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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I swear some people don't read the tool tips and just press the key when they see that one of their abilities has come off cooldown, regardless of what that ability does. I was in ops last night with someone who was using Supercharged Celerity on weak groups of adds, preventing it from being used at the appropriate time during boss fights. They had no idea.


Man, and I thought that the light-up border would be a POSITIVE addition to the game...

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I'm not sure why I'm still subjecting myself to group finder. I suppose I meet interesting people. Like the level 60 sorc in a HM flashpoint with about 32k health. "How does someone manage to get to level 60 with 32k?" I ask. The sorc then proceeds to challenge me to a "dule". In the flashpoint. I'm a healer.


Or the PT tank in Rakata Prime who ran off on his own, aggroed all the trash, and died. Then pulled mobs I had cced so we could stealth past. Then ran right through the whole gauntlet of mobs on his way to the rancor after the rest of us had skipped it, and died. Then pulled the rancor boss before the dps were in the area, and died because I let him. Then blamed the dps for being noobs. Then complained about the marauder stealing aggro. Then disconnected so my babygirl Kaliyo could tank the rest of it with zero problems. Oh, and then I noticed he was from my guild, which is why the dps weren't saying anything to me. :(


Or the jugg tank (also in Rakata, because nothing else ever pops) who augmented for endurance and who had zero grasp on the concept of threat generation. He would tunnel-vision one dude at a time, usually the weakest, while I got all the aggro off all the others. What was really impressive was that no matter how many times he would hit the mob attacking me, he couldn't win threat from me. How does that even work?! About halfway through I got tired of it and pointed it out, and he said, "lol I am kind of drunk right now HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Whatever, if he wanted to keep dying because I was too busy healing myself that was his right. On the final boss he tunneled Darok, leaving me to tank Arkous. We wiped due to the circles, and so I had time to explain that, you know, there's two of them, and maybe he should hit Arkous once in a while to get his attention. He actually said to me, "I didn't know I was supposed to keep aggro on the boss. You should have explained the fight beforehand."

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tank... tunnel-vision one dude at a time, usually the weakest, while I got all the aggro off all the others


I'm seeing a lot of this in the Rishi tacticals. Tanks there seem to think their job is to hit the weakest mob and let dps or healer tank the golds / elites in the pull. When it comes to the boss pairs the tank who actually bothers to get agro on the one you're not burning first is so rare we may need to put them on the endangered species list!


Fortunately this behaviour seems confined to the tacticals, I'm not seeing it in the 60 HMs.

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I'm seeing a lot of this in the Rishi tacticals. Tanks there seem to think their job is to hit the weakest mob and let dps or healer tank the golds / elites in the pull. When it comes to the boss pairs the tank who actually bothers to get agro on the one you're not burning first is so rare we may need to put them on the endangered species list!


Fortunately this behaviour seems confined to the tacticals, I'm not seeing it in the 60 HMs.


Honestly, as a tank, it's just not worth continually telling DPS to focus the weak adds first on groups that are split to where I can't reliably AoE tank. If DPS kill weaker adds first, I tank the golds. If DPS go for the gold first, I tank the adds. It's not the optimal solution but if there's a healer present it's easier to keep them alive if all the mobs are dead or occupied.




If the group is a tightly packed group where my AoE will hit, I tank everything. It's only when mobs are spread out and I can't reliably reach all of them in a timely manner I let DPS tank golds.

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I just gotta share this ... last friday ... I was part of my guild's 16 man raiding team, which mainly consisted of 11 guildies (including me) and 5 pugs, for SnV HM for the weekly. Just before the third boss, we told one of the pugs there was a datacron on the bottom of the sarlacc pitt ... and they thought it was true apparently, cause they stood on the edge and jumped in.


Man ... we were rolling on the floor laughing on TS.

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I just gotta share this ... last friday ... I was part of my guild's 16 man raiding team, which mainly consisted of 11 guildies (including me) and 5 pugs, for SnV HM for the weekly. Just before the third boss, we told one of the pugs there was a datacron on the bottom of the sarlacc pitt ... and they thought it was true apparently, cause they stood on the edge and jumped in.


Man ... we were rolling on the floor laughing on TS.


Did you pay his repair bill, then?


Schadenfreude is not fun for everyone.

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Got in a 60 HM FP via GF right after the release of 3.0 and there was a healer who was spec'ed DPS. We asked them if they were going to respec and they said they didn't think they would need to since it was so easy.


I was in another one where the tank and the healer was both needing on aim DPS gear. Both said that it didn't matter that it was DPS gear, they were just going for the mods and as long as they could use one of the mods in the gear they could roll on it. The healer could have possibly used most of the mods but the tank should not be using any of them. I asked them how they would feel if DPS rolled on tank gear and he said that would not be appropriate. I tried to kindly remind him that as a tank he should be using tank stat priorities and the response was "DPS should be seen and not heard".


So yes, I have seen some pretty weird stuff in groups, ever since the 12x XP there seems to be a lot of undisciplined players.

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Enough about falling! More stories of 12x/KDY moron behavior, please!


Very well...


On a HM mando run with my sorc healer. The group is a jugg dps, merc dps and sin tank.


The first few pulls the merc pulls first. From then on the person who pulls is decided by whomever is stood by the next fight first. However when the jugg decides he wants to pull he at least waits until I am there to carry him. The merc on the other hand chain pulls even if he is sub 30% and us other 3 are healing up. He dies and starts flaming me in chat. By this point we are at the room with the bridge across the top and the lift that could be sliced if any of us has slicing. While the merc is busy filling the chat with profanities about how crap my healing is I decide to explain why I am not bothering to heal....

me: "I wont heal anybody who pulls before the tank"

jugg: "but the tank is useless, even on pulls where they get to go first they cant hold any aggro"

me: "I know, but just because they aren't very good doesn't mean you should go and make it even more difficult"

merc: "stop moaning and learn to heal"


As I have just been told to learn to heal by 2 chain pulling dps who completely ignore roles and kill orders I get annoyed and ignore my rule of not healing anybody who pulls before the tank, mainly to demonstrate there are no issues with my healing. We chain pull our way from the room under the bridge to the boarding party boss with nobody dropping lower than 80%. However this just annoys the jugg even more

jugg: "why were you letting us die when you know how to heal?"

me: "I don't heal people who pull before the tank"

jugg: "the tank might as well not be here they are rubbish"

me: "thats no reason to make their job any more difficult"


The tank then drops group, I send them a whisper apologising (tbh on the pulls they did get to go first they were bad, though that was mainly due to the fact they didn't have a chance to pre-cast stealth or dark ward because the merc was already casting their opener).


The merc then says "the healer is capable of keeping a dps-tank up, so how about you" (the jugg) "set yourself to tank and we get a third dps".


I mention that my healing and keeping us up was through trash and especially with the bonus boss a proper tank would be appreciated. They don't listen and we end up with the jugg in tank role but playing dps with a merc dps and mara as the new member.


We complete the boarding party boss fight with the jugg dead and us 3 on low hp. We then start the bonus boss, wipe 2 times then fluke it 3rd go.


Final boss the merc and jugg ignores the turrets, causing wipes. Despite me and the mara telling them to kill the turrets first they don't pay any attention and after a number of wipes which I stopped counting at 6 the jugg put a vote kick on me for being rubbish at healing. It goes through and I get whispers from the merc for the next few minutes telling me to learn to play before jumping in a group with him and expecting him to carry me.

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I get whispers from the merc for the next few minutes telling me to learn to play before jumping in a group with him and expecting him to carry me.


From your description of his behaviour, it sounds like he was the one who is used to being carried! And what he was doing is very much the stereotypical KDY playstyle, so it isn't hard to work out where he got his "training". It's a very silly DPS who alienates both the tank and healer in a flashpoint, but it sounds like he is more used to the role neutral content than the trinity. If he keeps that kind of behaviour up in groups he'll be on a lot of tanks and healers ignore lists, and tacticals are all he will be doing.

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Have been enjoying reading these posts for some time now but haven't had anything weird to contribute until this week.

First one up I que for a lvl 60 tactical on my dps sorc and get Battle of Rishi. Along with myself is a dps assasin, dps jugg and a dps merc. While waiting for two of the others to load in I take a look at the health of the group and notice that the merc has close to 55K hp!? I decide to check out his gear and his achivements and well lets just say it becomes very clear as to how he got such high hp.

So anyway we make our way through, skipping mobs where we can all except for the merc who has decided that he has to kill everything the rest of us has skipped, and when I say everything, I mean everything!..stuff that's wayyyy over somewhere else he decides he has to kill it. I get a whisper from the jugg asking me if this guy is for real I laugh about it, jugg asks if its cool just to plow ahead and leave the merc behind to do his thing, I tell him it's totally cool and he says he'll let the assassin know the plan.

So we get to the second boss and of course the merc is wayy behind us killing mobs we skipped over. Tired of waiting the jugg types in chat "screw it, going" and the 3 of us start the fight. After the fight the merc asks why we started without him when the assassin pipes up "we wern't going to wait around all day for you to kill every freaking mob in here!" merc 's reply "it only takes 2 seconds to kill them". I'm pretty sure I heard the the other 2 guys do a facepalm lol.

Finally get to the last boss and by this time the merc has managed to catch up to us after deciding to kill a gold droid off in the distance along the way :sigh:. Fast forward to the phase when you jump behind the shield, what does the merc do? Ignores the mechanic and dies within seconds. I look in chat to see him asking "wth, how did I die?" jugg responds "by standing in stupid, stupid!" So the 3 of us down the boss, res the merc who keeps going on about the fact that he died, I put the merc on ignore, and leave thanking others for the group.

Next one up I hop over to my sniper and again get a que for Battle of Rishi along with an operative healer, a sorc dps, and a merc dps. Once again I check out everyones health (its a habit I have) and notice that this merc has just over 55K hp!. I check out his gear and am shocked by what I see...full on tanking gear!! Absorbtion, shield, defense..you name it!! I had to do a double take and make sure he actually was a merc and not a powertech....but nope, sure enough he was a merc! Strangely though the entire run went very smooth regardless of our tank geared merc. :p

Edited by Katnipper
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Btw, why everyone wants to kill everything leading to last console in Battle of Rishi when you have at least one stealth class in your group? Yes, it happens every time! The are is even designed so you can do it without killing anything.

If they (devs) don't want that to happen then just remove the empty area behind the console or place enemies there too or big objects you can't jump over.


It's very annoying to get to console and then someone starts combat with group outside of that area and you have to wait to click the console.


It's "tactical" after all. You're supposed to use your group's strengths to your advantage, right?


To anyone whining about someone ignoring the mechanic in last boss fight: you can ignore it in solo version so people think it can be ignored in tactical version too.

Edited by Halinalle
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Btw, why everyone wants to kill everything leading to last console in Battle of Rishi when you have at least one stealth class in your group?

- People may not know it is possible to skip

- There's an Achievement for killing 2500 enemies in the Flashpoint (to be fair it can be easily obtained even with skipping, but still)

- Maybe most important: skipping there means that the stealther goes and does their stuff, while rest of the group ... waits and does nothing. Yes, it does speed up things a little bit. But maybe, just maybe some people actually want to play the game instead of twiddle their thumbs for X seconds and then pat their backs that they saved Y seconds.


There are many skips which make sense - beginning of Taral V, Foundry before the final boss, Jedi and Slugs before second boss in Korriban Incursion etc. The Battle of Rishi skip is different and understandably not for everyone's taste.

Edited by Danylia
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The last console can be skipped even without a stealth, just go behind the console and press it


You need stealth to skip the group right outside and two enemies in "tunnel" part.

Not to mention that you have to go there to click the console even if you can stealth.


- There's an Achievement for killing 2500 enemies in the Flashpoint (to be fair it can be easily obtained even with skipping, but still)


Why skip second to last group then? Or first group or one after wavy bridge? Doesn't make any sense. If you decide it's achievement run then stick with it until the very end, don't change your mind.

Edited by Halinalle
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But maybe, just maybe some people actually want to play the game instead of twiddle their thumbs for X seconds and then pat their backs that they saved Y seconds.nd boss in Korriban Incursion etc. The Battle of Rishi skip is different and understandably not for everyone's taste.


I'd like to emphasize this.

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Quick weird story:


Colicoid War Games. I was healing on my Sorcerer (his first appearance in this thread), we had a Juggy tank, and two Snipers (in the same guild), Marksman and Virulence. When I loaded in after respeccing (I normally run Lightning) the tank was waiting by the first set of turrets and the Snipers were waiting just by the spawn point. As I run into the corridor leading to the turrets, I see an Orbital Strike reticle start to drop in the doorway...apparently the snipers saw big scary bugs and assumed they were hostile, not paying any attention to the green nameplates.

Whaaat, big scary bugs can't be friendly? THAT'S RACIST.


Also, the Sniper(s) kept dumping their big burst attacks on glowy blue droids even after I reminded them they were immune. Well hokay then, go ahead and waste your Cull.

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Quick weird story:Also, the Sniper(s) kept dumping their big burst attacks on glowy blue droids even after I reminded them they were immune. Well hokay then, go ahead and waste your Cull.


Thats by far my favourite thing to watch. People carrying on a rotation on immune enemies, snipers ambushing the droid boss in KDY while he is shooting his 3 big blasts or maras ravaging khoris while he is in his "grow tall bubble".


The best one though was when I was on my sent, we had station guardian 1 and only me and 1 other were getting the adds. As such the boss hit 100-stack afew times and started his 3 power blasts. While he was shooting them I would run over and spam basic attack to get some free focus.


At the end the gunslinger of the group had a rant about my rubbish sent gameplay as i "only used basic attack on the boss and wasted time killing the adds".

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Thats by far my favourite thing to watch. People carrying on a rotation on immune enemies, snipers ambushing the droid boss in KDY while he is shooting his 3 big blasts or maras ravaging khoris while he is in his "grow tall bubble".


The best one though was when I was on my sent, we had station guardian 1 and only me and 1 other were getting the adds. As such the boss hit 100-stack afew times and started his 3 power blasts. While he was shooting them I would run over and spam basic attack to get some free focus.


At the end the gunslinger of the group had a rant about my rubbish sent gameplay as i "only used basic attack on the boss and wasted time killing the adds".


Well the slinger felt that since you were a fellow dual wielder you should be focusing more on your uber high numbers along with him instead of completely tanking your dps to deal with something only fit for lesser single wielding dps

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- Maybe most important: skipping there means that the stealther goes and does their stuff, while rest of the group ... waits and does nothing. Yes, it does speed up things a little bit. But maybe, just maybe some people actually want to play the game instead of twiddle their thumbs for X seconds and then pat their backs that they saved Y seconds.


When we enter that area after the first boss, I always run the idea by the group beforehand to see if everyone is on board with stealthing it. Inevitably everyone is cool with it and agree to move ahead to the next boss area while I take care of consoles... and then pull mobs anyway while I am deep inside the cave waiting to click the console. Sometimes they die, and I laugh to myself.


"Why?" I ask. "Why did you go off and pull those mobs?"


"More credits!!!"


"Well now you're dead and out a repair bill, GG."

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- Maybe most important: skipping there means that the stealther goes and does their stuff, while rest of the group ... waits and does nothing. Yes, it does speed up things a little bit. But maybe, just maybe some people actually want to play the game instead of twiddle their thumbs for X seconds and then pat their backs that they saved Y seconds.



Maybe you are wrong and people, who can use stealth for team advantage actually play better?

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OK I was the weird one in GF today. I have been leveling a low level toon and waiting for hours to get a pop in GF. Only options are Man Raiders or Cad. Finally a pop comes and I accept and travel to Man raiders.


My UI has disappeared when I zone in :eek: None of the buttons besides the direction buttons are working either. I don't know if the others are having this issue as everyone walks around in a circle for a few minutes around the zone in point. I try reloading the UI CTRL+U no joy.


Finally the tank jumps to the first group of mobs. I'm a JK and walking to the mob as my leap don't work. Mob attacks healer so I walk to it as the only attack I have is the mouse click, none of my numbered keybinds do anything. We clear fist group, can only imagine what the others are typing in chat since I can't see it. I log out after combat and log back in, no joy. Finally shut down the game and restart. The UI is back, Yay, but my position is filled.


I'm sure the group was confused. A JK that doesn't jump into combat and only uses basic attack, you don't see that everyday.:p

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