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what class has the most interrupt potential


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If you're just talking about the most number of interrupts over a long period of time, any class that can spec to 6s CD on interrupt wins.


If you want to maximize the number of interrupts in a short period of time, I think it'd be Deception. You can do regular interrupt, low slash, overload, vanish into Spike, stun, and another interrupt by then and I think the first 3 moves won't fill someone's resolve bar by themselves (if they will just drop Spike, as it's kind of ridiculous to do that anyway). There might be classes that are better if you need to interrupt a large number of spells in a short time against different targets, as Deception has the lowest resolve bar builder I can think of.

Edited by Astarica
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And Juggs/Guardians have good ones too. Leap interrupts> Kick> Force Stasis/Force Choke> Another Kick> Force Shove> Leap> Backhand/Hilt Strike> Kick.


EDIT: Throw in another kick before Backhand/Hilt Strike.

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This build comes pretty close:


(Tactics/Shield hybrid)

(u could also take -10s cryo nade if u want to, for more interupt potential)


When close (<10, preferably <4m)

- 6s regular interupt (4m) (Riot Strike)

- 10s Hold the line, to make sure ur always close to use regular interupt

- Neural Surge

- Cryo Grenade


In case you are further away:

- Storm (15s CD)

- Harpooon (35s CD)


You can pretty much lockdown any casting class as long as they dont have interupt prevention.


EDIT: Just saw Xeraz' post, pretty comparable.

Edited by Armadyil
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Waaaay back when I PvP'd on my mara, I ran Anni and could literally keep a single healer occupied for 30-60 seconds. I had, if I timed them right, I think 5? interrupts within 20 seconds. Again, this is mentally going back in the way-back machine.

I couldn't always kill him mind you, but just keeping him busy meant it was a stalemate I felt was worth doing - especially in warzones with only one healer on the opposition.

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