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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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You wouldn't be getting ready for Council after Calphayus; you still had Raptus to do. Also, the tauntaun is a reward for completing the story for DF, not DP.


As I said it was a rather long time ago. Raptus was actually relatively easy, Calphayus caused the most wipes.*And I haven't run it more than once since then*


That all came out rather mangled.


Should probably just condense it.


Wiped a lot at Calphayus, entirely because people wouldn't go to the correct side.

Wiped a lot at the Council.

Went through 29 people total.

It took 4 hours.

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Worst case I've seen. "Stack endurance on healer":

Group in video is different one but it's most likely same Op and see how he has no difficulties.


That vid, he mentioned something I hear other people go on about and I have no idea how to do it, would be useful though.


He mentioned legacy transfer of resurrected/revanite gear.


How is that done? I cant mail tokens between characters, if I trade the tokens with the vendor and mail the gear it wont let me and they arent in collections.


I would love to use my sniper to stack my scoundrel out in full 198 set pieces the second he pings 60.


He is also a complete pr*ck, throwing a tantrum over 1 comment from 1 tank.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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That vid, he mentioned something I hear other people go on about and I have no idea how to do it, would be useful though.


He mentioned legacy transfer of resurrected/revanite gear.


How is that done? I cant mail tokens between characters, if I trade the tokens with the vendor and mail the gear it wont let me and they arent in collections.


I would love to use my sniper to stack my scoundrel out in full 198 set pieces the second he pings 60.


He is also a complete pr*ck, throwing a tantrum over 1 comment from 1 tank.


Legacy Gear.

Pull out the mods from the tokens and put them into legacy bound gear. You then can send this around. Since set bonuses are bound to the armoring, you don't even loose them. :)

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Legacy Gear.

Pull out the mods from the tokens and put them into legacy bound gear. You then can send this around. Since set bonuses are bound to the armoring, you don't even loose them. :)


Does that also mean I can get tokens on my sniper then spend them on, for example vanguard tanking gear and gear an aim-based, heavy armour, different role character?

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This weekend I learnt a lesson... Never queue for HM 60s at 3am on ToFN.


I don't have a lot of people on my ignore list but this weekend I added two tanks.




Battle of Rishi HM. My Operative healer, Sniper dps, Jug dps and I think Assassin tank. I zone in, the Jug and myself skip the first group and stand waiting on the beach for the other two. The sniper zones in and says something like "I'm a noob, hope that's ok". The tank immediately asks what his gear level is and starts giving him a hard time. The Sniper has more HP than the tank does and says he's in a mix of 186 and 192. The tank walks straight into the first group and I have to run to heal him, sigh.


The tank is a bit squishy but his threat generation is good on the trash so I think it should be an ok run, but as the flashpoint progresses it becomes obvious that the tank doesn't actually know it. He's probably run the tactical a few times but not the hard mode. He doesn't skip anything and ignores HM mechanics. Somehow I manage to keep us all alive on the first boss despite running out of resources twice.


We get to the second boss and the tank and Jug ignore the lightning balls leaving them all for myself and the sniper, who starts running into them after seeing me do it. We wipe. I mention the mechanic and we try again. And again and again, each time wiping to the soft enrage when one of them dies. Eventually the tank realises we need to take them both down together but not before he complains about a lack of healing saying "you should be healing so much I have kolto coming out of my ***!" He would have kolto coming out his *** but Master Obai's yellow AOEs are deep in there.


Eventually we get to the final boss. During the cutscene I remind everyone about the EMP and the adds. On the first try Jug and tank both die to the EMP. :rolleyes: Second try they ignore the adds and I die, followed rapidly by everyone else. And so it continues with them standing in the AOE, ignoring adds and trying to survive the EMP just long enough to pick their noses or something. I lost count of the number of wipes. Eventually the tank insults my healing yet again and quits, followed a second later by the Jug. Terribad Tank #1 goes on ignore.


The sniper and I parted ways but met again about an hour later to run the same FP with a much better group. Well I say a better group.... the tank couldn't hold threat as well but at least he was polite, friendly and actually knew the tactics, which he took time to explain to our other dps because he was new. We took three tries to kill the final boss but otherwise no problems and it was an enjoyable run.




Depths of Manaan HM. Queue popped while I was in the middle of the solo Revan fight. Normally I would click Decline but since it was 3am and the chance of another group is so low I accepted then apologised that I would be a bit late. One of the dps said something along the lines of "no worries" and I focussed my attention on Revan. As I was finishing the fight a vote kick on that dps appeared, I abstained since I had no idea what it was about and it failed. I finished with Revan and loaded Manaan in time to see the tank and dps shouting at each other before the dps quit group. He later whispered me: good luck with that "tank"!


We decided to get started with a comp while we waited for a replacement dps. We had my Op, Sin dps and Jug tank. On the first trash the tank walked straight past the two mobs at the doorway, ignored them and did idk what because they promptly killed me. He said he didn't see them, must be bugged. Second pull I got all the aggro again and spent most of my time healing myself. In the corridor that leads to the first boss he managed to pull two groups at once, most of whom focussed on me and we wiped.


Normally at this point I would give up but something masochistic in me decided to see how bad it could get. We got a replacement dps (Marauder) in time for the first boss and it actually went quite well. I did find myself tanking the boss most of the time but the occasional aggro drop when my health was getting too low helped a lot.


On the way to Ortuno I die to trash in the room with the spread out enemies that includes two golds because the tank has no aggro at all. By this point I've realised the Marauder is tanking anything I'm not and most of my heals are going to him or myself.


They let me stealth the two consoles and thankfully decide to skip the bonus boss so we get to Ortuno. First try we lose two people to Flow, including the tank. I combat rez him but he doesn't heal before returning to combat and we wipe. I say we need to be quicker running away from Flow, that it comes after Mass Project and suggest we all run to the same corner which I mark for AOE heals (the one the water never reaches). The tank opens as I'm typing. The first Flow comes and myself and the dps run to the corner I marked, the tank runs the opposite way. Adds appear and guess who is tanking them... me. I pop my DCDs and concentrate on healing myself till the dps down them. Meanwhile the tank is kiting Ortuno all over the room. The Marauder tells him to keep the boss in one place but he ignores him. Even using my roll I have trouble staying out of the water on the next Flow and we lose the tank and one dps again.


I'm not sure how mant times we tried to kill Ortol but the last one went on so long that I was worried he would enrage and despite using combat rez on a dps who died to the first Flow it was off cooldown to use on the tank later. Of course he ran straight into combat again without trying to heal and died. We finally killed Ortuno with only 1 dps and myself alive. The Jug tank has not used Intercede once.


On to the final boss. Now I know this one is basically untankable but you could at least try. Our tank didn't but the Marauder made a serious attempt. Adds were a problem for me (who else would they bother with) but I took them into the flames when available and used DCDs & aggro drop when they weren't. At several points the others stood fighting adds or the boss with flames across the other side of the room. The tank dies because he's standing on the other side of the room while I'm next to the flames he should be dragging the boss into and we wipe.


I say we need to be quicker getting to the flames and that if you have adds on you drag them into the flames too. At this point the Marauder says that the Sin is bad, he's only using basic attack. I don't have a Sin so I've no idea what their attacks should look like so I say nothing. Then the tank decides to have a go at me. Apparently I shouldn't be telling him how to do the flashpoint when I've been running around instead of healing. I consider saying he'd get healing if he was taking damage but the dps and myself are taking all of it and have been for the whole FP but if I say anything now the whole party will fall apart and we're so close to the end so I stay silent.


The second try goes much like the first but I put some HOTs on the Marauder just before the adds kill me and the other three manage to kill the boss while I lie on the floor.


We watch the cutscene, Terribad Tank #2 goes on ignore and I can't even be bothered to say goodbye. The run took over an hour and I had a 90k repair bill. :(


TL:DR: Tanks that don't know HM mechanics, are probably wearing dps gear, don't like it when you politely tell them mechanics and rage at the healer end up on ignore.

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Does that also mean I can get tokens on my sniper then spend them on, for example vanguard tanking gear and gear an aim-based, heavy armour, different role character?


All legacy armors as far as I know are adaptive so if you can get tokens you can use any character to do it. Just make sure you use armor that isn't restricted to specific class (class vendors on DK/Coruscant). A lot of reputation vendors have full 7-piece legacy set available: Yavin, CZ, Oricon, Bounty event, Gree, SectionX/BH... Just choose the one you like or has best pricing for you.


For example my Sage:


Armor: Red Scalene (Bound to Legacy, Gree)

MH: Kingpin's Lightsaber (Bound to Legacy, Nightlife)

Next: Bound to Legacy Focus from Gree vendor on Ilum

Note: Relics, implants, earpieces can't be transfered

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I decide to get some gear for my merc whom is currently 186 un-augmented.


I reckon I am undergeared for HM 60 so just get the daily elites from tfp, hm 55, the weekly tfp and the group finder lvl 55 hm mission.


I get into a HM 55 and look at the group. This should be easy: 54k sin dps, 44k pt dps and 58k jugg tank. However it becomes clear it wont be when the pt decides he is a tank and pulls the 2 strong droids himself while us 3 kill the patrolling elite. You would have thought a 44k lvl 60 against 2 lvl 55 strongs would be a one sided fight and indeed it was: the pt died with 1 droid at 100% and the other at 72%.


However he is not going to let that stop him. The pt goes and pulls the huge pull, pretty much instantly drops to 20%, I throw 1 heal and get all the aggro. We finish the pull and I suggest "if you are utterly pathetic and hopeless, I suggest you let the tank do his stuff". The pt doesnt reply but allows the tank to pull afew times, at which point I see its rather irrelevent who is pulling as the tank tunnel-visions so I have aggro no matter who pulls.


Meanwhile the 54k sin dps has clearly worked out the peak of sin dps is basic -> basic -> basic -> overload -> basic -> basic etc.... I decide to check them, as 54k on a dps has got to be a fair few 198's. I inspect and they are in 186, end high on everything.


I spend all the pulls up to the first boss with every smidge of aggro on every pull. We do the first boss, me tanking it because the tank is attacking adds. By now I am annoyed, I always get annoyed whenever dps and tanks take an attitude of "its only 55, let the healer carry us" so I stop healing, I just dps my way through. Of course this results in the pt dieing then moaning about lack of heals, to which I say "if you wont dps and tank wont tank why should I heal?"

pt: "because you need to heal to get us through"

me: "or, rather than 3 of the group acting like they are currently having a stroke, and the 4th doing everything, we could have all 4 just doing a half-assed job"

tank: "if it will shut up your dumb moaning I will tank"


He puts a guard on me, the healer, then starts pulls with taunt -> charge -> ravage -> etc. I ask if the tank has started tanking yet, pointing out guarding a healer and opening with taunt doesn't seem like tanking to me.


We get to the second boss and both dps ignore the droid, so I start dpsing it because even at level 60 its damage is quite high, and this tank wouldnt know a DCD even if his game screen were to zoom in on it and make it glow. Of course by attacking the droid I get aggro, and when healing through its damage I rip aggro on the other 2 enemies. We complete and carry on.


Final boss, first set of adds I knock them back off, second set I solo. Third set appears the opposite side of the platform from me, meaning they have to run right through the middle of the other 3 in order to get to me, meaning they will be killed before getting to me. Of course they aren't, I solo the adds again. I decide not to heal any more. Why should I do all the healing of a tank who ignores DCD's and both dps ignoring adds. Of course the pt points out I should be healing to which I say "why? I can either heal and solo the boss and adds, or I can just solo the boss and adds, the second option is quicker."


We complete, the tank survivng as I name the DCD's he has and he finally uses them. I leave without saying a damn word.


I *********** hate the "we dont need to do this properly, we have a healer" attitude.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I met someone a few times over the past few days. They seemed like a perfectly innocent new player at first. I just found out the are not.


Over the weekend, I was on my sniper queuing for HM 60. Got a pop for korriban and zone in. The group is my 53k sniper, a 58k jugg tank and 54k merc healer. The fourth group member is an op dps with 17k hp. I think I ought to inspect, this is 60 HM after all.


They are mostly lvl 45 blues, afew 49 blues and the odd lvl 53. We set off, I dont mention the op's hp, but its apparent after the first pull the healer has noticed. They write in group chat "<ops name> careful where you stand and about aggro, Im abit paranoid about you dieing with that gear"

op: "will do"


The group has a short coversation which goes along the lines of "lets see how this pans out, as us 3 should be geared enough to carry him, and hes well played, he knows op dps is melee, for example". As it turns out this healer and tank are poetry in motion (probably helps they are in the same guild), we complete the mission with few issues. The op dies once in the academy due to a couple of jedi sentinels using aoe's and the op not having room to get away.



Earlier today I queue up with my sniper and eventually get a pop. I zone in and the tank, a sin, says "hi <my name>". I am confused that they singled me out for hello's so ask if I know them. They tell me that they are the main of that op from the weekend. I cheekly ask him how his gearing is coming along and get a "lol" for reply.


We go and stand by the first pull, but instead of pulling the sin puts a vote kick on the merc healer, reason: undergeared

me: "whats that about?"

tank: "he has 43k hp"

me: "Are you *********** serious? you jump into HM 60 on your alt with 45 blues, but when someone joins in 186 purples they get kicked?"

tank: "the difference is I was a dps that time, undergeared dps doesnt matter, undergeared healer does"

me: "he has 43k, thats probably 186 un-augmented, and you only have 48k yourself"

tank: "thats more than him"

healer: "sorry, ill go so you can get a better healer"

me: "dont, it will be fine, the tank is just being silly"


Sadly the healer had already left. The tank then writes "bye noob".


Thats the final straw. I inform him what I think of him, state that the next time I see his op in HM 60 it will be kicked for being undergeared and quit the group.

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Offences scale up, so I speak to the Healer and get to see why I was a replacement. Apparently, the Tank changed 8 DPS throughout the FP before I came along, because apparently they were all "undergeared".

My mission tooltip says you need 178 rating gear for HM FPs lvl 60, but apparently that's not true anymore... :confused:



Unfortunately that attitude is getting worse and worse... people that want you in full 198 gear for a freakin' SM raid and want you to link the achievement to prove you've done it before...


I made the joke (not really a joke) in general chat that I'm reminded of trying to get a credit card in the 90's. Had to have credit (the achievement) to get credit (the achievement)... so until you find that rare bank willing to take a risk (teach you the op) then you are screwed.

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Unfortunately that attitude is getting worse and worse... people that want you in full 198 gear for a freakin' SM raid and want you to link the achievement to prove you've done it before...


I made the joke (not really a joke) in general chat that I'm reminded of trying to get a credit card in the 90's. Had to have credit (the achievement) to get credit (the achievement)... so until you find that rare bank willing to take a risk (teach you the op) then you are screwed.


A continuation on the gearing thing. I have noticed that usually the people who say "you need 192 for HM 60 fp" are the ones who have 192 or higher. Then people who are in 198 request that others have 198. People in 186 arent too fussed, until they get 192 and start demanding 192.


Now to me it was the other way round. When my sniper was 186 I would want the group to be at least 178 to be able to complete the mission. Now my sniper has 198 6-piece set I dont really care about other peoeple's gear on the basis that I can cover for any lack of dps from the other guy, I can cope with a bit of aggro I might rip from an tank and I wont cause healing stress because I am overgeared so kill stuff before they do serious damage to me.


I really dont understand the attitude of "you have to have similar or better gear than I do". If someone is hugely overgeared then the gear of the group is completely irrelevant. As I wrote in a previous post myself and a 198 geared healer with 198/192 geared tank carried a 17k op through korriban HM.


I did ask one person in the guild once, who was 192/198, they were asking for group to do a HM 60 and I offered my tank in 186 augmented. They kicked me for being undergeared and when I asked they said "I dont gain anything from HM 60, therefore I want an easy run because I cant be bothered working my way through for no reward." When I asked why they are asking for HM 60 if they dont want to do it due to no benefit they say "conquest points." Of course in the end they are asking in guild chat for about an hour and still no group so they give up, during which time I had been queued and done 2 HM 60's. I queue up again and guess who is on the gf pop? That guild member, and how many times do they rip aggro off my "undergeared" tank? None.


Funny how they wasted an hour on the idea that I am too noob to bask in their presence, then it turns out that my gear was just fine.

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Manaan TFP


All of them were a bit weird. They kept inspecting me between bosses. At the final boss fight when boss' shield dropped I popped Force Empowerment and all three of them stopped attacking the boss, no adds. And then they kept inspecting me for rest of the fight while doing "a bit of damage".


And they ran from pull to pull usually letting me to solo last elite in pull.

Edited by Halinalle
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I have a funny one.


Queuing on my Sorc heal, got Korriban HM. Zoomed in, a PT tank and two Sniper DPS, all three from the same guild. A sign of either a great run, or a horrible fail... Well, at least Korriban is a short one. Tank put guard on me, which I clicked off, but before I typed that he should put guard on one of the overgeared Snipers, tank explained that it was intentional. Apparently an argument in guild got a bit heated up, and tank wanted to prove he could keep aggro from overgeared DPS without guard. I laughed, accepted the guard and off we went.


The whole time the tank and DPS snarked and called each other terribads. (They aren't. Nobody stood in circles, timed the use of DCDs, and generally being awesome). Special mention goes to both Snipers who cleared the first floor almost without a dent on their health while tank and I went up. We oneshot everything, and added each other to friend list. One of the most fun runs I've had in a while, really restored my faith in GF. :D

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they were asking for group to do a HM 60 and I offered my tank in 186 augmented. They kicked me for being undergeared

my first day of tanking was right after leveling - I had 186 comms gear with main hand 178 dps mods from yavin and i think belt and braces were also 178 dps gear. I queued for hm and got Battle of Rishi group in progress - last boss. They said they wiped several times before their tank left. I warned healer about my gear, group was fine with giving me a chance and we killed the boss on the first try. So yeah - if other members are overgeared then they can carry most everyone through as long as the "carrie" is doing their jobs and not being stupid.

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While ago, I actually got in a group with my newly leveled Tank Guardian on 55 in a Czerka TFP when I switched to one of my outfits on the designer. One of them was a crafted set of willpower and strength gear for the looks. First thing I see when I get into the instance is a kick with reason "low level wrong stat gear". It goes through, I tell them to look at my HP score (which was I believe around 35-36k at that time), but the others wouldn't have it. Ran an Athiss HM after that with the same gear look, but noone complained lol. People need to be more aware of the outfit designer function.


Actually met one of the groupmembers of the group later who apologized, realizing I was right and that they should've looked at my gear and HP score.


Also ran a Manaan TFP on my Merc tonight, when one Sin DPS kept chainpulling everything. Now I know we could survive that, but while chain pulling he kicked down every single barrel for heals (and achievement most likely). Eventually we just stayed back and he died. We didn't bother reviving him, forcing him to revive to medcenter.


Sin DPS: "You SOBs! Why didn't you revive me?"

Me: "Well you didn't bother to wait for us to get to full health."

Sin DPS: "*Well I won't repeat what he said but it was aweful* Lol you cannot beat this instance without me, I have killed NiM Dread Council when it came out first, HM Revan within a week."


Obviously he didn't, he didn't even touch Ravagers or Temple of Sacrifice according to his achievements. Funny how people expect you to believe them when their achievements say otherwise.

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one Sin DPS...he kicked down every single barrel for heals (and achievement most likely).


I pissed off someone like that a while ago in mannan HM. I was sniper dps, a sorc healer, merc dps and jugg tank. The sorc healer does no healing what-so-ever because they are too busy kicking every barrel they see. However the tank is good and geared so doesnt need heals, just pauses once in a while to regen health. After getting to the first boss and, while waiting for the sorc to catch up, clicking second console for bonus boss the sorc writes "im not doing bonus". I check their achievements and they have all 3 main bosses 9 times and bonus 0 times.


We kill the first boss, then set off, get to where the bonus is and the pt and tank go in an write bonus:

healer: "no"

me: "the healer already said they are incapable of doing it"

healer: "lol, what you babbling noob?"

me: "you are letting the tank nearly die because you are busy popping barrels instead of healing. You pop barrels which are miles away from the group so offer no benefit at all. Its probably because you want the achievements. Strangely you are letting the group get in trouble for the sake of your achievements, yet refuse to do a boss which has an achievment tied to it. The fact that you are an achievement hunter who refuses to collect an achievement suggests you have tried and utterly failed and, to maintain the pretense you aren't so useless as to not be able to heal a frankly easy fight, you flat out refuse to do it. That is why I think you are incapable of doing it"

healer: "lol gl finding any healer who can get you through this, you probably wouldn't know that the final boss is difficult"


healer quits, we requeue and for now use the mercs mako to heal, him putting it on and off passive to move it around the droid adds and him off-healing to deal with damage spikes such as when I do the "pop 1 of the 3 adds" bit. We then get a new healer on route to ortol and finish with no issues.


On the recurring subject of Marrader/Sentinel "tanks", I can understand why people get confused. Even BioWare gets confused sometimes!




Thats been happening for months. Gf calls jedi guardians jedi sentinels and jedi sentinels jedi guardians. Funny bit is the picture on the right which denotes spec is still from the old class. So my sents gf pop refers to me as a watchman guardian.

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On the recurring subject of Marrader/Sentinel "tanks", I can understand why people get confused. Even BioWare gets confused sometimes!




Never had that happen ... wow


On topic:

Just came out of a Foundry SM run on my new Sin DPS ... Tank was no tank ofcourse and the healer was a healer but seemed busy healing himself rather then concentrating on the fight. And when he didn't heal himself, he DPSsed. Suffice to say I dropped group after a wipe on boss 1 (while I and a Sniper DPS were well geared).

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Decided to queue for HMs (55&60. Korriban pops and I say my typical thing about being undergeared.


Tank left few seconds after that followed by healer. We requeue and start doing the part before the first boss. We get replacements before the last pull before the first boss. We complete the FP without issues apart from me almost dying in droid fight.

Edited by Halinalle
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Decided to queue for HMs (55&60. Korriban pops and I say my typical thing about being undergeared.


Tank left few seconds after that followed by healer. We requeue and start doing the part before the first boss. We get replacements before the last pull before the first boss. We complete the FP without issues apart from me almost dying in droid fight.


maybe you should stop saying you're undergeared when you're not and you know it.

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My Sage is nowhere near 50k hp or full 192 gear. Currently at a bit over 48k. Can't get more until weekly Elite comm cap reset.


Don't be so obsessed with the magical 50k health marker. Just because you're not there does not mean you're not geared for story mode operation content, level 60 hard mode flashpoints, or level 55 content. You are.

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