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Sorc survivability?


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Sorc heals are fine imo any more and they will be OP(if they aren't already). The dps is probably where it should be too. The problem is that if your not heals specced your going to die really fast.

Warriors are the biggest bane of Sorc/ Sage. They can smash you to dust in 3-4 secs. My Sorc has 2018 expertise outside of warzones and a Sent / Gaurd can still hit me for 8-10k. That is what needs to be changed Sorc / Sage takes way too much damage.

Maybe it's the TTK right now idk but we shouldn't get killed in 3-4 hits at 2k+ expertise and 26k+ hp. I can see that heal spec might not suffer too much from that but dps spec gets blasted and the heals are so slow.


Yea yea someone is going to ltp this but they are most likley a Jugg / Mara, Gaurd/ Sent and are enjoying the smash smashtardedness.


Btw i'm not calling for a nerf to any class just a WTH? with how much damage sorc takes especialy from melee and not much in the way of escapes that can't be countered easily or waited out.

Edited by Ashenshuggar
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I agree, sorc dps is in a much better place -- hybrid that is. But it's only on par with other classes, while the defense still suffers in comparison.


Now I will make do with the sorc in current shape, but I do agree with you. To truly be a glass cannon, sorcs would need to do even more damage to offset the lack of mitigation or escapes. Force Barrier is not an escape since you're rooted in place. Force Speed doesn't provide any defense, immunity, nor does it break roots for dps players so it's a semi-escape. And damage depends on various prorcs -- 30% chance to proc this and then when you proc it you have a 30% chance to proc a second attack for 30% damage, etc.... get the drift? It's too RNG to be a true glass cannon. It needs to be able to deliver destruction on command, if it can die pretty much on command as you have described. A class that can die in 4 seconds needs to be able to kill that same opponent in 4 seconds, skill and gear being equal.


Right now, it's a class that can deliver great damage, but only if static and unnoticed. But oh well, I'll still do ok with it, you just have to play better than some other classes. I'm grateful for the changes we did receive, minus the butchering of the madness tree.

Edited by Monterone
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I Shelved my Sorc after 2.0


Madness isn't as good. Sure Lightning tree is great but those are some of the ugliest animations this game has to offer.


I'd actually go as far as saying I hate my Sorcerer now, but I absolutely adore my Sage. Disturbance is on a whole different level of cool compared to Lightning Strike.

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One thing i miss is being able to insta whirlwind if you specced for it. With how fast we die and building the other guys resovle bar whilwind doesn't help much anymore. With how much damage you take you'll be close to or dead by the time it takes to cast it.
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LOL at this thread. Of course they have a lower survivability than a melee, guess why, they are NOT melee. A ranged dps shouldn't be able to sit and be hit and survive. If your having trouble against melee, here is what you do: Kite. Slow them, stun them, Fake cast them (huge key), and in case i forgot to mention, KITE. Also if your a dps sorc/sage, heal yourself when you get the opportunity, regardless of hp (unless at 100%). If you can kite you beat melee everytime, if you cant, melee beats you everytime. That is how it should be.


PS I play a dps sage and sentinel at max level in pvp.

Edited by Mikeieveli
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LOL at this thread. Of course they have a lower survivability than a melee, guess why, they are NOT melee. A ranged dps shouldn't be able to sit and be hit and survive. If your having trouble against melee, here is what you do: Kite. Slow them, stun them, Fake cast them (huge key), and in case i forgot to mention, KITE. Also if your a dps sorc/sage, heal yourself when you get the opportunity, regardless of hp (unless at 100%). If you can kite you beat melee everytime, if you cant, melee beats you everytime. That is how it should be.


PS I play a dps sage and sentinel at max level in pvp.


Kinda hard to kite the melee classes in this game when they all have HUGE gap closers.

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LOL at this thread. Of course they have a lower survivability than a melee, guess why, they are NOT melee. A ranged dps shouldn't be able to sit and be hit and survive. If your having trouble against melee, here is what you do: Kite. Slow them, stun them, Fake cast them (huge key), and in case i forgot to mention, KITE. Also if your a dps sorc/sage, heal yourself when you get the opportunity, regardless of hp (unless at 100%). If you can kite you beat melee everytime, if you cant, melee beats you everytime. That is how it should be.


PS I play a dps sage and sentinel at max level in pvp.


lol, no you don't.

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the only true issue with dps sorcs/sages (hybrid) is the reliance on procs. lack of defense isn't a big issue now if you do know how to kite, and if we had damage independent of chain procs it would be a very balanced class now that they upped some of the damage.
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i make it my mission to focus on lighting/hybrid sorcs. they do massive damage now, and it gives my team a bad time if not focused.


they die pretty fast to my assault vanguard.


maybe they can have a slightly better defense or get away tactic. But still, again its all ranged.

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If u are playing hybrid you have no defenses that is the price u pay. Full lightning and madness have enough defenses.


The problem with madness is people who stacked power have to regear to alacrity ( there the secret is out have fun)

Lightning will need 100% pushback and mental alacrity to defend against stuns too. There are a hand full of people who I have seen who know how to complete shut down a lightning sorc it's so easy but people are so bad. I hope people continue to be bad I feel competitive for the first.

Edited by warstory
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Glass cannon. These guys hit really hard, and are super EZ mode if not focused.


Oh baloney, they are glass pea shooters. Nothing they do hits hard. Everyone focuses them because they know they are no match and an easy kill. Who you gonna go after, a sorc or a mara, or a sin, a jugg first? Or even an Op. Get real.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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While a Sorc can probably stay alive for a long time if you spend most of the time running away the moment anyone looks at you funny, you're not exactly contributing a lot to the team this way either.


Sorc survivality is still pretty low and you might as well go for them first as they have the lowest base mitigation and you might even find a healer (and if not, oh well).

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LOL at this thread. Of course they have a lower survivability than a melee, guess why, they are NOT melee. A ranged dps shouldn't be able to sit and be hit and survive. If your having trouble against melee, here is what you do: Kite. Slow them, stun them, Fake cast them (huge key), and in case i forgot to mention, KITE. Also if your a dps sorc/sage, heal yourself when you get the opportunity, regardless of hp (unless at 100%). If you can kite you beat melee everytime, if you cant, melee beats you everytime. That is how it should be.


PS I play a dps sage and sentinel at max level in pvp.

I wanna see you kite a non-afk warrior. Operative and assa just pretty much stunlock you from stealth and warriors just derpleap smash you no matter what you use. Our only hope is force barrier not on CD and teammate to come to rescue if we get targeted.
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LOL at this thread. Of course they have a lower survivability than a melee, guess why, they are NOT melee. A ranged dps shouldn't be able to sit and be hit and survive. If your having trouble against melee, here is what you do: Kite. Slow them, stun them, Fake cast them (huge key), and in case i forgot to mention, KITE. Also if your a dps sorc/sage, heal yourself when you get the opportunity, regardless of hp (unless at 100%). If you can kite you beat melee everytime, if you cant, melee beats you everytime. That is how it should be.


PS I play a dps sage and sentinel at max level in pvp.


I agree with this post even if I don't like the tone of it. Kiting is key. However, with all the root breaks and immunities that melee classes have gotten kiting is more difficult. For example specced with rooted knockback, knocking back a rage warrior who just leaped on you is pretty useless as he can break the root with obliterate. DPS specs force speed is so easy to counter if the other is a good player. At least 3m more on the knockback and egressed force speed is needed with these changes I think that sages will be all around in good position. Still squishy as any class can be, but this works as intended.

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I agree, sorc dps is in a much better place -- hybrid that is. But it's only on par with other classes, while the defense still suffers in comparison.


Now I will make do with the sorc in current shape, but I do agree with you. To truly be a glass cannon, sorcs would need to do even more damage to offset the lack of mitigation or escapes. Force Barrier is not an escape since you're rooted in place. Force Speed doesn't provide any defense, immunity, nor does it break roots for dps players so it's a semi-escape. And damage depends on various prorcs -- 30% chance to proc this and then when you proc it you have a 30% chance to proc a second attack for 30% damage, etc.... get the drift? It's too RNG to be a true glass cannon. It needs to be able to deliver destruction on command, if it can die pretty much on command as you have described. A class that can die in 4 seconds needs to be able to kill that same opponent in 4 seconds, skill and gear being equal.


Right now, it's a class that can deliver great damage, but only if static and unnoticed. But oh well, I'll still do ok with it, you just have to play better than some other classes. I'm grateful for the changes we did receive, minus the butchering of the madness tree.


I agree, glass cannon's should have more dps since they are glass! The second they get attacked they are done. With all the roots and jumps out there, the best thing the devs can do to help this class is applying egress on all characters (force speed is immune to movement impairing effects) might as well add stuns to that too since sins/shadows have an unlimited amount of those.

Those two things put together would still keep the class weak in defense but more valuable to the team. There kiting is better and there damage is higher

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the problem is that there is a war between defense / offense / counters.


Most melee have more counters to sorc defense. People say kite well a lighting spec sorc has only 2 instant attacks both low damage. So when you have stand still to do any sort of dps. While the melee has many ways to gap close and slow the sorc it makes it very imbalanced. When the sorc only auto-crit has a cast time and hits for only 5k vs a smash that hits for 8+k and is a aoe and per hit and hitting harder per attack then the sorc there is a issue with balance.


If dps sorc are going to be so easy to shut down and kill then there damage needs to be greater. Or they need more skills that allow them to dps a target. Be it through more roots so they can cast or more instant attacks. it also doesn't help that a large amount of a sorc dps is rng based so you now have a casting turret with low defense that's waiting for the stars to align to do good dps.. not great dps.


Right now melee have way to many counter tools to sorc defense tools. Its not just a issue for sorc..mercs are also in the same boat being very immobile to dps though they at least have heavy armor.

Edited by Happy_Puppy
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