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Gear Req for 55 HM FP

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I recommend 150 or you won't be able to finish any of the optional bosses, and will definitely have real trouble with several of the main bosses.


I blasted through a good amount the other night with 146 gear (The WH set once they removed the expertise) and we did all optional bosses and it wasn't straining at all for me as a healer, usually let the fights with over 50% force. To be fair though the Tank was in a lot for 69's & 72's so I'm sure that helped me a lot.

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I blasted through a good amount the other night with 146 gear (The WH set once they removed the expertise) and we did all optional bosses and it wasn't straining at all for me as a healer, usually let the fights with over 50% force. To be fair though the Tank was in a lot for 69's & 72's so I'm sure that helped me a lot.


Ahh good to know. I actually had 150s before I went in so it's hard for me to judge the low end until I get other toons in there.

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Ahh good to know. I actually had 150s before I went in so it's hard for me to judge the low end until I get other toons in there.



Yeah, I've been busy working on getting my Conqueror PvP set so I haven't ran any since we did those power runs. I think that if my Tank wasn't geared out (and was actually a damn good tank) already it would have been more of a pain to get through, I'll test it out more this week.


But if Toborro's Courtyard is any indication people should be fine with 146 gear going into the HM FP's. I healed the HM 16 man in WH gear with conq/partisan relics/implants and did just fine. I was struggling to keep my Force up, but as long as I was aware of the boss/add positioning i could noble sacrifice and run through the AOE heals to recoup my lost health. But lets be honest, anything in this game is easy if you know what you're halfway competent and don't stand where you're not supposed to as a healer and the DPS can beat the enrage. These aren't anything near as difficult as the 40 man raids in the game that shall not be named.

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I've done it on my Shadow with Campaign/Black Hole/Hazmat gear tanking. Everyone else had the same gear levels as me it looked like when we ran it. It's more work for the healer but if it's a good healer it won't make much of a difference.
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I recommend 150 or you won't be able to finish any of the optional bosses, and will definitely have real trouble with several of the main bosses.


Every time someone has come undergeared to BH/rakata level we've always had to skip the bonus boss, most simply can't keep us with the enrage timer or healing needed.

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Myself, my wife and a friend queued together and got a tank who had 24k hps, recruit implants and earpiece, a few peices of black hole and a tionese chest. Oh how I looked down upon them and really wanted to quit before we started.


He was actually a really good tank, my friend is a great healer which was needed but this guy in horrible gear was a really good tank and cad went smoothly including the bonus bosses right to the end. Once I made the rest of the team spec root break in force speed (team was 2 sins, 1 sorc and my BH so had hydraulic overrides) the last boss was comically easy.


Upshot is gear is really good to have but a good player is even better to get on team.

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Myself, my wife and a friend queued together and got a tank who had 24k hps, recruit implants and earpiece, a few peices of black hole and a tionese chest. Oh how I looked down upon them and really wanted to quit before we started.


He was actually a really good tank, my friend is a great healer which was needed but this guy in horrible gear was a really good tank and cad went smoothly including the bonus bosses right to the end. Once I made the rest of the team spec root break in force speed (team was 2 sins, 1 sorc and my BH so had hydraulic overrides) the last boss was comically easy.


Upshot is gear is really good to have but a good player is even better to get on team.

Well, Cad is a pretty easy one. MR and HS will require quite a bit more from the tank and healer (some of the MR trash and the 4 man boss, HS bonus boss).

To be fair, my issues with HS bonus might have been due to healer class - the times we struggled it was one of our alt or offspec merc healers, and while operatives are heavily HOT reliant and sorcs have their bubbles and great aoe in addition to their basic hot (and act more like a bursty healer anyway, resurgence > innervate (> revification when warranted) > recover resources) they're both less susceptible to being stunned than the more cast-reliant mercs. This is one area where skill can really compensate though - the one time "hard" turned into "can't do it", we had 1 person time it and call out when it was about to stun so I could pop hydraulic overirdes and not be affected.

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I do find it amusing that we aren't even a month in and people are already saying to over gear the instances.


They are completely doable in optimized, augmented campaign gear as long as you know your class. Tanks will need to use CDs on some trash pulls in MR and healers need to be on the ball but its not hard. First runs on day 2 of early access, through group finder, we were downing them without issue in augmented 61/63s. Still haven't seen a 55 HM enrage.


If you haven't raided pre-ROTHC and you don't have well itemized or augmented gear you might want to get 63/66 pieces first.

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Yesterday was running Athiss in my itemized 66 set for jugg (with stats as close to the spreadsheet as they can be), but the healer was in BH gear. We couldn't get past the kresh beast, because the healing didn't cut it. Healers critswere lower than normal heals from my 54 healer in full 66.


I guess you can have campaign as tank or DPS, but healer must be properly geared, or he can't out heal the damage - especially on things like Hammer bonus boss

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I do find it amusing that we aren't even a month in and people are already saying to over gear the instances.


They are completely doable in optimized, augmented campaign gear as long as you know your class. Tanks will need to use CDs on some trash pulls in MR and healers need to be on the ball but its not hard. First runs on day 2 of early access, through group finder, we were downing them without issue in augmented 61/63s. Still haven't seen a 55 HM enrage.


If you haven't raided pre-ROTHC and you don't have well itemized or augmented gear you might want to get 63/66 pieces first.

actually, I've seen 55hm bonus boss enrage, hammer sation... but that's what happens when healer and 2 ranged dps stack right under bosses arse....

but I am amused on how much time all bosses have till enrage... maybe it's bugged? people got used to be outgearing and become arogant and expect to get easy and smooth run.

I will say even more, bosses are to easy. Atleast compared with trash mobs :o

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The problem is not necessarily gear, but skill.


My 55 Sin tank has a mixture of 146 and 156 gear. The reason all of it isn't 156 is very simple, some of the 156 gear actually causes stat-loss for me. For example the tanking gloves for 156 I lose 54 shield, but gain 47 accuracy? Not worth the 12 armor boost with the new stuff. Essentially I am mini-maxed for my area, and until I can get some elite comms and gear, I am stuck as a hybrid 146/156 tank.


That being said, the mobs hit HARD. But it is doable. The healing checks are ridiculous at times, and if the healer isn't at the absolute top of their game you will fail. Second boss on Athiss was nearly impossible for us because nobody would bring me the adds, and as a tank it's not quick enough for me to run out and grab them before the healer dies. Those little guys in HM Athiss hit for a LOT each hit, so the healer has about 6-10 seconds to get me the adds, or we meet up with the adds before they are dead. This healer failed at it.. I could easily tank the bosses with a hybrid 146/156 layout as a sin tank.


Mechanics become crucial at the 55HM's.. Those circles on the ground you heal through in normal, you WILL NOT heal through them in HM.. Guaranteed.

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The problem is not necessarily gear, but skill.


My 55 Sin tank has a mixture of 146 and 156 gear. The reason all of it isn't 156 is very simple, some of the 156 gear actually causes stat-loss for me. For example the tanking gloves for 156 I lose 54 shield, but gain 47 accuracy? Not worth the 12 armor boost with the new stuff. Essentially I am mini-maxed for my area, and until I can get some elite comms and gear, I am stuck as a hybrid 146/156 tank.


That being said, the mobs hit HARD. But it is doable. The healing checks are ridiculous at times, and if the healer isn't at the absolute top of their game you will fail. Second boss on Athiss was nearly impossible for us because nobody would bring me the adds, and as a tank it's not quick enough for me to run out and grab them before the healer dies. Those little guys in HM Athiss hit for a LOT each hit, so the healer has about 6-10 seconds to get me the adds, or we meet up with the adds before they are dead. This healer failed at it.. I could easily tank the bosses with a hybrid 146/156 layout as a sin tank.


Mechanics become crucial at the 55HM's.. Those circles on the ground you heal through in normal, you WILL NOT heal through them in HM.. Guaranteed.


Then you get one of the other pieces and grab the enhancement from there and put in the gloves ;)

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