrelevant.


Speaking of...

KDY on my Commando. Everything goes very well apart from me tanking all elite defenders and dying once. We get to last boss. Grenade dude. One of the group members asks if we all know what to do and I answer with "yes" and mention that I've 100% KDY achievements. Guy then types "Broove it" (no, I didn't typo that), pulls and goes afk for the rest of the fight. We kill the boss and I then link the last KDY achievement.

Edited by Halinalle
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it's so crazy that he would quit even before the first boss pull. just insane. Rishi is so much fun too. Now if I could only figure out how to beat Mokan I'd be happy. For some reason I just don't get that fight. I think I do everything right, but nope.


That's the one with the balancing act of the stacks right? Ya I've tried him a couple times, but I really just need to go in there with a guild group on TS who is willing to wipe a half dozen times to figure it out. I don't think it'll be that hard once I do it the first time (I'm heals, so most of the cleansing falls on me usually anyway) but it'll definitely cost a pretty penny in repair bills.

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That's the one with the balancing act of the stacks right? Ya I've tried him a couple times, but I really just need to go in there with a guild group on TS who is willing to wipe a half dozen times to figure it out. I don't think it'll be that hard once I do it the first time (I'm heals, so most of the cleansing falls on me usually anyway) but it'll definitely cost a pretty penny in repair bills.


So yeah definitely that one. Every time, We're all at three stacks, red stuff comes, insta kills someone who supposedly has the correct number of stacks. Just super confusing. I mean I know my group HAS to be doing something horribly wrong. I just don't know what it is. I stopped last week at like 10 wipes, and said nope, Might be the first bonus boss of any flashpoint that I actively avoid.

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Why the eff did you drop group and not kick that son of a hutt?:confused:


We really should have but after the DPS left I had honestly just had enough for the day and logged out, it was one of those quick tacts before I log out and I just really couldn't be bothered to go again. I also admit there was a little spite in leaving to to just really annoy him one last time before logging off :p

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Oh boy, I have a good one tonight.


HM Hammer Station at level 60. I'm on my Gunnery Commando with a Shadow tank and a Scoundrel healer (two guys from the same guild) and a very peculiar Gunslinger. How peculiar?

Well, he's almost never in cover. And he never uses any casts or channels (apart from Freighter Flyby once or twice). I'm only able to tell that he was Saboteur by seeing the stacking burn he puts on targets on occasion. And he just loves to pull groups ahead of the tank. And he's wearing two Obroan (level 55 PvP) relics, and in fact two of the same tanking relic (sharing an internal cooldown). He's in full Massassi gear otherwise, which perplexes me, because he clearly must have showed competence at some point to get that Massassi gear...


The other three of us load in and start clearing trash. The 'Slinger is slow coming in and immediately asks if we want to run this same mission seven more times. HA HA HA NOPE. We tell him we'd rather not and he should just queue up again on his own. We clear through the Mining Droid without any trouble, despite the 'Slinger doing pitiful DPS and pulling groups ahead of and behind us.


We kill the Asteroid Beast next. The 'Slinger has been facepulling groups left and right, but there are no deaths yet. The tank keeps the boss next to the console, I set up at range to avoid the stun...and the other guy sits at medium range, out of cover, and spams Flurry of Bolts and Thermal Grenade (no cover or Hunker Down, natch). Ah well, whatever, I open up with my cannon and there are no problems. Then afterwards, suddenly the 'Slinger drops group; the healer suspects it's in protest after the healer won the loot rolls.


We decide to keep clearing, but requeue. Halfway through Riflor's Champions, we get a replacement...and it's the same bad back again to haunt us. He confirms my suspicion that he actually quit ACCIDENTALLY by clicking the wrong button. The 'Slinger facepulls the next group (two standards with three strongs that spawn in on pull), and I let him get melted by the strongs, which felt satisfying but unfortunately caused the healer to die as well because the tank was still catching up and I had an LoS issue stop me from peeling properly.


We continue on, with the 'Slinger still pulling groups ahead of the tank, and get to Battlelord Kreshan. Naturally, the 'Slinger pulls him (subjecting everyone to the conal) but whatever, we just kill the sonuvagun and clear out, the 'Slinger ninjaing the Trooper DPS pants that drop on his way out.

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So yeah definitely that one. Every time, We're all at three stacks, red stuff comes, insta kills someone who supposedly has the correct number of stacks. Just super confusing. I mean I know my group HAS to be doing something horribly wrong. I just don't know what it is. I stopped last week at like 10 wipes, and said nope, Might be the first bonus boss of any flashpoint that I actively avoid.


The rhythm of the fight is quite relaxed actually. You only need to have two cleanses per red red stuff (both cleanses on tank).


This is how I always do it, and what seems to be the easist and least stressful way:


- During/after the first scatter gun cast on the tank and before the third scatter gun cast finishes someone has to cleanse the tank twice. The cooldown on a healer's cleanse is enough to cover both, so there's no need to have a cleansing dps. This is because every scatter gun adds two stacks of the green stuff on the tank, and he would die at 5 stacks. So three casts times 2 stacks is 6 stacks, retract the two cleanses and the tank will always be sitting at comfortable 4 stacks during the red stuff.


- Healers and dps are a bit spread out so that whenever a green puddle appears, only the person that gets it is affected (quick movement ensures you only get one stack). You always get out of the first two puddles asap. The third puddle is what healers and dps will use to get their stacks to 3 (preferred, but 4 isn't lethal). This is because the stacks have a limited uptime, and unless you refresh yours at the last puddle, your stacks WILL FALL OFF during the red stuff and you will instantly die. If you have 2 melee dps, you have to be a bit more precise about positioning them and your tank, but it is certainly doable.


- The only real challenge in healing is during the red stuff, and while the red stuff ticks, the boss will be doing absolutely nothing. This means you can stack for aoe heals (just evade the last green puddle), and if you have a Jugg tank, he can comfortably Intercede someone and throw the AoE taunt absorb shield on everyone (same goes for a Jugg DPS if needed). I'm not sure if the Powertech AoE taunt reflect shield works, but it just might. There is no real DPS check in the fight (haven't seen him enrage even when done with 1 tank, 1 dps, 2 healers), so if your dps can add to damage reduction or healing during the red stuff to help a struggling healer, they absolutely can.


- Always remind the healer to continue their two-cleanses -approach after the red stuff so that the tank doesn't accidentally die.

Edited by Memo-
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Well, he's almost never in cover. And he never uses any casts or channels (apart from Freighter Flyby once or twice). I'm only able to tell that he was Saboteur by seeing the stacking burn he puts on targets on occasion.


Fun fact: as Saboteur you need cover only for two things

- Flyby

- free Quick Shots (only used when Hot Pursuit is selected)


Also Flurry of Bolts is used instead of Quick Shot if you don't take Hot Pursuit utility. This is energy management Saboteur style. You will run in to serious energy problems if you don't manage it.

Edited by Halinalle
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Fun fact: as Saboteur you need cover only for two things

- Flyby

- free Quick Shots (only used when Hot Pursuit is selected)


Also Flurry of Bolts is used instead of Quick Shot if you don't take Hot Pursuit utility. This is energy management Saboteur style. You will run in to serious energy problems if you don't manage it.


Enough to never use Speed Shots?? Or Snipe?? Or Incendiary Grenade? Because I doubt someone would have missed these. And to not use Hunker Down during HM HS bonus boss?? Epic Fail 'Slinger.

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