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RotHC stands for Rise of the Healer Cartel


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I'm not saying that healing isnt a bit over the top but it seems as if the average healer is significally better at what he'/she is doing than the average DPS. It would really help the situation of the so called damage dealers learned how to break 500 DPS in a game where we have the potential of going +2000 DPS. Oh and I don't know, perhaps attack the marked enemy players.


I bet that the average IQ among dedicated healers is 20 points higher than for the damage dealers.

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I'm not saying that healing isnt a bit over the top but it seems as if the average healer is significally better at what he'/she is doing than the average DPS. It would really help the situation of the so called damage dealers learned how to break 500 DPS in a game where we have the potential of going +2000 DPS. Oh and I don't know, perhaps attack the marked enemy players.


I bet that the average IQ among dedicated healers is 9000 points higher than for the damage dealers.



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They upped the damage and the heals.

Breaking a million in either isn't a big deal anymore.

Healers are not unkillable.

If you think they are, try playing a healer for a while, let yourself get to be known as a healer, see how much you get focused, and then see if you actually think playing is fun any more...


Healers, in general, are more used to paying attention to other players in warzones. They are more situationally aware than other players quite often. There are a lot of bad dpsers out there who think their only job in a warzone is to tab target and dps players. They don't attack the key enemies and they don't pay attention to objectives which is SO ironic since a lot of them have really crap DPS.


As a healer I'm looking at the health of my group and the map a lot. I notice if the health of someone guarding a node solo is going down and I react accordingly. A lot of players I've grouped with don't even have their ops frame up even though it's a handy tool. Or how many times do you find yourself at a node, look around and there's 1 enemy and 5 of your team members are standing there killing him instead of concerning themselves with where the other 7 enemies are?



Tangent. Sorry. Where was I? Oh. Yeah. Healers aren't unkillable.

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shut up


What an interesting statement!


On topic, I agree healers are really difficult to kill at the moment especially op/scoun healers. Even when electro netted they still have plenty of ways to not die when getting jumped by several people.

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It really depends on the people attacking me. I held off 3 DPS in Civil War for about 45 seconds by kiting them (disappearing act was on cooldown) and healing myself. But, really, it was only possible because they must have forgotten to bind their interrupt skills
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I see that you haven't tried out 10-29. My healer would be more useful dpsing. Which I sadly often end up doing anyway when the guy I was trying to heal dies in the middle of my cast.

Yup I've tried that bracket, but I'm referring to the others one ^^

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Try to play a healer when u get marked and the other team's dps come for you every time you show your face: cast, pop cd, cast cast cast, die.


Alone yes I die (got a commando, sorc and scoundrel heal btw). But the moment that there is an other healer with me, we both support our self and BANG, ''You are Invisible'' will come out of Satale Shan mouth ^^

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Grouping up seems the way to go; although I still say it is more beneficial for the healer.


All it took was solo-queuing with my merc BG for a handful of matches, getting around 600k healing in losses while even focused and meanwhile, having my team only have a total of maybe 15 kills. I think I actually even saw less at one point. With no peals and seldom even so much as a taunt? I think I will reserve that toon for if I join a guild and want to group up for PvP. Otherwise, will take it back arsenal.

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Tangent. Sorry. Where was I? Oh. Yeah. Healers aren't unkillable.


I know they are not unkillable, but when i play on my healing Commando and my friend on his Sage, I found it lame that 5 imps try to kill me and fail. So no I'm not a DPS crybaby who only play to jump and smash brainlessly everything around me. Like I said in a early reply, I do have a commando, sorc and scoundrel healers (48, 50 and 52). So as a healer, I found my self too powerful and demand to be nerfed to mediocrity ^^.

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I know they are not unkillable, but when i play on my healing Commando and my friend on his Sage, I found it lame that 5 imps try to kill me and fail. So no I'm not a DPS crybaby who only play to jump and smash brainlessly everything around me. Like I said in a early reply, I do have a commando, sorc and scoundrel healers (48, 50 and 52). So as a healer, I found my self too powerful and demand to be nerfed to mediocrity ^^.


Then as a healer start using only one healing ability and stop kiting. Leave other healers alone please. Skillful player is always hard to beat and achieveing decent production from his skills. Those crying dps were most likely trying to solo-faceroll their way into killing healer in a group of people. Well - doesn't work that way anymore - and that's how it should be.

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They upped the damage and the heals.

Breaking a million in either isn't a big deal anymore.

Healers are not unkillable.

If you think they are, try playing a healer for a while, let yourself get to be known as a healer, see how much you get focused, and then see if you actually think playing is fun any more...


Healers, in general, are more used to paying attention to other players in warzones. They are more situationally aware than other players quite often. There are a lot of bad dpsers out there who think their only job in a warzone is to tab target and dps players. They don't attack the key enemies and they don't pay attention to objectives which is SO ironic since a lot of them have really crap DPS.


As a healer I'm looking at the health of my group and the map a lot. I notice if the health of someone guarding a node solo is going down and I react accordingly. A lot of players I've grouped with don't even have their ops frame up even though it's a handy tool. Or how many times do you find yourself at a node, look around and there's 1 enemy and 5 of your team members are standing there killing him instead of concerning themselves with where the other 7 enemies are?



Tangent. Sorry. Where was I? Oh. Yeah. Healers aren't unkillable.


^^^ This.


You also have to keep in mind that a lot of people are bringing their main healers "off the shelf" from playing their alts for a while, so a lot more talented people running shooting green goodness than normal.


In a WZ prior to 2.0, if you had 2 healers cross-healing that were worth their salt, then it was pretty tough then too so that has not changed. It's not my fault if a lolsmasher comes and does his heavy hitting rotation while I've got my bubble going.


It's going to take a bit for people to catch up and learn what the new abilities are. I was in a WZ last night where you had some really talented DPS'ers (probably best on server) going against 3 healers at a node and were able to take us down... took a bit but they got us. I put up just shy of 1mil heals in another WZ and did not have 1 person touch me the entire match. If you focus healers, you're going to get us... eventually.

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I see that you haven't tried out 10-29. My healer would be more useful dpsing. Which I sadly often end up doing anyway when the guy I was trying to heal dies in the middle of my cast.


He's right about level 55 PvP, which, ultimately, is all that matters.

Then again, without healers, people die in seconds.

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It really depends on the people attacking me. I held off 3 DPS in Civil War for about 45 seconds by kiting them (disappearing act was on cooldown) and healing myself. But, really, it was only possible because they must have forgotten to bind their interrupt skills


interrupts do no damage and are therefore useless

Edited by Arlanon
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Then as a healer start using only one healing ability and stop kiting. Leave other healers alone please. Skillful player is always hard to beat and achieveing decent production from his skills. Those crying dps were most likely trying to solo-faceroll their way into killing healer in a group of people. Well - doesn't work that way anymore - and that's how it should be.


Class buffed and suddenly every healer is "skillful". LOL. Spider tanking is really the issue - but that to me is more of a map problem than anything else.

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I love how all the dps' are whining about how they can't just smash a healer anymore

dps shouldn't be able to kill a healer alone if both have equal skill and stats, he should only be able to occupy him so that he doesn't heal other group members all the time, but has to heal himself

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I was in one Alderaan where a Scoundrel face tanked 3 DPS without ever casting a heal that can be interrupted without guard or another healer, and then the next game the same guy got killed in 10 seconds while guarded by 2 DPS.


Healers are stronger compared to before but they're hardly immortal, though it seems like they're a bit too good against bad DPS. I have no idea what the DPS on my team was doing in the first game, but you shouldn't be able to facetank 3 DPS with just the instant heal even if they're bad.

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low level pvp matters to balance




it does. not to class balance. but the bolster issue. bolster primarily exists for lowbie (pre 2.0 it ONLY existed for closing the gap on lowbie...and numb nuts who didn't upgrade their abils).


my only gripe about lowbie balance is that reg WZs are incredibly random comps, so you cannot balance around the expectation that there will be two healers per side. when there are said healers, ttk goes way up. when there are not, ttk goes way down. the swing is too drastic.


I'm not sure how different it will be at 55, but I guess I'll find out tonight or tomorrow.

Edited by foxmob
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interrupts do no damage and are therefore useless


Hahahaha. Oh man.... just wow. I think you need to do a little research before making an outrageous claim like that.



How did you kill your act 3 boss if interrupts are useless?



I can't even fathom why someone would say something like this... really just boggles the mind.

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