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James Olen said


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JO Said back when the hedious black hole/campaign gear came out that the next "set" of gear would look but fuggin ugly and they would do a better job of making it more "Star Wars" in theme.


WEll he was half right, what they manged to do is go a step past "but fugging ugly" and made some new level of crap.


What happened to making STAR WARS armor. Underworld SI look like a purple cat suit, the Bounty Hunter looks like some monster from a "B: horror movie, Troopers have a satalite on their forehead.


Seriously you actually pay people to come up with this garbage, i know EAware has cut many corners but not only sis you use a dart board to put the worst stats possible on the gear you made it look so bad no-one will ever wear it unless they are mocking the people who "designed" it.


Its been proven you can amke stuff look decent and star warsy like the Jedi Valiant armor and the Eradicator Warsuit. You can make good armor, why is it you have to take stuff not even the blizard art department could take seriously and they have PANDAS in that game.

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Blizzard gear has been mostly pretty atrocious too, just sayin'. I mean, every time I look at their new tiers, I'm like, "ok, what embarrassing horror will they unleash this time?" But yeah, it's fantasy and they can be all crazy. It's a challenge to come up with a VARIETY of outfits that can fit in with the Star Wars universe. I'm just glad we can easily mod up gear. I honestly have my character's look picked out from months back and I only ever care about the mods. Edited by chuixupu
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Blizzard gear has been mostly pretty atrocious too, just sayin'. I mean, every time I look at their new tiers, I'm like, "ok, what embarrassing horror will they unleash this time?" But yeah, it's fantasy and they can be all crazy. It's a challenge to come up with a VARIETY of outfits that can fit in with the Star Wars universe. I'm just glad we can easily mod up gear. I honestly have my character's look picked out from months back and I only ever care about the mods.


having modable gear is great... however just because the gear in the game is modable doesn't mean you can crap the bed when it comes to making a new gearset.

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having modable gear is great... however just because the gear in the game is modable doesn't mean you can crap the bed when it comes to making a new gearset.


If they could make new tiers that actually look good that would be great, but honestly I've just lost hope for that, considering I lost hope for WoW to ever make a decent looking gear set years ago. It probably doesn't help that they know a lot of people just remod to their choice of style anyway.

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In relation to Tier gear. I think one of 2 things are going to happen in the near future.


1. Instead of gear they will sell "slot stats" that will have all of the pieces of the gear to put in the orange gear you want


2. All Tier gear will have the same look and we will have a tab in the character window for appearance (where we put the orange gear instead of modding them)


Either of these I would actually like :)

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WoW had a couple nice sets. Especially in the beginning. But do I need to bring up the Mage Firelands gear? That set was the most unoriginal boring gear I have ever seen... http://img1.mmo.mmo4arab.com/news/2010/10/14/wow_tier11/tier11_mage_male1.jpg


Well I did take care to say 'almost always' :p


They had a few good ones, Pally T2 and Rogue T9 are on my personal favourites list

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There is a silver lining in this. Since the new high-end armor is always so hideous, I don't have to spend time ginding comms for it or doing ops and such. The stuff in the CM, cartel packs and some of the original orange gear are much nicer. Edited by dpwms
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End game raid gear is almost always hideous, it's an unwritten rule of MMO design.


Yeah but... it's supposed to be a reward. I thought the idea of "visual progression" was to entice people to that content, not make them go "eugh" and pull a face.


And I still like the Agent coat we have this time around! I just don't like the colours...

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having modable gear is great... however just because the gear in the game is modable doesn't mean you can crap the bed when it comes to making a new gearset.


Can you site a reference in the Bioware design guide that supports this claim? :p


Seriously though... there is no pleasing a broad customer base with gear appearance.. EVER. So the modability, and the ability to carry set bonus with mods gives the players a whole new level of freedom that no other MMO gives (with the possible exception of LoTRO and it's appearance tab covering up it's armor sins).

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Can you site a reference in the Bioware design guide that supports this claim? :p


Seriously though... there is no pleasing a broad customer base with gear appearance.. EVER. So the modability, and the ability to carry set bonus with mods gives the players a whole new level of freedom that no other MMO gives (with the possible exception of LoTRO and it's appearance tab covering up it's armor sins).


I really miss the appearance tab. Bioware could make a killing by adding the appearance tab then selling appearance gear like LOTRO did.

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I've totally given up on helmets in this game, though it would be sweet if they could add hair of the proper color to imperial officer hats!


When you hide the helm on some of these newer armors I'd say they aren't too bad overall. I will say they have a strange tendency to glue stuff to the players back that makes no sense. Sometimes nothing is fine for the back of a player.

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Can you site a reference in the Bioware design guide that supports this claim? :p


Of course they wouldnt support a claim like that. That would make them look terrible. But they are definitely able to hold less accountability for endgame gear thanks to the modding system. If we were all FORCED to look like these new armor models, then threads like this would be created every hour. But with the way it is now, people can take one look at the set on Dulfy, decide they want to keep their current look, and then forget about it and never have to see it on their characters.


Seriously though... there is no pleasing a broad customer base with gear appearance.. EVER.


it's true that there's no way to please a broad customer base with appearance, but they could be doing MUCH better. There is next to no positive feedback on these sets. At least not that I've seen. This is subjective though so I could be wrong...maybe people really do like them.


So the modability, and the ability to carry set bonus with mods gives the players a whole new level of freedom that no other MMO gives (with the possible exception of LoTRO and it's appearance tab covering up it's armor sins).


A LOT of games other than LOTRO have an appearance tab. And yes the set bonuses carry over and everything.


"a whole new level of freedom that no other MMO gives"? :confused::confused: I've always thought people were harsh on you for being a fanboy, but damn. You cant just come in making up well known facts. It completely throws away your credibility.

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There are a number of pieces of battle master and war hero gear that I really like for my bounty hunter, so i mixed the best of the ones I liked and even went to the trouble of getting a second set incase i needed a set for pve and a set for pvp. I'm pretty sure it will be a long time before I find any gear I like better, so all i need are mods. they can make as much crazy gear as they want as long as I have one orange piece for each slot i like.
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I thought the black hole smuggler gear was quite nice. It had a lot of detail work that had gone into the armour with pouches etc.


The current basic/partisan set is a lot less details, although the higher level sets are better.

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JO Said back when the hedious black hole/campaign gear came out that the next "set" of gear would look but fuggin ugly and they would do a better job of making it more "Star Wars" in theme.


WEll he was half right, what they manged to do is go a step past "but fugging ugly" and made some new level of crap.


What happened to making STAR WARS armor. Underworld SI look like a purple cat suit, the Bounty Hunter looks like some monster from a "B: horror movie, Troopers have a satalite on their forehead.


Seriously you actually pay people to come up with this garbage, i know EAware has cut many corners but not only sis you use a dart board to put the worst stats possible on the gear you made it look so bad no-one will ever wear it unless they are mocking the people who "designed" it.


Its been proven you can amke stuff look decent and star warsy like the Jedi Valiant armor and the Eradicator Warsuit. You can make good armor, why is it you have to take stuff not even the blizard art department could take seriously and they have PANDAS in that game.


You want armor that looks Star Wars-y? Buy it on the Cartel Market or find some being resold on the GTN. Sorry, but that's just gonna be the way it is. They know people want to look more authentic to the Star Wars universe and since many people have said so in these very forums, they know that they are willing to pay for it. So, pay for it we will.



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Can you site a reference in the Bioware design guide that supports this claim? :p


Seriously though... there is no pleasing a broad customer base with gear appearance.. EVER. So the modability, and the ability to carry set bonus with mods gives the players a whole new level of freedom that no other MMO gives (with the possible exception of LoTRO and it's appearance tab covering up it's armor sins).


I guess you haven't played Guild Wars 2, then. They let you transfer stats from and to all pieces of gear and they have an armor coloring system in place. So... yeah. This game is actually a bit behind in terms of customization, which is a shame.


Otherwise... yeah, I don't know what's up with some of the gear. I understand that you can't please everybody, but I just can't see all that many people be happy about the looks of some of the new (and old) gear. I want to say it's all done just so they can put the nice-looking pieces in the CM, but honestly, those haven't exactly blown me away, either.

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The BH merc set looks so bad. The helm looks like a mummy put on a blast shield helmet then got shot in the face by the death star.

Also of note Bioware has completely screwed itemization on the new gear. I'm going to have to win a total of 3 offhand weapon tokens and a couple sets of boots in order to counter the errors with mods/enhancements they have made for bounty hunter arsenal spec. It is pretty ridiculous that the devs don't even understand or grasp their own game and keep making such gross errors with the gear. Please Bioware make it so we can turn in the operations drop tokens for 1 armoring, 1 mod, 1 enhancement of our choosing (also 1 barrel/hilt for the weapon tokens). It is obvious at this point that the devs are never going to get gear itemization right so please just make that change and let the players take care of it.

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JO Said back when the hedious black hole/campaign gear came out that the next "set" of gear would look but fuggin ugly and they would do a better job of making it more "Star Wars" in theme.


WEll he was half right, what they manged to do is go a step past "but fugging ugly" and made some new level of crap.


What happened to making STAR WARS armor. Underworld SI look like a purple cat suit, the Bounty Hunter looks like some monster from a "B: horror movie, Troopers have a satalite on their forehead.


Seriously you actually pay people to come up with this garbage, i know EAware has cut many corners but not only sis you use a dart board to put the worst stats possible on the gear you made it look so bad no-one will ever wear it unless they are mocking the people who "designed" it.


Its been proven you can amke stuff look decent and star warsy like the Jedi Valiant armor and the Eradicator Warsuit. You can make good armor, why is it you have to take stuff not even the blizard art department could take seriously and they have PANDAS in that game.


This sort of thing tends to happen with alot of artists/designers who just want to be creative. In other words they want to do their own thing without being bound to whatever property they're working on. I'm not excusing it just giving an explanation as to why it happens.


The other problem that you can run into is when you have the lead artists, art director, etc, leave and/or move on to different things which can cause inconsistency with future designs especially if the new art leads aren't trying to continue on with what was previously established.


To me personally, whoever designed the Sith Inquisitor gear during the game's production had the right idea. Design around the character, ie their personality, what they do, what they're like, etc. So you saw these really fancy and elaborate robes robes that give off a level of arrogance, and wanting to show off, but then at the same time there are these details worked into the armor that are scary and intimidating like the shoulder pads, masks, and so on.


Note for those that don't know, this is what I'm talking about...



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