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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Another jugg tanking story seeing as we are going along those lines:


I get a pop for HM cad with my 31k sorc healer. Zone in and see jugg tank (36k), jugg dps (33k), jugg dps (40k). The 36k and the 33k are in the same guild so I feel I ought to be nice and polite to avoid being kicked.


On the first pull the "tank" jugg melts, loses aggro all over the place and (from the little I know of jugg tanking with my jugg) is all over the place. Second pull is about the same with me doing more healing on the 40k jugg dps rather than the "tank". Get to the droid at the top of the lift and they force push it over the edge.


While we are waiting for the lift the "tank" says "tanking in dps spec and gear ftw".

me: "oh, that explains why your so squishy and can't hold any aggro"

tank: "Im not squishy, haven't died yet"

40k jugg: "thank the healer for that"

tank: "I know what im doing dw"

me: "we can test this theory, in the cantina ambush I wont heal"

tank: "fine by me its a weak pull anyway I wont need it"


Jump off the lift, avoid the fights, push the champ droid off the edge and enter cantina. True to my word I don't heal. Not true to his word the "tank" goes low on hp and starts shouting in chat for heals, so I heal him and keep him alive. He puts guard on me. I ignore it for now. At the next pull I again spend my time healing the 40k as the tank has no aggro at all.


I get a nice chance to see the true ability of this tank at the pull with the 5 dogs, the freezing barrel and 2 ranged standard enemies. The tank leaps in, doesn't pull the dogs to the barrel, and pops sabre reflect (5 melee enemies, 2 ranged). At the end I ask him if he knows how all his DCD's work. He doesn't respond. I suggest to the tank he guards the 40k jugg.

tank: "lol'd at that, its to protect you"

me: "I can look after myself don't you worry, I have learnt over the many runs alongside bad tanks how to sorc-tank"

tank: "the reason you aren't dieing is because of my guard"

me: "what benefit do you think I get from it? and please don't say 50% damage reduction because that just completes the noob tank package right here"

tank: "lol you don't know how guard works then? you only take half damage, thats why I guard you"

40k jugg: "thats pvp" (I think he is attempting to be a peacekeeper)


Theres no response but I keep switching the guard off myself to prove the point that I don't need it, however he never puts it on mr 40k. At the first boss the "tank" switches to shien. I ask him what he is doing and he says:

"im dps geared and specced and this fight I only need to hold aggro on 1 enemy and I can help burn down the droid"

me: "40k is going to rip off you"

tank: "he wont, I know my dps rotation and can easily out-dps him"

me: "we will see"


The tank-dps pulls with force charge, the other 2 then force charge in and the 40k takes aggro as soon as his force charge hits. The tank taunts back. As soon as the taunt wears off the aggro is back on the 40k. The tank aoe taunts by which time the droid is active and after the 33k dps. He drags the droid over to the cell then all 3 of them attack the droid. I then get aggro on the bloke due to my heals so I aggro dump then switch to single target dps so I don't build any more aggro on the bloke. We complete the fight and the tank says: "see, my aggro was fine". I don't even credit that with a response.


We carry on to the wookie boss and when we get there I stand close. The tank stops attacking while he types:

"why are you standing in melee, your ranged."

me: "its so WHEN I pull aggro I can get the adds to the flamethrower quickly"

tank: "you wont pull off me"


Second round of adds I get aggro and drag them to the flamethrower. However this tank (taunting on CD just to hold aggro off the 40k) decides to protect me by turning the flamethrower away. Eventually we finish the fight and the tank says "theres no need for you to stand in the flame thrower, stay behind the boss"

me: "adds"

tank: "just wait for my aoe taunt to come off cd and ill sort it"

me: "how long till it was off CD?"

tank: "35 seconds"

me: "exactly, I might as well do it myself"


Get to bonus boss and yet again the tank switches to shien. The 40k rips aggro every time the taunt debuff drops. As I am body type 3 I cannot stand in the safe spot by the lift so I have to stand by the box, meaning certain areas of the boss doorway los me. The "tank" los's me, I ask him not to in chat. he replies:

tank: "it doesn't matter you don't heal properly anyway"


During the first big red lightning circle thing the 40k intercedes to me but the other 2 stand it in. This is where I draw the line: I will carry a dps pretending to be a tank, I will put up with his arrogance for the sake of my comms, I will work harder due to the fact there is no tank, but I will not heal people who choose to ignore boss mechanics. Those 2 die and me and the 40k finish the fight with the other 2 med-centering and running in but dieing every time the boss does his aoe circle thing.


At the end of the fight the tank carries on the conversation from before

tank: "lol so what if I los'd you you don't heal anyway"

me: "im a healer not a babysitter, if you ignore mechanics thats your problem."

tank: "I don't need babysitting mate, im carrying you"

40k jugg: "it looks the other way round to me, the healer and I are carrying you 2"

33k jugg: "lmao you think your so great but you can't even heal"

me: "we have a tank with no mit, no idea how to hold aggro and no idea how to use his DCD's yet there have been 0 deaths up until you stand in stupid, and you tell me I can't heal?"

tank: "lol I don't need your heals"


We run through the enemies at the bottom (or try to, the jugg tank dies running through). The 3 of us then fight back to his body so I can res him. We do the conversation, get to ortol and get started. The 2 juggs that have been an issue from the start both forget to move out of the fire (no big loss and neither of them knew the shackle mechanic so me and 40k were relying on each other anyway).


The tank and 33k are lying dead and spamming chat with "/stuck it". Us 2 ignore them and complete the fight ourselves. A nice willpower implant drops which is an upgrade for me so I need. Both the tank and 33k need as well, when I ask them why they ninja'd they said it was to stop me ninjaing as I clicked need on it too. I pointed out that needing a mainstat item with better stats is not ninjaing. The 33k jugg won the roll.


Still I got my comms, 2 more ignores and 1 more friend.


Sounds like my Mother-in-law, but she doesn't do FP pugs, just pvp. And here I thought she was the worst player ever :eek:

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I can't help but think it must be also you. You seem to be a bad player magnet and that is unlikely. Why always in your teams? I also play a lot of FP and I meet different kind of people, from good to not so good, from very friendly to normal friendly. It must be something on your way to treat with those people what makes the problems worse. Your tone? Are you too arrogantly? I don't know, I will never know, but I know that's very unlikely that you are completely unguilty...


Though, nice stories and I like to read them, so keep up your good work

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I can't help but think it must be also you. You seem to be a bad player magnet and that is unlikely. Why always in your teams? I also play a lot of FP and I meet different kind of people, from good to not so good, from very friendly to normal friendly. It must be something on your way to treat with those people what makes the problems worse. Your tone? Are you too arrogantly? I don't know, I will never know, but I know that's very unlikely that you are completely unguilty...


Though, nice stories and I like to read them, so keep up your good work


Yeah I imagine there are ways to be more diplomatic (keeping quiet would be the best). However when I am telling people things I shouldn't have to (explaining to a lvl 55 sniper about cover post #5450) its hard to stay diplomatic.



And if I take an example from a HM mando run which didn't make it onto this thread as it wasn't a major issue.


I was tanking and on the first fight i asked "all know it?" the healer typed yes, the mara typed "+" and the merc dps kept quiet. I leap in, drag the boss to a corner. Everything goes fine until the merc gets aggro on a dog. He drags it over to me and tells me to taunt/aoe/grab aggro. The second dog then picks this time to target the merc and both dogs end up in the bosses enrage circle thing, killing the merc. 1 dog still enraged jumps on my and the other goes for the healer. The 1 on me is enraged so I die quick, the healers kiting prevents the mara attacking the other dog properly. We end in a wipe.


On the run back I say:

me: "If you don't know the fights please speak up before the pull rather than after a wipe" I then proceeded to explain for the sake of the merc, the other 2 was just small mistakes which in themselves would not have caused the wipe.


Now yeah thats not exactly the most diplomatic I could have been but as far as I see it I gave the bloke a chance to let us know he is new (thereby saving us all a repair bill). Now there was no reason what-so-ever for him to wait until after a wipe before stating he is new.


Just before we try it a second time the healer has a go at me because

healer: "are you going to mark a dog?"


Now when I dps or heal this fp I have noticed some people do this, some don't. But seriously does the tank really need to put a mark on an enemy just so the dps attack the same 1? When I dps it I wait for the other dps to start attacking then target the same 1. Is it really justified to tell the tank they are bad just because I didn't stick up a mark? I can understand them moaning about me losing aggro on trash or the like but complaining because I am not hand-holding the dps through every little detail is silly. Still I marked a dog before pulling just to keep people happy but the lack of a mark is not in any way a cause for wipes.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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TL;DR: a level 55 sniper who doesn't know about cover


Mannan tfp with my 31k sorc healer. Zone in and the 3 dps are a 23k sorc, 22k sniper and 30k sorc.


We set off and on the first pull I get shot alot. The second pull I see that my heals are ripping aggro off everybody (even the 30k sorc).


The fact that my sorc heals with the aggro lowering debuff in the healer tree generates more aggro than any of the dps give and idea of their damage output. The 23k sorc dies on the trash just before the first boss and we wait for them to run back. They then stand the wrong side of the wall on the first boss despite me telling them to move forward.


The sniper then pulls, locking the 23k sorc out and now I get to see why the dps is so low.


The 30k sorc uses ONLY shock and that 1 where the purple circle appears infront of them. The rest of the time they stand doing nothing, presumably waiting on CD's.


The sniper uses ONLY rifle shot and ignores the shield mechanic. As such the first boss in mannan is dps'd by my sorc healer who holds aggro on all 3 enemies so I spend the vast majority of my time healing myself. The time spent healing myself means I don't get to do much damage, the sorc dps has now dropped their rotation to just shock (the red floor caused by the droid pull cords means the sorc doesn't want to stand still long enough to cast the other 1). The sniper is still spamming rifle shot on a droid with a shield on it. This results in the first boss fight in mannan taking 17 minutes. All throughout the fight the 23k sorc stood the other side of the barrier was filling chat with some form of foreign that I don't recognise, at least that explains why they didn't move forward when I asked.


Afterwards I speak to the sniper about their rotation (I don't bother with the sorc as I don't know what spec that is or how to play and sorc dps). I tell the sniper to use more than just rifle shot.

sniper: "what like grenade?"

me: "snipe, ambush, sos, what spec are you?"

sniper: "spec?"

me: "which skill tree are you in?"

sniper: "what skill tree?"

me: "enter cover a sec" (I was hoping to look at his buff bar when he enters cover see if it gives me a clue)

sniper: "what does that mean?"

me: "you have a cover ability?"

sniper: "im an agent, my abilities are limited"

me: "your a sniper, you fight from cover"

sniper: "I can't snipe or ambush, they are grayed out"

me: "enter cover then"


The conversation continues with me explaining how to open the abilities page, what the cover ability looks like and that as a sniper he ought to put it on his quick bars. We carry on and get to first fight. The sniper still just stands there and now spams overload shot until he runs out of energy, the spams rifle shot again (even when he gets back to full energy he doesn't go back to overload).


I tell him again about snipe, ambush, sos. He says he found them and put them on his bar but they are still grayed out. I ask him if he found the cover ability. He says he cant find it. We carry on but with the harder pulls in which the 23k sorc melts, the 30k sorc still only uses shock and a sniper who never uses cover there are a number of wipes on trash, I personally die 4 times between the first boss and the place where you press the 2 consoles due to the fact I still hold aggro off everybody with my heals.


First time in a long time I resorted to actually dropping a group. At least this shows there is a limit to my patience :).


This is simply hilarious :D


I just had one few weeks ago. its when they made 16-man Ops available via group finder. Doing TFB, and there are few DPSs that won't listen to mechanics, and always said "Can we go now?" (as in can we start the fight). I asked them, "Do you know the boss fight?" (This was happened before engaging Writhing terror, 1st TFB boss). They just replied, "I don't care, lets go now". And then, they opened fire, and you can predict the result :cool:


The other peculiar with group finder is when doing Fps, some peeps getting mad when you chose "need" for decoration drops, and get it after raffle :D


Sometime, I encountered dps players who don't even have a SINGLE clue about their rotations :eek: but never met a sniper who doesn't know how to cover :D:D:D that's really the next level of special snowflake :cool:

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That Mando Raiders HM story brings back some memories. One time I was DPS'ing with a friend and we were both rather well geared, myself in 180/186 on my Assassin and the friend in 180 stuff on a Marauder. We reach the first boss and I mark the other dog and just tell my friend we are starting with that one (I do that every time I go in with guildies). The tank who had been doing a passable job so far despite some aggro issues stops then and there. We assumed he was waiting for a cooldown to finish or something, but instead he asks if we know the fight. We all confirm and the tank replies "So, why would you not kill the dogs at the same time?" Naturally we mentioned the annoying knockbacks, target switches, etc, but he went on a near-psychotic rant about the remaining dog becoming a real beast when the first one dies. All three of us point out that the members of the boarding party do that, but there is no issue at the first boss.


He just said "We'll see who's right!", leapt in, we did our thing and everything was fast and smooth. After the fight the tank left the instance without even taking the comms from the corpse of the boss and put us all on ignore. I swapped to tank stance and tossed on a shield while we re-queued only to get a new tank just before the boarding party. He arrives to the spot and I see the new tank has the same guild tag and legacy name than the previous one. Again he asked if we knew the tactics, pulled the enemies and a few globals in he stealthed out and typed "Haha, let's see how good you really are!" I skank tanked through it without too many issues and the tank just ragequit again.


As a continuation to the story, I bumped into his guildies while joining a GF Ops for the last boss in Dread Fortress and mentioned the tank's name. I was informed he had been removed from the guild for being insufferable.

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This is simply hilarious :D


I just had one few weeks ago. its when they made 16-man Ops available via group finder. Doing TFB, and there are few DPSs that won't listen to mechanics, and always said "Can we go now?" (as in can we start the fight). I asked them, "Do you know the boss fight?" (This was happened before engaging Writhing terror, 1st TFB boss). They just replied, "I don't care, lets go now". And then, they opened fire, and you can predict the result :cool:


The other peculiar with group finder is when doing Fps, some peeps getting mad when you chose "need" for decoration drops, and get it after raffle :D


Sometime, I encountered dps players who don't even have a SINGLE clue about their rotations :eek: but never met a sniper who doesn't know how to cover :D:D:D that's really the next level of special snowflake :cool:


I assumed in this 1 that the guy was either trolling or it was a case of someone who had a character at level 55 allowed their sibling to play without the prior knowledge of the 55 previous levels


If it was the first 1 then I must admit that is the best troll I have ever met and all credit to him, he beat me. If it was the second 1 then I would have hoped the person who had just been given a lvl 55 straight from the start would at least read tool-tips etc.


As for the 30k sorc that was what really got to me as he was speaking in chat and behaving as though what him and the sniper were doing was standard gameplay.

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OMG, I just wanted to say, 'stolen.' That made me laugh. This thread, while cathartic, is reaching a point where ever new 'lows' of badness are required. But the 'Cob Cannon' and all the innuendo that accompanies it ... thank you.

It's a reference to an extremely overpowered turret in the only other game apart from SWTOR that I bought at launch. Why'd I make that reference? Because I'm CRAAAZY!

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The Juggie did his darnest to make the run a real nightmare. He used Saber Throw on nearby groups while we were fighting the previous one, taunted Elites from me pretty much on cooldown and whatnot. I Reflected, AoE taunted, Smashed, Crushing blow'd all I could, but his relentless efforts resulted in around half a dozen deaths to him and one on the Sniper DPS.


I can handle most of the stuff that goes on in pug groups, but I cannot tolerate people who deliberately try to make runs unpleasant for other people by being rude, derogatory or abusive, or by pulling the type of stunts you described. I will take a really bad run with nice people over a smooth run with horrible people any day. I ran a few flashpoints today for comms, and a number of them were with new 55s who were undergeared and didn't know what they were doing. Nice people, so no issue and overall it was fun. I then had a quick tactical run with some decently geared, experienced players. One of them was downright nasty, it was a really unpleasant run and it felt like the flashpoint was never going to end.

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Straight back from work and already I have somebody on my ignore.


I get a pop for HM atheiss with my 31k sorc healer. The tank is a 33k sin, the dps are a 30k sorc and a 21k PT. The sorc dps and sin tank are from the same guild.


We set off and I notice some interesting gameplay from the PT. He manages to max his heat bar within the first 5 GCD's of each pull, rapid shot plays a large role in his dps rotation, he dps'd from range, but that didn't stop him using flamethrower when stood 30m away from the enemy. He was in his tanking stance.


The sin tank also tunnel visioned, didn't guard anybody and most of my heals were directed at the 30k sorc who at least knew their role was to peel off the healer and not just to throw out the high numbers.


Despite the PT issues and sin tank being sub-par, trash melted. At the first boss we fought and killed it no issues (I had adds on my behind for most of the fight but im used to it). Afterwards the sorc speaks up:

sorc: "nice dps from our PT"

me: "yeah I noticed his cell, but I haven't been watching his bar to see his spec"

sorc: "his skills are an issue"

PT: "my skills?"

me: "using flamethrower from more than 10m away, for example"

PT: "and?"

me: "its 10m range"

sorc: "and you overheat quick"

me: "a cell change could help with that"


This results in the PT switching to high velocity cell and removing flamethrower from his ranged dps rotation. Trash to the second boss melts. At the second boss the tank finally guards somebody, the 30k sorc dps (the only person in the group who makes any vague attempt to peel off me). As such I spend the second boss facetanking a load of adds as it seems the sorc dps has now decided that they should just tunnel-vision the boss (great, this person has gone backwards from playing properly to being rubbish).


Still we get through the fight no issues. It seems at the same time as the sorc's ability in how to play their role regressed, so did their manners. They now throw a vote kick on the PT reason: noob.

me: "why?"

sorc: "they do hardly any damage"

me: "so? has it caused any problems?"


I get no answer and the kick fails. The sorc consoles themselves by drowning the chat in obscenities directed at the PT. Trash continues to melt to the final boss (we skip bonus). Near the end of the fight the PT gets the flame mechanic from prophet of vodal. He doesn't move and dies quick. After the flames are gone I cleanse the sorc dps who has just had that horrible dot, bubble the tank and start a combat res on the PT. The second the cast completes I die (97% to dead instantly).

me: "sorry I didn't see that" (as in, I didn't see what killed me)

tank: "what happened there?"

sorc: "glitch maybe?"


The group wipes. On the way back the sorc again fills chat with unpleasantries aimed at the PT who stood in stupid. We get to the boss, kill it, loot and say our goodbyes. The sorc lets the PT know they are going on ignore. I let the sorc know they are going on my ignore.


The sorc and the sin are from the same guild so the sin now starts whispering me asking why I don't like the sorc. I explain their attitude towards the PT was completely unnecessary as the run was perfectly smooth (I chose not to mention the far sub-par tanking).

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Near the end of the fight the PT gets the flame mechanic from prophet of vodal. He doesn't move and dies quick. After the flames are gone I cleanse the sorc dps who has just had that horrible dot, bubble the tank and start a combat res on the PT. The second the cast completes I die (97% to dead instantly).

me: "sorry I didn't see that" (as in, I didn't see what killed me)

tank: "what happened there?"

sorc: "glitch maybe?"


If the person with the flame debuff dies, the flames go after a random person in the group. Because there's no visible debuff on the bar, the only way to tell who it is is to watch where the flames are going.

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I can handle most of the stuff that goes on in pug groups, but I cannot tolerate people who deliberately try to make runs unpleasant for other people by being rude, derogatory or abusive, or by pulling the type of stunts you described. I will take a really bad run with nice people over a smooth run with horrible people any day. I ran a few flashpoints today for comms, and a number of them were with new 55s who were undergeared and didn't know what they were doing. Nice people, so no issue and overall it was fun. I then had a quick tactical run with some decently geared, experienced players. One of them was downright nasty, it was a really unpleasant run and it felt like the flashpoint was never going to end.

I very much agree. It was a pity we had a bad apple there and had it resulted in wipes, I would probably have initiated a votekick. Too bad for the other DPS who had to die due to his rudeness. In many cases I have initiated a votekick for lesser measures of idiocy, but I suppose I was just having a patient day.

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I swear to Dog, that when I'm out Merc-Healing, I can count on one hand --and have a digit or two left over!-- the number of DPS who follow proper kill priority, and actually use their bloody interrupts.


When I'm derps-ing, I am one of these, if I may say so myself;


But when I'm healing, I gotta concentrate on like...you know, healing.


People, seriously:


Learn how threat and generating/holding same works in this game, but most to the point how "tanking-priority" works in this game:


These work in "dynamic tension" with each other which is why that kill-priority exists, and it's why your healer is too busy trying to circle-kite all the freaking Rakghouls --yes, all of them-- in Kaon Under Seige whilst Kolto-Missile spamming the tank to keep him up under the big guy, whilst not getting murdered by all the little guys. Which you still haven't even thrown a basic attack at!


Gaaaaaaaaah, /facepalm :mad:

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When Commando healing I usually pick out a couple standards that I intend to burst down in those precious 2-4 GCDs before the tank requires my ceiling fans. I'll Sticky Grenade the guy in a group and then Full Auto -> HIB a straggler because I figure (often rightly, sadly) that one or two might get away from the tank, and DPS often don't have the sense to peel properly. Those attacks not only do fairly good damage, they have the lovely effect of stunning standards and giving me a little room.


Every now and then I'll get a DPS who ganks the straggler I was targeting, you know actually following kill order, and I'll feel a little guilty about stepping on his toes.

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I swear to Dog, that when I'm out Merc-Healing, I can count on one hand --and have a digit or two left over!-- the number of DPS who follow proper kill priority, and actually use their bloody interrupts.


When I'm derps-ing, I am one of these, if I may say so myself;


But when I'm healing, I gotta concentrate on like...you know, healing.

Tell me about it. Ran a Mando Raiders HM on my Sentinel and the tank and the other DPS totally ignored all the dogs and other spawns and they naturally went after the healer each time. I got so annoyed that I just started camping near the healer and used the awesome power of Smashing to keep the enemies on me instead. Due to the healer's gear/skill I died twice doing just that, but at least we had no wipes. We wrapped up the run and when I thanked people for the FP, the tank told me to learn survival skills. Was... weird.

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Ran the Rakata tactical today and got a bit of a laugh out of this. Everyone says hi when we load in, except for this one guy who just says "spacebar". You know, THAT guy. Obviously he was so keen for a fast run that he completely forgot his manners :rolleyes: We had a stealther in the group which allowed us to sneak past a lot of the trash. Or it would have, if Mr Spacebar hadn't obliviously walked straight through the middle of every single group of adds. When he wasn't busy aggroing stuff, he was keeping the rest of us waiting around for him to catch up because he'd wandered off in the wrong direction. So much for his fast run, but hey, at least he got to skip one brief convo at the beginning of a flashpoint he clearly hadn't done before!
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On a similar note, I had the Tython tactical a few days ago on my Operative. Oddly enough, we had the perfect trinity with my Operative healer, Assassin tank, Operative DPS and a Juggernaut DPS. The three of us tried to CC our way past pretty much everything we could and used Sliced droids when we had to fight, etc. The Juggernaut, however, with uncanny accuracy never, ever started a fight on the intended targets if there were CC'd enemies around. We wound up killing everything on our way despite numerous requests asking him to respect CC and move on.
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Czerka labs HM. Im on my 30k sorc healer. theres a 30k sorc dps, 27k PT tank and 26k PT dps.


Zone in and set off. The tank is pretty bad and holds little aggro. The 30k dps rips alot but gets no guard.


At the first boss I realise this is really going to test my heals/face-tanking and luck (some nice crits and procs at just the right moment were required).


The tank tunnel visions the boss. The PT dps tunnel visions the boss (but look on the bright side, they both know they are melee). The sorc dps gets pulled in by a cord and stays in melee. I think this will be easy and pop an aoe heal under the 3 of them. The water electrifies, adds pop up and none of them move.


I end up healing all 3 of them through the electric water mechanic while solo killing the adds and dealing with the boss pull cord as I am the only one stood at range so am the only 1 attacked by it. I end up having to really concentrate and rely somewhat on lucky crits and proc timings.


During the fight the PT dps speaks up saying:

PT: "guys"

PT: "this is HM"

PT: "you should have geared up"


I find this abit rich in a group where everybody is above the required gear rating and its being said by the lowest geared in the group. However I am too busy trying to find a gap for 1 of my DCD's in the spam healing I am doing on the 3 in electric water so don't have time to write back.


Abit later in the fight the sorc dps starts spamming in chat "extricate". I extricate them, this allows them to stand outside the electric water for a good few seconds before they get pulled in again and then start spamming "extricate".


This fight has now been going on alot longer than I had expected so I target the boss and see where we are, its at 41%. I decide I ought to help with the dps so I ensure my affliction dot remains on the boss through the rest of the fight. We kill it eventually. To summarise the first fight, my healer heals all 3 through the mechanics, solo's the adds, pops a dot to help with dps and I extricate a dps on CD. At the end I speak up in chat:

me: "could you please follow the mechaincs rather that rely on the healer to heal through them?"

sorc: "or you could just heal properly"

me: "and can the tank please guard the sorc dps?"

sorc: "stupid noob, I guess I will carry you then"

me: "what?"

sorc: "*links the gate crasher achievement recieved from some NiM op* suck it"

sorc: "guard should go on healer"


While the sorc is informing me how silly I am and backing up their point with a link of a NiM op achievement the 2 PT's have run on ahead. The first trash pull after the boss the PT dps pulls before the tank with myself and the sorc dps in the previous room. The PT dps dies and takes this opportunity to answer my original question while the 3 of us finish the pull:

PT: "well the healer managed to keep us up so it doesn't matter"

me: "just because I can heal through mechanics doesn't mean I want to"


The fight is now over and I start a res on the PT dps but the sorc dps pulls the next trash group, interrupting my res. Eventually I get a chance to res the PT dps and we fight through to the second boss.


On the second boss it pretty much the same. I deal with the adds and towards the end I have to heal all 3 of them through the red circle of death (boss missile) as nobody moves. I repeat my request to follow mechaincs, the PT dps repeats his point that nobody died so clearly the healer is not having any issues.


At the final boss both dps work on opening every single add station while the tank focuses the boss. After all the cells are open and we have 8 adds running round attacking people the sorc dps starts attacking the boss, the PT dps starts shooting 1 of the red adds.


I therefore start my frantic healing yet again, pulling aggro from the boss and the tank doesn't taunt. After a while it becomes apparent I will be dealing with this issue myself so I start dpsing the blue adds while healing through all 8 adds+boss. After I get 1 blue to cast attract and start on a second the boss stealths out and the sorc dps and tank join in dealing with the adds. By the time the boss comes back there is only 1 blue and 1 red left, at which point all 3 of them go back to the boss and I sort out the last blue enemy by myself.


Meanwhile the sorc dps has a bone to pick with me about not cleansing the dot with the grey background (I never do as the red one is alot more deadly and if I cleanse the grey it will be on CD for the red).


We complete the fight and the final conversation is where things get really weird.

sorc: "well your all going on my ignore, I hate carrying noob groups"

tank: "gg, nice run"

PT: "want to do another 1 with this group?"

me: "no thanks"


I then leave the area. It seems the sorc believed themselves to be carrying us, the tank though everything went swimmingly and the PT dps thought it was so good that we would be willing to go again. After I exit the PT dps asks if he can add me to friends. I agree on the basis that the did at least PT dps in melee, though his concept of kill order/group roles was slightly off. Though I doubt I will be accepting many group invites from him (he wasn't the worst but as im not a dps I have the chance to be very picky about who goes on my friends).


Oh and I might just say for reference: I couldn't care less which NiM op achievements you have and can link in chat, if you don't know what you are doing in the current mission I will still consider you to be new (especially when the person linking a NiM op achievement is telling me guard should be on healer).

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Story time. Queue up for a quick tactical (fully aware of course that they take more time than 55 HM FPs most of the time :rolleyes:) for Conquest points and get Legacy of the Rakata with 2 DPS and 2 Tanks, one of those being me. We start the conversation with Lana, Theron and Jakarro.



Mara: "Skip"

Sorc: "+"

Jugg: "Sorry, but this is my first time here."

Mara: "Really?"


Mara has initiated a vote kick against Jugg. Random something I'd like to say, if you are going to kick somebody, give a goddarn reason, there's a text field for it, takes like 3 seconds. Also, I would have left immediately if that kick had gone through.


Anyway, we finish the conversation and start, even though I'm already close to kicking the Marauder for his act of douchebaggery. Let's just say, it doesn't get better. He runs on ahead using Rocket Boost and then uses Force Camouflage to skip enemies the rest of the group can't skip, following it up by immediately pulling the next group of trash while we have to kill the enemies he skipped because Juggernauts and Sorcerors don't have stealth. He does that twice, after that the Sorc initiates a vote kick against that reprihensible fellow (I would have done it myself but I was a bit slower).


That Marauder, in all senses of the word, then actually has either the guts or the stupidity, not sure which, but it doesn't matter anyway, to ask us "Why me?". My group mates reprimand him, saying he is ruining their fun (let's get back to ruining other people's fun later), and I flat out tell him that "If you can't figure that out yourself, there's something wrong with you."


I put him on ignore and tell the others to do the same after they said he whispered them, asking why they would kick him. That guy isn't worth anyone's time, except in this story. So he's gone, and I get lead following that, as he had it beforehand, and I queue for a replacement, getting us a 19k HP Sorc DPS. We get to the first boss, and, well... Before I have time to tell him not to, the other Jugg pulls the Rancor, causing the door to shut and lock himself out. *le sigh*


The boss somehow resets, I think it had to do with the 19k HP Sorc dying, but whatever. So that one is dead, the other Sorc is on low HP from the fire and I've taken small bruises from tanking the Rancor (because of course, they won't be arsed with using healing stations, and neither Sorc ever bothers with giving anyone a Static Barrier). So the moment the door is open, the other Jugg runs in and pulls the Rancor again, mind you all of us being in less than pristine condition. So he pulls, and my agony begins. The Jugg is at 26k HP, some of his gear for DPS, but whatever. Mine is quite a bit ahead in the gear department, but I didn't expect me to pull aggro from him so quickly. I was at Force Charge --> Smash in my rotation and already had aggro.


The Sorc that's alive keeps writing "both of you, attack the rancor" in chat, which is all I ever did for the first like 7 minutes of that fight. You think the Sorc ever bothered with a battle rez for the poor guy that had to watch this disaster for about 10 minutes? Nope.Which is a clear mistake as it turns out, because the 19k HP Sorc DPS does more damage than the 25k HP Sorc DPS. *sigh* Anyway, this slugfest of agony and pain, where I little by little die on the inside, is finally over after what feels like an eternity.


Second and third boss went... I guess okay-ish, despite of course none of them being arsed to use healing stations and neither Sorc using Static Barrier. The only time I had fun in this FP was when, after destroying the Revanite supplies and before the 2nd boss, all 3 of my group mates went into that dead end that's left of the actual path. I had a laugh at that. Rest of the time, I spent sighing.

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Afew stories:


I decide to max my elite comms with my jugg tank so I queue for HM fp's all of last night. First 1 that pops (HM hammer station) the op healer doesn't heal me. This causes issues at that annoying pull as you first enter the room and I survive due to DCD's. The op flames me in chat for how crap I am for not knowing I should "protection" (he doesn't even know the name for the ability) the healer. After I refuse he rage quits. The merc dps respecs healer as I don't trust a healer comp to cleanse correctly on the first boss, I pull out dps comp and we carry on. Just after first boss we get replacement dps and complete.


The second run is HM cad, the healer is the op from before. He asks for guard, I tell him I would love to see him rage quit again. He refuses to heal but after seeing that this causes no deaths thanks to the 43k sorc dps off-healing he flames in chat about how crap we are then quits. I pull out healer comp as theres no special heal mechanics in any of the bosses and we complete the mission (with me struggling alot, even with guard that sorc rips aggro, he says he doesn't mind considering my gear compared to his but I still feel bad).


do a third 1, HM czerka core and its exceptional. None of the group is supremely geared but we say our hello's and do the mission, everyone knows exactly what to do with no direction required. The group went really well and the healer asks if we can do afew more runs, we do HM mando and HM cad before the group seperates with everybody on each others friend list.


Next pop I get is a HM czerka core and the healer is my old friend the op. He repeatedly asks for guard, doesn't get it and I offer to explain aggro to him. He refuses stating he doesn't listen to noobs. We do the mission with this op trying his best to rip off me (pulling before me with OS/grenade, trying to dps, from range ofc, etc). He never rips and im glad to say the dps rarely do either, however the dps sin is getting annoyed that the op who queued as healer isn't healing (he says he has a pet hate of people queuing for roles they aren't specced/geared in).


Next pop HM czerka labs. Smooth run, 1 of the dps is slightly low geared with only 14k but we get them through it, they do start to complain about the fact they die when they pull before me but the healer tells them not to pull before the tank and they actually listen.


Next is HM mando and the healer is the good old op again. As soon as he zones in he see's its me again and says "are you going to tank properly?". I tell him I will, then stick my guard on a dps. He quits without another word. The tanking goes ok and at the end the mara asks what that op was on about with the "correct tanking" comment. I tell him that op believes guard belongs on healer, the mara lol's, we say goodbyes and exit.


By now I got my 400/400 elite comms so I start the same process on my healer.


My first pop as healer is HM hammer station. The run is incredible. The sin tank knows their stuff, nobody ever rips aggro from them and the dps is good (the sniper's resource management is abit off and he only uses cover during bosses but the sin dps is good enough to cover for it). The pace is awesome, we only stop by bosses long enough for everyone to recharge then the sin tank starts his tanking masterclass all over again.


Second is a HM czerka core run where the tank is 140 geared. He apologises, says he didn't realise he had HM fp's ticked and offers to leave. I tell him to stay, we might as well see how it goes before giving up. The tank knows his tanking rotation but not the fights (not that he ever told us) so theres issues with the spores and sandstorm. The sandstorm boss drops a jugg tanking earpiece, an upgrade from the tanks current 1. The sin dps ninja's it and we ask him to trade and don't ninja again. He doesn't say anything or trade it back, but we carry on. The spores boss drops a jugg tank body piece which is an upgrade for the tank. The sin dps ninja's it. We tell him again to trade it back. He says nothing and doesn't trade. I ask if we should kick but the sorc dps points out we are nearly finished so we complete and so we dont bother.


Thats it for now, Im currently elite comm farming with my sorc (30 more to go) so there may be 1 or 2 more.

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Ok I've been reading this thread for a while but I had a run that was worthy of this thread. Got a pop for czerka lab hm. I had done it many times before that. We zoned in and I went for the first round of trash. The healer was either not ready or out of range and I died nobody else died because I was able to survive long enough. (I have always had some trouble with that particular pull) Anyways as I run back I see a kick go through. I message the healer asking to give me another chance because I have done it before. He says that I am undergeared and I should have at least 36k hp. At this I check my hp because I'm sure I have that. I'm in mostly 162's and I have a little over 36k. I message the healer telling him I have it and he ignores me.

tldr: Healer says I don't have enough hp. I have what he recommended.

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Im the weird 1 here. HM hammer station im tanking on my jugg. Theres an op healer, sorc dps and mara dps.


At that pull inside the building, the tough 1 with the 2 elites and all the trimmings I do what I always do. Mark the elite on the left and type cc, then leap in at the other elite and run around grabbing aggro. I glance at the group bars and see the healers hp is dropping. I spin the camera and see the elite I thought was going to be cc'd is shooting the healer. I taunt it off and carry on.


After a few GCD's it becomes clear the healer is healing themselves rather than me and the sorc dps is not attacking (and has not since the start of the pull). As im not getting heals I decide to sabre reflect, once it wears off I pop saber ward. When that wears out I do enraged defence and by then the enemy's are dead. I never received any heals.


I then apologise about the aggro issues, at which point the chat is filled with an essay from the sorc (by the length of it this explains why they didn't attack, they were typing). The general gist of which is that cc is not required, just burn it, only noob tanks need cc'd enemies etc.


I apologise again and point out I had assumed that enemy was cc'd as no group I had ever run with before had flat out refused and therefore I ignored it assuming it was stunned.


The healer then pops a vote kick on me for being a useless tank, it goes through.


Now I know that my job was to hold aggro but from my point of view, the second I typed "cc" I believed that enemy was out of the fight completely and can be ignored until later. If someone had written in chat saying "no cc" or "just burn" then I would know that enemy is still active and I will deal with it but I was busy collecting aggro on all the standards/strongs and it was only after that when I looked at group hp to find a healer on around 60% and a dps not fighting.


And on a side note, every time I run cad, the pull at the end of the shortcut, while running up to it I type "los". I have never had all 3 people in a group do the los on that 1. Theres always 1, 2 or most often 3 people running through the gate and opening with aoe's after I write los and sabre throw 1 enemy.

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