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Raid on Arcanum - The end boss?


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Anyone having issues with this guy? I get his HP down half way and then it just stops. I looked up this guy on Dulfy's guide and it says that he easy easy to kill. It there some sort of trick to it or am I just having a run of bad luck?
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That one isn't even the final boss. Just one along the way.

I remember him being tough, but popping cool downs and such helped.

Maybe a little better gear? Grab a friend to help?

Well gearing up even more is going to take me a long while. I only play the game a few days out of the week and I solo most of that time. I am a very casual player as of late. :rolleyes:


You know what is funny is that no one there was trying to group it. They were all running in like me and trying then ending up back at the Med Droid. :)

A couple of people asked for tips though. I had none of coarse. :o

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I am doing the republic one. Patient Zero is the guys name. Not sure if it is a bug or not. I guess I can reset it and see. Getting to him is easy.


Patient zero is not the final boss, he is a Rakghoul. To the best of my knowledge the Arcanum is the same for both factions.


I don't remember how I beat Patient Zero, I think I just melted him fast and kept chasing Lord Tagriss, he only has what 50k health? He should die fast.

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  • 1 month later...
I had the same problem on my Jedi Shadow with the Rak Ghould boss. With my DPS comp we got him down to where he spawns little adds, but when I brought out my healer I beat on him a good long while and he always healed back up to full.. fought him for 15 mins..
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I had the same problem on my Jedi Shadow with the Rak Ghould boss. With my DPS comp we got him down to where he spawns little adds, but when I brought out my healer I beat on him a good long while and he always healed back up to full.. fought him for 15 mins..
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First time I tried this he curb-stomped me once his little helpers came out. Went away, geared up, came back, and this time he was the one crying for his mummy. Grabbing a friend might not help, as this mission says it scales up the difficulty based on party size.


The final boss, the guy who looks like he's Khem's brother, he was dead easy, though.

Edited by PLynkes
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I think the patient zero needs dps, lots of dps. Doing that with a tank geared vanguard was such a treat. The fight kept going and going and going and going but eventually he ran out of health before me :) Edited by turjake
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I just killed him 5 minutes ago, after about 7 attempts. Had to use all my heroic moment skills. I will admit i was suffering from some annoying lag spikes and the old "action delay" (which I have been getting all day cant belive it still exists)


Once he goes into the spawing phase he goes bersek and kept killing me a few hits, something is quite wrong with that boss.


Killed the Dashade first time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This Patient Zero is bugged.

I can solo level 55 champs but can't even get this beast to below 75%

Rate of self heal is ridiculous.

What a downer to be really enjoying a quest line then get this sort of suck.

Level 53 elite, .......yeah really...



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This Patient Zero is bugged.

I can solo level 55 champs but can't even get this beast to below 75%

Rate of self heal is ridiculous.

What a downer to be really enjoying a quest line then get this sort of suck.

Level 53 elite, .......yeah really...




Knockbacks + Stuns are your friend. He's easy as pie on a Sorc. Should be even easier on a Mara or Sniper. I suspect you're failing a mechanic or something.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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I think the patient zero needs dps, lots of dps. Doing that with a tank geared vanguard was such a treat. The fight kept going and going and going and going but eventually he ran out of health before me :)

This was my issue as well with my Jugg. When I finally got him down to half health he got much easier.

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Very strange.

Seems to not scale correctly if your higher level than Patient Zero.

Cause I've seen pictures of level 52 toons killing this guy without much trouble at all.

Going in at level 55 is a whole new ball game - fully geared level 55 toon and companion, totally owned and only did 20% damage.


I respected, re geared other companions to no avail, each time totally owned and I mean totally, this is from a player who can solo level 55 champions.


I believe, and it is only recently that I have seen these posts.... That Patient Zero is up scaling to full group for anyone over the level range for this run.

I love a challenge, but this is like sending in a 2 year old with a baby rattle to fight a Sith Overseer

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Knockbacks + Stuns are your friend. He's easy as pie on a Sorc. Should be even easier on a Mara or Sniper. I suspect you're failing a mechanic or something.


Yes tried this, normal stun rotation does work but he just out heals the dps at level 55.

I even kited him to the edge and tried to knock him off ( it takes 2 knock backs ) but he hovers in mid air and never falls :)


I did notice with Patient Zero, that there really is nothing to interrupt, the self heal is all the time, even though it says periodic.


If someone can post a video of a level 55 combat medic killing this guy I will eat humble pie, but my feeling is he is bugged for higher level toons soloing.

Again I love a challenge, but I have run out of options.

The only thing I can think of is try grouping with a level 52 player and see what happens, so far I've not seen anyone else in this instance courtyard and no reply when I ask in general chat.


Anyway, back to farming , thnx for tips, hints..... Cheats you may have :)

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So ended up grouping with another guy and it was a piece of cake... In reality, combat medic spec is too low a dps for this boss to solo.


Just group with a dps and its yawn able


I'd believe it. Still, this quest isn't labeled "[HEROIC 2+]". It should be solo-able by any class. Don't particularly care for being blindsided like this.


And the people talking about interrupts, well, you can't interrupt passive health regeneration, and I can't get him down to the point where he even is using channeled heals I can interrupt.

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  • 1 year later...
Probably said and done before but here is my insight on firsthand experience with the bug and without after. What is bug is not Patient Zero NPC (directly) itself, but the instance overall. As many is aware of, the instance scale depending on the amount of players present but the issue here is that you're soloing the instance yet it feels as though you're in a 2+ Heroic and as many had brought up, if you were in a party and did not leave, it scaled; etc. etc. But what if you were never in a party to begin with you say? Well I for one, was not in any party before starting the instance. I had fought this guy and he was regenerating faster than I can DPS. People argued that there is no issue and etc. or that the gear is crappy but that isn't the case. The instance count on the top left corner states how many people are currently present in the area, not party (almost like how when you're on the Fury or whatever ship you got and it states that number). Well that night when I ran the instance, it showed me and 1 other person doing the same instance even though we weren't in a party together nor did we start at the same moment; I entered in right after probably some time much later. When I fought the other mobs, there were no issue up to the point of Patient Zero did it felt like a 2 man plus. Today, I went back to the same instance without resetting/abandoning it and fought him again except this time the top left corner is reading only myself in the area doing this instance. I didn't change any gear or mods and I fought him with no issue this time. So somehow, the instance itself would read me and other people. It's as though it combined other people in their own instances and scaled it with my own and it only seemed to occur at Patient Zero fight rather than the other trash mobs prior. That would be my theory behind the OP Patient Zero fight that people may be experiencing.
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  • 2 months later...
I'm sure by now the OP has defeated Patient Zero, but I wanted to give my experience with him. I am a 99% PvE player, so I have crappy gear, and haven't played much in the past two years. The first time I tried Zero (2 days ago), I brought Quinn to help heal my Lvl 52 Immortal Jugg. Got my butt handed to me, thrice. I left and went to level for a while. Came back a day or so later as a Lvl 54 and used Jaesa. We beat him into submission within 2 minutes. I have no clue if updates since then have nerfed him, but being a higher level obviously helped me.
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