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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I don't really have any recent funny stories but heres a couple from the weekend to bump the thread. I was on my Operative healer for both.


Korriban HM 60. We arrive and the tank says they are new to tanking so sorry for any mistakes and please give hints. The dps are silent so I say no problems and I'll try to help. The new tank was not bad, the only real problem I had was they kept leaping at the next mob before I was in range to heal them. A bigger problem was the dps who pulled several mobs first even after being told not to. We had a couple of wipes at the droid boss but we got through it and fun was had. We had no other problems but the dps who liked to pull did die a few times. I wonder why that might have been. ;)


Rakata HM 60. A well geared group so I was expecting no problems but the Powertech tank couldn't hold threat vs a wet paper bag. I spent more time healing the dps and myself than him. After the first few mobs one of the dps remarked on how good my healing was and the tank agreed. Personally I was stressed because we had just nearly wiped on trash and worried we wouln't make it past the rancor. At the rancor one of the dps attacked the Rakata but the other one stayed on the rancor with the tank. :( I threw a little damage in there when I could, I didn't really need to heal anyone other than the dps fighting the Rakata and myself anyway. We got through it eventually. I don't really remember the rest of the fp, it was a blur of frenzied healing on everyone but the tank. At the end someone suggested we do another so I lied and claimed it was time for me to log.

Edited by Irongut
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A run of SM malestrom which left me reminiscent of levelling my first rep character.


I am on my scoundrel, my scoundrel healing leaves alot to be desired, however as always at this level, healing any semi-competent group is a piece of cake. The group is a guardian tank, gunslinger dps and sage dps.


At the very start the tank says this is his first time and asks us to explain the fight. I reply with a "will do" the gunslinger writes "sure" and the sage responds to this request with a vote kick on the tank, reason: noob. I suddenly gain a huge stack of respect for the gunslinger who explains with colourful language which leaves very little room for interpretation what his opinion of the sage is (he doesn't like him). The sage doesn't reply and we set off.


On the trash going to the first boss I am hugely impressed at how this tank holds aggro. Yeah sure he loses the odd 1 or 2 but compared to my jugg tanking hes awesome. However the sage seems to think the fact that the healer dropped to 97% is cause to rant at the tank. Me and the gunslinger rant back, and 2 people type quicker than one so he is shot down rather quickly, largely helped by the extremely entertaining colourful language used by this gunslinger.


At this point the tank offers to leave as they don't want to be a hinderance. The sage is quick to tell them to bugger off, me and the gunslinger are both just as quick in pointing out the sage is free to drop group whenever he wants.


Get to the first boss and I start writing along the lines of "he knockbacks all the time and drops his body on the floor then explodes, tank with your back to a wall and stay at distance directly after his knockback. The sage then tells me "don't try act all pro you noob, what would you know about tanking". I admit in chat I know less about jugg/guardian tanking than this guy (he holds decent aggro) but point out I have tanked this mission before. The sage decides I am clearly lying as I don't know anything about tanking this fight. The gunslinger points out my instructions are vaguely correct and will be suitable to get us through the fight, tank pull and we 1-shot it.


Everything is pretty much the same all the way through, except that the gunslinger explains tanking on the last boss as I have always hated tanking him and give advice along the lines of "stay out of boss los, enemies stand in boss los so tanking is a pain in the behind".


The reason I say this is reminicient of my first rep run was because my first rep was a vang tank, my first every run of malestrom prison I was with 2 people who would wait to explain to me, while the 4th kept ranting and raving about noobs spoiling his game. I was glad I got to be on the other side of that situation and express my view (politely of course :p) to the pr*ck of the group.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Recently, I had these two people from the same guild in my group and when I arrived they immediately started asking for money for repairs. I said no, because they could manage and obviously have enough after the flashpoint. They got mad and kicked me from the group, but not before inviting another person and trying the same thing. I messaged him telling him not to and he said they kicked him too. Nice try you TERRIBLE scam artists.
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At the very start the tank says this is his first time and asks us to explain the fight. I reply with a "will do" the gunslinger writes "sure" and the sage responds to this request with a vote kick on the tank, reason: noob. I suddenly gain a huge stack of respect for the gunslinger who explains with colourful language which leaves very little room for interpretation what his opinion of the sage is (he doesn't like him). The sage doesn't reply and we set off.


How do you guys even tolerate that? That's impressive.


Every time I tell at the beginning that it is my first time doing FP everyone is like "It's piece of cake" and then we just kill everything. Only SM FP I've died after getting that "piece of cake" response is still Red Reaper.

Edited by Halinalle
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Why is it I am still seeing people doing pre 3.0 rotations?


Yeah fair enough, when I first got SoR and decided to level my sniper first I ran in and started doing silly things like trying to armour debuff with shatter shot, or hoping to auto-crit snipe with laze target.


However within the first few pulls of the first fp I went into I noticed laze target wasn't making my snipe crit, so I read the tooltip. I noticed my shatter shot wasn't causing an armour debuff so I read more tooltips. After that shambles I checked all my tooltips on all my toons.


I mean, if I can do it, why cant other people realise that they cant use CSC with rapid shot to heal.

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Last nights group finder was a mess. The short version is that two of the people were really bad but the tank was pretty good. After we called it I asked the tank if he wanted to queue up with me. He said "I'm eleven and I have to go to bed".


The one guy who knew what he was doing was eleven years old.

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Well this is a run of KDY on pub side in the harbinger (I had great run though's with the imp side who knows what they are doing and I hope pub side is at least the same).


Well I decided to use gf to try to level up to 16 on my guardian, I ended up with me 15 guardian, 16 guardian, 35 sent and 31 shadow. So we did not exchange hellos and I knew that this is going to be bad since I only did my buffs on them. (I always assume that if they do buff they know what their doing)


First stage was the prison one, the level 16 guard wanted to get that 10 prisoner achievement, I went by it with the shadow as well. So the plan was the kill all of the mobs plus the elite before releasing the prisoners and getting that achievement. But it did kinda backfired because of the sent deciding to ignore the instructions. Released the prisoners 1 by one after us 3 cleaned up the mobs. Funny thing is that it worked until the elite, oh she did it before and guess what they DIED. We did kill the elite with me dying because of the missile cheese, guess what. Oh the 16 guardian was pissed full swearing and creating stars in chat to the point that he raged quit. Great 1 man down and the leader passed to the sent who tends to ignore. Doesn't even que up to find another dude. I did ask her to que but ignored me for the first time. So up towards the second stage with 3 users (including myself)


Second stage was the shipbuilding one, okay.... So before we start, the shadow was lagging alot or doing something, so it was us two a bit. I decided to wait for the shadow and while I was waiting I told the sent who was leader to que us in GF to find a another dude. Yep ignore and let's go solo this because we can do it.. Great I had to rush to at least help her.. Lucky that she learnt her lesson and after many demands (got to the point that I had to tell her to give me leader so I can que up again), gave me leader, que up and decided to move while gf does it job. Normal clean up and what you know we got a 4th dude a level 39 sent. So before we got the parts the 35 sent decided to try and unlock the thing and did it many times which got us annoyed. No chat flaming just sat there. So we went and cleaned everything up including elite, got all the parts.I did ask chat if anyone knows how to build a ship (I was planning to do it since I know it if no one knew it), only the shadow reply to my message and what you know the sent decided to do LET'S BUILD MY OWN SHIP (yea no need for her to read the clues), and decided to run off assuming that she got it right, but backfired on her and I was like REALLY! ( that was because I thought we forgot one of the parts and I was searching). So we had to kill the first 2 bots in the middle then backtrack towards the 2 bots near the ship build terminal then go forwards to the bots near the elevator (great time...) But we did pull it off thanks to everyone knowing how to kill a bot. Boss time


So the boss was the Sith (yea I hate this, even worst that i'm melee and everyone else is so the circles are going to be a huge problem), we went off and it was VERY SLOW with me and the 39 sent racking up deaths many times while the shadow got 1 death while the Stupid one got none. We were pretty lucky that the sith did not reset and we managed to pull it down. Everyone said thank you except the 35 sent who still was a noob and we all went our own ways.


In the end, pub side tend to have more inexperience people in both gf and Pvp on the harbinger. Meh.

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At the very start the tank says this is his first time and asks us to explain the fight. I reply with a "will do" the gunslinger writes "sure" and the sage responds to this request with a vote kick on the tank, reason: noob. I suddenly gain a huge stack of respect for the gunslinger who explains with colourful language which leaves very little room for interpretation what his opinion of the sage is (he doesn't like him). The sage doesn't reply and we set off.


While I may not have initiated the act, if someone had put the sage up for kick with the reason "Jerk" (or something perhaps a bit more colorful), I would have found it an absolute joy to vote to confirm.


I hate that attitude. These idiots would rather wait an hour for a que to pop than spend a couple of minutes explaining some encounter mechanics to less experienced players and ultimately create more players willing and able to join these missions and do the jobs that they joined to do.

Heck, not even explaining the mechanics, just shutting up and waiting for a moment while someone else explains them.

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While I may not have initiated the act, if someone had put the sage up for kick with the reason "Jerk" (or something perhaps a bit more colorful), I would have found it an absolute joy to vote to confirm.


The reason I didn't vote kick him is because he deserves a lockout. I was hoping as the tank was new they may be rather bad at tanking, cause the sage to rage quit and get the lock out he deserves. Sadly the tank knew how to control aggro.



HM mando. I am on my jugg tank, the group is mara dps, merc dps and sorc healer. All is good (except my aggro holding) which I aoplogise for, 1 dps and the healer both say they hadn't noticed, the other dps says he doesn't mind (I know I cant jugg tank properly and I will drop afew enemies, so I make sure the ones I lose aggro on are standards/weaks).


the group seemed happy with my passable tanking, and the healer commented it was nice to have a "fast moving tank who actually looks at the groups hp/resource before pulling". After digging it seems he had been on afew previous runs with go-go-go tanks or ones that stop and "wait on CD" at every pull.


However everything turned on its head so quick that I had no idea what was happening. It was at the boarding party boss, both dps and the healer stand in the los spot and the mara tells me to stand with them. While I am typing my reply he says it again. I reply pointing out "I don't bother with the los on this 1, I can keep them bunched easily enough without los". Now all 3 of them tell me to stand where they are. I don't pay any attention, quickly list the kill order and leap in.


I start my aoe rotation, getting aggro on the smuggler, trooper and consular while the knight does his usually BS, so I taunt him back to me, once that wears off I aoe taunt to keep the knight on me and he dies before that wears off due to good dps. I manage to keep aggro on the other 3 for the rest of the fight, they remain bunched up as the only enemy that uses melee is the sage so he is the only 1 that moves with me and I stand between the scoundrel and trooper, keeping the sage close to them.


After the pull the mara has a go at me for not losing. I point out that the enemies remained bunched the entire fight, therefore los was pointless. The healer drops group without a word, the merc dps says he cba "carrying this dumb tank" and quits. I write "screw this" and drop group too.


I mean really? Yeah my jugg tanking is not perfect, I lose aggro once or twice but it never caused issues and the group even said they like the pace. Then I decide not to los on a fight that really doesn't need it and suddenly I am rubbish?



and on a side note, I want to rant about a practice that is becoming more and more common on ToFN.


Extricate should not be used on the tank (exceptions for cases such as he has been blasted off a platform and is falling to his death, feel free if you want to). The number of times my jugg or vang (shadow is too low level to be teamed with sages who have it) has lost aggro due to some dumb-*** sorc/sage pulling me and dumping my aggro for no good reason.


And as a matter of principle I will not taunt if somebody extricates me. I don't care if the healer is about to die, I don't care if the dps is kiting like a baby because the big scary boss is on his ***. That is the entire reason why you do not aggro dump a tank.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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It's mindboggling that a lot of endgame players don't seem to realize that standing in boss' AOE = bad. Continuous wipes on Bulo in 16m SM Ravagers converted the raid to 8m, and we still wiped. At first I thought me and my co-healer weren't putting enough heals 'cause everyone melted super fast, but upon closer inspection the raid team almost never moved from fire/circles. I guess it's true that you can't heal stupid. :(


On a lighter note, the earlier Sparky fight. Tanks pulled, and the dropping gate killed half of the raid team. Don't understand how two months into new content people still don't know about this.

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Had an interesting Athiss SM earlier today on my DPS Guardian, Focus Speeced.


We zone in, and the team is me at lvl 25, a DPS Scoundrel at 22, a Sage Healer at 23 and a Vanguard Tank at 19. Ok, no biggie, I think.

I go into the big hole to get ot the bottom, but apparently the Tank has decided to clear the FP of every enemy, because he pulls the droids up above - and dies. :confused:


This goes on for the whole path to the first boss, that we kill, though the Tank dies and I tank myself for about 25% of the boss health... :rolleyes:

Then we rez the guy and move on.


On the large valley he doesn't rest, relying completely on the Healer, and chainpulls like crazy, often tunnelvisioning. But the Scoundrel is always ready to help me peel off the Healer, so we keep going.


As we arrive at the ramp that takes at the level where the second boss is, the Tank keeps clearing the lower level, even though we call him to move upstairs, and he pulls a couple of mobs at the same time.

Us DPS jump in and try to save him, but alas, he dies. Again. While he returns to us, I explain that clearing every mob is not necessary, not for Exp - the amount of it is not that great anyway - nor for the following boss, that he claims is the main reason he doesn't want to let those mobs live.

I tell him there's a way to avoid them joining hte fight, and he seems willing to listen, so we clear the last mob before the boss and I tell him to tank on the door. Like, on the corner to the R. He does so, and even though I rip aggro like crazy, we manage to down the boss and annihilate the adds without trouble. :cool:


Why did I rip aggro, you ask? Simple. First of all, I was 6 lvls above him, with gear pretty much on hte level - about 25, least 23 - and second I was not guarded, because the Healer was apparently in need of it, seeing at how he kept demanding it every time the Tank forgot to put it up... :p


Still, I open the shortcut with my Archeology and we get to the final boss, where I explain tactics. However, right before the fight, I asked the Tank to Guard me instead of the Healer, which responded with a shocked "Guard on DPS? Really?"

I sighed a little, then proceeded to explain the mechanics of aggro... Or rather, I was ready to, but the Tank pulled. :D

We engaged, and we managed no problem all in all, though I think it depends mostly on the fact I got the flames debuff two times over the three it appeared... And hte DPS Scoundrel got it the other time. :rolleyes:


After the fight, I explained the basics on aggro generation. The Tank was quite surprised to hear that, but told me he was new and on his second run in Athiss, first time ever in a FP as Tank. So yeah, makes sense to be a bit more careful than standard. :)

The Healer listened to my explanation on aggro and on how if the Healer gets aggro only through healihg it's the DPS' fault, for not peeling off him. The Healer seemed to acknowledge it, and when we parted ways said "I hope I'm not going to need Guard again, I tend to be overwhelmed by enemies quite easily". Which makes me think that's why he asked for Guard the whole FP... :rolleyes:


All in all, a good run, with two new players both ready to listen to advice! :eek:

Really, I'm glad I'm finding less people acting like pros but playing as bads... Lately I've been mostly soloing stuff, so I'm a bit off when it comes to compensating for others... :rolleyes:

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I had a fun Battle of Rishi last night... I was on my combat Sentinel, I think we had another Sentinel, a Vanguard tank and maybe a Shadow but my memory is hazy. We progressed through the FP fine with no weirdness till we got to the final boss.


At the first emp stage only myself and the other Sentinel went to the protected area so the other two died. Shortly after the other Sentinel died from standing in aoe. :rolleyes: I still had plenty of hp so I decided to see how far I could get soloing the boss. After killing adds or hiding from the emp I used the kolto stations. After 3 sets of adds and I think 4 emp stages I finally beat the boss, solo with no companion or GSI droid. I was quite pleased with myself.


The comment from the tank who died in the first few minutes of the fight... "so this is a solo flashpoint then?"

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I had a fun Battle of Rishi last night... I was on my combat Sentinel, I think we had another Sentinel, a Vanguard tank and maybe a Shadow but my memory is hazy. We progressed through the FP fine with no weirdness till we got to the final boss.


At the first emp stage only myself and the other Sentinel went to the protected area so the other two died. Shortly after the other Sentinel died from standing in aoe. :rolleyes: I still had plenty of hp so I decided to see how far I could get soloing the boss. After killing adds or hiding from the emp I used the kolto stations. After 3 sets of adds and I think 4 emp stages I finally beat the boss, solo with no companion or GSI droid. I was quite pleased with myself.


The comment from the tank who died in the first few minutes of the fight... "so this is a solo flashpoint then?"


THe correct answer would have been : "Tactical = solo for good players."

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Had a run of HM Korriban Incursion a few days ago. I was on my Gunnery Commando, and the other three guys were all in a guild together: Sage healer, Vanguard tank, and another Goonery goon. Everyone was fairly well-geared (~45k HP, ~50k for the tank) and followed proper tactics. We 1shotted everything, just the occasional death here or there, maybe one wipe on trash. Tank died on the first boss (got punted into a cage?), so the other Commando and I just ping-ponged aggro on everything for a few seconds until the tank was rezzed; troopers stronk. At the pull just outside the Sith Academy the healer got ganked by a marauder the tank missed, so we Commandos just went ahead and green-beamed the tank through it all (troopers stronk).

If there was one weird one in the group, it was me constantly bringing up the rear due to graphics lag and being bad at climbing stairs. Oh and also I accidentally stood in an exploding droid on the final boss and went from 100% to 25% HP despite my 30% AoE DR from Shock Absorbers. :ph_lol:


What was weird about it? We killed the second boss without any complications. Adds were trivial with all the Mortar Volley and Plasma Grenade going out (like I said, troopers stronk), the combination of AoE DR and excellent heals allowed us to DPS pretty much without interruption during the circles phase, and we ended up downing the bot just as he started to cast Extermination Mode.

So again, WHAT was weird about that? Well, we all stood around for a few seconds afterward wondering in chat whether it had been stealth-nerfed in the recent patch or if we were just that good.


All in all, a good run, with two new players both ready to listen to advice! :eek:


Two bads in one FP listening to advice and coming around? This story is clearly fake. :mon_rolleyes:

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Nothing to do with gf, just some bloke I met who seemed like the type of person I would dislike if I gave a sh*t:


I was on fleet with my sniper, generally doing stuff and what-have-you when somebody asks for help with a fp. I offer to help, pointing out that as I am level 60 he will get reduced exp (I think thats how it works). He invites me, I see he is a level 34 mara and a conversation starts up in group chat:

him: "help flashpoint"

me: "which 1?"

him: "yes please, help"

me: "which flashpoint"

him: "can you help?"


At this point it is clear this conversation is getting nowhere so I check my map and run to him, at the boarding party/foundry area. I then say "ready" and wait for him to set off towards 1 of the mission entrances. Instead he stands there constantly asking if I will help with a flashpoint. Eventually he gets the point and he enters the boarding party fp. I run in after him and off we go....


I click pass on all the loot (its of negligable importance and value) while he needs everything. I get the feeling I may be helping a ninja-looter, though it could just be because I was passing he assumed it would be ok for him to need, and tbh I couldn't care less. We complete the mission, leave then he asks "another one?". I agree and he heads for foundry. We enter, complete and come back out. I ask if theres any more he wants, he says no so I set off and decide to go do some daily runs on rishi.


Then I start getting whispers from the bloke complaining about how much of a pr*ck I am. Turns out he was doing the "call to arms" quest and forgot to do the conversation between the 2 fp's and was annoyed at me for abandoning him half way through the call to arms questline. I did point out that I did ask if he wanted any more help before I left and he said no. However this did nothing to satiate his annoyance and he decided the most effective method of getting me to come back and help him again would be to fill the chat with abuse.


I stuck him on ignore.

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Back to normal, bads (or in this case bad) who doesn't listen


I log on my sniper, queue for everything on gf as per my usual daily comms run. Do Cerka core TFP, rattaka prime HM - absolutly perfect run, damn good tank, though impatient, and everybody knows the main boss mechanics inside-out (except me who knows that I should keep the blue circle at my feet away from the trooper in the final fight, but have never seen what happens if I dont) and the tank is willing to stop to explain the bonus boss to us.


Then the bad run. My sniper dps, jugg dps, jugg tank and op healer, HM czerka core. We zone in and start the first room with the 3 consoles that need to be pressed. We move toward the left 1 kill the enemies and press it. It is during this fight I notice the healer gets shot by every single enemy and I end up spending my time peeling off the healer.


Myself, the other dps and the healer all set off round the outside towards the second console. While we are nearly there the tank charges at the enemies in the middle. Us 3 ignore it and just kill the pull by the second console, then the patrolling elite, then go to help the tank.


The tank has been fighting this pull for as long as it took use 3 to kill our ones, so I assume he has a huge aggro cushion. The second the healers first heal hits the tank pretty much everything starts shooting the healer (the healer has guard btw). We finish the pull and carry on. The champion droid in the corridor the tank quickly loses aggro to the healer again (through guard). This carries on, every single pull the healer is being attacked by everything and I spend all my time peeling.


We get to the sandstorm boss and I write "all know it?"

other dps: "yes"

healer: "y"

The tank doesn't answer and pulls. The sandstorm starts and the tank doesn't move. It soon becomes clear the tank doesn't know it. I say "seems the tank doesn't" he replies:

tank: "shut up"

me: "take him to the green thing"

tank: "p rick"


Eventually the dps jugg says "ill do the tanking, don't taunt off me". He taunts and drags the boss to the generators, follows proper fight mechanics and the only thing that prevents a wipe is the fact this healer is awesome. After the fight the tank speaks up again

tank: "I am new"

me: "you could have told us that before you nearly caused a wipe"

tank: "clearly im not good enough for mr. amazing"

me (got annoyed): "well you guard the healer, hold 0 aggro, start fights we can skip and don't bother letting us know that you have never done this mission before, what have you done right so far?"

healer: "hes got a point"

tank: "why does it matter"

me: "because giving us a minute to explain important bits of boss fights makes the entire fight easier"

tank: "we did fine on the last 1"

dps jugg: "dw about it, I will tank"

me: "ok"

tank: "**** you"


The tank drops group, we 3-man the jungle habitat one, then a replacement tank joins and we complete with no more issues.

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Got one from last night.


I was running back to back KDY on my Merc, and had several incidents in rapid succession.


First game we had the hangar. I forget what classes everyone was because all of my KDY runs are essentially a blur after you do so many. Anyhow, I point out the elite defender is on the left, second floor. I head for it while everyone ignores me and charges to the console. I remind them not to activate it. They do anyhow, and then get baffled at the fact that the bonus was lost. All of thrm were in the same guild.


Second run was quite remarkable. New people, one of which was a 15 sniper. He had a tendency to charge off without the rest of us, but he handled himself okay so we didn't think too much of it. It quickly got worse, however, and we wiped three times on trash. Not really in the mood, I politely asked him to not run ahead and aggro other groups. This sniper goes COMPLETELY *******, immediately launching a barrage on how I'm a terrible player, questioning my sexuality, even declaring me transexual (for some reason). He even brought my mother into it and asked if I was going to cry.


Now, we had no tank, and I was tremendously out-DPSing the rest of the group. With heavy armor I acted as the surrogate tank. We had no healer either. During the rest of the flashpoint (room 2 onwards) the sniper flat out refused to participate in battle, just running in circles and informing us it was so that he could be more like the "selfish *****" (me). We actually didn't kick him because his tantrum made us all laugh really hard. We completed the FP without him and he sent me a nasty whisper telling me to never queue again before ignoring me.


And then the first one happened again. Nice.

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Battle of Rishi, final boss. Electrostorm whatever. I am right at the console, think I click it, but turns out I hadn't. I die, the healer dies, the 2 remaining DPS manage to 2-man the thing while I watch in amazement.


Don't understand how two months into new content people still don't know about this.


Some people have been playing for a year and a half and not managed to complete a single Op. Some people almost did last night, but all of a sudden 5 of the 8 people in the op group for S&V dropped before it actually started and left certain players once again suspecting that Ops aren't actually a thing that exists in the game.

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Some people have been playing for a year and a half and not managed to complete a single Op. Some people almost did last night, but all of a sudden 5 of the 8 people in the op group for S&V dropped before it actually started and left certain players once again suspecting that Ops aren't actually a thing that exists in the game.


I might have met some of these people a few days ago. 8m SM TFB that my friend and I joined for funsies (love the last boss fight, it's super fun). The raid leader and lieutenant gave the impression that they were new to operations, well, I thought, no matter, everyone was overgeared, we could do this. Still missing a DPS, but the lieutenant was getting impatient so we decided to give it a try on seven players. One had lockout past the Dread Guards, so leader was given to them and we zoomed in.


Enter the room with mobs and data boxes, suddenly one DPS disconnected after the tanks pulled. For some reason this caused the raid leader to flip and demanded that we /stuck it. :confused: We did as told, though not comprehending why as we were clearing the rooms just fine. I don't remember what his reasoning was, but in the end the group was disbanded and the leader said he would re-invite us along with replacements. Waited for half an hour, nothing. The leader and lieutenant had probably called it quits, a shame that some people didn't get to do ops due to small mishaps.

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Some people have been playing for a year and a half and not managed to complete a single Op. Some people almost did last night, but all of a sudden 5 of the 8 people in the op group for S&V dropped before it actually started and left certain players once again suspecting that Ops aren't actually a thing that exists in the game.


I have been playing the game for a while now and I have never completed a single op (mainly as I have never really been in a position to do them until the recent 12xp), it has actually gotten to the stage where I feel embarrassed when any guildies ask if anybody is up for ops groups and stay quiet, as I never know what gear requirements for them or the op themselves (yes I know there are websites like Dulfy to help but I always learn better by doing). My best character is in a mix of 178 blue gear and 186 purple gear and I still don't know what I should or should not be doing.

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I tried doing the Kuat Drive Yards with my merc yesterday, but my computer kept dragging and she[level 17] kept getting killed before she could heal the others. Everyone else was way above me level-wise(like in the 30s and above) and we had to deal with a level 50 boss. I got kicked out even though I kept trying to explain that my computer was dragging and she wasn't sprinting like she should have been even though she had the sprint ability on.


I have yet to meet any really funny people in a group yet, but when I did The Esseles with my scoundrel a couple days ago, our Jedi Sentinel made a comment about making sure he was compensated well for the completion of our mission. Adira was like, "Um, that's my line?"

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Did a Kuat run to remind me how to play my Sin - was joined by a sniper whose gearing was . . . eclectic to say the least. Come to think of it the only gear piece he had that was Cunning was the earpiece, everything else was a mix of the other 3. Popped his screen before every fight, was often at melee range and out of cover.


He said he knew the starship puzzle, but messed it up - fortunately, that was just a mistake, not a "I will do it wrong on purpose for the XP from the droids which they TOTALLY give" which I have seen before - I did ask.

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