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Throw Mercs a Bone: Lower Electro Net Cool Down


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What a coincidence, the "I WIN" button on my concealment operative is also on a 1.5 min cooldown. Shame I can't use it while electro-netted.


If you think electronet is an I WIN button, then I know you have no idea what you're talking about.

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Electro Net is an Iwin button in a coordinated team. Basically whoever has the Net (almost always a healer) is totally dead unless he's a Sorc and you got to get rid of his Force Barrier one way or another. In a 1on1 scenaro, it's not very useful. Electro Net is really not that effective on DPS, but a lot of people are using it incorrectly. DPS usually don't run away and even melee DPS have several ways to hit people far away, not to mention sometimes due to sheer accident another guy will be close enogh to get smacked. In particular Netting anyone who can grapple is a complete waste, as they would just grab someone (not necessarily the person who used the Net) to hit until the duration runs out. The only scenario I can think of is if you're fighting with nobody near, so you do something like toss followed by a net and pop Hold the Line if it's someone who can grapple, then your enemy cannot fight back in any meaningful capacity and probably dies. This kind of scenario usually only happens in Huttball where there's a lot of random space and plenty of ways for a melee to get tossed to the middle of nowhere.
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Electro Net is an Iwin button in a coordinated team. Basically whoever has the Net (almost always a healer) is totally dead


Wow, you really must play with low skill teammates and opponents. Firstly Electro Net only works against bad players. The ones who wasted their cc breaker and then run around like a chicken with their head cut off while Electro Net is on them. Good healers are eating the stuns on them and saving their cc for Electro Net. As are good dps. And tanks can essentially eat the Electro Net while continuing to move. Bottom line, Electro Net is one trick pony that is easily countered.


And for exactly that reason I'd rather see some other buff than a shortening of the Electro Net CD. Give Kolto Missile a chance to proc an instant cast Rapid Scan. Now THERE is an idea that would help out our suffering brothers in Bodyguard land and help Merc dps.

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I've actually electro-netted and threw my entire dps into a sage and she out healed it all without even getting down to 20% health. Yet everyone seems fine with the extreme heals.
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At the moment, I'm fine with my Commando, the toon never was performing better in PVP.

As long as they didn't fix the bolster bug, it is anyway too early for a final conclusion.


Off cause, I wouldn't complain about a cool down reduction (15-30 seconds?) for both the electro net and the tech override.

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As a fairly well known marauder on my server, it seems like all the electronets are saved for me :rolleyes: so I am very against a lower cooldown, find other means to ballance besides an IWIN! button.
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i dont think electronet needs a shorter cooldown. its certainly not the "i-win" button that a lot of folks are claiming that it is, but it is a good utility skill.


its our other utility abilities that need their cooldowns changed. Tech Override and Reserve Powercell need 60s base cooldowns. Adrenaline Rush needs to be a 90s cooldown now. the cooldowns we have seem to be designed around much slower based combat, and when you start comparing them to the cooldowns of other classes you can see mando/merc has the short end of the stick.


you really need to use electronet for objective stuff. if youre using it to beat melee 1v1, youre kinda doing it wrong. in huttball it is an awesome ability for mid defense.

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Agreed. And hell, you don't even need to throw us a bone in this department -- a belly rub would suffice. Just lower the damn cooldowns.


what kind of alac are you working with at present? I'm finding ammo management a lot easier in 2.0. I drain it really fast if I don't tech override before I plasma grenade. but that's just me jerking around trying to solo kill someone and still heal a teammate.

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Electro Net is absolute an Iwin button at the team level. The healer who is netted dies to focus fire unless he has Force Barrier and somebody's got to make him use up that Force Barrier. If your team still cannot kill a netted healer you were never going to kill anybody important on that team to begin with. It's actually pretty wasteful to use them on melees, who are not really hampered by the net as much as people think because only SW archtypes are particularly vulnerable, but even they have a couple of long range attacks to use while toughing out the net.


If you're looking for Electro Net to turn a 1on1 around, it probably won't do that. It's real power is taking out the healers who are constantly running away from your team.

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If you're looking for Electro Net to turn a 1on1 around, it probably won't do that. It's real power is taking out the healers who are constantly running away from your team.


it actually makes 1v1s incredibly easy against melee. net. kite. hib. plasma. hammershot. dead melee. it's a waste on turret classes 1v1. very effective if you're stuck 1v1 against the glo-stick brigade. if they don't chase with net on them, mortor volley and charged bolts. pretty quick kill either way...considering you're a healer. not sure how well it would work for a dps with crappy healing.

Edited by foxmob
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it actually makes 1v1s incredibly easy against melee. net. kite. hib. plasma. hammershot. dead melee. it's a waste on turret classes 1v1. very effective if you're stuck 1v1 against the glo-stick brigade. if they don't chase with net on them, mortor volley and charged bolts. pretty quick kill either way...considering you're a healer. not sure how well it would work for a dps with crappy healing.


Sure but most 1on1 isn't really a 1on1. There's usually somebody close enough for the melee to turn around to attack instead, and against the two melees that can grapple, they'll just grab someone else to keep them busy for 9s. Sure, they won't be touching you, but they aren't really neutralized either.


That said sometime I do find myself fighting a Commando in the middle of nowhere and I got tossed, netted, and he has Hydralic Overrides on (no grapple), and all I can do is cry in a corner. That does suck.

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it actually makes 1v1s incredibly easy against melee. net. kite. hib. plasma. hammershot. dead melee. it's a waste on turret classes 1v1. very effective if you're stuck 1v1 against the glo-stick brigade.


Seriously? That is what you do to melee toons on your server? Sorry, but your server's melee toons suck. You ElectroNet me at close range and I'll use Intimidating Roar on you. CC break it? I throw a mezz grenade. End of ElectroNet in exchange for two abilities I normally wouldn't even have use for against a Merc.


ElectroNet is a one trick pony useful only against bad players.

Edited by Macroeconomics
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As a squishy sorc, in dps mode, electronet is an automatic death sentence. Cannot speed away and cannot even use the Force Barrier! It's on a 3 minute cooldown anyway and when you guys do this it cannot be used.


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Electro Net is a guarantee death for targets under focus fire, and is valuable in Ranked WZ. Want to take down that pesky Sorc healer that is being guarded? Heal debuff, armor debuff, electro net, focus fire, and he is dead. If he survives the whole duration of electro net, then that means the DPS suck bad.


It is important that a team can focus fire down a valuable target quickly in a battle at critical moments, as it is often the decisive point between victory and defeat in highly competitive ranked games. Any experienced ranked PvPers know what I am talking about. Electro Net increases the success of focus firing down a target by a lot.


Therefore, it would be overpowered in coordinated team PvP if Electroc Net gets a lower cooldown. Coordinated competitive PvP is the bigger picture here, not random pug who can't use this ability well.

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k, you can have a lower cd on it in exchange for it no longer stopping escapes, balancing is a fickle thing, asking for something like this would ruin it for you guys in the long run.


It doesn't stop escapes, at least not certain things that would be thought of as an "escape". There are many things you can do to deal with EN, so no, it just needs its cooldown lowered. It's not nearly as powerful or I WIN as people think. Those that do think that, are just being bad.

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