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Nerf assasins - plz


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This is the thread to post on. Assasins/Shadows can Phase Walk thru walls? Is that working as intended? Let's not even talk about the only ability in the game that covers 60m.... Shouldn't there be LOS to Phasewalk?


Yes its intended. The while point of this ability is it get to a safe location without cloaking. If you couldn't go through walls or it was less than 30m then this ability would be pretty much useless.


Words cannot express how much I love using this ability in the Alderaan WZ.

Edited by AMKSED
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Class balance is fine. Assassins do NOT need to be nerfed. Assassins are supposed to be the 1v1 Burst class. They're SUPPOSED to be good at that. It's like complaining about smash after the nerf. Every class has the right to play the game and be viable. You can't just nerf a class because you don't like them and want to kill them with no effort.

When you've got several different topics complaining about several classes every day, then class balance is fine.

Oh and phase walk is so glitchy and awful you really shouldnt be complaining about it. If you're .1 off, then you've just wasted it, 2 Minute cooldown. It's just a cool move really, that's about it. It may help when defending a node, maybe, but really, it's not going to be the crutch to make a bad player win.

If you nerf Assassins's damage, they will be beyond viable for PvE. They're already the worst class for sustained.

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well why is it whenever i see assassin/shadows they can easily 1v4 to 1v6 my team and they aren't even tank spec''d it's like when they use saber ward they take NO damage. I was just fighting a shadow on my mercenary and he resisted my pushback? used force speed WITH ELECTRO NET ON HIM. thanks bioware for screwing up pvp.
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well why is it whenever i see assassin/shadows they can easily 1v4 to 1v6 my team and they aren't even tank spec''d it's like when they use saber ward they take NO damage. I was just fighting a shadow on my mercenary and he resisted my pushback? used force speed WITH ELECTRO NET ON HIM. thanks bioware for screwing up pvp.


Force Shroud, it lasts 3 seconds. It resists tech and force by 100%

He also used his break on your electronet.

You're also playing a merc which is underpowered.

You being underpowered=/=Assassins overpowered.

Edited by Darthdaedric
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well why is it whenever i see assassin/shadows they can easily 1v4 to 1v6 my team and they aren't even tank spec''d it's like when they use saber ward they take NO damage. I was just fighting a shadow on my mercenary and he resisted my pushback? used force speed WITH ELECTRO NET ON HIM. thanks bioware for screwing up pvp.


I can 1v4 bads all day...bads.

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Class balance is fine. Assassins do NOT need to be nerfed. Assassins are supposed to be the 1v1 Burst class. .


*cough* BS *cough*


Some scoundrel and op players tried to sell that same line back when the game first launched and people were screaming for the (warranted) nerfs to them. Problem was Bioware slightly over nerfed them.


Mid tree sins/shadows are overpowered at the moment, and there is no decent justification for the insane burst they have, combined with very high mobility and good survivability.


The spec does need to be toned down a little, not a hard nerf, but some changes are needed.

Edited by Paelo
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Class balance is fine. Assassins do NOT need to be nerfed. Assassins are supposed to be the 1v1 Burst class.


*cough* BS *cough*


Some scoundrel and op players tried to sell that same line back when the game first launched and people were screaming for the (warranted) nerfs to them. Problem was Bioware slightly over nerfed them.


Mid tree sins/shadows are overpowered at the moment, and there is no decent justification for the insane burst they have, combined with very high mobility and good survivability.


The spec does need to be toned down a little, not a hard nerf, but some changes are needed.


If you nerf the damage even a little bit, Assassins CANT do anything in PvE! Both specs are terrible as is for sustained.

It's not BS. Assassins are about opening hard out of stealth. After that burst, they're pretty much spent. Oh and if they don't crit? They hit for nothing. They're balanced. Get over it.

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If you nerf the damage even a little bit, Assassins CANT do anything in PvE!.


Extreme exaggerations to try and make your 'please don't nerf my god mode' argument, nice try. Not to mention the changes they need so far as sustained dps in pve has nothing to do with providing justification for them being overpowered in pvp.


Both specs are terrible as is for sustained. .


Again, take the pve issues up with Bioware, it's not an excuse to have severely overpowered mode in pvp.



It's not BS..


Yes, yes it is.


Assassins are about opening hard out of stealth. After that burst, they're pretty much spent. .


Their opener is a big part of their initial burst, but in no way, shape or form are they dependant on it. It's only too easy to destroy other players with their simple rotation even if you're out of stealth. Sounds like you need to learn to play the spec.


Oh and if they don't crit? They hit for nothing. .


Absurd exaggeration :rolleyes:



They're balanced. Get over it.


lol no they're not, accept it.

Edited by Paelo
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Again, they're not god mode, they're burst from stealth, and in LIGHT ARMOR.

You apparently just REALLY suck at the game if you think that class that I have NO TROUBLE countering on my Gunslinger, or Sentinel, is overpowered.

Seriously L2P and stop trying to make my main since the beta uplayable...again.

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Again, they're not god mode,.


God mode, extreme easy mode, call it what you want. It's still overpowered.


they're burst from stealth,.


Extreme burst from stealth, with high sustained damage out of stealth. Every bit in need of tweaking as scoundrels/ops were when the game launched.


and in LIGHT ARMOR. .


Redundant point given the high survivability they have.


You apparently just REALLY suck at the game .


lol, clearly not as much as you suck at it if you think this spec is balanced. Sounds like you're a very poor player who can finally perform moderately well in 1 vs 1's by being carried by the now overpowered spec, and you don't want to stop feeling like a "pro" :rolleyes:



Seriously L2P and stop trying to make my main since the beta unplayable...again.


I suggest you learn to play, and then keep learning. If you're that much of a poor pvp'er that you'd think this spec is fine as is, then you really are a hopeless case.

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Wow. So you're saying that Assassins have great sustained now?

I rest my case. You're clearly just a delusional bad who can't stand the fact that his precious Bounty Hunter is the only terrible base class in PvP and wants to share the pain around to the typical whipping child of nerfs.

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Wow. So you're saying that Assassins have great sustained now?


lol still in denial are we? Granted it's not as good as some other classes sustained dps, but it's still good. Even if you wont admit it.


I rest my case..


You have to have one before you can rest it.


You're clearly just a delusional bad who can't stand the fact that his precious Bounty Hunter is the only terrible base class in PvP and wants to share the pain around to the typical whipping child of nerfs.


You're clearly a sad little twelve year old who refuses to accept his own shortcomings as a player and would rather be carried by an overpowered spec instead of actually learning how to play.

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I have posted tons about this same issue these last days, actually since 2.0 got live, and indeed Mid-Tress of Assasins/Shadows need a nerf, probably decreasing Burst DMG is the best choice, i came to this conclusion the last days noticing that i nearly never kill people without the aid of Burst Rotations, also probably a compensation in increased Sustained DPS could be nice, cause for PvE thats a full need to keep the Long-Run numbers up so u can still be competitive, anyways the only need is to kill Bosses, trash-mobs will probably dont need a sustained dmg if u, like allways, just focus the fire of your DPSs in one at a time, but the lack of sustained dmg is really making Force Management a trouble in PvE long fights.


Tank instance seems fine finally, at least i feel more hard to kill now, in the level of Powertechs/Vanguards, but with a higher DPS output thanks to the "frontal" Maul the instance can proc, anyways pretty much in the level of PT/VG, also no longer have the need to taunt unless i have 2 super-High DPSs in party, ergo 2 Assasins/Shadows-Gunslingers/Snipers-Sentinels/Marauders, bursting a ton at start of the fight or hitting crazy DoTs all the time. In overall is way easier now to tank with the class, also the Absorb Proc from loosing ur Shield charges is, in overall, great, but hard to manage due to cooldowns (shield charges last longer that the ability cooldown and make u loose ur absorb charges)


I know this is a PvP forum, but that pretty much sum all my thoughts about the class Post-2.0.

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My commando kills assassins just fine. My shien guardian takes on multiple opponents just fine, so its not a 'assassin' only thing.


You kill and you get killed thats what its about in warzones, if you're fighting an opponent 4v1 and he still kills all of you then you're just bad (or you forgot to look for the bloody healer). One or even 2 of you should have had the common sense to heal those that were focused or guard or interrupt or snare or etc....


Yes assassins have big burst when exiting stealth, but gueess what they always have, i remember back in 1.0-1.1 how i hated those mid tree assassins as they tore through my sage. Don't turn your back to a assassin/shadow, move arround as well instead of letting them just circle you or run if you feel like you can't handle em on your own.

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Yes assassins have big burst when exiting stealth, but gueess what they always have, i remember back in 1.0-1.1 how i hated those mid tree assassins as they tore through my sage..


Big burst is one thing, the way they are now is something else. They are basically like scoundrels/op's were at game launch, and that is a stupid amount of burst damage. A good sin/shadow can kill most people before they even pick themselves up off the ground.


Scoundrels and Op's were nerfed, no reason why the same shouldn't now apply to mid tree sins/shadows. The only difference I would suggest is that the nerf be mild, unlike the heavy handed approach Bioware took to scoundrels and ops.



Don't turn your back to a assassin/shadow, .


Brilliant suggestion :rolleyes: Now remind us, when a character is in stealth, which direction is not placing your back to them? Silly players for not carrying giant portable walls to plant their back against with them everywhere they walk.

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1v4? Pffff...


On my server, the GM's know me, and they always put me solo in WZ's (1 vs 8) in order for the other team to at least stand a chance. Small chances but still.


L2p and kill more than 4 people at once!


Yeah I can second that, I just won a Huttball 1v8 as an assassin, it was funny.


I grabbed the ball first, popped Deflection and nobody could hit me! I just walked right in, Phase Walked back to mid and did it again, this time with my out of stealth Blackout. ;)


Soon as I woke up I had to tell you guys!

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For all you haters that haven't been playing deception for over a year.. go **** yourselves. We deserve a moment to shine. We have no more utility then others. Ours is geared towards bursting someone down. If you take that away its goes back to the year that deception was useless and everyone rolled tankassin. No thank you. I have been faithful to the tree from day one and I am happy people notice it and actually have to run when you pop on 'em.


If you are gunna nerf us then nerf everyone else at the same time. We are where we need to be.


Start queuing with healers if you don't won't to get rolled. Do some ranked then come complain. 99% of these posts are from people who queue randoms and hate that they don't go 20-0.


Randoms aren't balanced. We are not OP in ranked. We are finally useful.

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Yeah I can second that, I just won a Huttball 1v8 as an assassin, it was funny.


I grabbed the ball first, popped Deflection and nobody could hit me! I just walked right in, Phase Walked back to mid and did it again, this time with my out of stealth Blackout. ;)


Soon as I woke up I had to tell you guys!


This is ********.. don't feed them. For one deflection doesn't make you invincible. Secondly, end zone to mid is over 100m.

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