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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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He didn't accuse you of having OCD. He was talking about parsing without any offensive cooldowns to reach over 40 APM. :p


And no, there is no situation where Turbulence will not do damage unless you don't have 100% accuracy. Either you cancel the cast by moving (untalented utility), push esc for some reason, or just don't see the damage numbers pop up. :p



Anyway, a little napkin math on that parse you linked, and it seems you are missing out on about a whopping 600 DPS because you aren't hitting your buttons fast enough. Try turning on the ability queue (set it to 1 second) and mash the buttons while waiting - that should give you the extra DPS you need.


Of course, thats assuming you go from current APM to optimal APM. If you're a little lower (say, 40 APM on non off-the-GCD abilities instead of the 43.5 + mental alacrity that is expected), you'd be @ ~3.75k instead of the current 3.4k you're sitting on. I'd push for that much at least, because its not that hard.


Anyway, this post is constructive criticism aimed at helping you improve, not insulting you. Everyone has to start somewhere.


Oh and as for alacrity...


Stack the hell out of it. Because its fun :p

(in all seriousness though, get the old 4-piece set bonus of +5% alacrity for 15 seconds on a 20 second lockout, because that is ridiculously strong)

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(in all seriousness though, get the old 4-piece set bonus of +5% alacrity for 15 seconds on a 20 second lockout, because that is ridiculously strong)


I'm undergeared for HM DF/DP. I've asked multiple times if 110,08 Force Accuracy is enough and answer is always the same. They only need achievements (NiM previous tier + HM DF/DP).

PUG logic.


Or do you mean Campaign by any chance? Wouldn't I lose too much in form of HP and mainstat?

Edited by Halinalle
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I'm undergeared for HM DF/DP. I've asked multiple times if 110,08 Force Accuracy is enough and answer is always the same. They only need achievements (NiM previous tier + HM DF/DP).

PUG logic.


Or do you mean Campaign by any chance? Wouldn't I lose too much in form of HP and mainstat?


Could you please STOP SAYING YOU ARE UNDERGEARED for any crap?

HM DP has been cleared by ppl in 162/168 WITHOUT EXPERIENCE.


/end rant

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I'm undergeared for HM DF/DP. I've asked multiple times if 110,08 Force Accuracy is enough and answer is always the same. They only need achievements (NiM previous tier + HM DF/DP).

PUG logic.


Or do you mean Campaign by any chance? Wouldn't I lose too much in form of HP and mainstat?

I'm sorry, but this undergeared thing is not true. I've had a guildy come back after 6 months afk and 1 shot all DF HM bosses at level 57 in 172 crap gear... And he had never done HM

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Could you please STOP SAYING YOU ARE UNDERGEARED for any crap?

HM DP has been cleared by ppl in 162/168 WITHOUT EXPERIENCE.


/end rant


At this point he is probably just trolling with regard to Hp.

Edited by g_land
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u WOT M8


I guess I do derp from time to time. :o


I was the weird one in this run. I was sorting out my Sin's gear (he has three sets, PvE tank, PvE DPS and PvP DPS ) when GF popped. Zoned into Tython, Sniper DPS is overgeared with 50k health but the other DPS and healer barely reached 40k. Worried that we wouldn't make it, I suggested that we cheese the first boss by running down the stairs. Killed boss on first pull, though we lost one DPS to orbital. No problem on second boss (except healer dying to backstab debuff), and bonus boss was killed easily as well.


At this point, I was starting to notice that I seemed to be taking more damage than usual, but shrugged it off and carried on. It wasn't until the cutscene before the third boss that I knew why; I had only equipped half of my tanking gear (earpiece, implant, relics, MH OH, headgear, and chestpiece, the rest of the slots empty). :eek:


We killed last boss, and I apologized profusely to group for the derp. They laughed it off, the healer actually noticed my missing gear but thought that I was giving myself a challenge, so he said nothing. Kudos on the healer for keeping up a technically undergeared, squishy Sintank. :D

Edited by iusCogens
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Lol - derp happens. I just noticed yesterday that my BH went from level 33 to level 41 with Cunning mods instead of Aim. :o

I may have even done a KDY during that time. (I'm currently taking the BH through the story line just so I can get to Ziost to get an achievement I missed on my other toons before discovering you can't go back to the early parts of Ziost.)

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Lol - derp happens. I just noticed yesterday that my BH went from level 33 to level 41 with Cunning mods instead of Aim. :o


Hehe... On my Mercenary I once bought 2 x Reflex Barrels and 7 x Resolve Armorings (they were one after the other on the vendor). Luckily I realized my mistake just before applying the armorings to my gear and was able to refund them and buy the proper Reflex Armorings (which were above the Barrels :D).

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HM Battle Of Rishi

Queued up as guardian tank, pop, hello, inspect gear: dps in good gear, healer in basic 186 no augments, shouldnt be a problem, ppl do this in 178 gear anyway. Reached first boss: even as a full 192 set bonus guardian I kept taking loads of damage, healer wouldn't cleanse poison, his Adv Medical Probe would heal for like 4k too. Popped cooldowns at the right times, health packs, etc... still a wipe after the wookie died. Started typing explanation about cleansing poison and checked my inventory if I had any stims to give to healer... Too late. Kicked for being a **** tank by a commando dps. Good times. /ignored . I'm sure they had a lot of success when a "good tank" showed up.


SM Ravagers

Started a group as guardian tank with a shadow DPS guildie. Found 8 people pugs on fleet (one DPS invited the other 2 DPS, all from the same guild). I asked if there any first timers -- no response. Me and my guildie, as well as the healers went to the Ravagers instance. Waiting. Waiting.

me: you guys coming?

One dps guy: Can you summon?

me: No, sorry, don't have flagship.

dps guy: I'm lost

dps guy: I'm used to being summoned

me: want me to hold your hand?

dps guy: yes


Went out of the instance to bring them, they finally found their way inside. Inspected their gear. All 3 of them in mostly 168/178 gear, no augments. In my book it's unacceptable, since you get Ziost 190 easily in like 30 mins of playtime. Whispered to other tank "this might take a while, just a heads up".


Sparky took a while, healer had to type "attack boss instead of adds now" a few times, probably the longest sparky kill I've ever been part of but we made it. Loot, /roll, moving on.


Bulo: well, of course we "got crabs" before the entrance. Then "any volunteers for barrels?" the shadow tank: "I'll do it". Pretty much nobody used aggro drops, melee dps kept standing behind me (in front of the scatter attacks). Was a long fight, we somehow managed without wipes. Mostly credit to healers, they had to bring the dps pretty much from death beds every 5 secs (dps should know that blue circles = bad by now)


Torque: the healer said from the start that our dps is low, we probably should do consoles and watch for repairs. We kind of didn't. Timer ran out. Wipe. Okay, let's do it proper. Took a while, we somehow managed when we kept the boss in the middle so the dps wouldn't aoe the bots.


Master and Blaster: other tank wanted blaster, I took master. Pretty straight up fight, people stayed out of AoE, healers helped with the Master's beam of doom, the DPS kept attacking the wrong target even as we typed directions. Enrage. Wipe. Try again. Another really long barely sub-enrage fight later MnB was down. Moving on.


Cora: explained one of the fun time dpsers how to do the button. My guildie volunteered but we insisted that a rdps should do it. The sage pushed the button like once, then me and the shadow dps had to run to the button on and off during the fight. Oh and it took a bunch of yelling to direct people to attack Pearl first, even though we explained the tactic before the fight. Phase 2 went quite smooth although the "hostages" kept getting attacked". After a while we did it. Very close to the timer limit.


Overall, wasn't a bad run, just probably the longest SM Ravagers I've ever been part of. On just the edge of enrage on all bosses (and over it a couple of times). I felt like I needed a shower and a nap afterwards.


Conclusion: DPS please PLEASE get ziost gear and some augments before you do OPS. And if someone types "Any first timers?" please respond correctly. It's annoying when you make people trust that you know what you're doing and you don't. Why didn't I kick them when I inspected their gear? Curiosity.

Edited by Iffyluse
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Sort of GF but not necessarily pug. The guild decided to do a run of SnV through group finder. My sent had already done it afew days before when someone hit level 55 and asked in guild chat "whats this op stuff everyone talks about?" and we took him through NiM KP, HM tfb, SM SnV and SM DP (and now hes hooked, he really enjoyed himself).


Of course when group finder comes up with 8man SM SnV I end up joining with my shadow tank because my sent had already done it. We get 6 people from guild and fill the 4th dps and 2nd healer spot with PUG's. I may point out that at no point in the advertising on fleet did the op leader type the words "must know tactics" or anything that even resembled that. So why would the PUG healer, who is clearly new, not ask questions. Still it doesn't really matter as they only made a couple of mistakes, 1 admittedly caused problems but everyone has derp moments.


The weirdest thing was a shadow dps from the guild. When I first ran ops with the guild I did so as a sent, and as a dps I didn't really pay much attention to what other people was doing, just listened to instructions on what to do then did it.


However when I started tanking I thought I better check some stuff in order to decide where to put guard (option was this shadow with 52k hp or a sent with 52k hp who was the guilds encyclopedia and teacher type person).


In inspecting the shadow I saw (gear rating and stats):

combat technique, on a dps

head: 186 dps

body: 186 dps

hands: 186 tank

belt: 192 dps

legs: 186 dps

feet: 186 tank

offhand: 172 blue tank

mainhand: 172 blue tank with green mk-7 aim augment

Relic 1: attacks increase power (level 50)

relic 2: blocks increase defence (level 43)

wrists: 192 tank

both implants: identical 162 tank

earpiece: 186 tank


The first time I saw it I asked about it and the guild encyclopedia sent told me the guy plays tank and dps but is abit new to gearing. Ok, fine.


Anyway that was 3 weeks ago, back to yesterdays SnV run, this shadow is still in the exact same gear, combat technique and is also new to the mission but doesn't ask about tactics though the guild knows he doesn't know the fights so explains for him, but its irrelevant as he doesn't listen. He uses force wave on CD and when I write "btw, force wave is not part of tank or dps rotation" he writes "so what" and continues to spam it.


The sent encyclopedia knows me, and how annoyed I get at people who wont listen (though he knows im fine with new/strangely geared/incorrectly played, as long as they listen) and he himself is getting annoyed that despite being told about gearing and where to get basics for the past 3 weeks he has made no effort to get a full tank or dps set, let alone 1 of each.


It seems the guild is starting to lose patience with him, with afew people telling him they wont be running any more ops with him until he gets a dps or tank set and starts listening when tactics are explained. Now I can sort-of get pugs not listening, they may feel put upon, especially in a 6 guild/2 pug run, but a guild member refusing to listen to regular advice for 3 weeks is annoying.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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HM Depths of Manaan, DPSing for once on my Commando (Gunnery) with a Concentration Sentinel, a Guardian tank, and a Commando healer.


We load in, the tank takes one look at our HP and goes "sorry, healer is undergeared". (The healer had ~42k HP and was in a mix of 186s, 190s, and 192s, while the rest of us were around 48-50k HP.) I offer to switch to heals if we run into trouble, but that we should give the healer a chance first. The healer pipes up and says he's done this before, including the bonus boss; I check his 'cheeves and by the Maker, it's true.


The tank proceeds to guard the healer, and tunnelvisions enough that I'm peeling one or two strongs off the healer on most pulls. On a couple pulls, I even manage to pull whole groups off the boss just by AoEing, so I'm guessing he wasn't using his AoEs as aggressively as he should have, though he sure loved to fire off Awe when faced with large groups (i.e., the sort of groups that we DPS would love to drop big AoEs on). His AoE taunt usage isn't great either, but he does a decent enough job of directing the fights.


Sairisi went all right, but the tank made pretty much no attempt to tank the adds, and I kept having to swap around because I could never be certain which bot the Sent was on, and I really wanted to avoid the situation of one shield always being up on the boss (even after the 3.1.1 nerf to bots regeneration). Heals were studly, keeping everyone alive without trouble.


Ortuno dropped without issue, though the Sent and I usually got the adds. Heals were good. (It's a really fun fight to be a Commando DPS on because Hold The Line is really useful for getting out of puddles, and you can spam Med Shot during the Energy Eruption to help top people off while charging your cell.)


Stivastin wasn't a problem. The tank and I ping-ponged the boss (gotta love that spin kick mechanic), we all kited the adds (which always seemed to show up when there was no fire), and we killed the boss with nearly a minute to spare. Heals were again good, but I'm sure glad they nerfed the adds in 3.1.1.

A Med-Tech (Aim w/healing stats) earpiece drops at the end, and the tank Needs on it...but leaves group before the roll goes through (???), with the result that the healer gets it. I add the healer to my friends list and head on out.


Teal deer: tank calls 42k HP healer undergeared, healer does a very competent job while tank is mediocre.

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Had two very "weird" runs yesterday, and both were tacticals!


Battle of Rishi, it looks like a standard group, with everyone in mid 40's HP, and my Jug tank with 53K (192/198 gear with a stim on board. Left over from yesterday's HM BH when I really needed it!). We fly through the whole thing, barely slowing down for the first two bosses, but the final boss, the walker, was too much I guess. I've beaten that bot many times with not much hassle, and the first EMP phase is perfect with everyone getting to the shield in plenty of time. But then the adds came and that was the end for us. Being a melee tank, I need to keep moving for most of that fight, and so don't really have the luxury of looking up to see why we are wiping. Well, after second wipe I realize it's because no one is getting the adds and healz is melting away in seconds under ALL the add fire. So I say this in chat and say that I will do my best to gather up the adds, which is hard on this one because the come from all directions, but I am just hoping that this will inspire the DPS to grab a few also. Nope. We wipe again....twice more...then one DPS quits. Not the healer, who is taking all the damage and keeps dying to have huge repair bills...no, it's a DPS who quits! Requeue and get new dps right away. One-shot the boss with new dps, and it was easy. Like, I mean really easy, the way it usually is. It'a amazing how one bad dps can really screw things up.


After Rishi, I queue up again (still with my juggy), to finish the weekly, and I get Blood Hunt, tactical. All good until first boss, Jos and Valk. I get stunned and tossed off the side (DOH!). I LOL in chat and sit to watch the HP bars, as I figure this can easily be won with the three dps that are left. The fight goes a long time....too long, and they wipe. Oh well, surely if I just don't fall off the edge, we can do this. Nope. one of the DPS quits! Really? One wipe and you quit? You are more than halfway through, just spent 15 min clearing all the trash to get here and you quit?? Whatever, it was a great day for the DPS who replaced. We one-shot Jos/Valk then one-shot Torch. Only took about 10 min from that point.


First time I had any problems on a tactical for a very long time, and two in one day! Just a bad day or tacticals I guess. Can Mercury's retrograde effect players too?

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This happened to me earlier this year and this thread has constantly reminded me of it so I finally decided to add it:

SM Cademimu


I'm using one of my healers for this run, and I get put into GF with three DPS. After the very first fight, in which no one has dropped below 95%, one of them types "heals???". I had been keeping everyone topped off and added a few attacks of my own to speed through the fight. I didn't think much of the first comment, but then it happened again a couple mobs later. This time she typed "heals???" in the middle of the fight. I was busy healing the other two DPS who were in worse shape and the complainer was only at about 75% when she typed it again. I was also constantly having my CC's broken by the complainer (kept using groundquake in the beginning of fights). I'm used to people doing that in SWTOR fairly regularly, so I'm not too mad about it. Since no one was even remotely near death I again ignored the comments and we kept on.


At the first big mob with the two droids, I say in chat I'm CCing the right-side droid. As soon as I hit the CC, she immediately groundquakes the complete right side of the mob. The entire mob aggros her and she dies in about three seconds. Since I can now ignore her, I keep the other two DPS's alive long enough for the mob to wipe (one of the DPS dies after my focus gets eaten up). Complainer then starts railing at me for not healing her or the other DPS who died. I'm sort of in shock at what I'm seeing and don't really know what to say in this situation, but since the other two aren't complaining, we keep going. However, now I'm spam-healing the complainer, even when she's at 100%, hopefully just to shut her up (which actually works). But now the fights are moving slower because I'm not attacking anything at all, or even trying to CC since she'd just keep groundquaking the whole time.


Right before we get to the Wookie boss, she hot-shots it ahead of us and starts jumping over stair rails to get down there faster. She mistimes her jump and falls right into the gap between two rails and plummets to her death. I was in the middle of typing "Did I not heal you fast enough there?" when she just quit the group without saying anything. We didn't get any more help in GF for the rest of the FP, but since we all knew what we were doing and didn't have anyone breaking my CC's, we finished without any problems whatsoever.

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This happened to me earlier this year and this thread has constantly reminded me of it so I finally decided to add it:

SM Cademimu


I'm using one of my healers for this run, and I get put into GF with three DPS. After the very first fight, in which no one has dropped below 95%, one of them types "heals???". I had been keeping everyone topped off and added a few attacks of my own to speed through the fight. I didn't think much of the first comment, but then it happened again a couple mobs later. This time she typed "heals???" in the middle of the fight. I was busy healing the other two DPS who were in worse shape and the complainer was only at about 75% when she typed it again. I was also constantly having my CC's broken by the complainer (kept using groundquake in the beginning of fights). I'm used to people doing that in SWTOR fairly regularly, so I'm not too mad about it. Since no one was even remotely near death I again ignored the comments and we kept on.


At the first big mob with the two droids, I say in chat I'm CCing the right-side droid. As soon as I hit the CC, she immediately groundquakes the complete right side of the mob. The entire mob aggros her and she dies in about three seconds. Since I can now ignore her, I keep the other two DPS's alive long enough for the mob to wipe (one of the DPS dies after my focus gets eaten up). Complainer then starts railing at me for not healing her or the other DPS who died. I'm sort of in shock at what I'm seeing and don't really know what to say in this situation, but since the other two aren't complaining, we keep going. However, now I'm spam-healing the complainer, even when she's at 100%, hopefully just to shut her up (which actually works). But now the fights are moving slower because I'm not attacking anything at all, or even trying to CC since she'd just keep groundquaking the whole time.


Right before we get to the Wookie boss, she hot-shots it ahead of us and starts jumping over stair rails to get down there faster. She mistimes her jump and falls right into the gap between two rails and plummets to her death. I was in the middle of typing "Did I not heal you fast enough there?" when she just quit the group without saying anything. We didn't get any more help in GF for the rest of the FP, but since we all knew what we were doing and didn't have anyone breaking my CC's, we finished without any problems whatsoever.


One of the other DPS was a tank.

Cademimu is not a tactical flashpoint.

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One of the other DPS was a tank.

Cademimu is not a tactical flashpoint.


Whoever the mystery tank was (the GF identified the three as DPS, I wasn't "guessing" they were DPS) he/she was not tanking.

The point of the post was not that this was hard without a tank. I've cleared many flashpoints with all sorts of combinations that are not optimal with ease. The point was the person's actions that I described that made them one of The Weird People You Meet in Group Finder.

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HM rakata. I am on my 50k jugg tank with a 36k op healer, 50k sorc dps and 49 dps.


First pull the sorc pulls first then complains they have aggro. Of course my response is entirely polite :p


Second one, with the 2 ranged enemies spread out and 3 melee. I grab aggro on 1 ranged and 3 melee and check to see how the enemy I left is doing. Its shooting the healer. I go grab aggro on it and start running around to keep hitting stuff. The melee enemies are running all over the place following me. After the pull the sorc writes

sorc: "why are you pulling the enemies out of my aoe?"

me: "I am getting aggro on the enemies"

sorc: "your job is to position enemies to be killed quickly"

me: "my job is to keep stuff off the healer, you dps can either help with that or derp"


the sorc stays quiet and from there decides their kill order is strongest -> weakest. At the pull by the waterfall both dps tunnel-vision the elite while I kill the 2 dogs, staff warrior and ranged enemy. After killing them all I turn to target the elite and see it has 78% left while the sorc has 54% after dropping low and being spam healed by the healer.


The pull before the first boss, the ambush with 5 standard melee enemies, 1 strong ranged and 1 elite healer I kill all 5 standards plus the strong in the time it takes both dps to take the elite down to 10%, the sorc at that point having 11% left. I ask the dps if they would like to follow kill order from then on but the sorc informs me that healer takes precedence. I suggest if they want to kill something they should try doing some proper dps, pointing out I am currently killing faster than them. The sorc tells me to shut up and we get to the first boss....


In which the rancor which is only being hit by me is killed before the staff guy dies, granted staff guy only had 2% left when I killed the rancor but it still stands that my 186/192 geared tank is out dpsing two 192 geared dps.


this pretty much sets the standard, with the dps being useless and ignoring all suggestions pertaining to kill order. At the end the sorc points out how crap I was at tanking because I didn't hold aggro on Darok in the final boss and they inform me that any tank who cant hold 2 enemies go on their ignore (obviously holding aggro on trash doesn't count, but that was guaranteed anyway with their low dps). I reply with "2 dps who get out dps'ed by a lower geared tank ought to give up."

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Another few interesting runs.


First was tython tactical. Group was my 60 jugg tank, 60 sorc dps, 60 jugg dps and 58 sin dps. We cruise our way through with hardly any issues. Just after the second boss the 60 jugg puts a vote kick my the 58 sin with reason box left empty

me: "why?"

sorc: "?"

sin: "lol"


No reply so I suggest that it might be one of those "you need to be level 60 to do a level 55 tactical" type of kicks to which the sorc says it cant possibly be that because its just idiotic. I suggest that perhaps that does apply to this jugg as for all we know me may be utterly useless and require 3 level 60's to get him through a tfp due to his level of derp. Once the vote fails the jugg quits group without a word.



Then a HM korriban, my jugg tank, sorc dps, jugg dps (both from same guild as me) and op healer. The jugg dps pulls before the tank and has gold fever. On the first boss he tunnel-visions the boss, but still doesnt manage to rip aggro off me during the time I spend killing the adds, which says alot about his dps. Afterwards the jugg dps and sorc dps ninja loots.


I apologise in group chat to the operative, hoping he wont see these 2 utterly pathetic dps, their guild name, then look at my guild name and think I am as hopeless as those 2 by extension. Of course writing this in group chat means both the dps can read it and start going on about how pro they are. This is just after the first boss and, I assume in order to demonstrate they are pro's both dps decide to pull ahead of me on the 1 at the top of the lift which is usually los'ed. They both die, I wait with the healer in the los position for all enemies to bunch up, pop sabre reflect and complete the pull.


We wait for the 2 pro dps to come back, which takes a while as they both keep stopping to type about how much better they are than me and the healer. After the convo the jugg dps decides he still wants to prove how good he is so he pulls ahead and utterly fails to hold aggro off the healer who is too polite to let a chain pulling dps who runs ahead of the tank die. I apologise to the healer each time as they usually end up being the one close to death because as soon as they start to carry the jugg dps they get all the aggro, while I am tunnel-visioning in the hope the jugg dps will die.


At the second boss the jugg dps ignores all mechanics, writes in chat about how nooby my tanking is as the green beam keeps hitting random targets because I cant hold aggro and again ignores all adds. The operative is now joining in commenting on how rubbish the jugg is. The sorc isn't so bad, they tunnel-vision the boss but when I write "dps on adds" the move to adds then write "what? your tank too weak to kill them?".


The op ends up asking me why I stay in the guild when there are people like these 2 in it. I say its because its a big guild so fast operation pops and with a big guild, by law of averages, theres going to be a few idiots.


At the end, after killing the final boss in which both dps stood in red circles of exploding droids and neither of them kill the stun droids, and the jugg told the healer they were crap every time the boss did the "lift in the air, do some jumping around then knockback" bit because it caused large damage to the entire group. Which clearly, if the group is taking damage it must be a healer issue, nothing to do with the fight mechanics.



Went on my shadow tank and got a pop for tython tactical again. The group was a 60 commando dps, 60 shadow dps and 60 sorc healer.


The commando constantly pulled ahead of my tank, but I didnt really care as it was a lvl 55 tactical so it wont matter. What was annyoing was after every single pull they told me I was a crap tank because they were getting hit. I pointed out the utter idiocy of pulling before the tank and throwing a tantrum about being hit to which they replied "well maybe you should guard me so my damage goes to you" and my response is to suggest they l2p before telling other people how to.


They attempted to kick me 8 times throughout the mission but none succeeded.

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HM Tython / Tanking:


Load in and the healer is already sprinting for the first console, tries to stealth cap, fails. I pick up the trash, kill it off with the dps, start moving off to the next.


Healer again tries to stealth cap, one of the dps (not stealth) follows too close to the healer in stealth, pulls the pack by the console. The other dps runs through the pack (avoidable) at bottom pulling it. I try to pick up what I can, but this end as well as can be expected - we wipe.


Healer says not to follow them - stealth caps the node while the rest of us are running back. Proceeds to third console to stealth cap, fails, dies, we kill off the trash.


I finally start my first tank pull of the run on the trash at bottom of stairs leading to boss.


One of the dps though decides they don't want to kill the trash and tells me it is 'avoidable' (the same dps who ran through and pulled a trash pack earlier btw) and proceeds to try and 'go around' only to pull another pack of trash.


Again this ends about as well as expected - we wipe again - haven't even gotten to the first boss.


The DPS pipes up 'why are we bothering to kill that pack anyway' to which I reply, not nicely I might add, that with what I've seen of the group so far it is a given someone would pull that pack during fight.


I also state my thoughts around dps who pull trash, especially those that pull easily avoidable trash and wipe the group multiple times.


I drop group and ignore the dps who had pulled several times while trying to give me advice on what to avoid.


Interestingly enough, they were a low HP (never inspected gear so no idea how decent or bad) mara, pvp flagged, from some guild with one of those names that make you shake your head.

Edited by DawnAskham
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This post reminds me of the good old days I used to pug things, I should do this again :)


I remember once me and my guildie joined a pug S&V. We both had cleared the op on HM on our mains and we joined on our alts for ***** and giggles really (we were getting a bit bored with the game). When we entered, we noticed the other 6 members were all of the same guild. The Ops leader asked us if we knew what we were doing, to which me and my friend replied 'yup, we know the tacts'. When we zoned in, I remember my friend saying: 'Nice this'll be an easy one! They are in the same guild and are full 168 set bonus, for the most part.'. He was a DPS and I was a tank. My first time tanking it, but clearing it on HM with DPS gave me a general idea of what I was doing and I did know how to play the class (PT) itself.


First boss: Nobody picked up the shield, then a merc picked it up, but had no clue what to do with it. I typed in chat: 'run to the next generator', but he probably didn't know what I meant. then I said: 'Follow me' He did, but it was too late so we wiped. I explained in chat what was supposed to happen with it and sure, no problem 2nd time.


Now, 4th boss, this was priceless! After assigning everybody to a team, we went in and succesfully killed the squads spread throughout the city. Me and my friend were in the same team and made it to the door first. Then, we see somebody else coming, with (i **** you not) about 10-13 droids behind him! Me and my friend were completely baffled. Since we can't CC 10-13 adds, we started getting to work on killing them. The DPS that pulled them hid behind a corner untill all was past. I do have to give credit to one of their healers, he helped us and made us able to kill it. Now when we are about to finish of the last 2- 3 adds remaining, the rest of the group arrives and we carry on.


Throughout all of this, one of their guildies was shouting in russian or something, no clue about what. for the rest I can't remember anything during the op that was particularily bad.


After the ops, the ops leader apologized to us for the performance of his group. I whispered him back: 'Np, we got it done nonetheless :)', so did my friend, but he asked after that: 'Btw, were all of you on teamspeak?' Since the answer to that was: 'yes', 5 minutes of continuous laughter followed and everybody joining our TS just going to another channel.


So, 3 hours after my friend said: 'Nice, this'll be a quick one', we thanked the maker for giving us, at the time, very frustrating, but looking back, one of the best and funniest evenings of our lives :)

Edited by SpecialBelug
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Went on my shadow tank and got a pop for tython tactical again. The group was a 60 commando dps, 60 shadow dps and 60 sorc healer.


The commando constantly pulled ahead of my tank, but I didnt really care as it was a lvl 55 tactical so it wont matter. What was annyoing was after every single pull they told me I was a crap tank because they were getting hit. I pointed out the utter idiocy of pulling before the tank and throwing a tantrum about being hit to which they replied "well maybe you should guard me so my damage goes to you" and my response is to suggest they l2p before telling other people how to.


They attempted to kick me 8 times throughout the mission but none succeeded.



Uh another prime example of why no one wants to tank in GF games any more, I can assume these DPS were probably the same ones complaining all the time about how long they have to wait in GF because of the lack of Tanks only to then do nothing but **** talk them the entire game :rolleyes: You could have been the best tank who ever lived and they'd still find reason to bad mouth you about something.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I just had a weird run of Cademinu SM. I'm leveling a Sin tank during the 12xp event, and have had surprisingly good experiences in PUGs. That changed today. I zone in and see that the group is my lvl 34 sin tank (8.8k health), a lvl 27 4k merc, a lvl 30 4.7k merc, and a lvl 27 5k mara. I am slightly horrified by those stats, but decide to see how it goes anyways. I start the first pull, and it quickly becomes apparent that this everyhting is as bad as it looks: the healer can barely heal, the dps is horrible, and the first fight takes ages. The merc healer then dissapears, but the system says that he is in the FP:confused:. After 5 minutes we vote kick him, and the mara pulls out Quinn. All of the fights are dragging on, and we finally wipe on one fight (the merc pulled a different groups of mobs than me). He quits without a word, and I pull out Andronikos


We continue on our way, and are having an easier time than we did with the two mercs: Andronikos does more DPS, and Quinn does more heals. We wipe on one fight, but get the the first boss without anything else going wrong. I start the pull, and we take down the boss without a problem. We continue along with no deaths until we get to the Wookie boss. Again, we have no problems in the fight, and it finishes quickly. We have a few small problems on the way to the final boss, and all of the problems occur while running through the mobs. Anyhow, we start the fight, and wipe after a few minutes. We decide to try again, and wipe quickly this time-- neither of us managed to get out of the flames in time.The mara and I decide to try it one more time. I start the pull and, like usually, Quinn can't quite heal as fast as Ortol damages me. We avoid the flames from the rockets, but I end up combat stealthing when Ortol is at 20% health because I'm about to die. Ortol starts wailing on the mara, I exit stealth and we kill him:cool:. I crack a few jokes, add the mara to my friends list, and then exit the FP.

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finally i've a new one


HM tython:


i've a shadow tank, scoundrel healer, mando dps, guardian dps

we proceed and i see the guardian is skipping all the adds, we all follow him.

we risk a wipe at first boss since as usual the dps is a bit low and the mechanic not very good executed.

right after i ninja cap the consoles with the help of the scoundrel, the guardian realizes that he needs one more bonus boss kill to do the achievement, and we skipped a lot of trash :rak_frown:

so we rush the temple, kill the trash there and fortunately those and the consoles guys are enough to get the bonus boss.

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Korriban hm

3 guys from the same guild, all vendor geared.

We get to the robot, dps too low we wipe on his (soft?) enrage. We try some more, but the samen thing over and over.. im a decent healer but if it takes to long then eventualy we will wipe. I somehow not speak up about the dps thinking they will know.. instead the tank says that I should not take so much damage.. pffffff

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