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Everything posted by AroseChaos

  1. Yea when the pack first came out I reallly wanted the silver-blue hawkeye crystal. Somone on fleet had it and was offering to sell it to me for 860k... I really almost did it, but thought to myself "give it a few days for the prices to settle" and wallah pages and pages full of white-black and silver-blue crystals. I personally like having things not many other players have, so rather than get the white-black or silver-blue I got a Advanced White Hawkeye crystal for about 2.1 mill. Because thankfully they are still VERY rare, usually only a few for sale at a time on the gtn. Hopefully bioware keeps it this way, some items should always be hard to get or very expensive. Ive bought about 8 of the Vice commandant packs so far and have got next to nothing of high value. Yet I bought 5 of the enforcers packs and bam! Volatile conq saber, cartel lux skiff, relaxed jumpsuit jacket and derelict purp crystal.
  2. I leveled fast using this simple system: always use xp boost. Always. And always leave the game in a rest area, rested xp is double xp. Then just play the story, when you get to a new planet pick up all quests you can. Then just knock em out 1 by 1. Also do the bonus quests like kill x amount of these guys ect... When your traveling around fight everyone you see, don't skip past enemies.I got to 50 in about 3 weeks doing this and I usually took long breaks from leveling to hang out in the fleet and just mess around. Had I just "grinded" the whole time I would have been 50 very quick.
  3. Usuallly don't comment on small complaint posts but this too aggravates the heck out of me. Its almost driven me to not ride a cool speeder at all since my cloak cape hangs down through the speeder itself. It looks awful, and I don't understand how it looks fine in the preview (like op stated) and is messed up on the one that I'm actually riding. Shame shame
  4. I just attacked the clones. They each died in one hit if I recall correctly.
  5. I say forget marriage. Howabout player housing?? No. The ship doesn't count. I'm talking ultima online type housing for those of you who know what game I'm talking about... Think about it. Sections on each planet with housing, be it a skyscraper full of apartments or just 1 room bachelor pads
  6. But I do agree.. having a hood toggle would be nice. Just depending on the mood
  7. Be like me. Drop the $ buy the Valiant Jedi Armor. Hoods down and it looks niiiicccceee! Or the conservators set both classic and normal also is very "Jedi" and has hood down. If you can't drop the $ for it, don't complain... Its like 10 bux or even less if you have your monthly cartel coin Allowance
  8. Me. All games I play that have create a character, from madden to swtor I use myself because its immersion for me. Basically a life outside of life. I usually make him look like me and make decisions ect like me.. In the case of swtor, its me if I were a Jedi. Real life name - Jeremy, swtor character name - Jaremiah
  9. Hello everyone, I've been playing around 4 weeks and I'm about to hit 50 with my guardian. I do the vigilance tree for dps, and honestly I want to be one of the most powerful players once I hit 55. (Ambitions ) I've been saving credits and I have about 3 mill, my question is what would be the best gear to get/buy to get the highest dps and other stats needed to just roll through PvP and raids ect.. I wear the valiant Jedi armor because its imo the best looking legit Jedi outfit so obviously I would need mods ect for those pieces. Any ideas on saber crystals, mods, enhancements and other items to get the highest possible dps? No credit limit just tell me what I need Thanks in advance! If you give good advice and your on Jedi cov ill hook you up.
  10. Thanks for the replies. I figured I would get flamed for posting it but I am pleasantly surprised you didn't go all out. One of my enjoyments in this game besides the gameplay is the market, buying and selling items. I like making credits Which is why I asked, the droid pet was the only thing I've had so far that I didn't know the price or value of. Ill do what you said and start high and work my way down.
  11. I opened a cartel pack snd got a SP-RO Power Droid.. I cant find any others for sale on the gtn on Jedi Covenant to see what the value might be Anyone seen this sell anywhere? Maybe have an idea of what it's possibly worth? If its not very valuable I will probably just use for myself since its a cool little pet, like a walking mini-fridge
  12. http://www.noxxic.com/swtor/pve/jedi-knight/guardian/defense
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