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Thanks for killing PT in pvp


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Healer can work with the right team comp.


Tank can work with the right team comp.


Dps still just as good and any, its the player that needs to focus with it.


Again another stupid false comment from a biased person.


You FOTM rerollers crack me up.



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The whole archetype is hard to justify in a main group. Warriors, Inquisitors and Agents are staples in many roles. Mercs don't have a staple position AT ALL.


I don't care what other classes are doing, PT's is fine and its a L2P issue.


Also, Mercs are blowing up kids and easily could be put in with a sniper and make people cry.

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Class is wrecked. My Vanguard is Partisan geared with few Conqueror pieces and it's pretty much impossible to kill anybody similarily geared in 1v1 anymore, simply because you are not doing enough damage.

Smasher, Assassin, dps Sorc, Sniper they all do about twice your damage in the same amount of time and all you can do is look stupid face down because you dont have even half of defensive utilty that those classes have.

Not even mentioning healers, they will just laugh at your damage.

I'm gone just mothball the character.

And thanks BW for giving all the pvp utility to Inquisitors, your golden child, almost every wz has now at least 5-6 of them.

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Class is wrecked. My Vanguard is Partisan geared with few Conqueror pieces and it's pretty much impossible to kill anybody similarily geared in 1v1 anymore,


I stopped right there.


We know the problem and its not the class.


Also 1 vs 1 in ranked don't matter.

Edited by Caeliux
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burst is king in PvP.


pre 2.0, PT pyro was king of burst. now it is not. /argument


Ok sure burst is king, but it don't make PT irrelevant to teams that use it.


Puting in a class in a ranked match is situational what other teams is doing, like chess for instance.


I know why people complain about PT's, and the burst to me still is there and I play a dam PT.


What people are doing with the changes solely is on the player and the team comp.


Remember making a team work in a premade needs only 1 thing, and that is communication.


Class comps matters alot, but not as much when a team is well oiled and understands objectives.


Far as I am concerned the misconception to PT right now is other classes can do better, and that might be true for some guilds and people.


But, it don't make it true for others, when others are still playing a PT on a A team ranked team and still is puting out numbers and posing a threat.

Edited by Caeliux
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I still play PT like I said, and usually get good results. Point I'm making is that in top tier pvp it does not matter how good you are with PT, because the class is simply inferior in terms of bringing anything value to the team, compared to other classes.

Welcome to the commando and sorc league before 2.0.

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Then the discussion should focus on those classes/specs/abilities. I agree, some of the damage is downright stupid (I have a 55 Sin and Sniper myself). However, I'd rather see them knocked down a few notches than yet another class having insane burst.


I agree, I would love to see burst for EVERY class be about what the pyro / vg is now. Knock down healing to merc level, get rid of bolster in 55 bracket and you might have a "balance". That's just my opinion, though I'm sure plenty would disagree with me.

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Ok sure burst is king, but it don't make PT irrelevant to teams that use it.


Puting in a class in a ranked match is situational what other teams is doing, like chess for instance.


I know why people complain about PT's, and the burst to me still is there and I play a dam PT.


What people are doing with the changes solely is on the player and the team comp.


Remember making a team work in a premade needs only 1 thing, and that is communication.


Class comps matters alot, but not as much when a team is well oiled and understands objectives.


Far as I am concerned the misconception to PT right now is other classes can do better, and that might be true for some guilds and people.


But, it don't make it true for others, when others are still playing a PT on a A team ranked team and still is puting out numbers and posing a threat.


ok, your entire "argument" is just throwing around a bunch of feelings. arguments are based on facts.


fact: PT burst got nerfed significantly in 2.0

fact: other DPS classes bring greater burst to the table.


that is the end of that argument.


the rest of what you say is totally arbitrary and applies to any highly skilled player regardless of class. you might be doing just fine with PT. but imagine what you could do with another DPS class? say a sniper or a mara?


numbers mean nothing. PT is almost all fluff damage now, which yields good numbers. but it is in the form of "sustained damage", not burst. and sustained damage is easily healed through, especially now.

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Pyro/assault burst is shadowed by that of maras/other classes now. While the PT/VG survivability is still relatively low in comparison.


I'm able to pull decent numbers but that's just fluff damage. My sole role as a healer killer is dead (Ty healing buffs bw..) I can't bring the same burst that other classes can.


On a side note I was running a tactics build until I unsubbed. I will still play that and see how it works until my time runs out :p

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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Garage in burst maybe, effective still absolutely.


Remember there is more to a PT than just damage, it has a wide range of useful things most classes can't do.


I don't need to explain why a PT is really valuable.


All what PTs have in terms of utility is taunt and pull. Why would you be taken as a dps over a sin? They are superior in every aspect and have same utilities and offer much more. Deception significantly trumps pyro, ap or w.e hybrid your heart please. Darkness is better than shield tech as node defender and you are better off with a jugg tank in middle of WZ.


PTs where not taken to ranked games for taunt and pulls, only. They were taken for burst damage. The utility you are talking about is easily subsitutable by other classes that do superior damage.


Also, the fact that one guild is running PT that does not mean they are good. Some people used to run merc in 1.7, does that mean that merc were good?

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the rest of what you say is totally arbitrary and applies to any highly skilled player regardless of class. you might be doing just fine with PT. but imagine what you could do with another DPS class? say a sniper or a mara?


Sniper is range and you only need 1 mara.


Far I see it the same comp can still work as before and can beat most comps.


Jugg Tank


Assassin Tank


PT dps


Mar smash or Carnage




Another sniper or sorc or merc


Sorc heals


Op heals


"sustained damage", not burst. and sustained damage is easily healed through, especially now.


I will throw little pro tip for you,


Focus switching and cc trumps great healers.


PT has enough damage and burst to apply enough to kill targets.


Is it smash burst, sniper burst, sage burst, op burst, no.


But its still a great class to have, not to mention a PT can protect people with taunts, and can use a pull to set up a focus kill.


Who gives a **** about fluff damage, the damage still can be applied and in the hands of a good player it can trump all the bs you guys are complaining about.

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How was powertech nerfed? You're referring to Pyrotech specifically?

the capstone ability (thermal detinator/assault plastique) hits for virtually the same damage at 55 as it did at 50 pre 2.0. it got nerfed in that it did not scale with the additional 5 character levels. imagine bolster bolstering everyone's abilities to 49 but that one ability for VGs is only bolstered to 44. that analogy is for lowbies (obviously), but the issue is that it has that effect in 55.


I haven't played ranked yet, but in reg 55s and in lowbie, I do churn out pretty high dps. much more of it is splash/dot dmg, however. and MY ttd (time to death) is noticeably lower while my overall dps is only a little higher (as compared to every other class whose dps is markedly higher). there were other nerfs as well, but i take it the capstone abil was the one that really wrecked burst viability. and remember this: a pyro's/assault's defense is his ability to kill the enemy quickly. he has never had good dcds. maras/sents, on the other hand, have always had comparable burst and considerably better survivability. this used to be offset by the fact that a VG/PT could do most of his dmg from range, but that ability was nerfed over the course of a few pateches as well.

Edited by foxmob
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Weird, I know some PT'S that play in ranked, top charts, and is as valuable as most classes.


Sure they got nerfed, but it seems in the hands of a good player it don't matter what you do to the class, they still will be good with it.


I think you are doing bad with it cause you can't play with it, I would reroll to something more easier.


Ill call that name um, I bet there not as good as you think they are. Right now Vanguards and Powertechs are so not even a contender for DPS there good tanks but there sorry dps and its sad what they did to them. I personally think the nerf on the dot was the worst part of the nerf. They got two nerfs in row and this time they just out right decided to destroy Vanguard/ Powertech. I can do good damage but that's cause I am a good pvper, but compared to the other classes I cant put out. I have to work extra hard to do any damage that makes the other team sweat and the extra dot on AP might as well be useless I still find AP to be a useless ability in pvp. Waiting on dps is not good for pvp and its cost is still way to much. Add in that we lost 15% armor pen and most of our burst damage with high impact bolt and where just taking up space in a rated group that a sage would do better at right now.

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Ill call that name um, I bet there not as good as you think they are.


Again for the millionth time, damage don't = all in ranked match PVP.


PT offers more than damage, truly you blind people that is crying about some of the revamp can see that.


If you don't then you are all about damage numbers and not utility, which PT has utility.


If I have to explain the utility to PT my head will explode with rage and anger and I will start slobbering outta my mouth like a caged dog staring at a piece of bacon for weeks without no food with little water..

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I'm still running my vanguard and while the assault plastique nerf hurts I still do quite well. I still have solid(not lol click 3 buttons watch my target explode dps anymore though) burst when stacking dots and hitting high impact bolt every proc. I also run a sage(balance), marauder(rage), sniper(MM) as dps 50+ and dont really feel lacking compared to any but the sniper who does seem overtuned. I see 8k+ crits from the sniper far far too often to feel balanced.
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Again for the millionth time, damage don't = all in ranked match PVP.


PT offers more than damage, truly you blind people that is crying about some of the revamp can see that.


If you don't then you are all about damage numbers and not utility, which PT has utility.


If I have to explain the utility to PT my head will explode with rage and anger and I will start slobbering outta my mouth like a caged dog staring at a piece of bacon for weeks without no food with little water..


All you've done in this entire thread is scream "PT is fine! I do fine! PT is great! L2P!" but you haven't refuted anything anyone is saying. Name one thing Powertech brings to the team that can't be done better by some other class.


Taunts? Tanks have it covered. DPS assassins and juggs can taunt too and do more damage/burst and live longer.

Burst? Railshots hitting for 6k aren't impressing anyone.

CC/roots/snare? Minimal, non-existant and done better by other classes.

dots? rofl.

sustained dps? Easily healed through.


Pull is all I can think of, and that's not worth giving a spot in the team to the most easily killed class in the game.


You're telling me there is a open spot on your ranked team, you have a marauder, a sniper and a PT available, and you're taking the PT? I highly doubt it, and if you do, all you're ensuring is he'll be the first to die.

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