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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I have been playing the game for a while now and I have never completed a single op (mainly as I have never really been in a position to do them until the recent 12xp), it has actually gotten to the stage where I feel embarrassed when any guildies ask if anybody is up for ops groups and stay quiet, as I never know what gear requirements for them or the op themselves (yes I know there are websites like Dulfy to help but I always learn better by doing). My best character is in a mix of 178 blue gear and 186 purple gear and I still don't know what I should or should not be doing.


If you want to start experiencing ops just for the experience, the old level 50 and 55 ops are good for you in your currentgear . Aside from that, get into a full set of 186 and your set for sm 60 ops but since theyre new be prepared to run into issues and wipe because everyone is still learning it, even if they know the tactics ;p

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i'll start off by saying, yes i'm new, and yes i've never gotten level 30 at all


but on Cademimu SM with my commando dps trooper we had a shadow dps, a commando healer and a guardian tank

the problem was our tank, he insisted on pulling every single mob and LoS them to a nearby friendly mob then proceed to try and dump aggro and run away, after we wiped TWICE without even reaching the club, our commando healer dropped, so i inspected the tank, all green gear at his level, i though "ok so he's here for gear, fine" then he said he had a level 60 when the shadow dps called him out on his gear, inspect achievements, not a single achievement, not even for his story, he only had KDY achieves, so i suspect he bought all his gear off gtn or crafted it, anyways, i inspect him again, EVERY SINGLE piece of armor was broken, completely broken with ZERO durability left.:rak_02:

so i asked him and he started yelling and raving at me in i think spanish, so me and shadow dps just left group leaving this strange naked 'tank' alone in cad

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HM Korriban Incursion. I'm healing on my Commando, we've got a Vanguard tank and an Infiltration Shadow...and then as we're loading in, we see that the Vanguard "DPS" is in Ion Cell. He switches to a different cell and, when questioned, claims to be running a hybrid. I guess he didn't get the memo that hybrids were killed off in 3.0. Since he is wearing tank gear and clearly specced for tank and doesn't want to or can't respec, we kick him and requeue. We get a Sage "DPS".


We clear trash and Lord Renning without trouble. Then we have two wipes on the droid due to Extermination Mode. The Sage keeps dying due to standing in circles (and then rezzing out rather than waiting for me to rez him when I'm NOT dodging missiles), and I'm unsure of his spec because he spams Disturbance and Telekinetic Throw (clearly not Telekinetics) but there's no sign of Vanquish or Force Serenity or Force in Balance (so not Balance either?). During the second wipe I see healing buffs coming up on him and call him out for queueing for the wrong role. He wasn't even healing either! Just spammed Disturbance and TKT and Forcequake on adds.

Well, that explains why we hit the enrage! I offer to switch to DPS so he can heal, but he leaves in a huff. We requeue, praying that we'll get a real DPS this time, and get a Watchman Sentinel.




the problem was our tank, he insisted on pulling every single mob and LoS them to a nearby friendly mob then proceed to try and dump aggro and run away, after we wiped TWICE without even reaching the club, our commando healer dropped, so i inspected the tank, all green gear at his level, i though "ok so he's here for gear, fine" then he said he had a level 60 when the shadow dps called him out on his gear, inspect achievements, not a single achievement, not even for his story, he only had KDY achieves, so i suspect he bought all his gear off gtn or crafted it, anyways, i inspect him again, EVERY SINGLE piece of armor was broken, completely broken with ZERO durability left.:rak_02:


That is why we call it the Kuat Academy of Window-Licking. People can get leveled up (all the way to endgame!) without ever needing to learn how to properly tank or DPS or heal, all by running KDY and just facerolling through it.

Edited by venomlash
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It's mindboggling that a lot of endgame players don't seem to realize that standing in boss' AOE = bad. Continuous wipes on Bulo in 16m SM Ravagers converted the raid to 8m, and we still wiped. At first I thought me and my co-healer weren't putting enough heals 'cause everyone melted super fast, but upon closer inspection the raid team almost never moved from fire/circles. I guess it's true that you can't heal stupid. :(


On a lighter note, the earlier Sparky fight. Tanks pulled, and the dropping gate killed half of the raid team. Don't understand how two months into new content people still don't know about this.


DP/DF sm nerfed to the ground, tactical FP, solo tactical FP, kuat, GF bolster ERA, gave us a generation of insufficient raid players. those fights depend a lot on how much damage dps can avoid and people cannot avoid anything or follow the most simple command. it's harder and harder not asking for achievments and explaining the fights, but still it's new content so i guess we have to be useful and not elitists

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"Why?" I ask. "Why did you go off and pull those mobs?"


"More credits!!!"


"Well now you're dead and out a repair bill, GG."


Yeah I don't mind a full clear, if you are not a bad you don't wipe every other pull, but seriously I haven't seen many full clears when bads are struggling so hard on just the trash mobs, they don't take seriously at all, like credits are pouring from trees or gold sellers. You can't read people's minds, they jump in so fast they don't even so much as make sure everyone is healed, the short CDs expired and everyone is in the door coming from the last fight we barely made it through. And for some reason it seems to be the same groups that have no use whatsoever for maintaining aggro, CC, daze, cleanse or interrupts. Sorcs who spam force lightning on every single fight right out of the gate when my sin has CC'ed the gold. And don't dare say anything or ask them politely to not do that. They can just walk up to a mob, hit one button and feel important or something. That pisses them off and you can be assured they will continue or even stop any team participation.


So in the end you have a repair bill of 24k (a negative cash situation), wiped 3-4 times just on trash mobs, (a negative time impact) for not playing as a team like it was just a tactical flashpoint. So the excuses "need the credits" or "it is faster" or "that is unnecessary" seem to primarily be due to ignorance of the MMO game culture COMPLETELY. I have no idea who this new player demographic is that think they know everything when in fact they know next to nothing and literally drive through the content, fail, ignore, fail, ignore, fail until you, after being so fed up with it completely drop out of your role and somehow manage to get by without them by using every defensive CD and any tricks you can.


There has to be an extremely large amount of people carrying these bads through the entire game or 12x XP made it way too easy for them that they never learn the mechanics of the game. It's like you either run with your guild or not at all anymore because it is going to take an hour in the queue, fail group, then an hour more in the queue again, then another fail group.


I highly suggest that if someone asks you to help them while leveling you seriously consider the lack of experience they are missing because I have never seen anything like it. It is seriously like playing with emotionally unstable 5-6 year olds and that is my guess.

Edited by DyreMaker
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I just completed a Battle of Rishi TFP to finish off the weekly. Three new friends and myself (on my marauder). We were all 60 and, considering we bypassed the first mobs, figured we were going to press through quickly.


Well, one person decided that they were in it for the full clear! A right death sale; all mobs must go!


He falls behind to pull mobs that we had already passed. (Not skipped, mind you, oh no. You had to go and get these villains!) He then realizes that he is alone and trains them to us all the while berating us for not waiting for him. When given a sarcastic response by one of the others, he rage quits, telling us its 'only common courtesy.'


We all got a chuckle out of that. Our failure of deference to his need to waste our time. Noted!

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There has to be an extremely large amount of people carrying these bads through the entire game or 12x XP made it way too easy for them that they never learn the mechanics of the game.


Its not just people carrying but the over-use of the term elitist.


Recently I have been meeting a number of tanks who hold no aggro, healers who don't do any heals, etc....


Now I don't mind new people (bear in mind the vast majority of these people are in lvl 60 HM's or 55/60 ops) but what I don't like is when I try my best to be polite when all I want to do is ask them how the hell they get to 60 and not know a single thing about their class, role or missions. I often start asking people things like, for example healer not healing "everything ok <healer name>", or tank not holding aggro "<tank name> am I doing ok?" expecting an answer along the lines of "LAG" or "sorry im not healer speccced" or "I would prefer you pop your buffs after I pull rather than pre-cast so I can use that time to build aggro" or whatever.


Instead I get something like "yeah, why you ask?" and when I point out there are no heals at all or that I am struggling to peel things off the healer as there are so many attacking him, all 3 members of the group start flaming me as an elitst. I have stood there being polite to some useless level 60 who can't tell the difference between healer, tank and dps and I get accused of elitism.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Had a funny run of HM hammer station. I was on my 55 jugg tank, a 55 sorc healer, 57 sorc dps and 58 merc dps.


I take a look at the group, pop guard on the merc then jump at the first enemy, its just 1 patrolling elite. During the pull the healer asks for guard and I say "its on dps". We do afew more pulls with the merc pulling first until we are at the difficult 1 (those 2 elites and all the trimmings). I notice the healer asks for guard again, I say again "its on dps". I pull that group and sabre reflect, which is lucky as the healer isn't healing.


After the pull he asks for guard again, this time I say "its on dps because it belongs on dps". The healer throws a tantrum, the merc dps explains aggro to the healer and the sorc dps apologises as his english isn't good and he doesn't know whats going on.


We get to the first boss. I ask "all know it?", wait a fair amount of time (even the slowest typer could have written "no" in that amount of time") and pull. Everything is all good until the first beam. It doesn't get cleansed and I use my DCD's to compensate, same again for the second beam. The third beam my DCD's are on CD so I die, the healer combat reses me and on the next beam my hp plummets again. I call for cleanse, get none and die.


I lie dead on the floor as the boss is at 10%, 2 dps and a healer should be able to deal with that. Sadly, despite my more precise instruction on cleansing as I am now dead so not busy with a rotation, te healer doesn't do it and the merc is 1-shot after recieving a 10-stack. Same on the sorc dps, then the healer dies.


Merc drops group without a word, I requeue and I ask the healer if they are new:

healer: "im not new to this game"

me: "so when I say cleanse....do you know what I mean?"

sorc dps: "did I do it wrong?"

me: "nope, there were some healing issues"

healer: "I have done this mission hundreds of times"

me: "explain the first fight to me then"

healer: "the problem is a weak undergeared tank"

- At this point I take a look at hp, my jugg tank is at 38k, the 58 sorc dps is 36k, the 55 sorc healer is.....48.5k. I double take, then look again, another double take, then my jaw hits the floor.


I inspect the sorc healer. Everything is endurance high with:

strength - Head, body, hands, legs, wrists

cunning - implant 1, earpiece, offhand (cunning mods on a focus)

aim - feet, implant 2, belt, mainhand hilt

willpower - mainhand mod


Now I see the true extent of this healers ability. I ask them about their gear:

healer: "I have loads of characters with high levels, I know this game better than you"

me: "so do you know how to cleanse?"

healer: "or you could tank properly"

sorc dps: "is there something I can do?"

me: "yeah, you have cleanse don't you?"

sorc dps: "whats that?"

- I forgot what it is called so explain the picture, he then casts it on me

sorc dps: "that?" (gf gets our second dps replacement now)

me: "yes, I will get a debuff that is a vertical yellow line with a number, when the number says 5 do that on me"

sorc dps: "ok, can you type 5 in chat when I need to so that I know?"

me: "I end up abit frantic when I am tanking, but I will try"

sorc dps: "ok"

healer: "you noob tank, getting someone else to carry you"


I wait for the 2nd dps, a 55 mara we pull, the sorc dps does the cleansing when I say 5 and we beat it easily. I carry on without a word, though the sorc dps points out that was easy.


We set off through trash, I notice after a while I get no heals. I ask about it:

healer: "im having to tank and heal"

me: "no your not, just heal"

mara: "nothing has even touched you"


we carry on, there are some occasions where the sorc dps pulls with force storm but I do my best. He apologises for doing so but says he will only do so on the weaker pulls, which is fine by me. However due to the comments of the healer the mara has taken up a funny habbit based off the fact the healer never gets hit by anything at all in any pull. He ends every pull with "nice tanking healer". After the next 3 of 4 pulls I join in too, shortly after the sorc dps joins in, such that after every single pull all 3 of us write "nice tanking healer".


we get to the second boss, I ask if we all know it and the sorc dps says he doesn't. I explain it and, due to the conversation with the first boss the healer asks:

healer: "does the noob tank want my to carry him with my expunge?"


we kill the bosses, carry on and get to the last boss, I explain for the sorc dps and the healer again asks "want me to expunge anything?". Before I get a chance to pull the mara throws a kick on the healer, we all accpet, the mara pulls out quinn and we complete.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Had a funny run of HM hammer station. I was on my 55 jugg tank, a 55 sorc healer, 57 sorc dps and 58 merc dps.


I take a look at the group, pop guard on the merc then jump at the first enemy, its just 1 patrolling elite. During the pull the healer asks for guard and I say "its on dps". We do afew more pulls with the merc pulling first until we are at the difficult 1 (those 2 elites and all the trimmings). I notice the healer asks for guard again, I say again "its on dps". I pull that group and sabre reflect, which is lucky as the healer isn't healing.


After the pull he asks for guard again, this time I say "its on dps because it belongs on dps". The healer throws a tantrum, the merc dps explains aggro to the healer and the sorc dps apologises as his english isn't good and he doesn't know whats going on.


We get to the first boss. I ask "all know it?", wait a fair amount of time (even the slowest typer could have written "no" in that amount of time") and pull. Everything is all good until the first beam. It doesn't get cleansed and I use my DCD's to compensate, same again for the second beam. The third beam my DCD's are on CD so I die, the healer combat reses me and on the next beam my hp plummets again. I call for cleanse, get none and die.


I lie dead on the floor as the boss is at 10%, 2 dps and a healer should be able to deal with that. Sadly, despite my more precise instruction on cleansing as I am now dead so not busy with a rotation, te healer doesn't do it and the merc is 1-shot after recieving a 10-stack. Same on the sorc dps, then the healer dies.


Merc drops group without a word, I requeue and I ask the healer if they are new:

healer: "im not new to this game"

me: "so when I say cleanse....do you know what I mean?"

sorc dps: "did I do it wrong?"

me: "nope, there were some healing issues"

healer: "I have done this mission hundreds of times"

me: "explain the first fight to me then"

healer: "the problem is a weak undergeared tank"

- At this point I take a look at hp, my jugg tank is at 38k, the 58 sorc dps is 36k, the 55 sorc healer is.....48.5k. I double take, then look again, another double take, then my jaw hits the floor.


I inspect the sorc healer. Everything is endurance high with:

strength - Head, body, hands, legs, wrists

cunning - implant 1, earpiece, offhand (cunning mods on a focus)

aim - feet, implant 2, belt, mainhand hilt

willpower - mainhand mod


Now I see the true extent of this healers ability. I ask them about their gear:

healer: "I have loads of characters with high levels, I know this game better than you"

me: "so do you know how to cleanse?"

healer: "or you could tank properly"

sorc dps: "is there something I can do?"

me: "yeah, you have cleanse don't you?"

sorc dps: "whats that?"

- I forgot what it is called so explain the picture, he then casts it on me

sorc dps: "that?" (gf gets our second dps replacement now)

me: "yes, I will get a debuff that is a vertical yellow line with a number, when the number says 5 do that on me"

sorc dps: "ok, can you type 5 in chat when I need to so that I know?"

me: "I end up abit frantic when I am tanking, but I will try"

sorc dps: "ok"

healer: "you noob tank, getting someone else to carry you"


I wait for the 2nd dps, a 55 mara we pull, the sorc dps does the cleansing when I say 5 and we beat it easily. I carry on without a word, though the sorc dps points out that was easy.


We set off through trash, I notice after a while I get no heals. I ask about it:

healer: "im having to tank and heal"

me: "no your not, just heal"

mara: "nothing has even touched you"


we carry on, there are some occasions where the sorc dps pulls with force storm but I do my best. He apologises for doing so but says he will only do so on the weaker pulls, which is fine by me. However due to the comments of the healer the mara has taken up a funny habbit based off the fact the healer never gets hit by anything at all in any pull. He ends every pull with "nice tanking healer". After the next 3 of 4 pulls I join in too, shortly after the sorc dps joins in, such that after every single pull all 3 of us write "nice tanking healer".


we get to the second boss, I ask if we all know it and the sorc dps says he doesn't. I explain it and, due to the conversation with the first boss the healer asks:

healer: "does the noob tank want my to carry him with my expunge?"


we kill the bosses, carry on and get to the last boss, I explain for the sorc dps and the healer again asks "want me to expunge anything?". Before I get a chance to pull the mara throws a kick on the healer, we all accpet, the mara pulls out quinn and we complete.


Way overdue. Next time kick him after such an abyssmal inspection result and put the fakker on ignore. Damn KDY mouthbreathing, windowlicking graduates who thinks cleanse and interrupt happens to someone else but themselves ^^.


I had one much like it in a Manaan HM run just now...was standing in the puddles and yelling at the healer for not healing him enough...

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I just transferred servers and I queued up for some FPs and didn't realize that transferring servers resets your role selection.. didn't pay attention, as a Juggernaut I had both DPS and Tank selected by default and had to leave a group after the first pull when someone pointed out I was a "tank" in dps gear.. ugh, embarrassing at 60 :(
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Way overdue. Next time kick him after such an abyssmal inspection result and put the fakker on ignore. Damn KDY mouthbreathing, windowlicking graduates who thinks cleanse and interrupt happens to someone else but themselves ^^.


I had one much like it in a Manaan HM run just now...was standing in the puddles and yelling at the healer for not healing him enough...


No this way is much better because he doesnt get the daily or weekly reward but he had to go through all the trouble of the mission

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I was the odd one the other day. Playing on my sent and loaded in late to Battle of Rishi, can't remember why, and the first pack looks to have been cleared. Walk on through and my game finishes loading in and I'm stood in the middle of the pack. As my guild's main tanktinel it wasn't hard to clear but I'm sure the rest of the group were a little worried by the pull :p
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Core Meltdown

All 60, Anni Mara (me, also lowest HP by far), Operative and can't remember other classes


Does anyone want to guess who's tanking every, I repeat every, boss fight? In Mushroom room I even stopped trying to not tank, even after dumping my aggro at every possible moment (managed two FCs every fight) I was still #1 on aggro table. I know you're supposed to kite the boss to mushrooms but... cba... Damage symbol under my Mara's pretty face should give everyone at least a clue about my role but no... I'm not a tank, I've more important things to do as damage dealer.


Worst thing? I'm not even trying:

Force Charge + Deadly Saber -> Battering Assault -> Rupture -> Annihilate -> Ravage -> Dual Saber Throw -> Force Rend -> Never Lose Aggro Again

I'm only doing like 1600 dps (I see a lot of numbers between 1100-2400)

Edited by Halinalle
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Core Meltdown

Does anyone want to guess who's tanking every, I repeat every, boss fight? In Mushroom room I even stopped trying to not tank, even after dumping my aggro at every possible moment (managed two FCs every fight) I was still #1 on aggro table. I know you're supposed to kite the boss to mushrooms but... cba... Damage symbol under my Mara's pretty face should give everyone at least a clue about my role but no... I'm not a tank, I've more important things to do as damage dealer.

And? as i remember (then it was actual content) - many times ec hm we take good mara to tank 1st boss. and in const we use pt dps as tank in tfb hm... after 2.0 we done 1-3 ec nim with mara tank.

all mara can tank (i see it many many many many ... times) ... someone can stay alive after tanking.

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Oh dear another one for me, leveling up my commando named lemonadesoda. I end up finding a group for the esseles after 15 minutes and I get two healers and a tank. All of them were weird.


The tank (Guardian), kept aggro mobs unnecessary or too fast. This made the rest of the group catch up which was pretty annoying considering that the two to be healers were slow.


The first sage healer was alright but was weird because he did the most random stuff, wasted time and wuffle plus did a bit of ninja looting as well...


But the worst of them all was the second sage healer, OMG ninja loot everything and to make sure people don't think that they are ninja looting, passes on the consular gear (great WHY). oh yea, she used melee as well once....


Either way, I had to cope with that throughout the whole tactical or old fp and lag, and finish the thing after I had to reorganize the group (pretty much let us catch up and heal, pass useless mobs and on final boss, did the old 1 tank, 1 healer and 2 dps tactic)

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Not all that weird, but hasn't happened before for me, doing Bloodhunt tactical and the entire group (all DPS) except for me wiped during the husband and wife fight, not sure how you do that with the kolto stations and the mechanics aren't all that hard. Had to finish the the woman by myself. For Torch only the sorc wiped, surprisingly.
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Not all that weird, but hasn't happened before for me, doing Bloodhunt tactical and the entire group (all DPS) except for me wiped during the husband and wife fight, not sure how you do that with the kolto stations and the mechanics aren't all that hard. Had to finish the the woman by myself. For Torch only the sorc wiped, surprisingly.


A bit lower than average group then. That fight seem to be difficult for many. Probably because in solo version only the droid gets knocked down from the platform but he always gets back up.

Key thing to husband and wife fight is to stay in the middle or as close as possible.

Edited by Halinalle
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A bit lower than average group then. That fight seem to be difficult for many. Probably because in solo version only the droid gets knocked down from the platform but he always gets back up.

Key thing to husband and wife fight is to stay in the middle or as close as possible.

Even if you don't get knocked off, they can do quite a bit of damage in the tactical version, especially if whoever has aggro on Valk doesn't have a clue and points her at the rest of the group while they don't run away, for maximum cleave.

Going for the kolto station can be a bit suicidal if you're not a trooper/BH.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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I haven’t posted here for awhile as now I’m back at work and don’t have as much time, I wish the Christmas holidays never ended :(


I was on my fresh level 21 Tank Assassin that I’m currently levelling up. I decide to do a run of KDY and it pops pretty quickly. We have 3 DPS and me as the Tank and I think this will be good because we’ll probably get through it pretty quickly. The DPS consist of a sniper, a merc and a DPS assassin. I ask if they want me to tank or just DPS and the sniper and merc are happy for me to tank it, the other assassin says nothing so I assume he agrees. First few pulls go fine and we’re getting through nice and easy. After a little while the other assassin decides he wants to go and pull everything first which doesn’t really bother me to much but I make no effort to try and rip aggro back off him as he seems to be ripped to shreds rather easily before he’ll then run back to the sniper when his health gets to low and I pick up the aggro. This goes on for awhile as though he's racing to get the next mob before I do. We get to Koris and I jump in and start tanking and suddenly the other assassin says in chat that it’s not fair that I’m always the one attacking and that he’s only attacking me? I would say he’s new but this guy is in his level 40’s! He gets the hump about not being the “leader” and just stops attacking all together, us other 3 put up a valiant effort but we die when Koris is on about 5% (a real wanting to punch the wall moment). I’m about to start a kick but I decide to play along with this guy (mean I know but I was curious). We get back to Koris and the assassin says something along the lines of no else attack till he does because he's the leader this time, right? He jumps in and the rest of us three just sit there and watch as gets his rear handed to him on a silver platter. He goes down real quick and us 3 all just let ourselves be killed. Just before he’s kicked he say in chat that he wasn’t ready and wants to go again but then we kick him after a block of course. We get another sniper DPS and I tank Koris fine and he goes down in no time. This guy must have been literally been carried all the way through on KDY his entire toon life because he no idea about anything other than attacking with only the basic attacks over and over again, it's scary to think this guy may soon be getting into op's soon without knowing literally anything :p


TLDR / Level 40 DPS Assassin on KDY has no idea about anything, spams basic attacks over and over, pulls every mob in an area as quickly as possible and complains he's not the "leader."

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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It's not called the Window Licker Academy for nothing. I've only ever set foot in the place with a guild group the first week it came out, or solo post 3.0 for rep grinding.


Horrible design, horrible idea in the first place. TFPs just teach godawful play.


Yep, but with no double or 12XP the amount of side-quests needed as you level is kind of painful. KDY daily still gives a ton of XP.

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Yep, but with no double or 12XP the amount of side-quests needed as you level is kind of painful. KDY daily still gives a ton of XP.


For f2p maybe but not for a sub. A sub can use no XP boosts except rest XP, only do class and the main planet quest and do no side quests yet still be over levelled for every planet after your capital. But enough of my soap box, we're here for fp stories...


Battle of Rishi last night on my operative healer. My three team mates proceed to attack every skipable mob after I've passed them, come charging into the bunkers just as I'm about to click the console from stealth every damn time and even manage to pull the Jedi & Sith boss pair while I'm just outside the room, locking me out. If they had waited literally 2 seconds I would have been there. To add to my annoyance they actually used the kolto stations and didnt die. :(


Eventually we get to the final boss and one of them tells us to remember to hide during the emp phase. Then he tells us again. Then he repeats it a third time in caps. One of the others tells him to shut up then we have a long pause where none of them does anything and I think about initiating the pull myself. Finally he types it in caps again and attacks. Now we get to the funny part...


On the first emp blast the guy who kept telling us to remember to hide forgets to click the console and is on his own so he dies. :D:D:D


Once I stopped laughing I rezd him. Then did what I always do in that battle and solod the adds because everyone else ignores them. Is BoR bugged and the adds only appear for me? I'm starting to think so.


The others all say their good byes and I add them to my ignore list, which is becomming standard practice after TFPs.

Edited by Irongut
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Round 2!


Was doing HM Manaan on my 60 sorc (healer). We had a merc and juggernaut DPS, with a PT Tank.


We immediately had difficulty on the first group of mobs when it became painfully obvious that our tank was either not paying attention, or had made some sort of mistake, as all aggro immediately transfered to me within seconds of the tank pulling, leading to me getting my face pasted to the wall in about .2 seconds flat.


Figuring it was just a slightly hilarious mess-up, we traveled on through the FP and had only minor difficulty. As I often do in my FP runs, I was browsing over everyone's gear when I realized the buff tray for our tank was a bit odd. I hadn't played PT in a long while, but I was pretty certain that the tanking cylinder was the Ion one; this tank had the starter one which I forget the name of but it boosts fire damage.


I pointed it out to the tank, who left no words at first. When I specifically named the Ion cylinder, he switched to that again with no verbal response. We moved on, and then I realized around near the security gate that he never put guard on anyone. Considering I was drawing more aggro than our DPS (and I'm not sure what to think of that) I asked for guard to be placed on me.


No response, the PT just kept running off. Pulling the boss, it took about 10 minutes (I actually had my ingame logging on with the time where I explained the tactic and then when we actually heard Lana after the fight) but we pulled through. But after that I immediately requested to be guarded. Again. No response. I eventually just stopped in my place and asked the tank if he even knew what guard was.




Oh, great. A level 60 tank that doesn't use the proper cylinder, doesn't know what guard is, and is trying to tank an HM.


Eventually we gave up after numerous wipes on the trash to just have our juggernaut respec to tank. He did wonderfully until the final boss, when we needed him as DPS again.


Tactics were explained, as usual.


We wiped five times and gave up. Cost me a 50k or so repair tab, went through the entire FP without getting a 192 gear peice which I sorely need. And no commendations for the daily/weekly.


So after this and a few other runs, I don't PUG HM anymore.

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DP/DF sm nerfed to the ground, tactical FP, solo tactical FP, kuat, GF bolster ERA, gave us a generation of insufficient raid players. those fights depend a lot on how much damage dps can avoid and people cannot avoid anything or follow the most simple command. it's harder and harder not asking for achievments and explaining the fights, but still it's new content so i guess we have to be useful and not elitists


Yet people in the forums and third party forums like reddit are now complaining that the current endgame content is too hard and it needs to be nerf. I hope they don't nerf the current content hard and keep it as close to as it is for a while, and allow the players learn their skils and get better.

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To add to my annoyance they actually used the kolto stations and didnt die. :(


Ohhhh that annoys me no end. When I'm on my healer, I prefer to keep idiots and ninjas in the group rather than vote-kick them, because I can let them die repeatedly. Then someone uses the kolto and I curse at the injustice of it all.


My diabolical revenge schemes work much better in HMs.

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