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Republic always wins...


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Well...80% of the time the republic side on TOFN wins every normal warzone, even if they have premades or not. Why is this? Is it because kids want to be Darth Vader or something?


How come in almost every warzone I join, even if I'm in a pre made, there are always people who act like traffic cones sitting on a chair in front of the keyboard? Are warzones REALLY that difficult? I mean, the rules are clearly explained in the loading screen...


BW you need to make cross server WZ where people of similar valor rating can group up....

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I'm on TOFN too


I noticed that last night/this morning (although I maybe a "cone"). I was playing Voidstar and our pug leader told us to focus on defending the doors. 90% of our group went off looking for the enemy. That wouldn't have been so bad, if all the other team hadn't managed to sneak past them. There were only (IIRC) 2 of us at both doors, and the other guy with me was a healer. This was all in the first minute of the game. I remember the leader saying "are you f****** kidding me ? " I don't know if that was directed at us guarding, or that the rest of the team went on their bloodthirsty way. It was funny, all I remember after that was him saying "let's hope that they defend as well as we did" !


Same with Novare Coast. We managed to get control and hold 2 nodes quite easily. I noticed that there wasn't anybody at the Western Node and called out. I was the only one at the Central node. Nobody listened. Within a space of 3 minutes, we lost both nodes. For some reason, at the last minute all the rest of my pug decided to run to my node, the one node that had been defended from the beginning.


I'm know I'm not good, I'm probably bottom of the barrel (lol), and even though it was my 1st day (yay!) doing warzones, it didn't make any sense for people to leave nodes undefended.


Don't get me wrong, I didn't choose to play the roles of defending nodes, doors and whatnot, I didn't really see an option as nobody else was. I really enjoyed it though, it was great!


I may have died like 50 million times, but IMHO, I did it defending my door or my node (and I took a fair few of them down with me!)



I agree with Pathlight- the republic have great teamwork, especially when it comes to distracting players in HB!

Edited by timewyrm
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Server based, and I think its a positive feedback loop... any somewhat serious pvper will google which side is better for their server, and make that their main faction. Non-serious players who don't care (and are probably a little worse) just do whatever.


When I began to play I made a pub toon to level 10, decided I liked the game, then searched deeper to what faction/class I should play. On POT5, imp side is more populated and is somewhat better in PvP, so that's where I rolled.

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Perhaps different matches at different times? I find that in my server, from early morning rep totally dominate the pvp scene, midday to lunch is a mixed bag, late afternoon imp seems to win a bit more....but at night, the Empire rules!!
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I'm on POT5 - I agree with what a previous POT5'r said. Imps seem to win a bit more. Although, I've gone through plenty of winning streaks on Pub side also. Thing about POT5 though, is that there are SO many more Imps that it seems like I'm in a same-faction WZ half the time. I feel kinda bad picking on the guy I was just helping last WZ, that is, until he notices my sniper pew-pewing at him, and starts kicking my @ss. :)
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When I play Rep, Imps seem to always win. When I play Imp, Reps seem to always win.


Yes, I suck so much that I drag my team towards inevitable defeat.:D


Jokes aside, though - it's a matter of perception. Losses just burn more brightly in your mind, making you remember them more than victories.

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We, the pubs on ToFN, are generally better at everything except Huttball. Hard to win at Huttball when many of the imps come from guilds where it has become standard to be a bunch of cheating baddies. Today I was in a game where we used sent speedbuff and had a scoundrel roll and they still managed to get the ball way ahead of us. Same guild as always on the other side of course.



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At release it was like Empire wins 52% of the WZ according to stats from Bioware and people still claim the side you're not on won all the time.


That said since the Empire actually had a statistically meaningful advantage originally what likely to have happened is that all the weak players eventually rerolled on the winning side which swing the balance in the other way. I've found in general people in Republic side are extremely afraid of losing. I usually see the exact 2 or 3 guilds if not the exact same 8 guys all running exactly the proper class configuration over and over for the Republic side. Pre 2.0 it's probably against the Republic treaty to run a Commando DPS of any kind while Empire side I see plenty of guys futilely try to play a Merc DPS.


Compared to that, I don't always even see the anybody from my last WZ on the Empire side between games. Simply from mapping out the names of commonly seen people you can infer there's usually about ~20 guys who play on the Republic consistently while the Empire may have 100 guys. I'm guessing 40 of those guys originally was on the Republic side but rerolled to our side, so you end up with Republic side being top heavy because all the bad players rerolled on Empire. That said, these guys can't exactly go back because if they go back, they're bad enough that they can actually ruin a premade and still lose anyway, so their best shot is hoping to get an Empire vs Empire game and that their opponent is even worse than they are.

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  • 1 year later...

Republic PvPers are plaguing the Progenitor, to put it 'in a sick manner'. 1 out of 20 matches is an Imp win - but that is at max level PvP: 50 first, then 55, and now at level 60. Had my head rammed up my bum, and then had THAT rammed TWICE into a rock wall and had that wall fall down on me by a very annoying, stalking Jedi Shadow that kept murdering everything, while the rest of the Rep team plainly sat at a turret and did little to nothing. Urgh.


So yeah, depending on server, the other side is either rolling, steam-rolling or STAR DESTROYER-CRASHING the other team. In this case on the Progenitor, the Reps are utterly destroying the game for any Imp PvPer, or most of them.


Not to mention PvP flagged reps seem to panickingly rush into me when I attack normal NPCs, same stalking. They are outright being... "thing between the legs" towards every Imp they come across. Pathetic is all I can say without using profanity.


So many Reps being ...rearholes, even against themselves if they face their own side in PvP. Ugly.


But, I digress- this is the way of most PvP in any game that exist. And the winners become unbearable to even look at. But I see them as pathetic and devoid of a proper life, or full of miserable life, having to resort to pouring their bad lives into murdering everyone in sight if they can.


Sorry for my long monologue, people.


Urgh, short version; Republic PvPers plaguing a lot of the game, and PvP matches are essentially lost before the match begins.


I hope something is done to FORCE balance upon both teams so that everyone is as good as equal, instead of one side being the Steroid addicts and the other the punching bags.



Forgot to mention, Rep PvPers also actively stalk Imp mission areas from Tatooine and up and rush to other Imps very much entirely to be d... i c ks (yeah, I had to say it) and feel like gods.

I got a few words for those pathetic idiots - PLAY GAMES WHERE YOU 'ARE' GOD! It helps, actually. At least for me, just annihalate a few towns if you feel like being an absolute prock.

Edited by Balnazaar
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