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Best Place to XP Farm for a Lvl 18


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I want to get to at least 50 pretty fast. My sorcerer is lvl 18. Anyone know any good power leveling spots or any quick-leveling tips in general?


Do every quest. This isn't really a "grinding" game.

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What I've done is slow leveled a planet so that I am generally a level or 2 behind the next planet. The lower your level when you arrive on a planet the more XP you can get from killing mobs. Also, use the XP boosts you get from missions or off the GTN or CM. They help greatly in addition to beating mobs higher than you.


Another thing to do...Kill each and every Elite you run across. Good way to get credits, gear and XP.

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Some tips:

1. Log off in a rest zone (e.g. cantina, your ship, imperial fleet). This gives you rested XP (green bar instead of yellow).

2. Use XP boosts. You receive them periodically as major class quest rewards. You can also buy them in the cartel market or GTM.

3. Do the pvp daily and weekly. This gives a nice little XP boost every day and week.

4. Do flashpoints to minimize the mundane questing. Also get flashpoint dailys when applicable.

5. When you out-level an area, move on - skip the non-class quests. Your XP gains diminish when the NPCs are 1-2+ levels below you. Make sure you stay geared well enough, otherwise it will be much more difficult to tear through the NPCs at or above your level.

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I find that i usually am a level or 2 ahead when i leave a planet.

example i had a 11 leave hutta last night and when i left korriban i was a level 18

i was not using any xp bonuses on him. i find completing all the lil quests (i dont pvp or fp at that level or any heroics(until much later)


but that is just me.

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I leveled fast using this simple system: always use xp boost. Always. And always leave the game in a rest area, rested xp is double xp. Then just play the story, when you get to a new planet pick up all quests you can. Then just knock em out 1 by 1. Also do the bonus quests like kill x amount of these guys ect... When your traveling around fight everyone you see, don't skip past enemies.I got to 50 in about 3 weeks doing this and I usually took long breaks from leveling to hang out in the fleet and just mess around. Had I just "grinded" the whole time I would have been 50 very quick.
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I want to get to at least 50 pretty fast. My sorcerer is lvl 18. Anyone know any good power leveling spots or any quick-leveling tips in general?


play the game.

seriously... if you just do all the quests and sprinkle in some heroics, flashpoints, pvp and space missions you will be level 50 before you reach corellia.

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While leveling, I tend to "trend" a little bit.


Certain larger planets (Hoth, Taris, Voss, etc.) I will just do my Class quest and the main planet questline. Smaller planets, and ones I personally enjoy more, I pick up a lot of the side missions, and take a more completionist approach. Also, when you are doing a mission, and it has a bonus, DO THE BONUS.


The other thing I do, is make sure I do at least my pvp daily everyday, as well as hit each level-appropriate flashpoint at least once. The pvp daily is worth it for the time-vs-exp gain, but "leveling in PvP" is a slower grind, so I dont typically do more than the daily while leveling. Flashpoints are typically not a good exp-timespend, but they are worth it for the at-level gear drops, which is why I try to hit each one at least once. (Be careful of the level range gaps if you are GF'ing Flashpoints at level... the required levels are a broad range, so a lot of the time you will get paired with players who are enough levels above you, to nerf your exp. I find that if I keep getting matched with upper level players in the GF, I will note the names of the players from the queue pop, /ignore them, re-queue, and after i get a "good" GF pop with players in range, I stop ignoring that player.)


I don't typically kill EVERY mob I see while traveling from mission to mission, but I DO kill every Elite I find. They are a good exp-to-time-to-kill ratio, and worth it.


Basically, if you follow you story quest, the main planet quests, and pick up a reasonable amount of side missions along the way, you should level at a steady rate and stay on-level for the planets.


If you find yourself over-leveling for the planet you are on.... (i.e. if you are halfway through Hoth, and you're level 42/43... it's time to drop EVERYTHING and just finish off your class story and get to the next planet, because fighting mobs that -2, -3 to you, will slow you down a lot. Watch the level ranges on the planets.. try to be within those ranges upon arriving/leaving and you should be fine.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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Focus on yellow missions, but make sure you complete your class quests on every planet. Do the [AREA] missions when you get them - they're a nice bonus!


Do groupfinder missions - terminals can be found at fleet to give you bonuses for doing them.


That's it, really. Grinding isn't going to get you there.

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