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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Core Meltdown

I guess I was weird one here. Again, one of those "cba to move" runs for me. Carnage Mara could hold aggro at beginning of boss fights but mostly it didn't take long for boss to turn around and start smashing me. Part where you have to click two terminals on both sides to open the door we split into two teams (normal I guess) but we Maras didn't do anything. I was ready to jump to fight but I was waiting the other person to come there too. Yeah, I know. "Pic or it didn't happen." :D


I'm really getting tired of Overload spam and look-I'm-jumping-around-Assassins especially in Battle of Rishi. Yes, I know you want it done quick but Overload doesn't exactly help.


Another thing lately seems to be Snipers spamming Overload Shot (from cover, so no buff from the talent, if chosen) till they run of energy and are stuck with basic attacks.


Oh, and Mercs hitting Supercharged Celerity at completely the wrong times, leaving us with the five-minute lockout for when we actually could use +10% Alacrity.


What is up with that?

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Czerka Labs tactical; nothing unusual except that the group consisted of 2 healers and 2 tanks. I like to think that there were 4 DPS queued for HMs who were forced to keep waiting for no good reason. And it once again made me glad I broke down and spent the credits on field respec.
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Czerka Labs tactical; nothing unusual except that the group consisted of 2 healers and 2 tanks. I like to think that there were 4 DPS queued for HMs who were forced to keep waiting for no good reason. And it once again made me glad I broke down and spent the credits on field respec.


Why would you assume those tanks or healers also queued for HMs or that those DPS queued for tacticals? Could easily be queued for Labs/Meltdown/rishi/hunt for weekly quests. That's normally what I do, at least.

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Why would you assume those tanks or healers also queued for HMs or that those DPS queued for tacticals? Could easily be queued for Labs/Meltdown/rishi/hunt for weekly quests. That's normally what I do, at least.


So, that's why I keep getting Battle of Rishi every time I want to complete one of the CZ tacticals for weekly. And when I want Blood Hunt/BoR weekly done all I get is Labs/Meltdown. Takes me over 1 week to complete either of those weeklies.

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Because it's funnier my way, that's why.


lol Noted.


So, that's why I keep getting Battle of Rishi every time I want to complete one of the CZ tacticals for weekly. And when I want Blood Hunt/BoR weekly done all I get is Labs/Meltdown. Takes me over 1 week to complete either of those weeklies.


I queue for the 4 on Tuesday, and as I get Meltdown/labs, I cut them from the list. Kinda sucks but gets the job done.

Edited by ItachiZaku
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Good story from the weekend, not a wierd one but funny none the less.


GF HM60 Legacy of Rakata, I am on my MM Sniper (~46k). I zone in and we have a PT Tank (~61k, yes 61 kHP!), a Sorc Healer (~44k) and Sorc DPS (Forget the HP).


The whole FP was a breeze, Tank held agro, Heals kept us all up and the 2 DPS weren't too bad. We downed the bonus boss with just tank, heals and myself. Other DPS had a quick break, but the bonus boss was no issue.


The best part was the last 2 bosses, Darok and Arkous, now I think everybody who has run that FP is aware of the Shiv mechanic Darok has, marking a member of the group with a blue circle. So the fight began and the 2 DPS are burning down Darok, Tank has aggro off Arkous and we are all healthy. Then I get blue circled and run away only to be pulled in and one-shotted. Same thing happened with the Sorc DPS a min or too later. I said sorry in group chat for dying however the fight continued.


In my amazement I watched the Tank and Heals solo the two bosses, when the rez timer expires I get a battle rez and then the same thing happens to me again! Meanwhile the PT and Sorc continue to grind down the bosses, it was a fight of epic proportions! Then after 5mins or so the second DPS gets rezzed for the last 100k HP on Arkous.


Needless to say, get a good Tank and Healer combo and who needs DPS?

Edited by Marvict
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Needless to say, get a good Tank and Healer combo and who needs DPS?


A tank alone can already do world bosses as well, at least low-level to mid-level bosses. There's no need for healer or DD anymore ... That's why I'm not surprised with your statement. ;)

The only thing that could get dangerous is Enrage.


I once witnessed a tank doing the Nar Shadaa WB alone - taking the boss away right before our group's eyes.

I also once saw a tank doing the Rakghule Event WB on Alderaan. How on the rock, where no-one else could reach him. I still wonder how he got there.

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A tank alone can already do world bosses as well, at least low-level to mid-level bosses. There's no need for healer or DD anymore ... That's why I'm not surprised with your statement. ;)

The only thing that could get dangerous is Enrage.


I once witnessed a tank doing the Nar Shadaa WB alone - taking the boss away right before our group's eyes.

I also once saw a tank doing the Rakghule Event WB on Alderaan. How on the rock, where no-one else could reach him. I still wonder how he got there.

To be fair, the Nar Shaddaa world boss was already solo material a long time ago, regardless of the spec. Done some of the WB's (Quesh, Shaddaa...) for the Conquest points lately and running in with a DPS almost feels like cheating. Those bosses are just more boring as a tank or healer, because the fights last longer.

Edited by Elusive_Thing
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Good story, and while the moral of the story --



Needless to say, get a good Tank and Healer combo and who needs DPS?


-- is generally true, some bosses that are joined by mobs can get hairy.


Always get a kick out of this thread every time I read in it.

Edited by Thompsons
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I just hope im not one of those who everyone thinks, "what the hell is he doing".. :eek:


I just had a Group Finder FP run with a player queued as Damage. (this was Republic side, translations provided for Imperial players reference frame)


He was a Shadow (Assassin), spec'd Kinetic Combat (Darkness), using Combat Technique (Dark Charge). Every single pull, from start to finish, his rotation was:

  • stand 10 yards away
  • use Telekinetic Throw (Force Lightning) on cooldown
  • use Project (Shock) on cooldown
  • use Force Breach (Discharge) on cooldown
  • maintain Kinetic Ward (Dark Ward) religiously at 15 charges
  • stand there and do nothing else in-between these 4 cooldowns


Watching someone with a double-bladed lightsaber and rocks swirling around them stand outside melee range, never once swing their saber, and spam weak rock attacks was... really, really weird.


Damage was agonizingly low, fights took forever, but at least we had a Guardian DPS who really, really knew her stuff and carried us through (just barely) on tighter fights.


Naturally, he won all 3 pieces of Willpower gear that dropped. -.-




Anyway, I don't want to be negative and bashing or insulting confused players here. Instead, I'd just like to hear your stories about bizarre / crazy people you meet in Group Finder (or other groups) who make you go :confused: "Huh?? What?!" when you watch them playing.


It's honestly very cute / amusing, except when it gets you killed by enrage timers, etc. :p

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:eek: OK I wanted to sound off on this thread. These are great examples in this thread. My example is not from group finder but from a SM 16m DF. I'm in a guild where we do events and conquests and world boss take downs but not operations. This particular toon I have to pug to do any Op. There's a player i had recently invited. I am not the one to say names and direct this towards but, I really didn't notice what rotation she was doing until we got to the Dread Master Brontes fight. Her only ability she was using as a level 60 Sorcerer was force storm. On EVERYTHING. when the electricity shot around the room I tried to extract her as I thought she would follow people and run away but she died. I even told her to please use other abilities besides force storm but she never gravitated away from it. Sad but true. I just don't understand how people can play this game and try to have some since of direction or good rotation at least. We left the op but i never said anything to her after that. Even the other people where trying to talk to her on chat but she never replied or change up her one ability. Its like sad and funny at the same time! :eek:
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Another KDY adventure. This one always had that one horrible dude. This dude was a sent, he looked like that person who know alot about this after I checked. But I was wrong. After clearing out some mobs, we see elite. All of us head on the elite (which was a unique dude), this gunslinger looked like his bottom is stuck so pretty much stayed there even though orbital strike was aiming at him. Due to that the sage died as well :(. It was me: commando and the sent left. After I put as much damage as possible, died due to no defensive or healing abilities available. Guess it's was the sent left.


OH dear what he did was this rotation.





Master Strike (interrupted)






and what was funny was that he was complaining about his repair bill after being wiped everytime he did... GEZZ I WONDER WHY BRO! Ironically, we managed to finish this thing and we parted ways as I never will see him again. (maybe until xp weekend where I will be grinding kdy until 50-55)

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Was on my (former) Tank PT, around level 29 in a SM cademimu some time ago. We got a 'sin DPS, Sniper and a Healer Sorc to go with me, the healer decides he'd rather DPS to "kill things faster" and would only heal outside of combat. Now truth be told I'm not the best tank, but I know the simple stuff.


Anyways, I start dying due to lack of heals in fights and the Sorc decides to question if I'm a tank, I explain that I am and that I wouldn't be stupid enough to queue as the wrong role.


He eventually lets me die against the group of enemies with the two champ droids and asks again if I'm a tank "because [i'm] dying too fast" I slyly comment that I wasn't getting enough heals, which the assassin agreed with me on. Due to this he's convinced that I'm not a tank and votes to kick me out of the group, the other two aren't stupid and don't kick me, but I leave anyway. I apologise to the two but only the assassin replies with an "it's ok" sort of message, he also disses the Sorc.


I put the Sorc on ignore and requeue for something else. I don't even remember the Sorc's name.

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A run of HM Rattaka. I am on my sniper, theres a merc dps, merc healer and sin tank. This run co-incides with me watching Donnie Darko, as such im not really on the ball.


Everything is smooth, very smooth, perfect infact. At least from my point of view, the healer isnt happy with the tank, the merc dps starts arguing with the healer, until the healer expresses his reasons for thinking this tank is bad, which consist of:

healer: "the tank is in light armour, uses stealth so he generates no aggro and is guarding a dps"

merc dps: *proceeds to explain how every single 1 of these 3 points demonstrates a good tank*


The healer responds, but the tank seems to be a peace-keeper, he diverts the conversation away from a topic that may cause annoyance and things go quiet, I haven't said anything except my "hello" at the start. The healer gets even more annoyed and makes comment about how poor the group is after each pull. Us 3 pretty much ignore him and carry on completely devoid of issues.


Inbetween first and second boss the healer starts vote-kicking the tank and merc dps, both fail. The healer then starts expressing his opinion about what changes we should make to benefit the group, like "tank should guard healer", "dps should do this", "go this way, go that way" etc...


The merc dps explodes and ends up writing that the healer should "not bother speaking if you haven't a clue what your on about".


The healer is getting annoyed too...he now turns to the one member of the group who has not expressed an opinion on the tank's gameplay, that would be me, looking for support. I reply saying:

me: "I suggest you forcibly insert your opinions into your ****" (thanks entirely to the fact that I had just finished laughing at that scene in the movie)

tank: "oh you watching DD too?"

me: "yep"


The healer quits, we requeue and in the wait myself and the tank tell the merc what "DD" is, what channel it is on and then debate what the film is about (because ofc, without seeing the directors cut theres hundereds of differing opinions).

Edited by BobFredJohn
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A run of HM Rattaka. I am on my sniper, theres a merc dps, merc healer and sin tank. This run co-incides with me watching Donnie Darko, as such im not really on the ball.


Everything is smooth, very smooth, perfect infact. At least from my point of view, the healer isnt happy with the tank, the merc dps starts arguing with the healer, until the healer expresses his reasons for thinking this tank is bad, which consist of:

healer: "the tank is in light armour, uses stealth so he generates no aggro and is guarding a dps"

merc dps: *proceeds to explain how every single 1 of these 3 points demonstrates a good tank*


The healer responds, but the tank seems to be a peace-keeper, he diverts the conversation away from a topic that may cause annoyance and things go quiet, I haven't said anything except my "hello" at the start. The healer gets even more annoyed and makes comment about how poor the group is after each pull. Us 3 pretty much ignore him and carry on completely devoid of issues.


Inbetween first and second boss the healer starts vote-kicking the tank and merc dps, both fail. The healer then starts expressing his opinion about what changes we should make to benefit the group, like "tank should guard healer", "dps should do this", "go this way, go that way" etc...


The merc dps explodes and ends up writing that the healer should "not bother speaking if you haven't a clue what your on about".


The healer is getting annoyed too...he now turns to the one member of the group who has not expressed an opinion on the tank's gameplay, that would be me, looking for support. I reply saying:

me: "I suggest you forcibly insert your opinions into your ****" (thanks entirely to the fact that I had just finished laughing at that scene in the movie)

tank: "oh you watching DD too?"

me: "yep"


The healer quits, we requeue and in the wait myself and the tank tell the merc what "DD" is, what channel it is on and then debate what the film is about (because ofc, without seeing the directors cut theres hundereds of differing opinions).


i like how bad healers get exposed, got a couple of hm fp already where the healers were totally unable to keep themself and the tank up and lately rage quitted. i've done a couple of hms healing and i was falling asleep aside a couple of spikes on people standing in bad stuff..

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Still working my way through this thread, but this one couldn't wait until I finished:


Just loaded into Cademimu SM on my Marauder after a lengthy GF wait. The mission was already in progress, but I figured I would give it a shot. As soon as I loaded in and caught up the group (they hadn't gotten far), the other DPS greeted me and asked if I wanted to join their guild. I'm pretty happy with my guild, so naturally I declined. Ten seconds later, a vote kick popped up against me. As soon as I saw the guild invite, I knew something was off, and the vote kick confirmed my suspicion. The DPS and healer both said I had a chance to join their guild and stay in the FP. Guess I'll have to start my wait again...


I am almost sure that their guild is new as I had seen the healer a couple days ago in a KDY and he had no guild at the time. Definitely going to be avoiding them in the future.

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I just had a fun SM Cademinu on my baby gunslinger.


The first iteration saw our tank quit at the pull just after the first 'big' pull (with the pair of elite droids). This was due to the shadow DPS pulling and the scoundrel healer not healing. I'll add here that the shadow: RP walks, has a single-bladed saber, does not use stealth, and (not too familiar with Republic version of skills) relies on ranged attacks (but that may be a spec these days [my assassin is shelved]). The key here is how he RP walks into pulls while the tank is recovering.


So, our tank drops and I decide to hang out for a bit. Nothing important going on and this may get funny. We actually get a new tank in short order. I whisper a warning to him and we start the second iteration.


It turns out that our scoundrel healer was totes new and had become confused thinking his targets had to be some distance away from the boss to be healed (and not that he had to be closer to them). We fix that and the droid boss dies quickly even without cleanse (due to level).


But one thing we couldn't fix was the RP walk-pulling shadow/sage. He did however love his Overload. Ooohh boy! We didn't have any real issues for the remainder as the tank knew what to expect. A double-bladed saber even dropped but the shadow/sage didn't heed our advice and equip it.

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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I just had a fun SM Cademinu on my baby gunslinger.


The first iteration saw our tank quit at the pull just after the first 'big' pull (with the pair of elite droids). This was due to the shadow DPS pulling and the scoundrel healer not healing. I'll add here that the shadow: RP walks, has a single-bladed saber, does not use stealth, and (not too familiar with Republic version of skills) relies on ranged attacks (but that may be a spec these days [my assassin is shelved]). The key here is how he RP walks into pulls while the tank is recovering.


So, our tank drops and I decide to hang out for a bit. Nothing important going on and this may get funny. We actually get a new tank in short order. I whisper a warning to him and we start the second iteration.


It turns out that our scoundrel healer was totes new and had become confused thinking his targets had to be some distance away from the boss to be healed (and not that he had to be closer to them). We fix that and the droid boss dies quickly even without cleanse (due to level).


But one thing we couldn't fix was the RP walk-pulling shadow/sage. He did however love his Overload. Ooohh boy! We didn't have any real issues for the remainder as the tank knew what to expect. A double-bladed saber even dropped but the shadow/sage didn't heed our advice and equip it.


I think you meant Hammer Station.

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Still working my way through this thread, but this one couldn't wait until I finished:


Just loaded into Cademimu SM on my Marauder after a lengthy GF wait. The mission was already in progress, but I figured I would give it a shot. As soon as I loaded in and caught up the group (they hadn't gotten far), the other DPS greeted me and asked if I wanted to join their guild. I'm pretty happy with my guild, so naturally I declined. Ten seconds later, a vote kick popped up against me. As soon as I saw the guild invite, I knew something was off, and the vote kick confirmed my suspicion. The DPS and healer both said I had a chance to join their guild and stay in the FP. Guess I'll have to start my wait again...


I am almost sure that their guild is new as I had seen the healer a couple days ago in a KDY and he had no guild at the time. Definitely going to be avoiding them in the future.


It's the way dark side work m8...join us or die :p:D :D

Simply newbies(bad side of them)...don't even bother

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