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Armor Dye Restrictions, Please let it work for SOME Lore sets.


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I just want full body modification. I want tattoos on my body not just my face. It looks really dumb to have it on your face only! Please give us full body Mods including Tattoos, scars, and piercing... ok piercing may be a little to much. How about cool looking enhancements like Anakin's gold prosthetic arm! or some simple wires and plugs maybe an optic thing that is coming out of the side of your head. One things for sure FULL BODY TATTOOS!!
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You do realize that the "wait for it to actually make the live build of the game"-approach to giving feedback is supremely unhelpful to developers, right? They give us information because they want feedback on it before it hits the retail servers. That is what is being given. And I've hardly seen any doomsaying here. You're seeing witches where there are none, rallying against a non-existent foe and patting yourself on the back for doing so. :rolleyes:


Glad I wasn't the one for once to say so. Without our feedback we would have Jedi Wizards, and ketchup with mustard costumes...

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I must admit that I don't really understand the point of restricting dying lore sets... It doesn't really make much sense to me. Maybe it's just me, but the lore gear just looks like the gear that a certain character wore, it's not supposed to turn your character into that character. I mean, if a player equips the Jolee Bindo gear their character doesn't suddenly become Jolee Bindo, they're just dressed in an outfit that looks like the one Jolee Bindo wore. It's the same with the Revan gear-- your character does not become Revan when that outfit is equipped-- and all of the other lore gear. So, because the gear isn't turning your character into that character, why not allow the gear to be dyed?


And I wouldn't even bring up the "breaking lore" thing. The lore is already broken-- players should not be running around wearing Revan's armor or Jolee Bindo's tunic. It's like a player in Star Wars Galaxies running around in Darth Vader's armor, it just doesn't make sense and breaks the lore. But there you have it, SWTOR has these outfits, so the lore is already broken.


As for most of the cartel armor being restricted from dye... Honestly, it doesn't surprise me. This was done, no doubt, so Bioware could release recolors of the cartel armor and sell them, as they've been doing since the launch of the cartel market. Who's going to pay real money for a purple-colored Spymaster's Chestguard when they can dye one for free?

Do I like it? No, I think all moddable armor should be able to be dyed... But no, it doesn't surprise me.

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But "Unify Colors" doesn't? :confused:


If you have played with unify color much with respect to lore pieces.. it's almost non-functional IMO, and when it does show any matching... the results are strange.


To me the larger question is do they really mean it when they said gear under level 15 is excluded... and did that mean to include Cartel adaptive gear across the board... or did they mean to refer to world drop gear level 15 and lower. I can't tell as they were a bit vague about it. Anthing crafters can make should be dyeable IMO, though there is not much under level 15 that is crafted anymore.


There are some nice pieces of gear in the current cartel packs that would be great if they can be dyed. Some are selling really cheap on the GTN because they are not desired in their current color. So I am stock piling some and will check if they can be dyed when the patch goes live. If so... big score. If not.. nothing much lost in the way of credits spent on speculation.

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I wonder if the restrictions are more based on reality and less on design intent.


If I were to guess how this system works, it probably applies a new texture to the armor. Since armors below level 15, grey and green armor are rarely if ever used to produce other pieces of armor, and most of the retextures we see seem to be blue, purple and the like, perhaps this restriction is a way to reduce the work needed to implement the feature.


In other words, the system works for those pieces of armor that already have the alternate textures in game.


I might be wrong here of course. Just speculating.

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If you have played with unify color much with respect to lore pieces.. it's almost non-functional IMO, and when it does show any matching... the results are strange.
Have you? It's very functional and quite often very sensible in result.


I make outfits using Cartel pieces all the time, and most of them light up like a rainbow to match my chestpiece. In fact, most of the time it blends quite well because stuff like Revan, Malak, and Carth Onasi's pieces are pretty good at matching colors. Better than a lot of non-lore pieces, in fact, since the lore outfits tend to be simpler and have large areas of flat color.


As far as I can see, I've been bending lore outfits over a desk and violating them chromatically via Unify Colors for months without causing the universe to fracture. Restricting dyes at this point seems like a very odd, arbitrary choice.

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Have you? It's very functional and quite often very sensible in result.


I make outfits using Cartel pieces all the time, and most of them light up like a rainbow to match my chestpiece. In fact, most of the time it blends quite well because stuff like Revan, Malak, and Carth Onasi's pieces are pretty good at matching colors. Better than a lot of non-lore pieces, in fact, since the lore outfits tend to be simpler and have large areas of flat color.


As far as I can see, I've been bending lore outfits over a desk and violating them chromatically via Unify Colors for months without causing the universe to fracture. Restricting dyes at this point seems like a very odd, arbitrary choice.


Yes I have. I mix and match cartel items for unique appearance all the time. Not all cartel pieces qualify as lore pieces though. Some are, some are not. The rare ones seem to be the most problematic, especially headgear. The more common, the better they color match for some reason. Maybe because they are mostly copies of existing sets in game with changes to the two core colors. In other words they were designed for it. In reality, the more common pieces seem to make the best color matches.. which is fine by me.


So in the end.. maybe it's as simple as: we get to dye pieces that were designed for multiple color palettes to begin with... and the few rare lore pieces will be forbidden because they fixed one or both colors to a specific color. We shall see when the patch pops.

Edited by Andryah
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Yes I have. I mix and match cartel items for unique appearance all the time. Not all cartel pieces qualify as lore pieces though. Some are, some are not. The rare ones seem to be the most problematic, especially headgear. The more common, the better they color match for some reason. Maybe because they are mostly copies of existing sets in game with changes to the two core colors. In other words they were designed for it. In reality, the more common pieces seem to make the best color matches.. which is fine by me.


So in the end.. maybe it's as simple as: we get to dye pieces that were designed for multiple color palettes to begin with... and the few rare lore pieces will be forbidden because they fixed one or both colors to a specific color. We shall see when the patch pops.



The only armor that has difficult issues when trying to unify is Revans really outside of its set. Rest actually do quite fine. and IF we can remove the stupid restriction on lore items it would be for the better.

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Personally would have loved to dye Jolee dark gray for my Sith. That would be the closest resemble to the regalia Darth Maul had in TPM or Anakin in RoTS. Would also love to dye the Thana set light-red instead of the default light-blue. Now that would suit my Purebloos per-fect-ly.


At the very least, the Valiant Jedi Armor is not a loreset, so I can dye that darkgray/red for my sith.

Edited by Kameki
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The only armor that has difficult issues when trying to unify is Revans really outside of its set. Rest actually do quite fine. and IF we can remove the stupid restriction on lore items it would be for the better.


I agree with you that Revan's is particuarly bad. In my experience, most adaptive headpieces (lore or not) color match poorly. I think it's because they have fixed one of the two colors in the piece. To a lessor extent... some boots match poorly, though for different reasons (mainly too much surface is fixed, and too little surface is color 1 or color 2). Almost all legs color match well.... though not always as desired. The new Matriarchal legs (skirt actually) are awesome.. I've yet to see one thing they don't match well with.. and that's saying something for a long skirt style. But I have limited use for long skirts. The Handmaiden legs on the other hand... outstanding color matching and a nice change of pace from pants and long skirts.

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Because 500+ people running around in Revan's Robes hasn't already broken the lore?


You have to remember that, despite what you see, each character's story line is playing out in a vacuum -- all the other characters of your class don't 'really' exist. So while you may see dozens of other Inquisitors running around, each with their own Khem Val, the one you freed from his imprisonment and bound to you is the only one that 'really' exists.

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1) I like that there are some sets that dyeing won't work on. It makes sense in a lot of cases, like gear that's differentiated by a Rated PvP version soley by color. We won't all agree on where the line should be, but I'm glad that it won't work for *everything*.


2) You could always just dye your chest and color-unify every single lore piece spare the chestpiece.


1. When you can pull all those mods out and put them in adaptive gear; any pvp piece, rated or not, is a moot point.


2. I think most want the chestpiece more than anything.


I have to agree with another poster, I believe that the Lore sets are colored in a specific fashion that makes dyes a lot more difficult than the standard 2 color gear piece. I doubt Adhering to lore has anything to do with it so much as they will most likely come out with a Special Dye kit that will cover these items and be separate ( withQQ from the masses to follow its announcement.)

Edited by Paitryn
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As for the lvl 1 CM wearables, I still think this is an oversight of the guy making the interview : I'm pretty certain he meant under lvl 15 for non moddable greens and blues because since he said there was a restriction on lore items it means there is no restriction on non-lore items so I think there is no restrictions on CM wearables like say relaxed jacket set, matriarchal set, etc...


Besides they'd be hurting themselves because then CM wearables would become second class wearables and everything else orange and purple would be much more desireable since customizable.

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As for the lvl 1 CM wearables, I still think this is an oversight of the guy making the interview : I'm pretty certain he meant under lvl 15 for non moddable greens and blues because since he said there was a restriction on lore items it means there is no restriction on non-lore items so I think there is no restrictions on CM wearables like say relaxed jacket set, matriarchal set, etc...


Besides they'd be hurting themselves because then CM wearables would become second class wearables and everything else orange and purple would be much more desireable since customizable.


Not to mention as soon as I put any armoring of lvl 15+ in it, the required level would go up as well. If the interview is true, that means we can dye all non-lore CM gear

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I am concerned about the restriction on sets below level 15 that is inferred, considering quite a few of the orange sets are level 1. If the restriction stays in place, however, I am still overjoyed that the system even exists and would like to commend Bioware for that FANTASTIC addition.


See I agree with you here. I don't feel that they should have that restriction.


Maybe I want to dye the Eradicator's Warsuit Red Primary, Black Secondary. I think it would look pretty cool on my Dark V Juggy "Corruption Hidden".


The restriction prevents ALOT of armor from being dyed. I hope they take consideration in this.


I'm fine with the Lore Sets, but PLEASE don't restrict level 15 gear and below to be dyed.

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The point of Lore sets are that they are supposed to be copy + pastes of past games / sets in this game.


Makes no sense to have Malak's armor for example to be blue and orange instead of his colors...you know because it is based off his armor, not some random fan made one, etc.


Keep lore objects the way they are. Hell I just spent a crapton on the Restored armor set...and I'm ok with this reasonable restriction.



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Makes no sense to have Malak's armor for example to be blue and orange instead of his colors...you know because it is based off his armor, not some random fan made one, etc.


Keep lore objects the way they are. Hell I just spent a crapton on the Restored armor set...and I'm ok with this reasonable restriction.

- 1


I have a screenshot of a purple Malak jaw and pants. If 'Unify to chest' is allowed then surely your argument goes the way of Alderaan?

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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Taking this from back when I played WoW, and the whole deal with Gear Transmogrification sounds similar to the discussion here.


Back on WoW, you could basically T-Mog any armor to look like another piece of gear, with restrictions (I'll list the main three):


-- You can only T-Mog Gear Type for Type (Cloth to Cloth, Mail to Mail, etc.).

-- Gear used for T-Mog Must have a Stat on it (+End, +Agil, etc.)

-- Unless you earned it, specific PvP Gear (Season 1 and earlier) cannot be used for T-Mog.



Now, in retrospect for SWTOR and Gear Recolor/Dyes, Certain restrictions are understandable (Below lvl 15 white, green and blue world drops, Certain Gear Sets, etc.). However I do agree that restricting recolor from most gears either crafted or bought through the CM packs IS NOT a good idea. Too many players wear that gear, and saying specific LORE sets will be restricted will kill a lot of future purchases by players and just make players go back to using more common gear to outfit their characters.


Again, we're also speculating on a feature that has yet to go live on the main servers. So let's wait and see what comes on the PTR (soon I hope) and in the meanwhile KEEP COMMUNICATING to the Devs. Instead of negative waves, keep telling them what you want to see in the game. If anything, the Devs for this game have been a lot more open to the players than most other MMOs out there these days.


-- S.

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