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what was the most epic duel you ever had in a warzone?


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i was playing my juggernaut in huttball,i was listening to a playlist of star wars themes,i had around 70% health when an assassin pops out of stealth and attacks me,suddendly "duel of the fates" starts playing,i got so pumped that i activated each of my defensive CD and attacked like crazy,when i had around 10% health i force chocked him thinking "i have you now!",he had 4% health,boom,viscious trow,VICTORY! Edited by _biddan_
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Void star, my team got raped on defense, I think our lowest death count was 13. But they sucked at watching our door and we managed to keep them from planting. Offense round starts, we all go right. Middle of fight Mara pops predation and everyone but me rotates to the other door. 2v1'd two pyro pts and planted for the win. Finished the fight with 21HP left. Felt good man.


Also had a long chess style duel with an infiltration shadow recently on my op. Long enough for both of us to vanish twice. He finally wasted his cc breaker at an inopportune time thinking he would get me, I immediately vanished and reopened on him and killed him. Took the node to turn the game around and we won.

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On my guardian tank on void star, I fought an assassin at the left door for the whole match, we went really close to kill the other in a couple of occasions but there were a lot of healers on both sides and we both used our CDs at the right moment. Seven minutes and half of duel ignoring aoe and with people just ignoring us apart our pocket healers..
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As a fresh 50 14k health recruit gear Vanguard, I 1v1d an almost 19k health Assassin without having a cell equipped (must have come off during respec or something). At some point after he was below 50% health i started wondering why stuff wasnt proccing and then i noticed my cell wasn't on... Still beat the assassin with about 1/3 health let, we both started at full health... epic.
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My sage was guarded by a good tank (Tomius, a guardian) in VS. The imps breached the first doors and we followed them in. There were 4 mins left on the clock and if they activated the bridge controls it was game over. The two of us kept 6 imps busy for those 4 mins and stopped them from activating the bridge.


My force pool was the first thing to go, and I observed a gradual decline in both our health pools over time, but we made it. And it was brilliant watching the imps that, at first, whaled on us blindly then, after a while, stepped back a little and chose their times to strike, like a pack of wolves.

Edited by Ycoga
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Huttball, two minutes to go and we had the ball. The score was tied at 1-1, but we wanted to secure victory. I passed to one guy ahead, he got bumped to the lower platform but was still good to go. I ran ahead to catch a pass, but no, the enemy respawned on mass. The four of them began to spill from the respawn zone, ready to crush our efforts. If I remained at the base of the west ramp ramp, our plan would have surely been thwarted.


so, I ran toward our foe, lightsabers drawn and ready to attack. I used my force charge, my lightsabers crashed into their healer. This enraged the group, their beloved healer struck by this upstart of a Marauder. I ran east, avoiding the inevitable Overload and the fury of their melee. They followed in hot pursuit, their stamps at the back of my heels.


Our ball carrier was trapped on the ramp, desperately fighting for his life on his own. I wanted to help, but if I joined him, my actions would attract the four who wanted me dead. So, I battled in hope that he would be victorious in his efforts.


My aim was not to kill them, but to distract them from the west side of the pitch. I used every defensive cooldown I possessed to prolong my efforts. Keeping on the healer seemed to be my best option at keeping the opposition distracted. At last, the healer fell, now my goal was to do as much damage as possible. I opened on the tank with ravage. To my fortune, it was not interrupted. I continued to keep at the tank.


Thirty seconds passed before we scored. Unfortunately I failed to take their tank, however, the bigger picture was now complete. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that tanking and kiting those four opponents away from our ball carrier secured our 2-1 score. Actually, I done a /dance on the tank. Something that did not improve his mood one little bit. Ohwell :p

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Alderaan Civil War ranked on my Guardian tank, I intercepted for our Grass capper, and who should they other team send but their own Jugg tank. I figured I'd duel him since it meant both tanks were occupied, and I was feeling good about my skillz.


Well, we fought for like 2 minutes, had time to pop some defensive CDs twice, like Focused defense which gives the self-healing. Finally we were both around 15% hp and I wasn't sure I was going to win. I waited til Awe was available, mezzed him and ran to mid for some heals.


Our node guarder was typing (so as not to spam voice comms) encouragement at me the whole time, I hated disappointing him :(

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With my BH Pyro in Huttball i camped the enemy goal line , i had a healer with me and for 2 or 3 minutes we killed everyone , my team managed to mark 2 goals in that time, it was a pretty nice battle and very fun :D ( i hope they fix the bolster soon ..... i can't stand naked battles anymore:( ) and this happened on Tomb of Freedon Nadd :cool: Edited by nicusor
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A fight with my Vigilence Guardian against a Rage Juggernaut... I don't remember the details anymore, but I recall that during the duel we Force Pushed each other at the same time, making us to be to at more than 30m of each other...

And the better part was the end, when I got the text : "You've been defated by XXX with Smash" followed by "XXX defeated by Dispatch." No winner, both losers.

I thought "come back anytime bro, that was fun".

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I don't really get into one on ones in Warzones. But some happen. I guess I will go epic in a terrible way.


My merc BG left alone guarding center node in CW (yeah, I know that is terrible) and the only attacker that showed up was a seer sage (yay!) I said one incoming, no one came and the fight started.


Do you really want me to go into detail here? It was a stun the other guy, damage, then they heal up and stun you and damage a little, then you heal up, then a race to try to damage each other while healing yourself, trying to find a balance to be on the offensive rather than healing yet stay ahead of them in the health pool. It was like Kenobi vs Fet except really slow and boring. Then someone finally showed up.

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Well... if by epic you mean 'I looke like a god damn hero ******' then I would say on my L49 marauder in blues (and some L 37 augments, L48 stim, some medpacks), I was guarding a node in Novare, andhad a stealth popped on me, called '1 at E', he ate whole revage with gore, not a pretty sight.. typed 'nvm, he's dead'.


then another stealther popped on me, again, typed '1 more E fast', battering assault, few massacres and a force scream later I was already resting and typing 'nvm, they'r dead', just to see a sage with guard on running to me (lol at shadow keeping him self hidden), again, typed '2inc E 1 person needed'... killed them right before our team sniper came.. guy said 'damn you, if you call incs, stop killing them so fast :p'


ofcourse at some point they did got their brains out and ganked me with 3 stealthers at same time, while my team didn't notice they were missing enemy's numbers on other node, and killed me, but damn, that was fun.


but usualy I play as part of a team, so don't get to much solo as they are waste of time and can cost a win of a match

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Well... if by epic you mean 'I looke like a gosh darn hero ******' then I would say on my L49 marauder in blues (and some L 37 augments, L48 stim, some medpacks), I was guarding a node in Novare, andhad a stealth popped on me, called '1 at E', he ate whole revage with gore, not a pretty sight.. typed 'nvm, he's dead'.


then another stealther popped on me, again, typed '1 more E fast', battering assault, few massacres and a force scream later I was already resting and typing 'nvm, they'r dead', just to see a sage with guard on running to me (lol at shadow keeping him self hidden), again, typed '2inc E 1 person needed'... killed them right before our team sniper came.. guy said 'damn you, if you call incs, stop killing them so fast :p'


ofcourse at some point they did got their brains out and ganked me with 3 stealthers at same time, while my team didn't notice they were missing enemy's numbers on other node, and killed me, but damn, that was fun.


but usualy I play as part of a team, so don't get to much solo as they are waste of time and can cost a win of a match


LOL I was just thinking about how calling incoming early, and having them so spaced out apart, and terrible, that by the time your team gets there, they get to help finish the 2nd one maybe and then they think you are the little boy who cried wolf.

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LOL I was just thinking about how calling incoming early, and having them so spaced out apart, and terrible, that by the time your team gets there, they get to help finish the 2nd one maybe and then they think you are the little boy who cried wolf.


Well, my policy is always to warn as early as possible, give best estimate as possible, and give info if help no longer needed as fast as possible... it's better to call 'inc3' and then correct 'actualy, it's just 1, other 2 resigned', then not call at all (or after you died).

Then again, I am a fast typer, and chatty one for that matter.. ;)

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Oh wait I forgot! I have a better one. I beat Maliken (considered the best jugg on the server at the time) in a dueling tournament, and I hit him so hard that he unsubbed. Literally. True story. Ps, Maliken come back we still love you!
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I don't usually tangle in 1 vs 1 duels in WZ's, being objective based pvp and all. ;)


I did have quite the epic open world fight with a level 42 Jugg in Soresu on my level 38 Guardian (also a tank). It lasted almost 2 minutes (a record for me), though it did feel like an old lady handbag fight lol. I did lose eventually. I'd like to think it was because he had Quinn out and I didn't have Doc yet but in reality I should have went after Quinn first but I didn't.

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I don't really get into one on ones in Warzones. But some happen. I guess I will go epic in a terrible way.


My merc BG left alone guarding center node in CW (yeah, I know that is terrible) and the only attacker that showed up was a seer sage (yay!) I said one incoming, no one came and the fight started.


Do you really want me to go into detail here? It was a stun the other guy, damage, then they heal up and stun you and damage a little, then you heal up, then a race to try to damage each other while healing yourself, trying to find a balance to be on the offensive rather than healing yet stay ahead of them in the health pool. It was like Kenobi vs Fet except really slow and boring. Then someone finally showed up.


That was me this morning, except the attacker was a shadow-equivalent Inquisitor. I was playing as a Sage (lvl 17), guarding a node solo while the other seven in the group were involved in an epic battle at the center node. I've only played PVP about seven or eight times, so you'll have to excuse that I don't recall the name of it (apparently the nodes shoot at the other faction's starship?).


Anyhow, the Inquisitor shows up with a saber to the back (lovely), and then stuns me. I called for help from center field, seeing a second enemy player making his way toward me. I finally caught my stride once the Imp's stuns were on cooldown, and managed to stabilize my loss of health, but was clearly losing the battle. Just as the second Imp joins in, my group's all-star tank shows up, wipes the Inquisitor with brevity, then starts in on the other player. For some reason, that player decided it was a good idea to attack the tank rather than me, so I just set to healing our tank. He recognizes the futility of his efforts, turns to run away, and I take him out with a 1-2 punch of deliverance + project as he fades into the distance.

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