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Nerf Merc/Mando defence


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You know how many bad marauders open with charge on my Merc? Like all of them. I just KB them then proceed to destroy them. It's quite funny. The best thing though is when you KB then electro-net them and they just stand there and let you free cast them to dead
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a mara complaining about mercs? now ive heard it all! because a chaff flare that either blocks 1 attack or unroots as well as a 25% damage reduction over 12 seconds and 6 to 10 seconds root immunity is sooo much more OP than stealth and invincibility. not like sorcs have 40% damage mitigation, force speed and insta-heals, not like sins have total invincability and in-combat stealth, not like snipers can just root you and cast what they like while your stood there.


assuming this isn't a very late april fools thread im betting the OP thought he would have an easy duel, underestimated the pre-2.0 free kill and got stomped by skill and came crying here.

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Hint hint someone might have not have gotten the point that mercs/mandos dont really have any defensive cooldowns.


Um, yeah, I actually did, thanks.


This just isn't funny, though.


Actually Mercs/Mandos do have some defensive CDs, they're just...well, not all that great, to put it charitably (I <3 Hydraulic Overrides, but its base duration needs legthening, and the shield needs a buff.).


As it is, I'd happily trade the shield for something that makes Unload temporarily un-interrupatble :)

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Energy Shield is one of the best workhorse defensive CDs in the game. It doesn't save you from certain doom but it definitely prolongs your life by a pretty long time if you used it early enough. It's almost comparable to Overcharge Saber (the tank version) and that's saying a lot, because Overcharge Saber is pretty godly so far as defensive CDs go.
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Energy Shield is one of the best workhorse defensive CDs in the game. It doesn't save you from certain doom but it definitely prolongs your life by a pretty long time if you used it early enough. It's almost comparable to Overcharge Saber (the tank version) and that's saying a lot, because Overcharge Saber is pretty godly so far as defensive CDs go.
And saberward? Does the same things as Energy Shield PLUS adds 50Ish % defence for the duration. Im not saying the shield isnt good, on another class it would be awesome but the cumbersome slow and impractical mechanic behind the merc class makes it medioker at best.
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