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Armor Dye Restrictions, Please let it work for SOME Lore sets.


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I agree with the OP - some of the lore sets and < level 15 armour sets are some of the best in the game, it would be a real shame if we could'nt enjoy them with the dye/colour system. Not to mention that some of the sets we have paid for and sought out in Hypercrates and packs.


Please don't make the mistake of putting limits on an exceptionally requested feature.

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Quoted from Dulfy.net





Could we remove the restriction on certain sets? Like Revans, Jolee Bindos, etc? With Revans we could have STAR FORGE ROBES or fix the light grey color bug ourselves. Being able to dye Jolee's set dark brown would give me variety for my 3 jedi and companions. please dont restrict this...



It is not like we are actually wearing THIER set. we are wearing replicas.


Why would they restrict some but not all?

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Quite honestly, it's completely ridiculous. There are several instances showing BW's right hand working at odds with its left.


Take for example the cost of mod extraction. If they want to sell more outfits on the CM, you'd think they'd make it really easy for me to change my outfit. Instead, it costs an arm and leg to swap out an outfit; so when I see one I think I like on the market, If I'm not in the mood the grind dailies for the cash, I don't buy it. That's a loss of profit. (I understand credit sinks, but if the right hand knew what the left wanted, they'd shunt the sink somewhere it's not hindering sales).


This is just another example of that. If they wanted to sell more armor dyes (re: goal of the CM), you'd think they'd make it so that any piece in the game could be made to someone's liking so there's no excuse not to buy the dye module.


I like Jolee's tunic. I don't like the diarrhea-brown color. If I could change the color I'd buy the outfit, i'd buy the dye, and I'd do it twice so that I had a pvp and a pve set for the character I'd wear it on.


If it's implemented like they say, I'm not buying cartel packs for the armor, and I'm not buying the dye from the CM, because it's not something I'd wear without the dye. This means zero profit other than the $15 I pay them each month to tell me what things are restricted and withheld from me each update.


You've got to love a group of developers that are more interested in taking the time to code restrictions than giving the players the cooler stuff.

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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1) I like that there are some sets that dyeing won't work on. It makes sense in a lot of cases, like gear that's differentiated by a Rated PvP version soley by color. We won't all agree on where the line should be, but I'm glad that it won't work for *everything*.


2) You could always just dye your chest and color-unify every single lore piece spare the chestpiece.

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Ok so let me get this straight, we cannot re-color cartel market items? Pretty much the only armor sets anyone actually wears these days? :rak_02: dayfook?


Only the important lore ones are not re-colorable. Which makes sense, since they are supposed to match the 'famous' person.

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Only the important lore ones are not re-colorable. Which makes sense, since they are supposed to match the 'famous' person.


:( ohhh ok, im not going to throw a tantrum, at least they are giving us color dyes, but my jolee bindo outfit would look nicer in a darker brown. :(

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By that thinking, shouldn't lore items be restricted to a single person per server, or the corpse of whatever old character wore them?


Would be very cool imo but then we should also allow player kills and player looting which I also would be totally fine with, but you might have guessed that that will result in a LOT of crying :p

I think this is the best you can do to stay at least marginally loreish, its better than nothing and the feel of SW is already losing its grip

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Perhaps people should wait for some actual details from devs before they let this stuff ruin their lives or they start jumping off of bridges.


LOL.. my thoughts exactly.


But.. you know.. you and I will be called "buzzkillers_of_drama" for saying it. :p

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LOL.. my thoughts exactly.


But.. you know.. you and I will be called "buzzkillers_of_drama" for saying it. :p


You do realize that the "wait for it to actually make the live build of the game"-approach to giving feedback is supremely unhelpful to developers, right? They give us information because they want feedback on it before it hits the retail servers. That is what is being given. And I've hardly seen any doomsaying here. You're seeing witches where there are none, rallying against a non-existent foe and patting yourself on the back for doing so. :rolleyes:

Edited by CelCawdro
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By that thinking, shouldn't lore items be restricted to a single person per server, or the corpse of whatever old character wore them?

That assumes every other character is part of your character's IC universe.


I just want to know which crafting profession will make the dyes. I'm hoping artifice since it's fairly useless at the moment.

The most logical would be biochem, but I bet they'll mix it up.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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There should be no restrictions on the gear you can recolor. :/ I realize it might be that they need to reward all pieces of gear so then - make only orange sets dyeable.


How else will BW market cartel packs with recolored old drops?

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I just hope we can do a preview of how the gear would look BEFORE the dye is bought

(like how i can preview gear now, and why i'm glade I didn't buy the new Kotor Sith armor :p)

Because I know if they don't I probably wont bother with the dye's unless they are very cheap, were as if there is a preview i'll find the perfect one (or 2 if I like a secondary to be a diffrent color) and buy 112 of them (or 56 of one and 56 of another)


8 characters 7 pieces of gear 2 dye slots, can't live with just the chest piece being dyed :o


Wonder how the Legacy gear for Guardians (the lvl 10 Legacy not the lvl 20 legacy) would look with white primary, and black secondary!

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Quoted from Dulfy.net





Could we remove the restriction on certain sets? Like Revans, Jolee Bindos, etc? With Revans we could have STAR FORGE ROBES or fix the light grey color bug ourselves. Being able to dye Jolee's set dark brown would give me variety for my 3 jedi and companions. please dont restrict this...



It is not like we are actually wearing THIER set. we are wearing replicas.


Agree, just put in similar armor sets that don't bare the name of a lore character that are dyeable and all will rejoice.

Edited by DarthTexas
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