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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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What server was that on? Sounds like someone I know...




Name was a purple coloured sweet food, T'D name similar to a country east of greece. The strange thing was they were completely obsessed with min/maxing, seeing anybody who wasn't as the equlivant of a derp, yet they themselves were only 192 geared. Whats the point min/maxing when your going to replace the gear later anyway?

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Name was a purple coloured sweet food, T'D name similar to a country east of greece. The strange thing was they were completely obsessed with min/maxing, seeing anybody who wasn't as the equlivant of a derp, yet they themselves were only 192 geared. Whats the point min/maxing when your going to replace the gear later anyway?


For me the point it is to get to try operations. Though there's still two serious issues I can't fix: 50k in dps gear, my operations achievement count is exactly 0 (no more, no less).

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For me the point it is to get to try operations. Though there's still two serious issues I can't fix: 50k in dps gear, my operations achievement count is exactly 0 (no more, no less).


I have a similar problem on my imps. They are mostly 186 gear and the guild I am with have moved beyond SM ops and now just run HM's.


Then with my slow computer I cant do 16m (me in a 16m is pretty much a 15m) and most pugs are 16m because they want an easy run. The guild my reps are with aren't a progression guild so they are taking it easy, however only my sent is geared on my reps.


Seems I will struggle to get into ops too.

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Maybe I was the weird one in this story, I don't know.


Czerka Meltdown HM, I'm tanking on my pvp shadow (appropriately pve-geared in a mix of 186/192 with augments), we have a Commando dps, Scoundrel healer and dps Shadow.


Everything goes fine until the part where you need to shut down 2 consoles to gain access to Vigilant's room.


I go right and engage the patrolling gold before realizing that the other 3 have gone in the opposite direction. I figure 3 of them should be able to clear and I know I can clear the other console by myself so I don't run after them but keep going. We are all level 60 after all so this is for the best: quicker run!


Well, I kill my mobs but on the other side healer and commando die, and now a bunch of beasties is coming for me and the other shadow who must have just run away and not cloaked because s/he has aggro. Anyway we kill them with no further casualties and the other 2 rejoin us (they had rezzed to medcenter in the meantime).


I write in party chat: "next time you may want to follow :) " with a smiley hopefully taking any possible sting from the remark. Not. The healer takes offense: "We are the ones who died and you make us feel bad with your patronizing sarcasm". Uhm. I try again : "I didn't mean any sarcasm, it was just a simple suggestion" which is again interpreted as sarcasm, with support from the commando. I'm flabbergasted. For a second I meditate a rage quit, thankfully I've played enough one sided pvp to be able to curb such instincts quickly ;) and we finish without any further incidents.


I suppose it's possible the others thought I purposefully let them die because they didn't follow me but that wasn't my intention. I know you can kill those mobs without a tank at 60, heck, I've done it myself at 55 plenty of times.


Next time I won't assume and I will direct any comment to my cat instead (she's usually right next to me while I play) ;)

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So I had some time to burn and queued for HM FP. It was Assault on Korriban. I see that the rest of the players are from same guild. Guess what they type in the chat? Not hi, hello etc, but "Don't suck". First boss dies quickly and uneventfully but then the tank dies on trash (before LS/DS choice point). Afterwards they pull the bonus boss and tank dies again. At this point I bailed - first time I did this in PvE - as there was ops group forming in guild and this FP was not promising to end quick. Did not even bother to inspect them to see what gear the tank or healer had.


Is it too much to ask for people to act civil and not go into top level HM content completely green?

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Blood Hunt SM


We get to Jos&Valk with little trouble but nothing unseen from pugs. 2 of the group die to knockbacks. I and, obviously KC, level 60 Shadow in Force Technique 2 man it almost. Shadow asks "has any of you noobs done this before". I was about to mention something about my Shadow tank who only uses Combat Technique but I decided to just reply with "quite a few times tbh".


Oh, and I was trying to be funny at the beginning when I was one tanking literally everything on my 45k Scoundrel (changed gear so I only had two 186 Acc augments), "why they always hate me so much". They just reply with "that's what you get for choosing wrong class".


TL;DR: If you're tank, tank. It's very annoying to try to dps anything when you're in front of the enemy when you're supposed to be behind the enemy.

Edited by Halinalle
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Blood Hunt SM


We get to Jos&Valk with little trouble but nothing unseen from pugs. 2 of the group die to knockbacks. I and, obviously KC, level 60 Shadow in Force Technique 2 man it almost. Shadow asks "has any of you noobs done this before". I was about to mention something about my Shadow tank who only uses Combat Technique but I decided to just reply with "quite a few times tbh".


Oh, and I was trying to be funny at the beginning when I was one tanking literally everything on my 45k Scoundrel (changed gear so I only had two 186 Acc augments), "why they always hate me so much". They just reply with "that's what you get for choosing wrong class".


TL;DR: If you're tank, tank. It's very annoying to try to dps anything when you're in front of the enemy when you're supposed to be behind the enemy.


What tank? Blood Hunt SM is a tactical FP--shouldn't need a tank.


I've heard of tanks getting kicked from Tac FPs because "they'll only slow us down."

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I have level 60 KC Shadow so I know what Slow Time looks like.


Unless they added same animation to Serenity. Btw, I also have level 60 Serenity Shadow.


That's fine, I assume you know what you're talking about.


I just meant, in a tac FP, I usually don't get fussed too much if the tank can't do their job. It's a tac FP, after all.


Sucks when you're trying to get backstabs in, though, I'll bet.

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12x <3 lowbie Athiss.. I was with my 22 tank-jugg, op-healer and 2 newbie Maraudurr durr durr's.


Marauders pull before tank and tunnelvisioning strongest or boss only, so me and healer get focus to ads. Still not hard to keep aggro from bosses, 'coz Maraudurrrrrs didn't know how do pure dps and gears was "something" but not properly to those levels.. They have achievements only for 2 first planets and hammer station

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12x <3 lowbie Athiss.. I was with my 22 tank-jugg, op-healer and 2 newbie Maraudurr durr durr's.


Marauders pull before tank and tunnelvisioning strongest or boss only, so me and healer get focus to ads. Still not hard to keep aggro from bosses, 'coz Maraudurrrrrs didn't know how do pure dps and gears was "something" but not properly to those levels.. They have achievements only for 2 first planets and hammer station


Did you educate them on proper DPS kill order?


New players will never get better if all people do is talk about their antics behind their backs...

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12x <3 lowbie Athiss.. I was with my 22 tank-jugg, op-healer and 2 newbie Maraudurr durr durr's.


Marauders pull before tank and tunnelvisioning strongest or boss only, so me and healer get focus to ads. Still not hard to keep aggro from bosses, 'coz Maraudurrrrrs didn't know how do pure dps and gears was "something" but not properly to those levels.. They have achievements only for 2 first planets and hammer station


Just to be sure, you do know 12x XP has no effect on athiss, right?

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Just to be sure, you do know 12x XP has no effect on athiss, right?


"It's not worth doing!"

Let people use their time however they like.


Btw, you can't get to 55 just by doing class quests. I got my Assassin from 23 (on NS when started) to 43 and I'm going to Belsavis (41-43). I would be at level 41 if I didn't do daily KDY and random Mando Raiders. Only class, 25% general XP boost item. Only getting 45% of level worth of XP from every class quest.


Tunnelvision isn't really that bad. I was in KDY with low level 19 GS who liked to kill from strongest to weakest... well, to the ones that were left from my TK Sage... usually 0-1 strongs depending on pull. And people complain about "Sage deeps got nerfed so bad".

Edited by Halinalle
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"It's not worth doing!"

Let people use their time however they like.


Btw, you can't get to 55 just by doing class quests. I got my Assassin from 23 (on NS when started) to 43 and I'm going to Belsavis (41-43). I would be at level 41 if I didn't do daily KDY and random Mando Raiders. Only class, 25% general XP boost item. Only getting 45% of level worth of XP from every class quest.


Tunnelvision isn't really that bad. I was in KDY with low level 19 GS who liked to kill from strongest to weakest... well, to the ones that were left from my TK Sage... usually 0-1 strongs depending on pull. And people complain about "Sage deeps got nerfed so bad".


I never said he shouldn't do it, I wanted to make sure he realized 12x XP doesn't apply to flashpoints, because it seemed to me that he thought it did. And yes, you can get to 55 just by doing class quests (and Makeb), I've done it about five times.


You seem to want to start an argument where there isn't one.

Edited by idnewton
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Ilum and makeb main story line missions give 12x XP. In fact you should be 54-55 by then time you are done with Ilum.

Personally I just skip Ilum altogether. There are only two taxi travel points (in the area where the story missions are, at least) and the story mission objectives are far and wide. Makeb is much more streamlined, especially with the essential removal of the Quick Travel cooldown (assuming you have all the legacy unlocks).


But yeah, if Makeb alone won't cut it, then you'll probably want to hit Ilum too. However, you'll likely need to know ahead of time, since Ilum is lower level. I don't know at what point it stops giving XP.

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"It's not worth doing!"

Let people use their time however they like.


Btw, you can't get to 55 just by doing class quests. I got my Assassin from 23 (on NS when started) to 43 and I'm going to Belsavis (41-43). I would be at level 41 if I didn't do daily KDY and random Mando Raiders. Only class, 25% general XP boost item. Only getting 45% of level worth of XP from every class quest..

Tell that to my Sage, did class quest and makeb, skipped ilum, actually didnt have to finish makeb to hit 55. Never used GF. I was using XP boosts, however.

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There shouldn't be any differences between factions, buuuuuut there are, because... Bioware.


It had steadily gotten better since launch, up until 3.0 when a ton of new faction imbalances were added. From what I saw, all of them favored Imperials. Which, as an Imperial player, I would prefer to imbalance favoring the pub side, but what I'd rather have is no imbalance at all.


Yes, it's becoming an 100 % Empire Faction game - maybe in anticipation to the new movies ? :D


Plus, they are very strongheaded in NOT testing Republic side in Quality Assurance ... VERY strong-headed ...

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I queue up for HM 60 on my sniper to get the third one to complete my weekly. Eventually (quite afew people declined after 1:59 wait, hate those gf trolls) I get a group, zone in and see:

jugg tank: 51k

merc dps: 52k

op healer: 53k

my sniper: 53k


Its korriban incursion. I am so happy, with this group and this fp I can sit back an face-roll. Healer gets guarded.


We set off for first commander, kill it, then second. During the second commander fight the merc kites into the dogs at the top of the stairs, we kill them too, with the mercs hp plummeting and the op healer stood round spam healing the 100% tank. Still we all survive.


Do the third guy, and 4th then we are at first boss. Jugg tank ends up getting pushed into an animal cage before the first cage has even been opened, dieing instantly. merc dps writes: "what was that?"

me: "boss knockback into animal cage = instant death"

merc: "yeah" (strange, he asks whats going on then claims to know when I explain it, w/e)


Jugg gets c-resed and we complete. I took note of something interesting: the merc dps's rotation. Unload on CD, rapid shot filler. The op healer also has a complete disregard for dps hp, luckily not an issue as the only thing that attacks me is the dogs and I can shield probe/stun/knockback/slow for them.


We get up the lift and both dps and healer stand in the los spot, then tank writes "why are you there?"

me: "explains los pulling to a level 60 tank *sigh*"

The instructions on los pulling are ignored (I suggested a taunt or sabre throw, something with 30m) and he instead runs in close to an enemy to get their attention then runs back, no sabre reflect or anything (tbh I never mentioned sabre reflect, but if you are going to not-los that pull sabre reflect would be a superb opener).


We do bonus boss, its a shambles but nothing challenging.


second boss. We start. The healer ignores all damage I take from green laser (the boss has an obsession with green-lasering me, goes for me every shot) and despite my futile efforts (shield probe and evasion, neither of which have an effect on laser damage - 12.7k) I die. The group wipes.


The jugg, who by now it is obvious to a blind man is new to the mission, but didnt make any serious mistakes apologises saying he "didn't see it"

merc: "dw mate, I dont mind, we can carry you"

op: "fine by me, we all make mistakes"

me: "there was nothing to see, not your fault"

tank: "I kept losing aggro and it killed you"

me: "thats meant to happen, I am also meant to get healed"


Regardless the merc and op decide to instruct the tank that he was the cause of the wipe, but they are nice, polite people who will not hold it against him.


On the run back the tank accidently runs into some trash we skipped, I turn around and help, the healer ignores it and carries on and merc was behind the tank. Its me, merc and tank against the pull between 3rd and 4th commander. The jugg uses no DCD's, I have no heals and turns out merc dps is one of those "will-not-off-heal-regardless-of-group-hp-or-presence-of-the-healer" types and jugg dies, we complete and merc runs on, I res the jugg.


We get back to the second boss. I keep an eye out for whats going on and offer advice: "healer, heal up anyone shot by the green laser", "healer, move away from boss when theres a huge red circle", "merc, dont stand on mines," "merc, try a dps rotation." Last piece of advice is ignored but we complete it with everybody above 80%.


The merc dps, or should I say mr "i-dont-care-about-the-group-or-my-contribution" decides now that him and the healer have ascertained that the tank is being carried there is no need for him to fulfil his role, and the merc starts pulling ahead of the tank. Now usually I wouldn't care much, a 53k dps should be able to deal with it. He dies on both kor'slug pulls.


We avoid pulls where we can until we are inside sith academy. me, healer and tank go left, merc goes straight ahead, saying he will solo the other downstairs one. We kill our guy, with me checking group frame now and again to laugh at the merc.


The first pull he had for his bloke was 2 sorcs, then its 1 mara, then the bloke and 2 adds. He died on those 2 sorcs, a 53k dps against 2 "strong" rating enemies.


We get all 4 code things, with the merc dieing again as he offers to solo the upstairs one that is on the opposite side of the stairs (you know it, 1 strong 2 standards).


We complete, I say my goodbyes and the merc's goodbye is "good run, <tanks name> get abit of practice and dont worry about asking for advice in missions you are new"


before my timer is up I manage to get out "shut up, he is new to the mission and still managed to carry you and the healer".

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After getting 5 separate clueless groups through DP when it was in Q last time I got a lot of experience levels on my patience stat. Most wipes (batmans excluded) were of course at the you-suppose-to-kill-the-crystals part of the Cy past-present-future thing.

Some were thankful about it, some not.


Can this game bind sentences ?

Like: pressing a key to say in chat "You suppose to stay there, press that, avoid circle, not do that .." ?

Edited by Overmind
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Not as juicy as some in here but might as well put this here when it's fresh in my memory.


Get a rare instant pop for Korriban HM and zone in. The group is a Vanguard tank, a Sage heal and a Sentinel and my Scoundrel as dps.


We clear the first two commanders and the sent disconnects. We clear the rest of the commanders and give the sent a few minutes to come back. He doesn't, so kick and requeue. We get a sage with 39k HP. I'm not one to judge people based on their gear, just check if we can faceroll this. Our heal sage ticked himself as a dps and a heal and as it turns out, the new guy is a heal so sage #1 respecs. The tank goes afk for a couple minutes as we wait for the sage to walk to us. Then I notice we're in combat. The new sage had pulled the first group of mobs everyone usually just skips. I go and try to help out, but with one guy respeccing and another afk, we wipe pretty fast.


No one whines as we walk back and begin the first boss. The tank explains the fight by just telling us not to stand in front of a cage, while jumping in place to signal the best place to stand in. Which is in front of a cage. My face when tank himself is kicked in the cage the second time the boss does the kick. The tank also tunnelvisions the boss and ignores the hounds, leaving me to deal with them mostly (the other dps was helping the undergeared healer to heal).


We clear the boss and take the elevator up. Everyone stands behind the wall as we should, but the tank still explains us that he will los pull. Then stands around for 10 seconds or so, so I shoot at the closest guy and they start coming to us. The tank goes in when they're grouped up, doesn't aoe taunt or try to aggro as many enemies as possible, meaning most target me first. I vanish and the healer plummets, then the sage dps, then me, then the tank.


As we walk back (BW please move the respawn spot at the first boss...) the tank says something along the lines of 'Yeah, we wouldn't have that difficult of a time if you just let me pull' which I do agree, but was just feeling anxious as the tank took his sweet time to pull when everyone had been in place for a while.


We take the bonus boss and this is where the tank lost me. All of the times I've done this boss the tank has placed the boss next to the wall or the cliffside, making it easier to aoe heal and making the pushbacks tolerable. This tank, however, kites the boss in a circle around the area. The sage dps doesn't mind, but my boxer scoundrel screams internally. I don't have channeled abilities so it's not that big a deal, but it just seemed wrong. The boss almost pushed the heal off the platform to his death, too. The fight takes forever and the heal is having serious problems, but we manage to clear it. I ask, if that was really the best way to clear that boss and the tank says 'Yeah, that is pretty much the best way to deal with that boss :)' and 'Melees are screwed as usual'. I kind of understand as the boss does have high damage abilities which are channeled or cast, but even our heal shouldn't have had a problem with that. Luckily I wasn't on my VigiGuardian or else I really would've lost it.


We almost wipe the next boss as the tank again tunnelvisions the boss ignoring the slugs who lunge at the healer., meaning we dps have to run and clear them. The healer could have moved to the boss so we could aoe mow them down, but whatever. The boss enrages and kills everyone but the tank who manages to finish him off. I don't say anything as we don't have any more add heavy bosses ahead.


I fail the Sith group pull on top of the stairs (damn Marauder saw right through my stealth) and the rest of the FP goes fine, albeit the dps sage died on the last boss thanks to both droids coming to him and the healer couldn't keep up.


TL;DR: Some unusual tanking philosophies and an impatient scoundrel.

Edited by treemu
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Not as juicy as some in here but might as well put this here when it's fresh in my memory.




OK, so, I have not done Korriban HM yet. However, (and please correct me if I'm wrong, here) isn't it the DPS' job to kill the adds, just, sort of, in general? In fact, it kind of ensures that the tank keeps a high threat buffer on the main boss...


I've honestly never heard the phrase "tank was tunnelvisioning the boss" (because that's what tanks are supposed to do), but I have *often* heard the phrases "gold fever" and "DPS was tunnelvisioning the boss and ignoring adds."


Caveat: on trash pulls, tank should try to get agro on as many mobs as possible, with DPS killing weak to strong.


There may be something different in KI HM, though, I dunno. Or I'm severely misinformed or something--can and does happen.

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You are correct, the dps should take care of the adds. Tanking the adds as well is entirely optional for tanks, but most do it anyway, beause grouping them in one place makes them easier and faster to kill. The healer also benefits as they only have to focus on keeping the tank alive. I tend to do it when tanking and so do most of the tanks I've grouped with so it's possible I've been spoiled by tanks who go out of their way to help the team.


Also in this case it was somewhat annoying as in Scrapper I need to be behind my target to deal the most damage.

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