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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Augment glitch still here


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Hey everyone,


I just wanted to confirm that this is not intended and is a bug. We also would like to apologize for the frustration many of you are experiencing around Bolster. As we discover issues like this it is our goal to fix them as quickly and efficiently as possible and we want to thank you for your continued patience as we work through them. Making PvP a fun and balanced experience is really important to us and to SWTOR. This is something we will definitely be fixing in a future patch and I will let you know as soon as I have more information on when that fix will happen. As a note this will not be fixed this coming Tuesday as currently we do not have a scheduled maintenance planned.


Thanks for your info and your continued patience.





Eric there is ppl in the wz with 47-50k how much we have to take so you guys remove the damn bolster from 55? this have 1 EASY SOLUTION.. REMOVE THE F BOLSTER!!!!!


You have more than nothing a huge PR issue over this bolster issue how much you want to alienate your customers over this ? are you really willing to lose half of your pvp community?


You have ppl putting screenshots here with more stats that conqueror gear. WHAT ELSE you want?


the BIG problem is that the bolster is TOOO EASY to exploit... you fix 1 crap and the players find another one.


So this is the question.. HOW many subscriptions are you guys willing to risk. do the F2P guys really give you more with their weekly pass than the rest of the subscriptions?

Edited by cripito
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Now come on people. I think expecting a fix after three weeks is a bit much for their one man PVP team.


And all you Commandos/Mercs need to calm down too. Poor AP is pulling his hair out trying to balance 8 classes on his own.

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Now come on people. I think expecting a fix after three weeks is a bit much for their one man PVP team.


And all you Commandos/Mercs need to calm down too. Poor AP is pulling his hair out trying to balance 8 classes on his own.


Only takes changing a few numbers in a few lines of code to fix smash and that crap. No excuses.

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Hey everyone,


I just wanted to confirm that this is not intended and is a bug. We also would like to apologize for the frustration many of you are experiencing around Bolster. As we discover issues like this it is our goal to fix them as quickly and efficiently as possible and we want to thank you for your continued patience as we work through them. Making PvP a fun and balanced experience is really important to us and to SWTOR. This is something we will definitely be fixing in a future patch and I will let you know as soon as I have more information on when that fix will happen. As a note this will not be fixed this coming Tuesday as currently we do not have a scheduled maintenance planned.


Thanks for your info and your continued patience.





Oh you... that is all

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what a damn joke


it's been 3 weeks and now finally get an official response basically saying "will fix in future patch", but not this tuesday.


REMOVE BOLSTER U IDIOTS!!! Who was the dev smoking crack that thought it would be a good idea to make low lvl crafted greens BIS pvp gear better than partisan and conq gear?????


I re-subbed for 1 month after quitting a year ago and this bolster crap is making me unsub again. Damn this game had so much potential but the people in charge just doing the stupidest stuff to their game.


Where do they get some of these ideas???

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Please just remove bolstering at 55. It's not working.


55 Warzones are almost unplayable because of bolstering. Since it's inception players have been taking advantage of this broken system. It does not work. First we had naked PvP. Now we have people removing augments. Sure the augment bug will get fixed eventually, but someone will just find a new way to exploit this system.


It's time to get over your pride Bioware. You implemented a poorly conceived system. You had good intentions, but it blew up in your face. You tried and failed. Please move on. Try something new.


Fine you don't like having recruit gear. But there are other ideas besides bolstering. I've read a few good ones on these forums. I like the idea of giving players in 55 warzones 1500 or 1700 base expertise. Gear then brings you above that level. No other forum of stat enhancement in needed.


Bolstering is broken. Telling people to have patience while you endlessly tinker with a broken system is going to drive people out of this game.

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There is a fix available that is so simple. So foolproof. If an item slot is occupied by an item with less expertise than the corresponding Partisan item, simply replace it with a Partisan item and a -2 End modifier. If an item slot is occupied by an item with equal or more expertise than the corresponding Partisan item, then use the item. Simple. No exploits. Simple to code. Still allows people with zero pvp gear to go into warzones. Still avoids the problem with giving people free starter pvp gear like Recruit, i.e. they don't bother to use them. Simple.
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As we discover issues like this it is our goal to fix them as quickly and efficiently as possible




As a note this will not be fixed this coming Tuesday




Thanks for your info and your continued patience.






Sounds legit.

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It's debatable why there is bolster for 55 PvP. I'd rather it be removed. It's a flawed system that breaks the game for serious players in an attempt to help players who clearly are not serious about PvP.


Bolster in rated WZ's? There is no reason for that. This is a simple IQ test and Bioware, you have failed miserably.

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I appreciate the reply, Eric, but:


it is our goal to fix them as quickly and efficiently as possible


this will not be fixed this coming Tuesday as currently we do not have a scheduled maintenance planned.




I love TOR and I love TOR PvP more than any other MMO's PvP. But the bolster issue became a farce weeks ago. Now it's honestly impacting the trust that the PvP playerbase has in the game. When will we _ever_ be able to trust bolster again? Never. Not really.

Edited by Khalhazar
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Hey everyone,


I just wanted to confirm that this is not intended and is a bug. We also would like to apologize for the frustration many of you are experiencing around Bolster. As we discover issues like this it is our goal to fix them as quickly and efficiently as possible and we want to thank you for your continued patience as we work through them. Making PvP a fun and balanced experience is really important to us and to SWTOR. This is something we will definitely be fixing in a future patch and I will let you know as soon as I have more information on when that fix will happen. As a note this will not be fixed this coming Tuesday as currently we do not have a scheduled maintenance planned.


Thanks for your info and your continued patience.





lol, you make this sound like something new as opposed to something that was reported long ago

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It's a flawed system that breaks the game for serious players in an attempt to help players who clearly are not serious about PvP.


That's the thing that baffles me the most.....the fact that Bioware is pandering to PVEers who don't PVP and most importantly, Don't Want to PVP, by keeping this obviously broken system in place.


At this point, scrapping bolster, at least at 55 (even without providing new recruit gear), couldn't possibly cost any more subscribers than keeping bolster in place.

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It's debatable why there is bolster for 55 PvP. I'd rather it be removed. It's a flawed system that breaks the game for serious players in an attempt to help players who clearly are not serious about PvP.


Bolster in rated WZ's? There is no reason for that. This is a simple IQ test and Bioware, you have failed miserably.


QFT get it out of rateds, what were you guys even thinking

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I can agree with the statement to remove it from rated. There is no reason to have it in there in the first place. You want to allow people to have even footing in regular wzs thats fine, and I can support that 100%, but rateds are to pvp what nightmare is to pve, and I sure as hell would be pissed if you started to just "give out gear" so people could participate in NiM content.


You made an amazing move forcing the 72 gear to be obtained through normal process instead of being crafted, and I dont see why it is any different for PVP. Remove it from rated.


I also support removing it altogether until it is fixed, since it is making the game unplayable unless you cheat... what kind of system is that? And yes, I would consider this cheating. I never considered the Ilum thing cheating since it was only affecting your personal leveling experience, but this, THIS! How can I even play a pvp match when you have people running around one shotting you and having 45k xp? Might as well be running around with a hack in the game. Sad thing is, people are not expecting any repercussions, so you have those who would likely not otherwise be exploiting doing it because it is now the only way to enjoy the game.


Me? Ill likely just stop playing PVP until at least those who cheat dont get such a large advantage. The previous issue was at least somewhat tollerable, because your teamwork would outdo anyone running around in 72 gear since that was only barely better than the top stuff.

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Hey everyone,


I just wanted to confirm that this is not intended and is a bug. We also would like to apologize for the frustration many of you are experiencing around Bolster. As we discover issues like this it is our goal to fix them as quickly and efficiently as possible and we want to thank you for your continued patience as we work through them. Making PvP a fun and balanced experience is really important to us and to SWTOR. This is something we will definitely be fixing in a future patch and I will let you know as soon as I have more information on when that fix will happen. As a note this will not be fixed this coming Tuesday as currently we do not have a scheduled maintenance planned.


Thanks for your info and your continued patience.





How many times has this bug been "fixed"? What steps are you taking to make sure it's actually fixed?

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That's the thing that baffles me the most.....the fact that Bioware is pandering to PVEers who don't PVP and most importantly, Don't Want to PVP, by keeping this obviously broken system in place.


At this point, scrapping bolster, at least at 55 (even without providing new recruit gear), couldn't possibly cost any more subscribers than keeping bolster in place.


Actually, you're wrong - it's an 'anti-twinking' measure.


The point of bolster, as I've understood it from day one, is to bring everyone's stats to within one standard deviation of a 'standard' max-level character. If you're playing a Lv.11 in full oranges with purple upgrades (very possible with the right army of alts), you will be only slightly stronger than that Lv.54 who queued up in full blues (actually, I'd argue slightly weaker, since most Lv.11 upgrades don't have vital secondary stats like crit, accuracy, and other stats.)


Pretty much, the point is to minimize - but not outright abolish - gear differences, to provide a slightly more competitive experience, since BioWare has eschewed bracketed PvP (as in, how World of Warcraft had 10-19, 20-29, etc. brackets for PvP.)


Of course, when BioWare dosen't check/test its 'on socket augment/on unsocket augment' events, you wind up with a gamable system. That being said, BioWare is a subsidiary of EA, which is known to force its studios to do stupid things as 'business' requirements. I don't hold BioWare at fault (though they really should fix it) - EA needs to stop meddling with BioWare, and let them work on the quality of this game a bit.


This isn't a bad game, but there's some plain silly inconsistencies going on here. Come on, Bio, you're better than this!

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This is kind of game breaking. Emergency patch it.


Not at all singling you out, but to all the other very similar posts, I'm pretty sure they haven't figured out HOW to fix it. Do you really think they know and are just holding out on you? lol.


I and many others have made a lot of suggestions as an alternative to their over-complicated, buggy new bolster system which would completely eliminate this particular issue, but short of implementing those suggestions, if BW is going to cling to their new system, it is what it is until they figure out how to fix it. Again, I'm sure that will just take as long as it takes *unless* they drastically change course on the Lolbolster. I suspect they're not ready to wave the white flag and ditch their new baby yet, so "patience" is all they can ask for.

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