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Ability Skins

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Bear with me here.


Please consider ability skins for the cartel market. I think these items could sell particularly well, and they would add a very cool level of immersion and customization to he game.


Essentially, the way it would work would be like a modification slot for abilities, but instead of upgrades, you could put in cosmetic modifications that would change the appearance of the ability in the game.


Basic example: The Sith Inquisitor's Force Lightning ability could have a skin that makes it look like the Jedi Consular's Telekinetic throw. Or even more basic, simple color skins, so you could have red/green/blue/orange/white lightning instead of purple.


Expanding on that idea, there are more unique things you could do. A more advanced skin, like something that actually caused significant animation changes to abilities, could cost more. For example, you could have a skin for the Trooper's Storm ability that made it so he run's up and punches the enemy instead of stock striking him (kind of a lame example, but you understand).


Finally, if you wanted to even further expand upon it, you could make it so some abilities had slots for sound customization as well. For example, Lightsaber abilities could be modified to have more of a derelict Episode IV-VI sound. Abilities where the character shouts could be given a different vocalization, or a phrase ("Get over here!" for a taunt or something).


Think about it :jawa_smile:

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I really like this idea! I've been wishing for something like this for our class specific out of combat health regen abilities for a long time, I can see it being neat applied to other abilities as well. I seem to be a minority here, but I'd love to trade some of my light side Inquisitor's hunched, inelegant looking "spells" for the more graceful looking Consular ones.


Sounds like a good legacy unlock, as well.

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I really like this idea! I've been wishing for something like this for our class specific out of combat health regen abilities for a long time, I can see it being neat applied to other abilities as well. I seem to be a minority here, but I'd love to trade some of my light side Inquisitor's hunched, inelegant looking "spells" for the more graceful looking Consular ones.


Sounds like a good legacy unlock, as well.


Hadn't even thought of the health regeneration abilities. Great idea! It might be difficult to show a Saber wielder Reloading his weapon or shooting a coin out of the air, but it certainly wouldn't be hard to show any character Seething, Channeling Hatred, or Meditating.

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that's a great idea! but if they can't even do chat bubbles and crap like that because "it's hard" i doubt they could ever do something like this lol. i would love black lightning, like jaina solo used. red would be awesome too <3
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that's a great idea! but if they can't even do chat bubbles and crap like that because "it's hard" i doubt they could ever do something like this lol. i would love black lightning, like jaina solo used. red would be awesome too <3


Thanks! Black lightning would be sick :)


I think the reason this could be more feasible than chat bubbles is because that requires them to create sort of a new mechanic, albeit a minor one (btw I think that would be a good addition too). With this though, it's could be as simple as slapping on a different coat of paint. Obviously I'm hoping this idea really takes off.

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And you think this wouldn't break pvp mechanics?


Oh look! Healer, kill him!


...oh crap, sorry man, took your stockstrike for revification... :rolleyes:


I don't think anyone suggested anything that outlandish. Obviously it would be completely ridiculous to allow an ability to look like something it obviously isn't. But a simple palette swap, or a faction animation change would not cause that kind of confusion.


Even a slight animation change, like the storm one I mentioned above, wouldn't cause that confusion.

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What exactly is the problem with that? Pay attention more to who you're about to attack.


^This too. There are other indicators in PvP about who you're attacking besides animations. Icons, character panels, ability effects, and channel bars, to name a few. In fact, given that not all abilities are particularly flashy and obvious, basing your targeting decisions on the ability animations you see doesn't seem like a very good strategy at all.


And the argument is rendered moot anyway, because it's essentially the same as saying "how will I know who to attack if people can wear whatever gear they want?" I would say allowing a Jedi Knight to wear Trooper gear is a lot more potentially confusing in PvP than allowing a Sith Inquisitor to paint his lightning a different color, but the game allows for that.


What we need to steer this conversation back to is the realistic possibility of Ability Skins. This is the Cartel Market suggestion thread, which means the best ideas are the ones that can make money. I think Ability Skins have a really strong possibility to generate a solid chunk of change for the game. Even if you discard how exciting this would be for the role-playing community, how many average players would think it was really cool to have that coveted black lightning? I for one don't role-play much at all, but I think it would be awesome for my trooper to emit an EMP effect when he uses explosive surge, or have my cryo grenade show up as some kind of black adhesive tar.


Replace Jawa-grams in Cartel Packs with these. Wouldn't you be more likely to risk that cartel pack gamble if you thought there was a chance of you getting a cool ability effect, instead of some one shot goofy Jawa-gram?

Edited by Axe_Faktor
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  • 4 weeks later...

Was just thinking this exact idea for the cm. some examples I thought of.


Mercs missles with different trail effects or different types of explosions.

Sorcs with diff color lightning.

Ops with different skins on probes. Different color heals.

Maybe lightsaber effects for jugs and maras.


I'd pay for stuff like this.

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I really like this idea! I've been wishing for something like this for our class specific out of combat health regen abilities for a long time, I can see it being neat applied to other abilities as well.


Don't life day orb, kolto tank, carbon freez, and R/C space ship already do this?

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  • 2 months later...
Don't life day orb, kolto tank, carbon freez, and R/C space ship already do this?


Yeah except for those you need a "toy" to do it with. What I was suggesting was an equipable skin. Wouldn't it be nicer to pick your favorite one of those and just snap it onto your class recharge ability so that you didn't have to waste that slot in your inventory. Also with equipable skins, you could have a different class' recharge. Wouldn't it be cool for the sake of customization to have your Dark Side Consular seethe or channel rage or whatever it's called?

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Was just thinking this exact idea for the cm. some examples I thought of.


Mercs missles with different trail effects or different types of explosions.

Sorcs with diff color lightning.

Ops with different skins on probes. Different color heals.

Maybe lightsaber effects for jugs and maras.


I'd pay for stuff like this.


Hadn't checked in on this thread in a while. Disappointed that it didn't get the attention I thought it would, but maybe it's not something a lot of people are into.


I like your ideas Sev, especially the skins on probes. That's a good one. Still got my fingers crossed for this some time in the future.

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Yeah except for those you need a "toy" to do it with. What I was suggesting was an equipable skin. Wouldn't it be nicer to pick your favorite one of those and just snap it onto your class recharge ability so that you didn't have to waste that slot in your inventory. Also with equipable skins, you could have a different class' recharge. Wouldn't it be cool for the sake of customization to have your Dark Side Consular seethe or channel rage or whatever it's called?



As a City of Heroes refugee this sounds a lot like requests that were made for years, often written off as too hard, that were finally implemented with great popularity.


Personally I don't see a problem with using toys/gadgets in inventory. The option to buy extra inventory space means Bioware(?) could make even more money out of it making it even more viable/profitable. That said, these items could also drop onto the missions item panel just like the VIP bracelet/ring/whatever-it-is does now.


I can't see color options happening soon, but gadgets to use an opposite AC's animation should be much easier & faster. I'd pay for a few of those choices.

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