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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Korriban hm

3 guys from the same guild, all vendor geared.

We get to the robot, dps too low we wipe on his (soft?) enrage. We try some more, but the samen thing over and over.. im a decent healer but if it takes to long then eventualy we will wipe. I somehow not speak up about the dps thinking they will know.. instead the tank says that I should not take so much damage.. pffffff

Edited by mikegrijsen
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Cademimu SM


Seemed the tank in the group was fairly new to tanking in a group (kept tunneling single enemies and not using taunts or anything tanky), but since it was just SM we all let it go and picked up the slack ourselves (made things a little harder for me as the healer, but it was manageable). Fights took a little longer than they should but oh well.


We get to Ortol and before starting one of the DPS asks if we all know the fight, and everyone, including the tank, said they did. Tank proceeds to stand in one spot without moving an inch. Ortol is wailing on him but I'm keeping the tank upright. You can probably guess what will happen when the rockets fire :rolleyes: Tank and one of the DPS (melee) continue standing in the same place and get instantly fried. So now me and the DPS that knew what he was doing are just trying to stay alive while the tank and other DPS make their way back to us.


The tank, on his way back, is complaining about never dying this quickly before and all three of us are not doing our jobs. The more competent DPS is typing back while fighting Ortol to please not stand in the fire. Again, you can probably guess what he does now. He comes back to the EXACT SAME SPOT HE DIED and pulls Ortol to him. Again, he DOES NOT MOVE when the rockets fire!! The tank again dies almost instantly (and I wasn't ignoring heals, though I kind of wanted to). As the rest of us kill Ortol shortly after that, the tank is still laying there and now yelling that we didn't help him. The DPS starts pointing out exactly what the tank did to get himself killed (in an increasingly more hostile tone, since the tank is simply not accepting that it was his own fault that he died).


Wish people would simply say they don't know fights when asked. Seems a lot of the posts on this thread come down to people (maybe out of peer pressure?) pretending they know what they're doing, when it would take less than 30 seconds to have it explained to them. Oh well, I'm very patient with new players, so I'm always more amused than angry when I pug these kinds of groups.

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Isn't the door shut as long as you fight the boss:confused:


I know it's like that in a lot of FP's, but I remember not wiping with the other DPS and the two that died were able to join us eventually to finish Ortol off (after the tank died again). Maybe one of the updates changed it in some way, I don't know. It was about 6 months ago. Is it that way in HM? I've not done it in HM, so I'm not sure. I did state it was SM at the top of the post.

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So yesterday I get into a TOS GF group (that was mostly one guild) with my DPS Sorc and it was the first time in it for me. I had read through everything on Dulfy and prepared myself the best I could.


The first 2 bosses went down without a hitch and then we got to Underlurker and that's where things took a turn for the worse. The leader spat out some instructions and away we went ... wipe after wipe after wipe because people didn't know where to stand and what not to stand in. However, I was always one of the last standing because I actually did know where to stand and what to do. After about 6 wipes someone starts going through everyone's achievements and then points out the fact that I had never completed Underlurker. Before I could even say anything I was removed from the group.


I wasn't the one constantly dying and standing in stupid but I guess since I had never beaten the boss before, it was my fault this guild was failing on it.

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Just had a GF run of TFB, premade via Fleet's /general, as usual. Smooth sailing, all the way through.

Yet one group member quit the group without saying a single word after we killed Operator IX. Looks like someone didn't get the memo that they changed the objective for the weekly mission...

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SnV through GF, everything went smoothly until city infiltration event. Divided the raid group to four teams of two to take out all patrol teams quickly and we set off after explaining tactic. Everyone engaged and killed the patrol teams, but we couldn't get into operations center, which means one of the patrol teams hadn't been killed. We kept asking in chat if green team was dead. No response, but eventually the DPS-healer designated to green team confirmed that green team was dead, but we were still locked out. One DPS went to investigate, and, nope, green team was still alive.


We saw the health of DPS-healer decreasing, which meant they were in combat. But if they weren't killing green team, what the heck did they attack? :confused: How could anyone miss something clearly marked on the map? :confused:


The weird thing is that the healer had SnV HM achievement... You'd think they'd know what they were doing.


Korriban hm

We get to the robot, dps too low we wipe on his (soft?) enrage.


I was grouped with a Sorc DPS whose health barely touched 40k in Korriban HM. I inspected his gear and, well... 164 greens with tank stats. I asked in chat why he was still in Rishi greens when Ziost gave 190 blues for free, he answered, "For America." Not sure what that meant. Healer and other DPS were annoyed (178 is fine in HMFP, but showing up in 164 is practically telling others to carry you), but I chose to let second boss decide. Predictably, it enraged at 30%. Healer initiate vote-kick, other DPS voted so fast the Sorc was gone before I could vote. Got a replacement Merc, we oneshot boss.

Edited by iusCogens
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Just finished SM Athiss. here's the group: 22 Jugg, 22 Merc, 19 Merc (heals), me on my 22 Marauder (tankauder, maratank?). The first sign of trouble should have been when the tank jump into the pit, misses all the platforms and dies, but whatever, maybe it's his first time. Not too much time to think about it, as the merc healer starts chain pulling (the one who is out leveled by every critter here). The second sign should have been when I'm pulling all the aggro in about 1 rotation and I haven't upgraded my gear in a while. We make it to the group of droids before the first boss and the tank goes down almost instantly (third sign). We all survive the 1st boss and the healer starts chain pulling again (he dies a lot). By this point I'm counting to 5 before jumping in. We make it to the beast. start the fight, I run around killing the adds before getting on the boss. By the time I do, the healer is dead, again, and the tank is well on his way. Tank ends up dead, boss about 75%, so I end up tanking (biochem + stims + medpacks and merc off heals) and the merc takes out adds. We win. When the tank makes it back, I check his gear. No headpiece (no big deal), 3 adaptable armor pieces with 2 mods and 1 enhancement between them (that's right 0 armor mods), and no offhand (based on his 5% shield chance). Crap. We continue on, me pulling agro on every enemy the healer decides to fight on the way to the final boss. We make it with only a few more deaths (I die because I'm not getting time to heal between fights). Go after the final boss: 1st time - get to 75ish%, he stealths, tank marked for fire. Tank tries to fight the fire, dies, both mercs die, I run out of the room to reset. I explain to stay away from the fire. 2nd time - get to 75%, he stealths, tank marked, tank stands in the fire, tank dies, both mercs live. We continue fighting, me with DCDs getting mashed anytime they're off cooldown. Healer died to the random AoE attacks before the 2nd stealth. Other merc tries killing the fire for some reason. Tank and healer respawn and run back while we continue fighting. Right as they make it back, he finally kills me off (about 5% hp left). This is also the point that I realize the tank hasn't used force charge through the entire flashpoint. Thankfully they're able to finish him off to end the flashpoint.
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Made me a Juggernaut, ran the Black Talon. The party setup was: my Juggernaut - Cathar, in orange gear, axe for a lightsaber, one of those poncey show-off legacy names like Beastmaster or something, two Sorcerers in green level zero stuff who acted like very fresh and new characters (and indeed were founders), and a Merc, who looked at us three and got 100% convinced that it was my showy Cathar who was committing the vile, insidious crime of not spacebarring.


He started with "subtle" remarks like "bad kitty", then progressively got more and more frustrated and feline-hating as on the not-spacebarring went and I didn't deem to reply (because what's the point?) and eventually put me through vote-kick. After we finished, zoned-out and I was just clicking on the "leave group" thing. :D

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Just ran the DF daily op with a pug, and the tank was a hoot, kept talking about how awesome his healing was (for reference I was a healer). Anyway, by the end, the other healer started playing into it, and was typing a response about how awesome the tank was at healing when Brontus did her death laser. Since he was typing and not watching the screen, bzzt! 1 dead healer (only death of the op), that I had to run over and rez.


Worst part is, he kept talking after being rezzed, I would have thought he would have learned his lesson!

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Yesterday evening I got kicked from a group by the tank for a random GF TFP because he didn't like the way I looked. Apparently tanks feel high and mighty, knowing the group are at a disadvantage when they quit and they have faster queue times.
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HM mannan, I zone in and theres op healer, merc dps and sniper, I am jugg tanking and all the other 3 are in the same guild.


Get to first boss and I ask "all know it". The sniper stays quiet, the merc says "probably" and the op says "hurry up".


Due to an impatient person and all 3 of them being in the same guild I pull (dont want to be kicked, this is my final one for the 3 HM 60's weekly). Both dps attack the same droid, which makes aggro control easy but not good for the fight. Though it does happen by conicndence that when avoiding pull cords I end up in a corner. While tanking in the corner I realise the droid cant hit me with pull cord because the boss is stoo infront of me in the corner. As such I decide to stay there. Ends up being three rounds of shield switching before its dead but otherwise it was an easy kill. I will certainly be going to that corner in future. I consider writing "in future, its best to damage adds at equal rates" but decide I cant be bothered as there werent any serious issues.


We get to bonus and I ask all know it. Sniper writes "yes", merc says "yes" and op says "go". I pull and things go well until I get stunned by an ice grenade thing and hit by an add. With the +100% damage taken debuff, boss on me and op deciding to play ranged dps I die. The op c-reses me and I heal up to 80% then taunt back, recieve no healing until I am back to 5% where I get spammed again. At one point I get stunned again with an add about to blow me up. Luckily the stun wears off just before add gets me and I intecede out the way. We complete and I write:

me: "cleanse those stuns in future"

healer: "you need to move out of the adds way"

me: "I would if I could, you need to cleanse the stuns"

healer: "if you dont know the fight then ask"

merc: "you ought to tank properly too, I ended up doing the 3 droids bit myself because you ignored them"

me: "dps is meant to do that"

merc: "lol dumb tank, dps is supposed to do the bit which causes high damage"

me: "it puts a debuff on which increases damage taken buy 100% and with boss aggro and that debuff the healer cant cope"

sniper: "seriously mate, go read dulfy after this run"


I give up and go to ortol. I pull and the sniper sits 32m away, the merc stands 29m away and the op is 17m away. I write "stack up makes it easier". None of them move and when ortol does his mass puddle thing then they start expanding probably around 70% of the room is filled. I get out by intercede but the op and merc die. I jump back in but with 1 dps who doesn't have offheals and 1 tank after the first lightning bit I reckon we have lost. This feeling is fortified by the fact the sniper still sits 32m away. I end up being killed by the adds that the sniper ignores so I solo (while maintaining boss aggro, really says alot when I can solo adds with a tank and still hold aggro off a dps). We end up wiping and I write again:

me: "the reason I said stay close is because the last puddle cast hits everyone so if you are spread out it fills the room"

op: "lol the tank who died tells us how to do it"

me: "how does me dieing make me bad?"

merc: "your a tank, your supposed to be able to take damage"

me: "I can, if I had a healer, sadly they were killed in the mechaincs that wouldn't have been a problem if you followed the advice I gave"

merc: "lol shut up noob"


We get back to ortol and I tell people to stack up. None of them do but I watch for where they are and during lightning move based upon where they were stood. Afterwards the sniper starts again:

sniper: "lol dumb tank wants ranged dps to stand close"

me: "the boss has no aoe, theres nothing wrong with standing close and it does help with the puddle mechanic and controlling adds"

sniper: "like I said, go to dulfy and l2p after this is done"


We get to final boss, after those 2 pulls with the healing droids that take ages because both dps ignore the healing droid despite me writing "healer first."


You can guess what happened after final boss:

merc: "I had aggro in alot of that fight"

me: "yeah, you produced more threat than the sniper"

merc: "and you obviously, I ripped off you so much and you waited before taunting back"


Now I think all of you here will see that and know what this merc was on about. He was unhappy that a nooby tank like me lost aggro every time the boss kicked me away and then I didnt instantly taunt it back. Of course whenever the merc had aggro he would kite like a moron and at one point the boss kicked me while I was taking him to fire, merc got aggro and started dragging the boss everywhere except the fire.


An entire mission of 3 people from the same guild telling me to "l2p", "l2 tank", "go to dulfy" etc. because they didnt know the fights.


I dont mind someone telling me I am doing things wrong and telling me how to fix it, but telling me I am doing it wrong when they dont even know how its done is bloody annoying.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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HM mannan, I zone in and theres op healer, merc dps and sniper, I am jugg tanking and all the other 3 are in the same guild.


Get to first boss and I ask "all know it". The sniper stays quiet, the merc says "probably" and the op says "hurry up".


Due to an impatient person and all 3 of them being in the same guild I pull (dont want to be kicked, this is my final one for the 3 HM 60's weekly). Both dps attack the same droid, which makes aggro control easy but not good for the fight. Though it does happen by conicndence that when avoiding pull cords I end up in a corner. While tanking in the corner I realise the droid cant hit me with pull cord because the boss is stoo infront of me in the corner. As such I decide to stay there. Ends up being three rounds of shield switching before its dead but otherwise it was an easy kill. I will certainly be going to that corner in future. I consider writing "in future, its best to damage adds at equal rates" but decide I cant be bothered as there werent any serious issues.


We get to bonus and I ask all know it. Sniper writes "yes", merc says "yes" and op says "go". I pull and things go well until I get stunned by an ice grenade thing and hit by an add. With the +100% damage taken debuff, boss on me and op deciding to play ranged dps I die. The op c-reses me and I heal up to 80% then taunt back, recieve no healing until I am back to 5% where I get spammed again. At one point I get stunned again with an add about to blow me up. Luckily the stun wears off just before add gets me and I intecede out the way. We complete and I write:

me: "cleanse those stuns in future"

healer: "you need to move out of the adds way"

me: "I would if I could, you need to cleanse the stuns"

healer: "if you dont know the fight then ask"

merc: "you ought to tank properly too, I ended up doing the 3 droids bit myself because you ignored them"

me: "dps is meant to do that"

merc: "lol dumb tank, dps is supposed to do the bit which causes high damage"

me: "it puts a debuff on which increases damage taken buy 100% and with boss aggro and that debuff the healer cant cope"

sniper: "seriously mate, go read dulfy after this run"


I give up and go to ortol. I pull and the sniper sits 32m away, the merc stands 29m away and the op is 17m away. I write "stack up makes it easier". None of them move and when ortol does his mass puddle thing then they start expanding probably around 70% of the room is filled. I get out by intercede but the op and merc die. I jump back in but with 1 dps who doesn't have offheals and 1 tank after the first lightning bit I reckon we have lost. This feeling is fortified by the fact the sniper still sits 32m away. I end up being killed by the adds that the sniper ignores so I solo (while maintaining boss aggro, really says alot when I can solo adds with a tank and still hold aggro off a dps). We end up wiping and I write again:

me: "the reason I said stay close is because the last puddle cast hits everyone so if you are spread out it fills the room"

op: "lol the tank who died tells us how to do it"

me: "how does me dieing make me bad?"

merc: "your a tank, your supposed to be able to take damage"

me: "I can, if I had a healer, sadly they were killed in the mechaincs that wouldn't have been a problem if you followed the advice I gave"

merc: "lol shut up noob"


We get back to ortol and I tell people to stack up. None of them do but I watch for where they are and during lightning move based upon where they were stood. Afterwards the sniper starts again:

sniper: "lol dumb tank wants ranged dps to stand close"

me: "the boss has no aoe, theres nothing wrong with standing close and it does help with the puddle mechanic and controlling adds"

sniper: "like I said, go to dulfy and l2p after this is done"


We get to final boss, after those 2 pulls with the healing droids that take ages because both dps ignore the healing droid despite me writing "healer first."


You can guess what happened after final boss:

merc: "I had aggro in alot of that fight"

me: "yeah, you produced more threat than the sniper"

merc: "and you obviously, I ripped off you so much and you waited before taunting back"


Now I think all of you here will see that and know what this merc was on about. He was unhappy that a nooby tank like me lost aggro every time the boss kicked me away and then I didnt instantly taunt it back. Of course whenever the merc had aggro he would kite like a moron and at one point the boss kicked me while I was taking him to fire, merc got aggro and started dragging the boss everywhere except the fire.


An entire mission of 3 people from the same guild telling me to "l2p", "l2 tank", "go to dulfy" etc. because they didnt know the fights.


I dont mind someone telling me I am doing things wrong and telling me how to fix it, but telling me I am doing it wrong when they dont even know how its done is bloody annoying.


Wow, you must have both an infinite patience ant Steely Resolve... :eek:


I'm not that keen on being that patient at top level. I can cope with players who play not perfectly yet try their best, but if that was their best I'd be scared... :p

I wouldn't mind covering for a newbie Tank or Healer while I'm on a DPS levelling through FPs, or moving differently to cope for another guy on a Healer/Tank, still while levelling... but for HMs at 60 there's no way I'd be able to stay calm and go through what you went through. :o


Still, I wonder why do they point you to Dulfy, since in there it says pretty much what you told them... They must have heard the name somewhere and decided to use it as an alibi. Poor Dulfy, now bads use it as an excuse for hteir badness... :D

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HM mannan, I zone in and theres op healer, merc dps and sniper, I am jugg tanking and all the other 3 are in the same guild.


Get to first boss and I ask "all know it". The sniper stays quiet, the merc says "probably" and the op says "hurry up".


Due to an impatient person and all 3 of them being in the same guild I pull (dont want to be kicked, this is my final one for the 3 HM 60's weekly). Both dps attack the same droid, which makes aggro control easy but not good for the fight. Though it does happen by conicndence that when avoiding pull cords I end up in a corner. While tanking in the corner I realise the droid cant hit me with pull cord because the boss is stoo infront of me in the corner. As such I decide to stay there. Ends up being three rounds of shield switching before its dead but otherwise it was an easy kill. I will certainly be going to that corner in future. I consider writing "in future, its best to damage adds at equal rates" but decide I cant be bothered as there werent any serious issues.


We get to bonus and I ask all know it. Sniper writes "yes", merc says "yes" and op says "go". I pull and things go well until I get stunned by an ice grenade thing and hit by an add. With the +100% damage taken debuff, boss on me and op deciding to play ranged dps I die. The op c-reses me and I heal up to 80% then taunt back, recieve no healing until I am back to 5% where I get spammed again. At one point I get stunned again with an add about to blow me up. Luckily the stun wears off just before add gets me and I intecede out the way. We complete and I write:

me: "cleanse those stuns in future"

healer: "you need to move out of the adds way"

me: "I would if I could, you need to cleanse the stuns"

healer: "if you dont know the fight then ask"

merc: "you ought to tank properly too, I ended up doing the 3 droids bit myself because you ignored them"

me: "dps is meant to do that"

merc: "lol dumb tank, dps is supposed to do the bit which causes high damage"

me: "it puts a debuff on which increases damage taken buy 100% and with boss aggro and that debuff the healer cant cope"

sniper: "seriously mate, go read dulfy after this run"


I give up and go to ortol. I pull and the sniper sits 32m away, the merc stands 29m away and the op is 17m away. I write "stack up makes it easier". None of them move and when ortol does his mass puddle thing then they start expanding probably around 70% of the room is filled. I get out by intercede but the op and merc die. I jump back in but with 1 dps who doesn't have offheals and 1 tank after the first lightning bit I reckon we have lost. This feeling is fortified by the fact the sniper still sits 32m away. I end up being killed by the adds that the sniper ignores so I solo (while maintaining boss aggro, really says alot when I can solo adds with a tank and still hold aggro off a dps). We end up wiping and I write again:

me: "the reason I said stay close is because the last puddle cast hits everyone so if you are spread out it fills the room"

op: "lol the tank who died tells us how to do it"

me: "how does me dieing make me bad?"

merc: "your a tank, your supposed to be able to take damage"

me: "I can, if I had a healer, sadly they were killed in the mechaincs that wouldn't have been a problem if you followed the advice I gave"

merc: "lol shut up noob"


We get back to ortol and I tell people to stack up. None of them do but I watch for where they are and during lightning move based upon where they were stood. Afterwards the sniper starts again:

sniper: "lol dumb tank wants ranged dps to stand close"

me: "the boss has no aoe, theres nothing wrong with standing close and it does help with the puddle mechanic and controlling adds"

sniper: "like I said, go to dulfy and l2p after this is done"


We get to final boss, after those 2 pulls with the healing droids that take ages because both dps ignore the healing droid despite me writing "healer first."


You can guess what happened after final boss:

merc: "I had aggro in alot of that fight"

me: "yeah, you produced more threat than the sniper"

merc: "and you obviously, I ripped off you so much and you waited before taunting back"


Now I think all of you here will see that and know what this merc was on about. He was unhappy that a nooby tank like me lost aggro every time the boss kicked me away and then I didnt instantly taunt it back. Of course whenever the merc had aggro he would kite like a moron and at one point the boss kicked me while I was taking him to fire, merc got aggro and started dragging the boss everywhere except the fire.


An entire mission of 3 people from the same guild telling me to "l2p", "l2 tank", "go to dulfy" etc. because they didnt know the fights.


I dont mind someone telling me I am doing things wrong and telling me how to fix it, but telling me I am doing it wrong when they dont even know how its done is bloody annoying.


wow, the patience. Why would you stick with the jerks anyway?

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I stuck with them because my weekly "do 3 hm 60 fp's" was at 2/3 and I didnt know how long another pop would take.


That and also despite their attitude that their inability to understand boss mechanics = I am a bad tank they actually werent so bad, no dps pulling, healer throwing dps for a while, no comments of "hurry up" whenever I did my out-of-combat regen.


I make it sound worse than it was by pointing out the bits they did wrong (all the bosses) then blamed me for and could get away with it because they were all in same guild. The trash was actually resonably smooth apart from the comments in that room where the console is with 2 snipers, an elite with a cc, a hard hitting melee elite and a strong with a pull cord in which I was told I was useless because I didn't hold aggro (I have never seen any tank hold aggro there).


And cox, I imagine the dulfy comments was a "we think this tank is rubbish and will point him to a guide" attitude. In all honesty I haven't read dulfy, I went there once because there was a list of "missions that give elite comms" back pre 3.0 when I was gearing my first toon. Apart from that I dont use guides, ruins the fun and theres nothing I can learn there that cant be writting in 1 minute in-game or told to me over ts while clearing trash between bosses.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I stuck with them because my weekly "do 3 hm 60 fp's" was at 2/3 and I didnt know how long another pop would take.


That and also despite their attitude that their inability to understand boss mechanics = I am a bad tank they actually werent so bad, no dps pulling, healer throwing dps for a while, no comments of "hurry up" whenever I did my out-of-combat regen.


I make it sound worse than it was by pointing out the bits they did wrong (all the bosses) then blamed me for and could get away with it because they were all in same guild. The trash was actually resonably smooth apart from the comments in that room where the console is with 2 snipers, an elite with a cc, a hard hitting melee elite and a strong with a pull cord in which I was told I was useless because I didn't hold aggro (I have never seen any tank hold aggro there).


And cox, I imagine the dulfy comments was a "we think this tank is rubbish and will point him to a guide" attitude. In all honesty I haven't read dulfy, I went there once because there was a list of "missions that give elite comms" back pre 3.0 when I was gearing my first toon. Apart from that I dont use guides, ruins the fun and theres nothing I can learn there that cant be writting in 1 minute in-game or told to me over ts while clearing trash between bosses.


Naah, I'm pretty sure Dulfy would say just what you pointed out, that was what I wanted to underline... They were just plain clueless. ;)


I hope I wasn't misunderstood, I didn't mean to criticize you in any way! :eek:

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I stuck with them because my weekly "do 3 hm 60 fp's" was at 2/3 and I didnt know how long another pop would take.


That and also despite their attitude that their inability to understand boss mechanics = I am a bad tank they actually werent so bad, no dps pulling, healer throwing dps for a while, no comments of "hurry up" whenever I did my out-of-combat regen.


I make it sound worse than it was by pointing out the bits they did wrong (all the bosses) then blamed me for and could get away with it because they were all in same guild. The trash was actually resonably smooth apart from the comments in that room where the console is with 2 snipers, an elite with a cc, a hard hitting melee elite and a strong with a pull cord in which I was told I was useless because I didn't hold aggro (I have never seen any tank hold aggro there).


And cox, I imagine the dulfy comments was a "we think this tank is rubbish and will point him to a guide" attitude. In all honesty I haven't read dulfy, I went there once because there was a list of "missions that give elite comms" back pre 3.0 when I was gearing my first toon. Apart from that I dont use guides, ruins the fun and theres nothing I can learn there that cant be writting in 1 minute in-game or told to me over ts while clearing trash between bosses.


Patience - I have none when it comes to people wasting my time or acting rude to myself and / or others.


On my tank, I'll drop at the start if I draw more than one significantly under geared player, especially in the tighter FPs like Blood Hunt and Rishi.


If it is just one really under geared player, I may initiate a kick or wait a bit to see how it goes.


I'll also drop if it is clear from the first couple of trash pulls that the group is full of fail and I'm on carry mode, with an attempt at a kick first if it is just one player causing issues.


And lastly, I'll attempt a kick (or drop if unsuccessful) and place on ignore anyone who gets rude, yells, screams, and generally makes the run unpleasant for all.


While I'm more than willing to work with others who are willing to work together, I don't carry woefully under geared players and I don't put up with BS.

Edited by DawnAskham
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This happened last week or so, so I may be conflating a few different incidents.


Alright, so I'm levelling my Assassin Tank, and 12x XP has failed me for the last time *force choke*, so I'm just doing KDY a couple times to reach the appropriate level for my story mission.


I get in, the party is a Juggernaut Tank and a Sorceror DPS from the same guild, and a Mercenary. Don't remember his role.


The Merc disconnects IMMEDIATELY.


[Group] Octavios: Well, we're off to a great start.


So, we make it to the actual flashpoint, and are three-manning the first level pretty handily. I think it was the one with the four rooms where you have to destroy bombs and stuff. We even take care of the elite defender, and get an Operative DPS in before we fight the Station Guardian prototype. So far, so good. We make it to the next level. It's the prison.


This is where things get weird. We go into a cell block, and the Juggernaut proceeds to aggro every enemy in the room, including several elites, and more trash than I care to think about. I just start lacerating to thin the herd, but it's not enough. We wipe.


We come back, and we'd thinned them enough that when the Jugg proceeded to do the EXACT SAME THING, we manage to kill them all.


We go to the other cell block. He does it again. We get split up, and wipe again.


[Group] *Operative*: This is getting expensive.


We get back in there, and I ask why we keep aggroing all the enemies.


[Group] *Juggernaut*: FOR SPARTA


Thanks, that really answers my question. Anyway, he does it again. The Operative, who's actually fairly competent, unlike the rest of us (Yes, that includes me. Not much experience tanking.), gets knocked off the walkway.


Right onto the Elite Defender. Never fear, fellow soldier of the Empire! Our friend the Juggernaut will come to the rescue, dragging a room's worth of enemies behind him, which proceed to kill all of us.


We come back AGAIN, and this time for some reason, the Jugg starts taking the enemies group by group like a normal person. We kill the Elite Defender without incident.




We get to the Boss. The Trooper. The one with the Sticky Bombs. I'm just glad we got something other than the Jedi. Every time he uses the bombs, the Operative uses the thing that clears them off, I'm about a second behind him.


The Sorceror, however, just runs around in circles spamming Force Storm, and by the time she remembers to go to the bomb-cleaner-thingy, it's too late.


I know what you're thinking: "What about our dear friend the Juggernaut?" When he gets stickied, he...


Just keeps attacking. Doesn't even react. Then he disconnects half way through the fight, having just returned from dying a second time.


I mean, I know it's just KDY, but that was ridiculous!

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This is where things get weird. We go into a cell block, and the Juggernaut proceeds to aggro every enemy in the room, including several elites, and more trash than I care to think about. I just start lacerating to thin the herd, but it's not enough. We wipe.


We come back, and we'd thinned them enough that when the Jugg proceeded to do the EXACT SAME THING, we manage to kill them all.

Was the Jugg trying to los at all? One of the best ways to do this room is to knock one enemy off the platform to pull all of them, hide in the corner behind the door and then aoe them down as they come up.

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Was the Jugg trying to los at all? One of the best ways to do this room is to knock one enemy off the platform to pull all of them, hide in the corner behind the door and then aoe them down as they come up.


He never went behind the door, but maybe that's what he was trying to do...

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This is where things get weird. We go into a cell block, and the Juggernaut proceeds to aggro every enemy in the room, including several elites, and more trash than I care to think about. I just start lacerating to thin the herd, but it's not enough. We wipe.


We come back, and we'd thinned them enough that when the Jugg proceeded to do the EXACT SAME THING, we manage to kill them all.


We go to the other cell block. He does it again. We get split up, and wipe again.


[Group] *Operative*: This is getting expensive.


We get back in there, and I ask why we keep aggroing all the enemies.


[Group] *Juggernaut*: FOR SPARTA


Was this Juggernaut level 30 or something? He might just have been unable to contain his joy at getting Force Push. @_@

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