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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Running a Monday night EV HM for comms. Tuesday nights after the reset seems to have strong groups with good knowledge of the missions. Sunday and Monday nights are a real mixed bag of working folks (my case after a business trip for most of the week), alts of alts, and novices who had been unable to complete it in earlier tries. The general chat call for the run sounded like a quick dash for comms, but in this case turned out to be a guild run to help newer folks get gear. No problem, I help many folks get started. We have 12 level 55s and the rest at least 50, with health stats from 35k to 14k. We get through the first few bosses slowly, with bodies scattered all over the battlefield after each fight, but we are progressing. Loot goes almost exclusively to the leader's guildies, which is not a biggie as I am slumming here for the comms.


When we get to SOA's army for the one-on-one fights we are two folks shy due to drops, but no replies are coming from the ops lead who has sole invite control. After 3 wipes, I start looking at my teamates and private telling the ops lead and the individuals. A dps knight has no items in her saber, none. No hilt, mod, etc except a green crystal from many levels ago. Her reply was that she knew and that was why she was on the run. My reply that she stick something, anything in there was rebuffed as telling her what to do. The next sage I looked at had a level 34 saber. Purple 66 and 69s in her armor, but a 34 saber. Again a private tell was answered with "that is why I am on this run".


Look, I understand double exp has had some folks level quickly, but your weapon, especially the hilt or barrel slot is the sngle biggest effect on your damage, healing, or tanking ability. Purple 66 barrels are under 40k credits, saber hilts are around 60k. If you are going to run Hard Modes, please show up with some semblance of gear to accomplish your role. My main is a DPS armstech, so I bring and hand-out trooper and smuggler barrels. In the same run I got a gunslinger from a 52 to 66 barrel (free to a good home), but it looks like I may need to start carrying hilts as well.

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The weirdest people I meet are those who leave the group without saying a single word. Not disconnect, just leave. That's something I don't quite understand.

This boggles me also. I don't know, maybe some people think, communication in a MMO is obscene.

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Weird, but in a good way:


I was DPS in a pug group for Ilum HM, back in the days when you were doing it for BH comms and basically avoiding every mob or boss except for the final one. So Guardian tank asks "Speedrun?" in group chat and everyone agrees.


But his idea of a speedrun was attacking everything in his way and not skipping anything - but he was extremely quick doing it and he was holding aggro on multiple mobs (back then without saber reflect, mind you) all the time, he was just a brilliant tank.


In the end the whole run took about 20 minutes (you can do it in 12 or so if you skip everything) with an absurd number of dead mobs on the way. That was definitely the best 20 minutes I have ever had in a pug group....



Weird, in a bad way, and my fault:


Mandalorian Raiders HM, me as slinger DPS, group finder puts me in group with three guys from the same guild. Before goup finder invite, I had just done Makeb Dailys, where I've adopted a fun strategy, but very bad habit for a DPS: Place XS Freighter in the group from afar, roll foward to the eilte mob, dirty kick him in the nuts, and melt down the group with more AoEs while Bowdaar grabs aggro from me and then finish the elite.


Stupid me, I didn't adapt my mind to my role as DPS with a real tank present and the stronger mobs in a 55HM FP. So I do the same thing as on Makeb on the first two pulls in MR HM, getting myself and the healer killed - and understandably get votekicked within seconds by the three guildies.


After that I whispered the tank to explain what I did and why and we end up having a nice chat so no additions to anyones ignore list and no harm done - except me feeling extremely stupid...

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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The shadow/sin tank with 40k hp who needs on everything in 55hm fp and says if it weren't for him we would be waiting in que for another tank therefore it's his reward for quing as tank!?!?!?!?


Interesting "logic". So this is for real ? Impressive.


but your weapon, especially the hilt or barrel slot is the sngle biggest effect on your damage, healing, or tanking ability.


It has ? That's new to me. I thought that the result was a calculated result of everything I wear - including Mods in the armor.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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The one instance that pops into my head was a TFB sm a few weeks back. It was a mostly guild run and I was on my guardian tank,we just needed to pug a tank. So we go into GF and get a pop. Then when everyone accepts and I zone in i see the tank is a vanguard wearing gear with crit/surge on most of his pieces,a green lvl 40-something implant,and a might stim. A MIGHT STIM,ON A VANGUARD TANK. Oh yea,he was somehow in ion cell. Then one of my guildies asked him about his gear and he said "it's so i can do damage" and im said "but your a tank" and he said "yea,so?" My response was a vote kick. We then had a guildie get on his tank and pug a dps who(luckily)was halfway competent and we finished the instance with no issues or wipes.
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Running a Monday night EV HM for comms. Tuesday nights after the reset seems to have strong groups with good knowledge of the missions. Sunday and Monday nights are a real mixed bag of working folks (my case after a business trip for most of the week), alts of alts, and novices who had been unable to complete it in earlier tries. The general chat call for the run sounded like a quick dash for comms, but in this case turned out to be a guild run to help newer folks get gear. No problem, I help many folks get started. We have 12 level 55s and the rest at least 50, with health stats from 35k to 14k. We get through the first few bosses slowly, with bodies scattered all over the battlefield after each fight, but we are progressing. Loot goes almost exclusively to the leader's guildies, which is not a biggie as I am slumming here for the comms.


When we get to SOA's army for the one-on-one fights we are two folks shy due to drops, but no replies are coming from the ops lead who has sole invite control. After 3 wipes, I start looking at my teamates and private telling the ops lead and the individuals. A dps knight has no items in her saber, none. No hilt, mod, etc except a green crystal from many levels ago. Her reply was that she knew and that was why she was on the run. My reply that she stick something, anything in there was rebuffed as telling her what to do. The next sage I looked at had a level 34 saber. Purple 66 and 69s in her armor, but a 34 saber. Again a private tell was answered with "that is why I am on this run".


Look, I understand double exp has had some folks level quickly, but your weapon, especially the hilt or barrel slot is the sngle biggest effect on your damage, healing, or tanking ability. Purple 66 barrels are under 40k credits, saber hilts are around 60k. If you are going to run Hard Modes, please show up with some semblance of gear to accomplish your role. My main is a DPS armstech, so I bring and hand-out trooper and smuggler barrels. In the same run I got a gunslinger from a 52 to 66 barrel (free to a good home), but it looks like I may need to start carrying hilts as well.


It is has been a while since I have done HM EV. But doesn't the main hand drop from KP?........why would you do EV to replace a main hand?




It has ? That's new to me. I thought that the result was a calculated result of everything I wear - including Mods in the armor.


Your main hand barrel or hilt contributes other stats that you can not get off of mods/enhancements. You get your best upgrade through it.

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Been doing a lot of group finder FPs to level my Sage. Sure, I've had to work through random drops and the occasional disconnect, but the last FP really chapped me.


Cademimu. We burned through to the last boss without issue, everyone seemed familiar with the fights. Tank engages, first missile fires, tank and one DPS are instantly incinerated. Here's where it gets weird.


The tank instantly quits the group. DPS revives at med center but of course the chamber doors are sealed. For the next 5+ minutes, the DPS commando and I fight the boss. Eventually, we get him down to ~10% health but by then I am just spent. After many Noble Sacrifices (no heals for me except for Force Mend), I just couldn't keep it up so we go down.


Commando says, and I paraphrase, "you're lvl 30 but your heals are insufficient" which I read as "it's your fault we failed." I normally don't get angry, but, given the course of events, that just really rubbed me the wrong way. He asked to go again, I just typed "no thanks, didn't appreciate the comment" and exited. Otherwise, he played a good commando. I'm open to criticism, but please don't start with blame.


Probably not a big deal to most hardened veterans, but that's been my first genuine "oh no he didn't just say that to me", and this being my fourth character and all.

Edited by Shinjin
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My favorite was a Shadow Tank (Easiest tank) in a slave girl outfit (teenage boy) who took long explained breaks (douche) who repeated every comment everyone typed with a "duh" on the end (mentally ill).


Group finder in a FTP game is like taking the buss, scary but gets you where you need to be.

Edited by Jrea
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My favorite was a Shadow Tank (Easiest tank) in a slave girl outfit (teenage boy) who took long explained breaks (douche) who repeated every comment everyone typed with a "duh" on the end (mentally ill).


Group finder in a FTP game is like taking the buss, scary but gets you where you need to be.


personally I find shadows/assassins to be the hardest tanks. they have the least margin for error out of all 3 archetypes and due to their light armor, have to rely on CD's to deal with certain types of damage - which means, timing is critical. they are in my experience the spikiest tanks to heal and give me most heart attacks (as I don't have a high level shadow yet, I can only say that they are also hardest tanks to play at early levels. of all the shadows/sins I have encountered, I know exactly 2 that are not a heart attack waiting to happen). easiest tank in personal experience? vanguard/powertech. lots of different toys, heavy armor and they can both close in super quickly AND pull stragglers to them.


slave girl outfit=teenage boy is ridiculous assumption on your part. amazingly enough there's a wide variety of players who put their characters into that outfit and not all of them are teenage or even male.


inconsiderate? maybe. douche? you said breaks were explained.


I'm not even going to start on your perception of mental illness.


aaaaaanyways. I wish I had funny stories to tell. lately, all I've been running into are sentinels/marauders who think they are invincible and like to leap into action before everyone else is anywhere near them and making me remember why my shadow and assassin are my lowest level alts.

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I gotta admit, I'm proud to be one of those 'weird' people you meet in groupfinder queues.


Generally speaking, I'm queued with my pet tank...A burly male juggy who's full kit is in the hot pink and purple dye setup. My lovely sorc healer is dressed to match in pink and purple! We are crazy, to the point it usually causes a wipe per fp/op. Usually when i force speed ahead while they're still killing stuff. He's so well geared I dont have to heal and i get bored xD. Even better on my operative, since i can stealth out and troll him like a boss.


We are both very talkative in group chat, to the point that we accuse each other of causing trouble. It works beautifully since we're in different guilds.


But hey, the way we look at it, hopefully it brightens someone's day!

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The one instance that pops into my head was a TFB sm a few weeks back. It was a mostly guild run and I was on my guardian tank,we just needed to pug a tank. So we go into GF and get a pop. Then when everyone accepts and I zone in i see the tank is a vanguard wearing gear with crit/surge on most of his pieces,a green lvl 40-something implant,and a might stim. A MIGHT STIM,ON A VANGUARD TANK. Oh yea,he was somehow in ion cell. Then one of my guildies asked him about his gear and he said "it's so i can do damage" and im said "but your a tank" and he said "yea,so?" My response was a vote kick. We then had a guildie get on his tank and pug a dps who(luckily)was halfway competent and we finished the instance with no issues or wipes.


Or you could just answer his question since obviously he had no idea wha'ts wrong with his gear. If you did that, maybe there would be 1 bad tank less in this game by now.

Edited by zzoorrzz
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Or you could just answer his question since obviously he had no idea wha'ts wrong with his gear. If you did that, maybe there would be 1 bad tank less in this game by now.


really? at 55 not to know what is your main stat?

Sure, i probably gave giggle to some when I did not notice that I had STR implant on my PT for few weeks (got it same day I bought same implant for my jugg tank, so used same vendor huh.) , but atleast it was tanking implant :o


some people we meet on GF gives me wonder, how on earth that even finished they story line. THink with friends...

Edited by Atramar
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really? at 55 not to know what is your main stat?

Sure, i probably gave giggle to some when I did not notice that I had STR implant on my PT for few weeks (got it same day I bought same implant for my jugg tank, so used same vendor huh.) , but atleast it was tanking implant :o


some people we meet on GF gives me wonder, how on earth that even finished they story line. THink with friends...


I don't quite remember how did I get to know about mainstat thing, but even now I wouldn't know where to get that information in game.

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That's cool, but what if you don't know concept of mainstat even exists?


Then you should stop ignoring your Codex popups and read them. You get a Codex very early on in your class story that tells you what your mainstat is, in addition to some other information. You also get them for your companions. Also, maybe don't turn off tutorials, and actually read them when they pop up?


Not knowing about secondary ratings, that's another matter entirely, since that Codex entry is broken. And, I mean, Bioware didn't help matters by not removing all the not-relevant-since-early-beta items like Cunning pieces with tank stats, Cunning cannons, Aim knives and shotguns, medium armor Strength tank gear...

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I just had a Group Finder FP run with a player queued as Damage. (this was Republic side, translations provided for Imperial players reference frame)


He was a Shadow (Assassin), spec'd Kinetic Combat (Darkness), using Combat Technique (Dark Charge). Every single pull, from start to finish, his rotation was:

  • stand 10 yards away
  • use Telekinetic Throw (Force Lightning) on cooldown
  • use Project (Shock) on cooldown
  • use Force Breach (Discharge) on cooldown
  • maintain Kinetic Ward (Dark Ward) religiously at 15 charges
  • stand there and do nothing else in-between these 4 cooldowns


Watching someone with a double-bladed lightsaber and rocks swirling around them stand outside melee range, never once swing their saber, and spam weak rock attacks was... really, really weird.


Damage was agonizingly low, fights took forever, but at least we had a Guardian DPS who really, really knew her stuff and carried us through (just barely) on tighter fights.


Naturally, he won all 3 pieces of Willpower gear that dropped. -.-




Anyway, I don't want to be negative and bashing or insulting confused players here. Instead, I'd just like to hear your stories about bizarre / crazy people you meet in Group Finder (or other groups) who make you go :confused: "Huh?? What?!" when you watch them playing.


It's honestly very cute / amusing, except when it gets you killed by enrage timers, etc. :p


What server was this? I think I was the healer.

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really? at 55 not to know what is your main stat?


Things happen.


Please note this saying I found a few decades ago :

"Your [weirdest] imagination is only succeeded by Reality". (Sorry for the grammar, since English isn't my 1st language.)

Since then, I'm not amazed anymore. Everything can happen, and that's a fact.


You just expect too much from people, imho.


Then you should stop ignoring your Codex popups and read them.


Most Newbies don't even KNOW that there's a Kodex - because accessing that isn't easy.


A tab at the BOTTOM of the MISSION LOG and then in DARK GREY colour, just so that it shouldn't be noticed at all ???


A pure design failure, in my opinion.


The Kodex should have its own place in the menu bar. 'Nuff said.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Things happen.


Please note this saying I found a few decades ago :

"Your [weirdest] imagination is only succeeded by Reality". (Sorry for the grammar, since English isn't my 1st language.)

Since then, I'm not amazed anymore. Everything can happen, and that's a fact.


You just expect too much from people, imho.




Most Newbies don't even KNOW that there's a Kodex - because accessing that isn't easy.


A tab at the BOTTOM of the MISSION LOG and then in DARK GREY colour, just so that it shouldn't be noticed at all ???


A pure design failure, in my opinion.


The Kodex should have its own place in the menu bar. 'Nuff said.


as already mentioned, main stat is posted in our faces many times during loading screen.

There is also tutorial each time you start a character.. I know, we are all pro and disable it first time it apears, but that is not dev's fault.

Sure, they could force us blocking whole screen and posting basic info in our face every week after reset 'your main stat is <stat>, you are speeced as <tank/healer/dps>, expertiese is doing <insert some text here>',

but hell, that would be annoying...


problem is, when you have PT dps, qued as tank, with might stim, telling you to shut up cause rocket punch is mele.

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