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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I'm a pure healer, and I will usually DPS during a tactical. Why? My healing doesn't matter in a tactical. Earlier today, I attempted to keep others topped off on health; playing a commando healer and was too lazy to redo my operation/HMFP hotbar for a more balanced hotbar. What happens? After, key word after, I topped everyone off, one of the three DPS decides to run all the way over to the medical station and clicks it. AFTER being topped off on health... Did I mention that? And it wasn't one of those, "click the station" a second after my healing routine. There was a significant amount of time between topping him off and the click. He had to run from the center of the room to outer part of the room to click it. Healing and tanking is completely irrelevant in tacticals. I suspect that most healers want to feel relevant and will DPS instead of worrying about other players' health, who often don't appreciate the healer or tank when they are essential. If you need healing during a tactical, just click the station. On average, there's going to be one idiot that will click it whether it is necessary or not. So what's the point of me healing someone?


I've had people yell at my sage for healing and not dpsing enough. Like I should respec to DPS and completely redo my bar every time I want to do a tactical. I was keeping them all alive without using the healing stations (but my heals sucked...) and they were threatening to to kick me if I didn't dps more and not heal... like at all.


Actually I think it's kind of weird now that I think about it... why are they called Tactical? Where are the tactics? Tanks, heals, DPS, these are tactics. Just running around facerolling with everyone DPS oh and click the healing stations on bosses.. Where is the tactics?

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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If there's two healers then I expect one to respec because there's really no need for two healer in tactical. One healer, even average, is still better than Marauder who wants to pull everything within few km.


Tactical means that you're supposed to use your group's strengths to your advantage. You have to go with group you get. You can't just expect tank to pull, dps to dps and healer to heal.

Edited by Halinalle
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I'm surprised the tactical Tyhthon I did where I ran hydraulics around second boss making adds chase me while using legacy punches on third boss isn't on here. Afterwords completing it (I made sure we didn't die while being a fool) I responded my work is done and logged. Edited by FerkWork
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Assassin tank that CCs every pull then breaks CC with taunt.


When you CC a tough mob after typing about it in chat and a DPS not only breaks it, but goes absolutely apeshi.t on it trying to solo it in terribad gear.


When all members of the team except the healer (me) are hitting different mobs on a hard pull, making it exceptionally longer (Colicoids - first couple pulls after turrets).


DPS Powertech that pulls mob to him after tank aggros, every pull (forget which class has the pull).


Whole team that wants to take down trash mobs that can be avoided or pushed over an edge (that flashpoint with the wookie and ugnaught adds. This is a patience issue).

Edited by Ardusnyc
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Taunt doesn't break CC (did they change this in newest patch?).


Don't they have some aoe taunt that damages? At least that's what that assassin said to me when I questioned his methods.

Edited by Ardusnyc
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Don't they have some aoe taunt that damages? At least that's what that assassin said to me when I questioned his methods.


Taunt, mass taunt and Wither don't break CC. The Sin tank may have used Lacerate or/and Discharge, which in Dark Charnge hits up to 8 nearby enemies. I'm guilty of occasionally breaking CC because Discharge is a part of my standard tanking rotation. :o

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Don't they have some aoe taunt that damages? At least that's what that assassin said to me when I questioned his methods.


No, taunts don't do damage.

Assassin tanks have 3 AoEs that can break CC:

Discharge (hits 8 targets in Dark Charge, area is quite small though)



Edited by Halinalle
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Weird beyond comprehension....


I get a pop with my sorc healer for HM czerka labs. Group is a 57 jugg tank, 57 mara, my 58 sorc healer and 58 sniper. We set off and on the first (real, the patrolling droid doesn't count) pull the tank tunnelvisions, the sniper is still zoning in at this point. I end up dead, med centre and run back. By the time I run back the tank is dead, the mara is on 30% and the other patrolling elite in the corridor is about to join the pull.


I start healing the mara, he kills 1 more enemy so we are left with 2 elites, 1 from the pull and the patrolling 1. Then the mara runs away and stealths out. I solo it then afterwards have a word with the mara "when theres only you and the healer, don't stealth out." Sniper joins us now, turns out they were a couple k exp from lvl 59 so were just getting that.


Get to the next pull and tank tunnel-visions, aggro is everywhere, and the next pull too. However I have noticed that when the tank pops their buff it only adds the warrior one, so clearly this is their only high level toon, so I am more polite than usual, I say:

me: "<tank name> can I offer some advice"

tank: "yes"

me: "when tanking hit every enemy and keep switching targets"

tank: "ok"


Get to the next pull, tank jumps in and holds every bit of aggro without even taunting. The same on the next 2 pulls. Myself and both dps haven't been so much as touched in the past 3 pulls. I tell the tank that what they are doing now is perfect, they say thanks and we carry on.


Then, the mara starts pulling every pull and the tank has to jump in after to sort it out. Bear in mind they have only just learnt that they should hit everything so they probably aren't confident at sorting out messes made by idiotic dps.


As such aggro is everywhere, jugg is not bothering to tank any more, but nobody can be bothered to speak up. I don't speak up due to being completely gobsmacked


We had a tank who is pretty new to the game, and with 1 piece of vague advice they became perfect, and now a dps is *********** it all up by being stupid.


Also, abit of humour, I had myself an idiot moment of my own, it was great.


On the first boss, I explained tactics as the mara and tank both say they are new to this mission. We get started and, apart from some people being abit slow to get out of water its all good. Im healing away, everything is fine. Then suddenly my heal doesn't cast. I check my quickbar and my heals are greyed out. I check my target, it is an ally so I should be able to heal, so I try again and it still doesn't work. Im pretty confused and not sure why my heals aren't coming out. I glance at my bars and see that my force is 7/600. I had completely forgotten about using comsumption.


As such I end up stood there with 12% hp (the mara didn't get the adds and the sniper had some issues with being pulled by boss cord, stopping them from doing their stuff) and 1% force, casting consumption like a complete idiot

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Does anybody ever get in a PUG where two of the characters are different versions of the same character?


One PUG I did with my Shadow had two Sentinels with the same gear, same look, same lightsabers, but with only slightly different names. Last night, did Hammer Station with my Guardian and we had another Guardian tanking and a Sage healer. Both were Sith Purebloods, similar names(only difference was spelling), same "outfit"(both were wearing some kind of male speedo), same lightsaber, and both made the dark side decision( kill the Advosze workers).


I just wonder what kind of people make different versions of the same toon.

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Does anybody ever get in a PUG where two of the characters are different versions of the same character?


One PUG I did with my Shadow had two Sentinels with the same gear, same look, same lightsabers, but with only slightly different names. Last night, did Hammer Station with my Guardian and we had another Guardian tanking and a Sage healer. Both were Sith Purebloods, similar names(only difference was spelling), same "outfit"(both were wearing some kind of male speedo), same lightsaber, and both made the dark side decision( kill the Advosze workers).


I just wonder what kind of people make different versions of the same toon.


My husband, mother-in-law and I will make themed characters at the same time, but not to the degree you are describing. For instance we had 3 smugglers named after the Three Stooges. Male body type 4 Twi'leks in covert armor. And since my husband doesn't play much they tend to get re-rolled on a frequent basis.


I've seen multi-boxers pick the same class, nearly identical names and armor, but I've never seen them in a flashpoint.

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Does anybody ever get in a PUG where two of the characters are different versions of the same character?


One PUG I did with my Shadow had two Sentinels with the same gear, same look, same lightsabers, but with only slightly different names. Last night, did Hammer Station with my Guardian and we had another Guardian tanking and a Sage healer. Both were Sith Purebloods, similar names(only difference was spelling), same "outfit"(both were wearing some kind of male speedo), same lightsaber, and both made the dark side decision( kill the Advosze workers).


I just wonder what kind of people make different versions of the same toon.


I once ran a KDY quite awhile ago on my sniper and was matched up with 3 level 35 mercs. Once I zoned in I noticed that they all looked exactly the same with the same armour, the same female body type and hair with the only exception being that each had a different secondary dye on what they were wearing. Their names were almost exactly the same except they had a ‘ after the first name with a different surname after that eg: Name'surname1, Name'surname2, Name'surname3. They were all from the same guild and I was a little worried at first (I’ve had bad experiences when running FP’s with 3 guild members + me before) but they were all very nice and were all very good players and we got through KDY in record time said our goodbyes and left. It was real funny experience watching 3 almost identical triplets running around.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Well we have a Guild named Power-Rangers on our Servers. All characters there are named green ranger, red ranger, pink ranger etc and they all wear the same armor, dyed in their respective colours :D
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Well we have a Guild named Power-Rangers on our Servers. All characters there are named green ranger, red ranger, pink ranger etc and they all wear the same armor, dyed in their respective colours :D



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Does anybody ever get in a PUG where two of the characters are different versions of the same character?


I've run a few flashpoints in recent months where another player's character looked very like one of my characters but not the one I was playing at the time. Same class, race, hair and outfit, sometimes in a different colour. That can get very confusing.

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An odd thing happened in SM Cademimu last night.


Now, the run itself was mostly okay. The PT seemed not to realize he had an out-of-combat resource regen, the Op kept either fighting from range or pulling, and no one had scavenging OR slicing, which was a first for me. And we wiped on the first boss and again on the first pull after the first boss. But we beat Ortol the first time through despite losing me (the tank) and the DPS Op to the flames. As PUGs go, it was pretty good.


Except for the big elevator to the missile control center. The first time we went down it, 2 of us got off, but 2 stayed on it until it started taking them back up again. They realized their mistake in not getting off . . . or one of them did. The other stayed on AGAIN, and went up AGAIN, and ended up taking 3 trips down the thing. Funny, not annoying.

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Actually I think it's kind of weird now that I think about it... why are they called Tactical? Where are the tactics? Tanks, heals, DPS, these are tactics. Just running around facerolling with everyone DPS oh and click the healing stations on bosses.. Where is the tactics?


Because "tactical" is more diplomatic than "the no responsibility academy" or "the learn to suck academy"

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Because "tactical" is more diplomatic than "the no responsibility academy" or "the learn to suck academy"


You wouldn't believe--actually, you probably would--how many people jump from fight to fight in KDY without cooling down/ restoring health. It's annoying, especially when you're a mercenary healer like me and you're not giving me enough time to reload my rotation.

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Does anybody ever get in a PUG where two of the characters are different versions of the same character?


Yeah, I once met a Gunslinger Twi'lek who looked almost identical to my current one, then.


Because "tactical" is more diplomatic than "the no responsibility academy" or "the learn to suck academy"




The actual "tactics" ONLY appear at KDY *ENTR*Y level. NOT later !

And especxially regarding the Kolto stations - people DO actually forget to position themselves near one !


Try to run KDY with 4 level 5 characters. Just do it.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Try to run KDY with 4 level 5 characters. Just do it.


Seeing as how that's hard-coded impossible --unless one can get to Fleet before level 7 somehow? Although why one would want to if they're not a gold-seller spambot, I couldn't begin to guess-- I really don't see what your point is?

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Kuat Drive Yards is only available from levels 15-60.


The worst thing is when melee DPS try to position themselves near the kolto, and therefore cannot attack the boss, and complain why it's not dying.

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Because "tactical" is more diplomatic than "the no responsibility academy" or "the learn to suck academy"


Core Meltdown:

3x lvl 60 and 1x lvl 55

Others want to do mechanics in first two bosses. Even though I could easily tank at lvl 60 those anywhere.

Last boss: they place the bubbles everywhere making it difficult to navigate through AoEs. It takes 2 seconds to run and place it near outer wall.

Edited by Halinalle
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You know those situations when playing as a tank, and queue up for group finder. Sometimes you'll get in a FP that's already in progress. There're a couple of common scenarios in this for the tank:


1) The previous tank was terrible, and the group kicked them out.

2) The tank just simply had to leave for whatever personal reason.


3) The group was so darn terrible that the tank decided to quit.


For first two options I'm always feeling like the saviour that arrives after a lengthy wait for the rest of the people in the FP. It usually takes quite a bit of time to find a new tank, so I get a rather warm welcome. Some trashtalk about the previous tank might be present, but in general it'll be smooth sailing to the end of the instance.


Then there's the third kind of situations. I might not notice at first, but the truth will slowly dawn. Most often in these scenarios it'll be the healer that's troublesome. Not to bash on healers in general, but if the tank-healer combination is solid, the DPS being bad isn't really a huge issue in FP's. It'll just take a bit longer, and I might have to pull a few extra tricks to maintain my aggro. Healer being subpar however can be a progress breaker.


One such scenario happened yesterday, where I got into a group with a merc healer.


"Why don't you put guard on me?"

"Heals generate tons of aggro, I need guard"

"We wouldn't be wiping here if DPS was better"


He tried to vote kick one of our DPS for needing some green piece that he also seemingly wanted. You can basically imagine some angry kid that's trying to mask their own performance troubles by blaming others. Pro Tip time: that's a guaranteed way to tell others that you suck. I wouldn't mind one bit of someone blowing a fuse in chat as long as they were competent in what they are doing. At the final boss we wiped twice, then proceeded to kick the healer out. Popped Mako for healing duty and won the fight easily never going bellow half HP. I'm usually very tolerant of people, and try to reason even with the worst of them, but sometimes there's just so much pride and ignorance that the words aren't leading anywhere.


If a healing companion does 10x better job as a healer than a player healer, I don't really know what to say to that. Everyone was really happy at the end of the FP though, so there's that. Congratulations for the two others that managed to stay in the group till the end.

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