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Exfiltrate/Scamper + Force Charge/Leap


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Hi, Nerds!


Is anyone else experiencing glitchy/buggy force leaps when trying to intercept these dudes while they roll? I ditched a WZ this morning (Huttball) because I burned two consecutive force leap CDs only to have myself magically teleported back to my origin while the rolling nutkicker in the cowboy hat teleported (that's what it looks like when I leap them mid roll) way ahead of me out of range. I usually teleport back to my origin about half way through a leap when this occurs. I would guesstimate the occurrence to around 50% of the time I am leaping a rolling scoundrel/operative.


This occurred twice in a short time span, and has happened to me regularly in the last week or so. Is anyone else experiencing this?


I'm also experiencing the same targeting bug where you cannot leap unless I 'cede to debug after a knockback. (Myrm, I think you posted a vid of this.)


I should post this on the appropriate forum...

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I'm still having trouble with scamper in general. Yesterday I was completely stuck in 2 warzones after spamming scamper on my scoundrel. /stuck didnt work and when I was pulled by a sage I was still stuck. And then I was stuck in the spawn after dying. IT WAS THE WORST. Myrm was in that wz so I know he heard me yelling at him to kill me. Hopefully, they can fix some of these bugs with scamper and such.


PS, Electronet is boss :)

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They just need to make Force Leap have the character leap to the spot where the target was and only root the target they spec into it. It's Force leap that is broken it makes Force Speed bug out when we are lept to when sprinting even though were supposed to be IMMUNE! to movement impairing effects while under force speed.


The warriors cried that there feelings were hurt because when they would force leap to someone the target would move ......imagine that and they wouldn't be there when they landed. Bioware fixed this by making a mechanic that rooted the person in place whether the player had the talent or not until the leaper landed then the root effect was added on after they landed. This causes a rubber band effect when you are sprinting example when you see a warrior coming and he starts his leap you sprint and bounce around while under sprint then end up in front of him and the sprint has ended.

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