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Oh Monday..


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Anybody else hate Monday's like I do?


I'd rather be home with a cup of coffee leveling an alt. Instead I'm at work for 10hrs. Urgh.


I'd agree, if you replaced Monday with (Wednesday, Thursday or Friday).


It could easily just be me -- but Monday's always seem to go by quickly for me. Tuesdays still quick, but not as much. Wednesday is when it all goes downhill.


Of course -- I'd *always* rather be leveling an alt than working.

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I dunno. It's not that bad. I mean, for millions of years your ancestors spent Mondays running away from something with teeth and claws in frantic attempts to avoid being lunch. Sitting in an office, posting on the SWTOR forums and getting some work done - tolerable.
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I'm right there with you.


I just got really into my Sorc alt and with I could be playing her right now. Too bad I cant just get paid to sit in my office and play SWTOR all day......



I dunno. It's not that bad. I mean, for millions of years your ancestors spent Mondays running away from something with teeth and claws in frantic attempts to avoid being lunch. Sitting in an office, posting on the SWTOR forums and getting some work done - tolerable.


And then I just think about it like this and everything becomes ok :p

Edited by Tommot
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Focus on your job. SWTOR is not the "be all end all" of life.


Uh -- did anyone say it was?


Maybe he's got a crappy job that he hates but has to keep to pay the bills. Or, maybe he loves his job but just hates Mondays? Maybe he hit a *really* interesting part of the story and he wants to finish it?


Not really necessary for you to post garbage like this in a thread that was pretty casual and friendly.

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I hate Mondays and every Monday I want to take the day off. But the good thing is when I'm slow (engineering), I can read the forums while I have my coffee.


Same here, I read the forums a lot lately. When waiting for tickets that need to be done. Or putting something off because we know come scrum that Product and the Stake Holders will come in and say we shouldn't work on X we should work on Y instead >.<

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Translation for those who don't speak groan: "why yes, I agree. Mondays are quite a big of a drag. The worst of it is knowing you have another four days until the weekend. And then it starts over. And to the person who said that my ancestors were chased in caves on Mondays, well, I wish I could be doing that on swtor. :P"

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Anybody else hate Monday's like I do?


I'd rather be home with a cup of coffee leveling an alt. Instead I'm at work for 10hrs. Urgh.


Working on a barracks roof, replacing shaft and bearings on a large kitchen exhaust fan. I'd rather be at home right now too.

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It could be worse. You could be retired like I am. It's terrible. I don't get any days off. I don't get vacation. I don't get sick leave. I don't get holidays. I can't even tell when it's a weekend any more. Fridays have become meaningless, and Monday? Exactly like every other day of the week.


I tell you--it's the pits.

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It could be worse. You could be retired like I am. It's terrible. I don't get any days off. I don't get vacation. I don't get sick leave. I don't get holidays. I can't even tell when it's a weekend any more. Fridays have become meaningless, and Monday? Exactly like every other day of the week.


I tell you--it's the pits.


Oh shut up :D

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I dunno. It's not that bad. I mean, for millions of years your ancestors spent Mondays running away from something with teeth and claws in frantic attempts to avoid being lunch. Sitting in an office, posting on the SWTOR forums and getting some work done - tolerable.


Lol, never thought of things that way :p

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Uh -- did anyone say it was?


Maybe he's got a crappy job that he hates but has to keep to pay the bills. Or, maybe he loves his job but just hates Mondays? Maybe he hit a *really* interesting part of the story and he wants to finish it?


Not really necessary for you to post garbage like this in a thread that was pretty casual and friendly.


Thanks for that. As you said I don't hate my job. I just don't like Monday's since I'm always sluggish and have to start back up for a long week. And I am actually enjoying my Jugg that I'm leveling ATM so it is that I am drawn in :)


And like you said, not the "end all be all" as someone assumed like our lives revolve around the game. Just trying to start a thread while I was on break.



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I hate mondays. There is not enough coffee in the world for mondays. Also, I drink about 10 shots of espresso on monday and even that isn't enough:(:mad:


Should I try 15 shots on monday?


P.S: This will probably get moved to Community anyways, so it's not a big issue.

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I hate mondays. There is not enough coffee in the world for mondays. Also, I drink about 10 shots of espresso on monday and even that isn't enough:(:mad:


Should I try 15 shots on monday?


P.S: This will probably get moved to Community anyways, so it's not a big issue.


A tip from another Caffeine addict to another. YOu have to take it intravenously on monday!

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