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Throw Mercs a Bone: Lower Electro Net Cool Down


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With a chest full of weakened tools like the Tracer Missile the Merc/Commando's were given a nice new weapon to counter the other classes moves with. Finally an attack that could throw a wrench in speed boost, vanishes, and charges. But the reward was bitter sweet because the cool down time is One Minute 30 Seconds.


Considering more devastating attacks like a Snipers Orbital Strike that have a mere 45 Second cooldown why hinder one of the most difficult to pvp classes by making the cool down time one of the longest in the game?


Why Not a One Minute Cool Down?


It's not like something devastating that we can free-cast like lightning?


I'm sure everyone would agree the merc/commandos need something to stay competitive with the rest of the classes.


I have no dog in this fight, but I fully support this request.

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Electro Net is a guarantee death for targets under focus fire, and is valuable in Ranked WZ. Want to take down that pesky Sorc healer that is being guarded? Heal debuff, armor debuff, electro net, focus fire, and he is dead. If he survives the whole duration of electro net, then that means the DPS suck bad.


It is important that a team can focus fire down a valuable target quickly in a battle at critical moments, as it is often the decisive point between victory and defeat in highly competitive ranked games. Any experienced ranked PvPers know what I am talking about. Electro Net increases the success of focus firing down a target by a lot.


Therefore, it would be overpowered in coordinated team PvP if Electroc Net gets a lower cooldown. Coordinated competitive PvP is the bigger picture here, not random pug who can't use this ability well.


Lol. I like how electronet is given total credit for the kill.


Heal debuff, armor debuff, and focus fire sure can't kill stuff without electronet. And electronet can kill anything without those things.


Wonder why shatter shot (armor debuff + heal debuff) is on a 6 second cd based on this diagram.



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Stuff like Guard and healing the guy being focus fired should always be happening all the time, especially if the guy being targeted is your healer.


The only ability that stops Electro Net is Force Barrier, and if you're trying to kill a target with Force Barrier, he basically has two lives so it's pretty darn good if Electro Net makes him use up his first life, so to speak.


To a lesser extent friendly pull can mitigate some of the effect of Electro Net but then you can always grapple them back.


Mobility is absolutely the most important tool to escape focus fire. Take a healer and have him plant himself on the ground for 9 seconds. If you can't kill him in that 9 seconds your team was never going to kill him to begin with. That's why it's a 'Iwin' button at the team level. If it's not enough for your team, nothing is enough anyway.

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Orbital Strike is an AoE which can EASILY be moved out of. The enemy can even see where it is being cast before it even starts doing damage. Electronet basically greatly increases your chances of winning 1v1 fights which apparently the devs are dead set again.
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Stuff like Guard and healing the guy being focus fired should always be happening all the time, especially if the guy being targeted is your healer.


The only ability that stops Electro Net is Force Barrier, and if you're trying to kill a target with Force Barrier, he basically has two lives so it's pretty darn good if Electro Net makes him use up his first life, so to speak.


To a lesser extent friendly pull can mitigate some of the effect of Electro Net but then you can always grapple them back.


Mobility is absolutely the most important tool to escape focus fire. Take a healer and have him plant himself on the ground for 9 seconds. If you can't kill him in that 9 seconds your team was never going to kill him to begin with. That's why it's a 'Iwin' button at the team level. If it's not enough for your team, nothing is enough anyway.


so you do RWZ often with just 1 healer?


you dont peel for healers?


and who is grappling the target back? the merc? with our amazing grapple ability?? :rolleyes:


is electronet a good utility skill? absolutely, it allows you to lock a target down for 9s every 90s. it doesnt stop their teammates tho.


and it can still be removed with the CC break, just like any other form of CC.

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Lol. I like how electronet is given total credit for the kill.


Heal debuff, armor debuff, and focus fire sure can't kill stuff without electronet. And electronet can kill anything without those things.


Wonder why shatter shot (armor debuff + heal debuff) is on a 6 second cd based on this diagram.




It stops Op's Vanish and Sorc's Force Barrier, the only abilities that can save them from focus fire. Of course it is given that much credit.

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electronet is not a guaranteed kill.


it does not stop incoming heals, guard, friendly pull, or you and/or your teammates from being taunted.



PvP does not take place in a vacuum....


I don't know how many tanks and healers you bring to a ranked game. But 4 competent DPS focus firing is enough to overload cross heals, guards, and taunts, with heal debuff, armor debuff, and electro net. Syncronized burst can kill a target, electro net stops the "oh crap" escape abilities from being used.

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I don't know how many tanks and healers you bring to a ranked game. But 4 competent DPS focus firing is enough to overload cross heals, guards, and taunts, with heal debuff, armor debuff, and electro net. Syncronized burst can kill a target, electro net stops the "oh crap" escape abilities from being used.


It does not; it's called a CC break. They can totally use it. If they wasted it on something minor, that's their problem, but they know EN is out there now and it is scary.


If four dps are focusing on a healer, more times than not, they can drop that healer. If not, there is something much more wrong with pvp. One ability shouldn't be the determining factor on whether four RANKED dps can kill a player or not.

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It does not; it's called a CC break. They can totally use it. If they wasted it on something minor, that's their problem, but they know EN is out there now and it is scary.


If four dps are focusing on a healer, more times than not, they can drop that healer. If not, there is something much more wrong with pvp. One ability shouldn't be the determining factor on whether four RANKED dps can kill a player or not.


Normally when 4 DPS locks on a healer he just runs away, often with something as simple as Force Speed or Scamper. A vanish will definitely get him out of the coordinated focus fire.


I just dueled with an Op friend. I net them and they do CC break. After that, the vanish button lights up for them, and they can attempt to vanish but it DOES NOT WORK. You see the Op makes his vanish animation but he is still visible and the net is still on him. So it's actually even worse than just eating the net because you wasted your CC break and vanish for nothing.


I'd assume the Net doesn't prevent Force Barrier from being used and of course once it's on the damage/rooting part of the Net is irrelevent. But Force Barrier is basically an extra life and you got to get rid of it somehow.


I don't know how many times we finally had a healer on the ropes only to see him simply roll/force speed/vanish and get away. Electro Net stops all these common methods of escape. It's not that getting enough DPS to drop a healer is hard. It's getting him to stay in a spot you can DPS him is the hard part.

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I'd assume the Net doesn't prevent Force Barrier from being used and of course once it's on the damage/rooting part of the Net is irrelevent. But Force Barrier is basically an extra life and you got to get rid of it somehow.


I don't know how many times we finally had a healer on the ropes only to see him simply roll/force speed/vanish and get away. Electro Net stops all these common methods of escape. It's not that getting enough DPS to drop a healer is hard. It's getting him to stay in a spot you can DPS him is the hard part.


Exactly, this is why EN is a very powerful ability in ranked and Mercs/Commandos defintely have a spot in ranked depending on the strategy the team employs. And FYI, EN does stop Force Barrier from being used.


Any buff to EN will have people crying nerfs, especially from sorcs and ops.

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what kind of alac are you working with at present? I'm finding ammo management a lot easier in 2.0. I drain it really fast if I don't tech override before I plasma grenade. but that's just me jerking around trying to solo kill someone and still heal a teammate.


I'm working with enough from gear to get 5% activation time and another 5% comes from First Responder/Weapon Calibrations. Really, I don't even notice the ammo regen, I mainly have that much alacrity to keep my AMP channel around 1.3 seconds and Medical Probe at 1.8 seconds. I haven't started really gearing yet -- I don't have my 4-set bonus or 1500 Expertise yet.


Still, I think lower the cooldowns would help for all Commandos. I know as a healer I love using my Reserve Powercell on unproc'd Medical Probes. I have no idea why Tech Override is on such a long cooldown. I've been saying it since before 1.2 -- it's one of the most underrated abilities Commandos have the only problem is you can use it at most 6 times or so in average matches.


And to get back on topic, I think Electro Net is fine at the moment on its cooldown. I also think arguing for anything less than a one minute cooldown is greedy. A compromise at 75 seconds could also work.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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Agreed, the other classes have far lower CDs on far better skills why do BW have such a problem with this class? Oh snipers/sorcs are already awesome with 35 meter range spamable slows and massive damage bursts cant have 3 good caster now can we :?
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With a chest full of weakened tools like the Tracer Missile the Merc/Commando's were given a nice new weapon to counter the other classes moves with. Finally an attack that could throw a wrench in speed boost, vanishes, and charges. But the reward was bitter sweet because the cool down time is One Minute 30 Seconds.


Considering more devastating attacks like a Snipers Orbital Strike that have a mere 45 Second cooldown why hinder one of the most difficult to pvp classes by making the cool down time one of the longest in the game?


Why Not a One Minute Cool Down?

It's not like something devastating that we can free-cast like lightning?

I don't think that Electro net would save the class. Mercs are currently the only squishy heavy armor class (heck, mara's have better cd's).


We'd need more than just your idea to balance things.

I'm sure everyone would agree the merc/commandos need something to stay competitive with the rest of the classes.

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Seriously? That is what you do to melee toons on your server? Sorry, but your server's melee toons suck. You ElectroNet me at close range and I'll use Intimidating Roar on you. CC break it? I throw a mezz grenade. End of ElectroNet in exchange for two abilities I normally wouldn't even have use for against a Merc.


ElectroNet is a one trick pony useful only against bad players.


yes. I stand there and let a melee whale on me until I decide to electro net him. lol net works from like 30m dude.


carnage leaps to me and tries to gore + ravage, I punt, electro. if he persists (usually will) I plasma. keep moving hib. keep moving hammer shot. keep moving hammer. he gets his leap back and I welcome him with another punt or a cryo and the cycle starts over again. he won't make it past 2 cycles.


what's this? a smasher? cryo. run. electro on the fly. hib. plasma. poor wittle glo sick finds himself on a island alone vs a wee little healer who just killed him cuz nobody's around to cleanse him.


smashers are more difficult only because they have the two leaps from 10m. still...not much of a threat.


can ops cleanse net? I ask cuz I don't think many do. anyway, all they have is initial burst. so one concealment is not a big deal in any case. can't solo kill one who remembers he can cleanse though.


get the net on a sin before he pops shroud and he'll be half health before he knows it.


yeah. if I have net up when a 1v1 starts, I'm not going to be in any trouble. it's a powerful tool. this is all moot in rated, cuz what team is going to leave just one guy on a healer? and of course there are exceptions. in any case, your mezz won't phase me an iota 1v1. mando heals have pretty good separation tools.


electronet is not a guaranteed kill.


it does not stop incoming heals, guard, friendly pull, or you and/or your teammates from being taunted.



PvP does not take place in a vacuum....


all true. and why I said moot in rated.




what's funny to me is that I'll throw net on a guy and he goes after someone else. the other guy just sits there like a punching bag. if you see the net on someone (it's more obvious than an operative's probe), make him chase you. oye!

Edited by foxmob
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