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Is it wrong that I believe we should receive some sort of formal apology?


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Sorry, but you need to decide:


Do you want a level playing field (as said in you previous post) or are you ok with a large gear gap between people who spent vastly different amount of time playing the game (as you say now). What shall it be?


By the way, your quoted post was the attempt of an actual insult, it failed miserably. You can get full partisan + a few pieces of conq gear easily in three weeks besides having a fulltime job and a active social life. I know, I have.


Not intended as an insult. I am just saying that I think the new bolster (minus the obvious bugs and exploits) is good. People who want bolster taken away are generally people who have to lean on gear gaps to win.


Personally, I can't play all day (and wouldn't want to). But I still have no issue outplaying the people who do have the time to play all day and have their full Conqueror. Gear is no longer the most important factor - but only one factor of several: team comp, RNG pugs, and most importantly (hopefully), skill.


BTW, I do agree there is no need for bolster in ranked.

Edited by Jaiyne
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Not intended as an insult. I am just saying that I think the new bolster (minus the obvious bugs and exploits) is good. People who want bolster taken away are generally people who have to lean on gear gaps to win.


Personally, I can't play all day (and wouldn't want to). But I still have no issue outplaying the people who do have the time to play all day and have their full Conqueror. Gear is no longer the most important factor - but only one factor of several: team comp, RNG pugs, and most importantly (hopefully), skill.


Most people want bolster taken away because of the ridiculous advantages it gives to pve gear. All of the suggestions I have seen are for a set of recruit gear that is only marginally worse than partisan. The majority is fine without the gear gap... It's the method for ensuring there is no gear gap that is the issue

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Most people want bolster taken away because of the ridiculous advantages it gives to pve gear. All of the suggestions I have seen are for a set of recruit gear that is only marginally worse than partisan. The majority is fine without the gear gap... It's the method for ensuring there is no gear gap that is the issue


Yup agree if there were a recruit set. But there isn't...so bolster has to stay.


I do understand frustration of PvE gear outperforming PvP gear. It shouldn't. But, does it really still? Because from what I have seen from people still exploiting the bolster system, they're not using PvE gear - they are using low level augments. A healer I really respected before now, is using level 12? augments on their gear. If they need to do that to make themselves feel better...

Edited by Jaiyne
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Yup agree if there were a recruit set. But there isn't...so bolster has to stay.


I do understand frustration of PvE gear outperforming PvP gear. It shouldn't. But, does it really still? Because from what I have seen from people still exploiting the bolster system, they're not using PvE gear - they are using low level augments. A healer I really respected before now, is using level 12? augments on their gear. If they need to do that to make themselves feel better...


And combinations of green gear

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Yup agree if there were a recruit set. But there isn't...so bolster has to stay.


I do understand frustration of PvE gear outperforming PvP gear. It shouldn't. But, does it really still? Because from what I have seen from people still exploiting the bolster system, they're not using PvE gear - they are using low level augments. A healer I really respected before now, is using level 12? augments on their gear. If they need to do that to make themselves feel better...


I hate exploiting bugs .... i think em as a game breaker ... when you see a game with many exploiters i believe it is time to change game.


Aside exploits PVE 72 outplays conq gear... People that have access to hardmode operations have FASTER access to better gear than pvpers that will spent a gazilion years to make 3475 ranked comms to buy a single weapon

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Yup agree if there were a recruit set. But there isn't...so bolster has to stay.


I do understand frustration of PvE gear outperforming PvP gear. It shouldn't. But, does it really still? Because from what I have seen from people still exploiting the bolster system, they're not using PvE gear - they are using low level augments.


No...Bolster is the current REASON for the gear gap at 55. Bolster simply isn't a complex enough system that it can account for every combination that a player will find - the sooner Bioware realizes that, the sooner this fiasco can end.


I'd prefer to see Bolster 100% eliminated, and have every player simply be given the SAME expertise rating - but PvP gear can NOT be subpar to PvE gear in PvP, like it currently is. If they both had identical stats and were just acquired differently, I bet most PvPers would be fine with that. But right now, people who have PvP'd the most are punished in favor of boosting PvEers.

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No...Bolster is the current REASON for the gear gap at 55. Bolster simply isn't a complex enough system that it can account for every combination that a player will find - the sooner Bioware realizes that, the sooner this fiasco can end.


maaaan...... you are wasting your breath .....

You are a noob pvper that wants to pwn ungeared ppl

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Not satisifed, no. There are aspects of it that need sorting out. But it's not so broken that you can't play, and it's an attempt to try something new to improve PVP in the game. I'd say PvP now (no bubblestun, fewer hopelessly undergeared people) is better than it was in 1.7. I'm not going to demand apologies for the developers trying to improve the game.


My ideal would be that you can work on your PvP gear to make you better (I like doing that), but it doesn't give you so much advantage that people starting PvP are crushed and don't play. For PvP to flourish we need more people joining all the time. So it should be easy to join in but tough to get the absolute best. In 1.7 there were a bunch of guys (me included) in great gear who'd simply destroy newbies (who couldn't even be expected to know to collect all their comms pre-50 to shorten the Recruit-punishment phase) and that cuts off the supply of fresh players to replace the inevitable wastage of veterans.


I can live with it being less than perfect while it's straightened out, so long as it's playable now and the kinks fixed.


I agree with the above 100%! The naked bolster bug they when live with was pretty ridiculous but even then the game was still playable. Thank god bubble stun is fixed!

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I don't blame you to be honest. This is a project that generates somewhere around 50 million or more dollars a year (guestimate, don't hang me for it). This sort of sloppy programming and requirements gathering is really unacceptable on a $100,000 project, let alone a $50,000,000 project.


I'm shocked that EA/Bioware tolerate this sort of unprofessional results from their teams.

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I don't need an apology.


I just want BW to get the bugs out of Bolster, and after that, I want more PvP content; namely more WZs, some meaningful OPvP with daily quests for PvP rewards (WZ Comms), and a legit Matchmaking System for Rated.


RotHC gave us no new PvP content. Nekkid PvP, although a disastrous bug, actually made leveling to 55 tolerable. Now that Nekkid PvP is gone and I already did the Makeb story, I have no desire to level up any other toons to 55. Aside from Huttball, all of the WZs currently in game are completely played out.


Oh...and remove Bolster from Ranked War Zones to give PvPers a reason to grind Conqueror gear.

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No...Bolster is the current REASON for the gear gap at 55. Bolster simply isn't a complex enough system that it can account for every combination that a player will find - the sooner Bioware realizes that, the sooner this fiasco can end.


I'd prefer to see Bolster 100% eliminated, and have every player simply be given the SAME expertise rating - but PvP gear can NOT be subpar to PvE gear in PvP, like it currently is. If they both had identical stats and were just acquired differently, I bet most PvPers would be fine with that. But right now, people who have PvP'd the most are punished in favor of boosting PvEers.


Totally understand this. I don't PvE - I 100 percent PvP.


I don't care how they fix it, as long as new 55s (I am not a new player btw - gear is not an issue for me), are not punished for being new 55s. The old recruit system only discouraged new people and alts from pushing forward to WH and then EWH. it was miserable for them to play and they could not contribute to their teams in regular wzs.

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I agree with the above 100%! The naked bolster bug they when live with was pretty ridiculous but even then the game was still playable. Thank god bubble stun is fixed!


The best part of that is the idiots let it go live. They knew about it - unless none of them read PTS at all. Which would be an even bigger issue.

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maaaan...... you are wasting your breath .....

You are a noob pvper that wants to pwn ungeared ppl


I am a noob, I try not to be, but I can admit that I am....however, I don't "pwn" anyone, I'm a Commando...geared or not, I'm fodder for most Imps.

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The best part of that is the idiots let it go live. They knew about it - unless none of them read PTS at all. Which would be an even bigger issue.


No no no...they fixed that bug, this is something new, or maybe it's a result of that fix...or something else maybe?!

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Hey, I wish life was a fuzzy peach, but you have to remember the level of douchebaggery displayed endlessly by the devs in their atrocious pursuit of money. They are only worrying about new ways to cheat people out of their cash with cartel fluff lol.


I lost a few guildies over 2.0. They were absolutely choked about the pvp changes, and henceforth unsubbed. I really like my characters and will not quit, but not everyone likes Star Wars like I do. I'm laughing with bolster, because I've stripped my champ gear off some old toons and have equipped cheap greens, and been having a blast.


I think the devs could redeem themselves by placing an announcement soon regarding new pvp warzones/events.

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The only kind of bolster in RATED warzones should be the system that actually DOWNGRADES high level PvE gear to PvP level gear without expertise.


Cry me a river, PvErs.


I still dont believe bolster is in rated warzones tho, ive read several times that ranked had no bolster, can someone confirm?

Edited by Laforet
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The only kind of bolster in RATED warzones should be the system that actually DOWNGRADES high level PvE gear to PvP level gear without expertise.


Cry me a river, PvErs.


I still dont believe bolster is in rated warzones tho, ive read several times that ranked had no bolster, can someone confirm?


Bolster is in rateds. Had an op in our group last night with 22k health on the fleet and 24.4k health in a rwz

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They didnt fix it before live though, which was what I was saying.


And what he is saying is the bug reported in the PST was the remove your gear readd your gear giving you monster stats. That was the nude bolster *****ed about on the PST. That was fixed but in turn new bugs were created which we saw at launch. And as someone noted how many people really tested sub 55 WZs on the PST?


It's semantics in a way that we are arguing but to say these particular bugs were noted on the PST isn't correct I believe that's what's being pointed out anyway. I could be wrong and maybe they didn't do regression testing and one fix introduced a prior bug. At this point it's hard to keep track of them all.


Anyhow really communication and fast responses and action would alleviate the mob waiting a week each time for a fix and 5 days for a response is the real issue. I know Rift made a similar conversion with their xpac I wonder did they have the same issues? Really they should just replace each slot with a set stats of PvP gear if no expertise is in the gear slot with it being slightly below partisan. That way PvE gear is always worse and aug slots are only counted if there is already expertise on the gear. That might cause other issues idk.

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What i find amusing is the fact that since the patch bioware hasn't said a single word about all of this.


You mean aside from "it's fixed" in yesterday's patch notes? Their silence is sickening. If this were an easy path to XP, it'd be fixed TODAY! But they care so little about PvP, they didn't even bother to test this patch out...absolutely pathetic!!!

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scrubs? You mean people that go to school or work? People that don't play video games 24/7 and aren't in full conqueror min/max yet?


I am OK with that :)


Don't give work and school as a reason you can't get partisan. If you got to school I am assuming you are paying for college. How about you don't go to class, but still ask your professor if you can still get credit for the project because you never had time. What about people who have kids and a job that still go to college and manage well. If you had enough time to level your toon to 55 then you have enough time to farm gear. Gear is easier to farm then getting to level 55. (atleast partisan)


You are just making an excuse on why you can't farm gear. If you maxed your coms out before 55 you will have 2750 reg coms and 4500 ranked coms. You can trade your ranked coms in for regs. NOw you have 7250 reg coms. You can buy main, offhand, chest, boots, gloves, and helmet. Finish your daily everyday and this gives you 700 reg and 700 ranked coms. Weekly also gives you 300 and 300. Let's say you won every match. Which will give you 23 wins and an average of 100 coms per win. Gives you another 2300 reg coms. If you trade in all of your ranked coms you get 4300 reg coms. Within one week you can buy all of your partisan gear. Think about it. Is that really hard to get the first set?

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