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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I call this a challenge, not necessary a race. It ends up being a race, but the goal is to make the run more challenging for everyone. If I see we can not handle it I will slow down, when you have run a flashpoint many times it is simply difficult to force yourself to do it slowly. I have tanked this, healed through and dps it. There is nothing that will be different next time I run it and if you see me in a group I am there probably for my weekly ultimate coms.

And that is why I rush through.

Edited by ELRunninW
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Got in czerka corporate labs on my sniper. Got kicked right away because the group said I was "under geared" which was ******** because ive been running those hm flashpoints for quite a few months now in that gear and have never had issues. they said that my accuracy and damage were wrong or something like that. And then they gave me the go to noxxic.com cliche. Though I am aware I do need to get a better barrel for my rifle. My gear is already good enough for hm flashpoints. Hey Ive been able to make it through most of terror from beyond with the same specs.

So my conclusion there is that the group I got were a bunch of elitists who need everything to be perfect or else you cant go. I got a new group in the same one like an hour after with people who werent as well geared as the previous group and we flew right through it without any wipes.

Sadly i was waiting nearly two hours just to do a flashpoint because of that.

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i got grouped with a couple real doozies last night on HM Foundry. two 55 jugs, one queued as Tank, other as a derps, chasing the HK-51 part, me with a 54 op healz.


now, I'll preface by saying these guys were very good players but they rubbed me the wrong way right from the get-go with their "Speed run for HK part, try and keep up, spacebar all conversations" initial rudeness.


one was having a go at me: spacebar, don't waste time, spacebar, spacebar.....

so I replied: only if you ask nicely.

them: "please hit spacebar"

me: certainly <space, space, space>

yet another ~5 messages arrive in various shades of sarcastic politeness requesting a speed run (after I was already fast-forwarding).


we head off and the first thing that strikes me: this tank is squishy. like, SERIOUSLY squishy.

So I point this out and check his gear..... FULL DPS kit. not a hint of a mitigation stat anywhere.


Tank: I'm not in tank gear.

Me: in that case, all care will be taken, no responsibility will be accepted.

Tank: <redacted as unfit for forums>


we proceed through flashpoint at a pretty breakneck speed. as I said, these guys knew what they were about it was just their constant "don't lag behind, keep up, keep up".


the amount of healing that tank required in even the most basic pulls was more than I've ever encountered and his DPS mate wasn't much better. along with constant probe/nanotech spammage, only the fact they had big health pools and (along with the DPS Sorcerer fourth) were able to burn down enemies quickly saved us from multiple wipes.


do you think I was ever given time to refresh my energy pool? i was burning through stacks of TA faster than I could generate them. I don't think I've ever used so many surgical probes on any single FP, ever.


do you think I ever saw either of them self-heal between pulls?


anyways, get through HK-47 and head out past the area where the Matriarch Burrower spawns (if you do the bonus, which we weren't, obviously).


Now, we'd all done this FP before, so while me and the Sorc scooted around all the creeps and was waiting by the next set of droids, these guys managed to pull down a huge fight of slugbeasts. I did not go back to help them, they managed to get through without dieing (dunno how).


I couldn't help myself at this point and just had to point out "Come on guys, speed run, try and keep up".

at which point the sarcasm and rudeness returned in spades.

for some reason, the 'speed run' slowed down with these guys pulling in a number of easily avoidable trash mobs.


apparently me pointing out that these were avoidable was just too much, so once I'd saved their sad and sorry backsides ALL THE WAY THROUGH the FP, they vote-booted me right before Revan.


I'll concede I probably didn't help matters, but sheesh. if you want a speed run then run with guildies or friends, there's no need to be a total douche in a PUG about it.

Edited by dancezwithnubz
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Got in czerka corporate labs on my sniper. Got kicked right away because the group said I was "under geared" which was ******** because ive been running those hm flashpoints for quite a few months now in that gear and have never had issues. they said that my accuracy and damage were wrong or something like that. And then they gave me the go to noxxic.com cliche. Though I am aware I do need to get a better barrel for my rifle. My gear is already good enough for hm flashpoints. Hey Ive been able to make it through most of terror from beyond with the same specs.

So my conclusion there is that the group I got were a bunch of elitists who need everything to be perfect or else you cant go. I got a new group in the same one like an hour after with people who werent as well geared as the previous group and we flew right through it without any wipes.

Sadly i was waiting nearly two hours just to do a flashpoint because of that.


Noxxic is somewhat less than stellar. I would recommend nobody go there for advice. Just goes to show you, that group had no clue.


What is your accuracy, anyway? Hopefully you have ranged acc at 100% or slightly over?

Edited by Fidelicatessen
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Earlier today did a lvl 50 HM FP for the daily. Queue into false emperor. Me (sage healer), mando tank, two sentinels, all greet and we start.


After that first mob, the tank drops (seemed like he crashed). All is well, we requeue and continue with my qyzen. First boss (the trandoshan with the spinning reticule). The sentinels are not amazingly geared, but should let my tank (who is in 78/72) do the tanking.


Before the fight starts, I start typing "I'll get qyzen to pull him." But the sentinels decide to start the party.


Sure enough, the red reticule starts and one of them die (i can heal through it, but you should stand out of it if you are going to die in two pulses, which he did).


Boss gets killed and then this conversation starts.


"You going to heal?"

"I can't heal if you are in lower gear and decide to stand in red reticule"

"I could have tanked it if you healed me"

"I brought out qyzen to tank, because he is a tank. I can't guarantee you will survive"

"lol whatever man"


I don't write back and then another tank queues in and we finish no issues.


However, do dps really think they can tank? I can understand an amazingly geared dps running a LVL 50 and just aggroing everything...but if you aren't geared and you die can you really blame your healer? Or was it his lack of knowledge and incompetence?

Edited by JourrnoRush
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Sometimes we tanks lack confidence in our healers, not in ourselves. Just sayin'. ;)

While there's merit in your words, I'm a proponent of a different school of thought: No one's going to get any better unless pushed to the limit. Therefore I rarely slow down and wait for the healer. If I see him slackin', I pop my defensive cooldowns and continue to kill stuff.


But, most importantly, what I meant by "slowpoke tanks" was in no way the fault of healers or damage dealers. It was the tanks' fault beyond a shadow of a doubt. I mean, you have a Vanguard tank waiting for Mortar Volley to become available instead of using Harpoon and Strom on the champion mob. Then you have that tank repeat his Mortar Volley opener for the fourth time on the same type of mobs. Mobs that jump onto him when aggroed, making his lousy opener even worse.


Then you have tanks that regen for 10 seconds before every single pull even though everyone is at 100%. Some even go so far as typing "r?" in party chat. Those tanks will almost always guard the healer because "that's what's it for" and "DO U EVEN TANK BRAH".


I can understand a more cautios approach to tanking if the team isn't geared or if you're new to the class, but... If you're a lvl 55 geared in 72+ with the rest of the team geared similarly or even better - there's just no excuse for derping around. *** on your own time, not when you're tanking for three other persons.


Slow tanks get me worked up. ARGH

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the concept of "I just want to get it over with" in a video game - that is supposed to be something you do for fun has been confounding me for years now. I honestly don't get it.


and while I can keep up with breakneck runs especially when healing, I seriously dislike those and expectation of breakneck runs is part of the reason I haven't tanked a pug in a long long time. every time I consider it, I remember how unfun and stressful it is... and don't queue.


becasue something to consider is that you know those 3 people that you are assuming want to "get it over with" might not necessarily be those people, and maybe, just maybe you are imposing your mentality on people who do not share it, make it the run less fun for them in your egotistical rush, but they can't say anything becasue there's not time to type and tanks are so rare already, kicking one is arely an option unless they are beyond terrible and/or disconnected/afk forever.

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the concept of "I just want to get it over with" in a video game - that is supposed to be something you do for fun has been confounding me for years now. I honestly don't get it.


and while I can keep up with breakneck runs especially when healing, I seriously dislike those and expectation of breakneck runs is part of the reason I haven't tanked a pug in a long long time. every time I consider it, I remember how unfun and stressful it is... and don't queue.


becasue something to consider is that you know those 3 people that you are assuming want to "get it over with" might not necessarily be those people, and maybe, just maybe you are imposing your mentality on people who do not share it, make it the run less fun for them in your egotistical rush, but they can't say anything becasue there's not time to type and tanks are so rare already, kicking one is arely an option unless they are beyond terrible and/or disconnected/afk forever.


Exactly. So exactly my words.


Guys, I do understand that you have run the flashpoints 100 times. But we are talking here about SM flashpoint and you need to take into account there are newer players as well. Tanking with a rushing group in a flashpoint you have played only 2-3 times until now is not fun. I really prefer playing with relaxed people who take things fast and skip some mobs as well on one hand, but on the other hand do not make it stressful.


And the argument that "we are all geared up anyway"... Are we? In every flashpoint I have been playing, there was a guy who was totally overgeared and had 20% more HP than the tank. Interestingly, this was the "let's get this over with" guy who wanted to skip all the bonus bosses, probably thinking "we are all geared up anyway" without even asking and guess what? Mostly, no one even says anything, as on one hand, you struggle to keep up with the "rush guy" without pulling any mobs he somehow skipped, and on the other hand, with someone like that in the group, you get this attitude "oh, this really is no fun, let's get this over with" on your own, because you came to get some nice gear and are facing the decision of either a conflict in a group or half of the cool drops in the flashpoint.


If you want to rush a flashpoint like crazy for a new record to get over with it fast, be sure that other people are ok with it as well.

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You know the joke : sentinels can be amazing tanks... for 4 seconds. :D


just like gunslingers :p anyway...


two days ago I was in annoying Eseless HM, this scoundrel dps pulled everything he could >_< even that droid in front of that big hole before the end, I didnt understand why, so I asked them in group chat why? no answer, omg...everyone skips that droid even on sm, but this group, this guy. omg...I felt my blood preasure rising

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just like gunslingers :p anyway...


two days ago I was in annoying Eseless HM, this scoundrel dps pulled everything he could >_< even that droid in front of that big hole before the end, I didnt understand why, so I asked them in group chat why? no answer, omg...everyone skips that droid even on sm, but this group, this guy. omg...I felt my blood preasure rising


Well, I for one, don't skip the droid (in sm), I want to scavage it.

Edited by Sorei
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Isn't it rude to waste peoples' time like this? Go scavenge in the world, solo.


I never group for Esseless, I solo the FP. Besides, not everybody wants to avoid everything. Isn't it rude to force your playstyle on others?

I commented on him saying "everyone" does that. This is not true.

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I never group for Esseless, I solo the FP. Besides, not everybody wants to avoid everything. Isn't it rude to force your playstyle on others?

I commented on him saying "everyone" does that. This is not true.


I didn't see you mention that you solo'd it.


Is it rude to force your playstyle on others? Aren't you doing the same (if you did it in a group) by going out of the way to kill something just so you can scavenge it?


Isn't that the definition of forcing your playstyle on others? When others are around and you go off the typical path / norm to do something and they can't do anything about it?


Isn't it not forcing your playstyle on others if you go do that thing when others aren't in a group with you and therefore nobody is forced to at a minimum wait until you're done doing whatever it is you want to do that they don't?


Persecution complex much? You from the southern US by any chance?

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I didn't see you mention that you solo'd it.


Is it rude to force your playstyle on others? Aren't you doing the same (if you did it in a group) by going out of the way to kill something just so you can scavenge it?


Isn't that the definition of forcing your playstyle on others? When others are around and you go off the typical path / norm to do something and they can't do anything about it?


Isn't it not forcing your playstyle on others if you go do that thing when others aren't in a group with you and therefore nobody is forced to at a minimum wait until you're done doing whatever it is you want to do that they don't?


Persecution complex much? You from the southern US by any chance?


Firstly, no, I'm from Germany, but I'm glad to see I apparently write well enough not to give it away.

Secondly, I commented on a single aspect with no intention to start a debate about flash point etiquette. I can assure you, my etiquette is quite satisfying.

You presume you know what the others in the group want in a SM flash point, but you really don't. New players probably don't even know you can skip the droid and I bet many of them don't even mind killing it.

Remember, I am talking about Esseless story mode.


As for me not having mentioned I solo it: why would I if that wasn't the point of my post at all? I stated I was talking about story mode (personally, I have queued one time for Black Talon sm and never since, because going in with random people means you're bound to get your time wasted in lower level flash points. I dropped group because someone wanted to watch all the cutscenes, which is fine, but I simply didn't want to do this in BT). You can't expect people to skip all the enemies in sm flash points because they either don't know or don't care. Don't pug if you don't want to get any minute of your time wasted.


As for the forcing your playstyle on others thing: You started it, so I replied you're doing it as well.

In the end you have to stick to what the majority of the group wants. However, even if someone pulls a group of enemies that could have been avoided there is no reason to make a fuss about it.


If I recall correctly, the previous poster stated, the scoundrel had done it throughout the entire flash point, so yes, he was right to mention it. I was simply not agreeing on him stating everyone skips that droid.

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Firstly, no, I'm from Germany, but I'm glad to see I apparently write well enough not to give it away.


Should have known. Far too articulate for southern US. :p


Seriously, usually I can pick out non-native speakers in a heartbeat. Your English is superior to most.

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The worst thing I've seen while levelling is DPS queuing as tanks or healers. I have learnt to check that tanks have at least a shield generator equipped and the healers have right form/ammo/cell. When they don't the wall of silence you get to questions is even worse.


On the slow tank/race comments. I think either extreme is really annoying, I had a levelling Hammer Station 2 days ago where the tank would pause, stealth, cc even against as few as 3 mobs. I started to pull on my marauder :p

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If you want to rush a flashpoint like crazy for a new record to get over with it fast, be sure that other people are ok with it as well.


This is a reality in game and in real life. Do you or do you not have a choice? Game or not, your reaction should be suitable to the situation. You adapt to survive.


DarthTHC is right, either way someone is unhappy, therefore you adapt or you leave, on your own or with some help.

Edited by ELRunninW
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This is a reality in game and in real life. Do you or do you not have a choice? Game or not, your reaction should be suitable to the situation. You adopt to survive.


DarthTHC is right, either way someone is unhappy, therefore you adopt or you leave, on your own or with some help.


I think adapt was the word you were looking for :D

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This is a reality in game and in real life. Do you or do you not have a choice? Game or not, your reaction should be suitable to the situation. You adapt to survive.


DarthTHC is right, either way someone is unhappy, therefore you adapt or you leave, on your own or with some help.


And that is why I mostly do not play flashpoints on my tank. My life is stressful enough for me to having to adapt in some game where I actually want to relax.

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