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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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About a week ago I wanted to get my sin tank from 55 to 60 for tanking Xeno II.

Got into Cademimu HM for getting the last few XP to 60.

Me at 44k, DPS both around 30k and the healer at 27k.


Trash goes slow, sometimes I even have to use medpacks (450 biochem ftw) to survive a simple trash group.

No one has scavenging, so we have to go the long way. First wipe on the first trash group next to the shorcut you can open with scavenging.

Get to Xander with a few more deaths, but no more wipes.


Xander, 1st try:

I pull, we focus on Xander, droid comes free, targets one of the dps, dps runs into the red circle. Wipe.

Xander, 2nd try:

I pull, we focus on Xander, droid comes free, targets the same dps, dps kites him into the red void. Other dps is still hitting Xander, droid comes free again after healer died to the grenade. Wipe.

Xander, 3rd try:

While running from the spawn point toward the boss, healer starts blaming us for not focusing Xander, 'cause the droid will die.

I tell him that we're on HM and explain the tactics, tell him to heal more and talk less.

I pull, we focus on Xander, droid comes free, targets the same dps, dps kites him into the red void, we kill droid (barely), back on Xander, Healer runs towards the boss (with the grenade) - wipe.

Xander, 4th try: I tell the healer not to explode the grenade inside the group and use force/static barrier.

This time we kill him with 1 dps and the healer dead.


I get lvlup to 60 from Xander, buy all new skills and spend my new utility point, then run to the taxi, click it and wait for the other 3. Healer just quits group (doesn't he know how to use a taxi???) and I get out my 26k healer companion.


We kill the wookie 1st try (with the shuttle LOS tactic), the bonusboss gets pulled for the elite comms but we don't even try to kill him. We run through to the end to evade the mobs, do the conversation and kill Ortol 1st try after a short explanation of magnetic shackles for the dps.



Bad healer doesn't know HM tactics and heals worse than a companion with about the same gear level.

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You wouldn't believe--actually, you probably would--how many people jump from fight to fight in KDY without cooling down/ restoring health. It's annoying, especially when you're a mercenary healer like me and you're not giving me enough time to reload my rotation.


**** Yes... my mercenary is a healer and I dont' even frickin' queue for heals when I run tactical on her just because of that.

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You wouldn't believe--actually, you probably would--how many people jump from fight to fight in KDY without cooling down/ restoring health. It's annoying, especially when you're a mercenary healer like me and you're not giving me enough time to reload my rotation.

That....and even if you re not a healer you really need some time to meditate yourself...

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I have recently met weird sentinel in HM Czerka Meltdown. He was obviously specced watchman, but i have never seen him with more than one stack of merciless. He mostly used something like "strike - strike - strike - master strike" combo.


After i checked his gear, i noticed he had no accuracy on his gear at all, just crit, surge and bit of power.


When i whispered him after (somewhat long) flashpoint and pointed out he might consider getting some accuracy enhancements, i got response along these lines:

"doesn't matter to me i kill **** rapid"


Another recent story is more or less classic and happened to me many times. I queue for hm50, get Lost Island. I always ask if everyone knows the tactics on this one. Everyone says yes. Half of them goes flying on first savrak smash. This really pi**es me off, i can explain each boss in 30 seconds, but instead i have to wipe because someone doesn't want to admit to not know the fights:/.

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I just finished up farming basic comms on my newly 60 merc healer.


I intended to collect enough basics for a full set of lvl 60 basic comm gear before I bother queuing up for 60 HM.


I finally got all the gear I wanted, brought a barrel, mod and enhancement for my mainhand off gtn (of which I got 198's).


Then I queue up for a 60 HM. After some wait a pop comes up and I zone in. There is a jugg tank, sniper and sorc dps. I look at everybodies hp and the tank is in a mix of pre-3.0 162's & 168's (god knows how they got to 60, probably carried through tfp's) while the sorc dps is in the 178 gear from the rishi story.


This pissed me off as I spent ages collecting 1000 basics, then going back and getting another 180 to get suitable gear before even considering to queue up. The worst thing was that the tank clearly didn't know anything about aggro. They would open with taunt, then force charge in and ravage the enemy he just charged at. By the time ravage was over I had most of the aggro due to keeping the tank alive through this shambles while the sniper does his best to peel.


After afew pulls like this I decide to ask the tank if they recently re-specced or have been tanking since they made the toon. They claimed they were considered the best tank in their guild (poor guild) and stated that the issues were in "completely hopless" healing, to which the sorc dps agreed.


The sniper said "**** this" and quit, I followed suit.

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That....and even if you re not a healer you really need some time to meditate yourself...


The thing with a mercenary healer is that if you have to do a ton of healing with tanks that don't meditate/ recharge/ channel hatred in between fights is that you end up building up a lot of heat. If you get too much heat, you have to cool down before you can heal some more. (I haven't played my Operative and Scoundrel in a while so I can't remember exactly how fast you run out of healing resources.) We do have a "vent heat" ability, but that's a two minute cool down.


Since the last time I played my mercenary was the first time in a while that I had played her, I did KDY as DPS while also healing. That took some pressure off me because there couldn't be much argument from the others about me not healing fast enough or justifying their stupidity.

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The thing with a mercenary healer is that if you have to do a ton of healing with tanks that don't meditate/ recharge/ channel hatred in between fights is that you end up building up a lot of heat. If you get too much heat, you have to cool down before you can heal some more. (I haven't played my Operative and Scoundrel in a while so I can't remember exactly how fast you run out of healing resources.) We do have a "vent heat" ability, but that's a two minute cool down.


Since the last time I played my mercenary was the first time in a while that I had played her, I did KDY as DPS while also healing. That took some pressure off me because there couldn't be much argument from the others about me not healing fast enough or justifying their stupidity.



As a merc just spam kolto shot o the tank between fights.... that reduces your heat, not increases it. Still annoying when tanks make you do that, but.... it works... kinda...

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The thing with a mercenary healer is that if you have to do a ton of healing with tanks that don't meditate/ recharge/ channel hatred in between fights is that you end up building up a lot of heat. If you get too much heat, you have to cool down before you can heal some more. (I haven't played my Operative and Scoundrel in a while so I can't remember exactly how fast you run out of healing resources.) We do have a "vent heat" ability, but that's a two minute cool down.


Since the last time I played my mercenary was the first time in a while that I had played her, I did KDY as DPS while also healing. That took some pressure off me because there couldn't be much argument from the others about me not healing fast enough or justifying their stupidity.


it's strange because to overheat you have to heal A LOT now..

about weird people i found a pug unable to beat enrage on SS in ToS when they asked for achievments at start..ok you have people with achievments, but you cannot bring 168 MH without crystals..

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it's strange because to overheat you have to heal A LOT now..

about weird people i found a pug unable to beat enrage on SS in ToS when they asked for achievments at start..ok you have people with achievments, but you cannot bring 168 MH without crystals..


168 mainhand without crystals sounds suspiciously like a new pvp mainhand. And having it equipped for an OPs sounds like it was done by mistake. did you point this out to your group?

I see people joining OPs groups in pvp gear all the time, so everytime someone is rather low on HP (40k and less), I ask if they forgot to swap gear and in 90% this is the case.

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Just finished another nightmare HM Czerka Meltdown on my scoundrel healer. The first worrying sign was "flashpoint is in progress" GF pop. But after an hour of waiting, i happily accepted and set off. The other 3 guys were waiting at duneclaw.


I got to them and the shadow tank pulled. With mind crush. Almost never used kinetic ward, never had more than one stack of harnessed shadows, and since he never pulled from stealth, he of course never had any shadow protection either. At first i thought he was disguised DPS in combat technique, but he actually had tanking gear, so he was probably just really really bad. I also never noticed him using slow time, and with his rotation one of the DPS had aggro half the time.


On the duneclaw he, of course, ignored the generators and we wiped. I told him he could have at least mentioned he didn't know the fight since i could explain instead of wiping. His response was "I know it, but i am lagging!". Umm, ok, sure, whatever. So i explained the fight anyway and this time, he actualy made an effort. It was still a pain to heal through due his terrible aggro issues and no regards on protection buffs, but we somehow managed to beat both bosses.


I died few times on hard hitting trash in the last section, since healing him with no protection buffs and myself, who had aggro on multiple strongs which he ignored, was quite impossible. I told him he could at least pull from stealth and use kinetic ward. He remained silent, his only response was putting guard on me. Brilliant move, since this moment he probably never managed to have aggro and one of the DPSs who ended up having most of it, was probably more durable than this "tank".


I still have no idea how we made it to the end, but at least he really kept the rest of the group on our toes and made it considerably challenging. I wouldn't mind if i never see him again though.

Edited by PanVlk
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Some people needs companion performance lol :D:D:D


Considering that I have, on occasion, had to kick ******/douchebag tanks, not want to wait, and then had a geared Corso or Xalek "tank" --successfully, I might add!-- the rest of the instance for us, then maybe those Presence augments might just be more useful than we all thought?


Might make an interesting experiment for lols, at least.

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Ugh, /facepalm....


ATT'N: All Lightning-spec Sorcerers.


This is your opener/rotation. As you can see, it's quite simple. Granted that mine may not be perfect, as my main classes are Merc and Gunslinger...But, with that caveat in mind:


(Optional? Not too sure, TBH) Pre-cast Crush-D ---> Polarity Shift (plus Adrenal and/or click-relic if so equipped) ---> Affliction ---> ThunderBlast ---> Recklessness ---> Insta Chain Lightning ---> 'Flash ---> Shock as filler, or CrushD, or TBlast, whichever is off CD at this time ---> Lightning Strike/'Bolt spam until cooldowns come back up ---> priority: TBlast ---> Insta CL ---> Flash + hasted CrushD ---> InstaBolt/Strike if available ---> Bolt/Strike spam ---> repeat with Polarity Shift and Recklessness as close to on cooldown as possible.


You will note that the above does NOT say --


Force Storm ---> Force Storm ---> Force Storm ---> Overload just because ---> Force Storm ---> .... ----> Overload just whenever/whyever ---> Force Storm.


Yeah, I know it's just KDY, but that was still genuinely painful to watch.


All the more so because the guy never once even came close to paying for such stupidity :(

Edited by midianlord
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So I just ran a [TACTICAL] Czerka Corporate Labs with an Imperial Agent.


No, wait, I meant that literally.


A level 58 Imperial Agent --no AC-- named after what SW: tOR calls its auction-house/market.


In /party:


[My Merc's name] Seriously? No AC at level 58?

[*****-breath] When you've got at least one of everything else, then your pimped-out bank-alt gets the max lvl treatment.

[My Merc] Well. Alrighty then.


We run on, clear some trash, pick up the first card or two for the droid-guy...


[The mong] Admit it. You're all a little impressed. (Props to him for getting "you're/your" right, I suppose....)


No-one had anything else to say to that, or at all, for the rest of the run, until the end when someone --not Mong-guy-- said "cheers all," and that was that.




I thought that kind of trolling belonged in ranked PvP?


Ugh, but what do I know, eh?

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So today I got in a group as sorc heals. We had an assassin tank, pt and assassin dps. And we one shotted all the bosses of hm Rishi. Pretty weird, huh? Oh, wait...


Screenshot or it didn't happen :D

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I haven't done much in the way of 60 HM due to not being patient enough to wait on my dps and only yesterday getting some tanks/heals to 60.


So I end up getting into HM mannan with my jugg tank. I am in a group with merc healer, sniper and operative dps.


Right at the start I state that I haven't done this on HM before and would appreciate advice on the bosses. The op dps says "oh great, well lets just see how it goes, but I don't hold out much hope with a noob tank". I don't reply and we do the first few pulls. Around 3 trash pulls in neither of the dps or the healer have even been hit yet. the op speaks up again saying how strange it is that a new player can tank.


I go into a long chat about the difference between:

  1. New to MMO's in general
  2. New to SWTOR
  3. New to tanking
  4. New to the mission
  5. New to the mission certain level with associated mechanics from a specific role


It seems most people cant tell the difference between number 1 and number 5.


The shocking bit: that op apologised for assuming I would be crap. Sadly this didn't stop them from stating the basics when explaining the fights to me (If a tank has managed to hold all aggro up to the first boss theres probably not much point telling them to "avoid the droids red beam and try to put the boss in it").

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"oh great, well lets just see how it goes, but I don't hold out much hope with a noob tank"


Reason why I don't queue anymore.


On my noob healers even after telling everyone that I'm the worst healer ever, no one takes me seriously. Consequence: one dead Sentinel today

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Was in a pug run of Ravagers 16 SM. Alright done this before and I'm tanking so it should be fine. Wait this is the good part. The other tank and has 2 other guilders in it. They seem fine but the tank has an ego the size of the pyramids. Asks if anyone has done this before, I say yeah duh and link the achievement including a HM of first boss to end any discussion. First boss goes fine, but the guy is being really arrogant. On the trash pull before bar pirates trash pull of lag and fun I tell them I will grab pirates so we can Los them. What does he do? He runs ahead of me and doesn't come out so his other guilders run in. I'm like fine you ignore me you can take them all. One does before the rest of the group moves in and I decide to help out. On Bulo, he asks me if I done this fight and I'm thinking you got short term memory brah? Alrighty, then everyone explains to everyone (This statement is correct) what to do. We pull I get barrel and grab pirates into circle however his guildy who's it circle thought it was alright to stand in it so he stood in it and died removing the circle. I have no choice but to go back to boss to keep 2nd highest threat. We wipe. Complains that I didn't bring pirates to volley even after telling him what happened and having 3 people confirm it. We pull again and he clearly isn't keeping Aggro well. We are then able to down him despite him dying twice. We get to Torque, and this guy is just pissing me off and trying to tell me how to to tank when I have far greater experience/gear/awareness than his arrogant butt does. On Torque he keeps dying to floor vents but keeps typing in chat that I didn't taunt off him when he gets Sick of You debuff. I'm clearly and agains try to tell me how to do the fight lol. I then snap and tell him to stop telling me how to tank and focus on your guy who keeps dying. He gets mad and says then why don't you do it super tank. So troll brain comes on and I'm done with him. He stills keeps dying from fire vents. I leave and had won the roll on the helmet on Bulo. Was cash. Later say him spamming hours later in gen chat for a tank for third boss still so I post that he only tanks with super tanks :)


Remember kids, arrogance is your downfall and learn to play your character first before you tell others how to play theirs especially if they are better than you :D



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Not bad, just weird:


Yesterday, and the day before, I did a random FP on my Jugg tank for the daily. Both times, Cad popped. Both times, it was already in progress. Both times, it was in the middle of a boss fight (Xander the first time, Wookie guy the second) so I got the XP without even being in the same area. Both times, when I asked what had happened to the previous tank, I was told, "he just up and left. No DC, no explanation, just there one minute and gone the next."


I like to pretend it's the same guy and he is making my leveling slightly more efficient. Keep up the good work, Disappearing Tank!

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[...] Consequence: one dead Sentinel today


Heh :) ^^That:^^ It made me chuckle...


I can just picture the old NewsTone reel announcer saying something like:


"Have you let a Derptinel/Marau-durrrr die today? Do your part for your community!"

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I am beginning to believe intelligence is in low supply on Jedi Covenant server. Level 60 Rishi HMFP, I am on my Scoundrel Healer, half way to first boss, tank throws up a vote kick on me for "wearing medium armor, and using cunning, not willpower" I thought to myself...hmm...ok. Within seconds the vote kick goes through. In a bit of curious nature, I whisper the tank, and both DPS to find out why...and I am told by all 3 that basically "to be a healer, you need to stack willpower and wear heavy armor" Shocked and amazed I was at this....a level 60...believing this.


Next I logged onto a lowbie tank to play around for a bit, level 21 Shadow. Pop into an in progress Hammerstation run with 2 level 20 sentinels (the bane of my existence) and a lvl 19 scoundrel. We start off, sentinels are pulling like mad before me, but I am able to get threat under control in no time. Gets to the point where no mob is hitting anybody but me, so the healer starts DPSing. This pissed off the almighty sentinels, and a vote kick goes up on the healer "if you wanna dps, then play a dps, otherwise you heal" sadly, the vote kick went through. I dropped group right after, whispered the healer, grouped up with him and started leveling together.


I do not understand the level of intellect as of late in this game.

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