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Bad weighting on models


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I really love this game, and hope that this can get looked at, and that future models can have more time spent on them to get better weight painted on to the models before they get pushed to live.


If you have pictures of your character or others where part of it just goes in an unnatural way please post them here.


Here are two beauties in the expansion, of one of the Imperial quest givers Katha Niar





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I think he's talking about how 2D some of the features on gear look. Some sorc stuff for example, has a necklace that looks like it's painted on.


Nope not even close, and to explain it in detail I would need to go into a lot of detail into how you create a rig to control a 3D model. So I will just explain it as when a part of the model moves in accordance with another part of the model that should not have any significant control on the part. In the pictures I posted this is seen in the pocket on the side of her right arm. When her arm is straight the pocket looks normal, however when her arm is bent like it is in the pictures, it moves in a way that it should not be moving.

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Nope not even close, and to explain it in detail I would need to go into a lot of detail into how you create a rig to control a 3D model. So I will just explain it as when a part of the model moves in accordance with another part of the model that should not have any significant control on the part. In the pictures I posted this is seen in the pocket on the side of her right arm. When her arm is straight the pocket looks normal, however when her arm is bent like it is in the pictures, it moves in a way that it should not be moving.



I understand ur name now...


U freaking grunt about silly things.... -.-

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I really love this game, and hope that this can get looked at, and that future models can have more time spent on them to get better weight painted on to the models before they get pushed to live.


If you have pictures of your character or others where part of it just goes in an unnatural way please post them here.


Here are two beauties in the expansion, of one of the Imperial quest givers Katha Niar





How cryptic...

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I understand ur name now...


U freaking grunt about silly things.... -.-


Minor absolutely, silly maybe, crazy absolutely not. I just notice things like this more than the normal game player, as I am a Video Game Design Student.


And to comment on your comment on my name, actually a Grunt is an Infantryman, which I was when I was in the Army. When I switched my MOS to be an MP, and joined my MP platoon with a Combat Infantryman's Badge on my chest one of the guys called me Supergrunt. If you want to continue trolling please do it else where.

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The weird twisting of textures seem to have been a problem for Bioware for some time. Tali in the first Mass Effect had basically the exact same problem for example.


I'd love to get it fixed, but I doubt it's a priority unfortunately. Perhaps posting a ticket may put it on their list of things to fix eventually at least.

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The weird twisting of textures seem to have been a problem for Bioware for some time. Tali in the first Mass Effect had basically the exact same problem for example.


I'd love to get it fixed, but I doubt it's a priority unfortunately. Perhaps posting a ticket may put it on their list of things to fix eventually at least.


Never thought it was a major problem, just something that I would like, at least in the future, to get BioWare to know that there are people that notice. Therefore that they should spend more time painting weights on the models and testing the rigs to make sure that they are good.

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I am IT college student and i dont pretend to know anything about proggraming and stuff..


cout<<"stop complaining about silly stuff"<<endl;


Go back and read all of my posts in here. Find one where I stated or implied in anyway that I can do a better job than BioWare has done. I only pointed out WHY I notice these things.


Also this isn't a complaint thread, so much as an attempt to educate people as to what they are seeing, and a request that BioWare spends a bit more time on their job.

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Go back and read all of my posts in here. Find one where I stated or implied in anyway that I can do a better job than BioWare has done. I only pointed out WHY I notice these things.


Also this isn't a complaint thread, so much as an attempt to educate people as to what they are seeing, and a request that BioWare spends a bit more time on their job.


Nope, It's just funny how you throw words that has no meaning in current context. All your posts just scream how skilled and professional "wannabe game designer" you are and it's why people laught at you. It's funny how people spend few hours learning something and start to write and speak like professionals, thinking that more tech words they use less common folk would understand them and think how they are professional. But It's just so laughable to see your posts.

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Nope, It's just funny how you throw words that has no meaning in current context. All your posts just scream how skilled and professional "wannabe game designer" you are and it's why people laught at you. It's funny how people spend few hours learning something and start to write and speak like professionals, thinking that more tech words they use less common folk would understand them and think how they are professional. But It's just so laughable to see your posts.


I'm sorry would you rather me talk down to you like you are a child or would you rather I post in an intelligent manner?

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I'm sorry would you rather me talk down to you like you are a child or would you rather I post in an intelligent manner?


Posting in an intelligent manner means using words that your prospective audience can all understand. That means avoiding technical jargon that is specific to a specialised field without explaining its meaning.


True professionals can explain their field to people who have no knowledge of it.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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I'm sorry would you rather me talk down to you like you are a child or would you rather I post in an intelligent manner?


There is no point to discuss anything with you and i don't care how you will speak to me.


You were trying to start a discussion about problem with models but couldn't even provide a comparison screenshots why this pocket is bugged. All i see is a twisted pocket, I don't see when or where it is in normal state, maybe it's how it should be no? No, but you haven't provided us any visual information to back up your oppinion.


You could just create a ticket and be about it without creating pointless threads.

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I think he's talking about how 2D some of the features on gear look. Some sorc stuff for example, has a necklace that looks like it's painted on.


Isn't this exactly what majority people wanted when they cried about BioWare fixing the bugged cartel gear. And then Bioware made "classic" versions of those items to stop the crying. All of which (classic) are basically just painted on your naked character. I myself hate all gear that is painted on my naked character, but apparently that's what a lot of people want.

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Isn't this exactly what majority people wanted when they cried about BioWare fixing the bugged cartel gear. And then Bioware made "classic" versions of those items to stop the crying. All of which (classic) are basically just painted on your naked character. I myself hate all gear that is painted on my naked character, but apparently that's what a lot of people want.


AFAIK majority of peoply agree with you about painted armor and as you can see Lots of people constantly ask Bioware to add Classic Long-Sleeve Jedi Robes, but due to some technical limitations in HeroEngine and bioware's vision they stated that they can't right now implement things like this, that's why We have big-*** gloves and not classic sleeves on Jedi robes (sSame goes to different species like Togruta and weird Twi'lek tentacles). But Bioware made "Classic" versions of sets because people disliked how stupid "New" versions of gear looked, and it has nothing to do with painted armor, it's all about overall stupidity of gear in this game.

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Posting in an intelligent manner means using words that your prospective audience can all understand. That means avoiding technical jargon that is specific to a specialised field without explaining its meaning.


True professionals can explain their field to people who have no knowledge of it.


Copy & Pasted from my second post

Nope not even close, and to explain it in detail I would need to go into a lot of detail into how you create a rig to control a 3D model. So I will just explain it as when a part of the model moves in accordance with another part of the model that should not have any significant control on the part. In the pictures I posted this is seen in the pocket on the side of her right arm. When her arm is straight the pocket looks normal, however when her arm is bent like it is in the pictures, it moves in a way that it should not be moving.


Now granted I am assuming that you can figure out from the context that a rig is the skeleton used to control a 3D model, not that it really matters as I explained the problem that is visible in the 2 pictures.


There is no point to discuss anything with you and i don't care how you will speak to me.


You were trying to start a discussion about problem with models but couldn't even provide a comparison screenshots why this pocket is bugged. All i see is a twisted pocket, I don't see when or where it is in normal state, maybe it's how it should be no? No, but you haven't provided us any visual information to back up your oppinion.


You could just create a ticket and be about it without creating pointless threads.


Do you need to see an unbroken arm to know that one with jagged bones sticking out of it is a compound fracture? How about if the broken bone isn't sticking out but there is a noticeable bulge where none should exist? Or would you wait for the X-Ray to be sure so that the Doctor has to explain to you that you have a broken leg?


You state that you see a twisted pocket, what did you see that was affecting that pocket and make it move like that? She was in the middle of the room no near any walls that could be dragging it away. The only possible explanation is that when they made her character model and rigged it (if you need me to explain that still please don't bother posting) they put weight on the bottom of the pocket from the joint that controls the forearm of the model.


Now do you feel like I have talked down to enough? Quite honestly I feel like I am talking to a child instead of an intelligent adult who has as much access to Google as I do, because honestly that is most of what I learned in my college classes, if you don't know something Google it.

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AFAIK majority of peoply agree with you about painted armor and as you can see Lots of people constantly ask Bioware add Classic Long-Sleeve Robes, but due to some technical limitations in HeroEngine Bioware stated that they can't right now implement things like this, that's why We have big-*** gloves and not classic sleeves on Jedi robes. But Bioware made "Classic" versions of sets because people disliked how stupid "New" versions of gear looked, and it has nothing to do with painted armor, it's all about overall stupidity of gear in this game.


Well some armor looked kidna silly, but others were fine. For example what's wrong with spymaster gear? Why would anyone want that gear to be painted on you naked body like some sort of tight spandex, instead of looking like a long uniform with some medium'ish armor on top?

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Well some armor looked kidna silly, but others were fine. For example what's wrong with spymaster gear? Why would anyone want that gear to be painted on you naked body like some sort of tight spandex, instead of looking like a long uniform with some medium'ish armor on top?


Not to me to judge, really i hate all gear in this game. But they introduced "new" versions because:

"The Spymaster and the Phantom outfits were both adjusted to look more like their advertised appearance in the Cartel Market, after we received more than a few remarks about this dissimilarity. This is to ensure that customers receive the advertised appearance."


And just to satisfy both sides, those who loved the original one and those who wanted the advertised gear, they send everyone both versions. It's easier and cheaper than sort every player what gear he/she prefer.

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