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Force Barrier is Stupid and should go.


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Yep, that says it. i just knocked back a sage into a firetrap and rooted him there with overlapping roots only to have him simply put up force barrier. I logged. I got zero guilt about that. I mean, what moron thought up that move and thought it had a place in PvP? Just curious. Looking forward to developer reply. Much love.
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Yep, that says it. i just knocked back a sage into a firetrap and rooted him there with overlapping roots only to have him simply put up force barrier. I logged. I got zero guilt about that. I mean, what moron thought up that move and thought it had a place in PvP? Just curious. Looking forward to developer reply. Much love.


In certain other MMO such "barrier" doesn't even have to be channeled, but people don't ragequit that game because of it.

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Yep, that says it. i just knocked back a sage into a firetrap and rooted him there with overlapping roots only to have him simply put up force barrier. I logged. I got zero guilt about that. I mean, what moron thought up that move and thought it had a place in PvP? Just curious. Looking forward to developer reply. Much love.


Translation? I'm terrible at PVP and should unsub.

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They can't carry the ball with it, Move, or do anything other than put up the barrier. So you didn't kill a player that was NOT contributing to the success of the other team in any way at that moment.....


If anything forcing the sage to put up a barrier is a successful moment in and of itself. Congrats they self CC'd. A shadow or JK can make themselves invul (for cost mind you) for 3-4 secs, carry the ball and ignore all traps and cc's. If you had an issue, it should have been those forever ago. It drove me crazy to chase a ball carrier only for him to go immune to damage and run accross a fire trap and score...I could only watch. Seeing what a sage gets in comparison is just laughable.

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Yep, that says it. i just knocked back a sage into a firetrap and rooted him there with overlapping roots only to have him simply put up force barrier. I logged. I got zero guilt about that. I mean, what moron thought up that move and thought it had a place in PvP? Just curious. Looking forward to developer reply. Much love.


Ahahaha....your fire trap kill was duped by a smart Sage player! Get over yourself. The Force Barrier may be a 10 second self CC; however, OP it is not. What's funnier is you rage quit when you saw your tactic thwarted and failed. Had I been on the Sage's team and saw that, I'd given them my MVP vote at the end of the game for innovative outside of the box quick thinking!

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If anything we should remove those fire traps. Force barrier is very useful both in PvP and PvE(with DPS or heal companions). The sage/inquisitors are already pretty easy to kill in PvP, a little extra protection doesn't hurt.
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Yep, that says it. i just knocked back a sage into a firetrap and rooted him there with overlapping roots only to have him simply put up force barrier. I logged. I got zero guilt about that. I mean, what moron thought up that move and thought it had a place in PvP? Just curious. Looking forward to developer reply. Much love.


8/10, but only because so many others seem to take it seriously.

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Yep, that says it. i just knocked back a sage into a firetrap and rooted him there with overlapping roots only to have him simply put up force barrier. I logged. I got zero guilt about that. I mean, what moron thought up that move and thought it had a place in PvP? Just curious. Looking forward to developer reply. Much love.


I once knocked a powertech off a ledge, but he used rocket jump to save himself from certain death... remove rocketjump. its unfair and i feel butthurt.

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Yep, that says it. i just knocked back a sage into a firetrap and rooted him there with overlapping roots only to have him simply put up force barrier. I logged. I got zero guilt about that. I mean, what moron thought up that move and thought it had a place in PvP? Just curious. Looking forward to developer reply. Much love.


Considering I main on a Sorc healer, I'm happy that our new ability stymies you so. I'm sick of leap, smash, dead, leap, smash, dead, leap, smash, dead... You won't be missed. Buh-bye.


Nothing like watching 3 lolsmashers beat the tar outta me while I have my barrier up. Such fun. =)

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Yep, that says it. i just knocked back a sage into a firetrap and rooted him there with overlapping roots only to have him simply put up force barrier. I logged. I got zero guilt about that. I mean, what moron thought up that move and thought it had a place in PvP? Just curious. Looking forward to developer reply. Much love.


Without that ability Sages are extremely vunerable, and would have to be dropped as a class, or reworked so much that they could still beat you. Stop complaining because a class you thought was easy to beat has a few defenses.


Or remove your ability to root opponents, just as fair as removing Force shield.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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