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Bioware stick to classic star wars


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The developers have stated that they're going to take under heavy consideration how well the Cathar unlock does on the Market before putting out new races.


They've actually come out and said that huh. Nice way to drive up sales so people that don't even want a cat will buy one.


I agree op, start with the races more people are familiar with/ look like badsses. Especially if this is going to be another cash grab


yeah but the cathar was one of the most requested races in the official poll...

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Alright so we play star wars correct? So why can't we be more of the classic races that we grew up seeing? Ithorians? Calamari? any of them. I want this game to feel more like star wars. Cathar? I don't remember Cathar being that influential in the star wars universe growing up for them to be put in such a big game as this.


Actually the Cathar were introduced into the Star Wars Universe before the Mon Calamari if you want to be technical about it...

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So what, black core crystals were extinct when Luke was born? I did not grow up with those either...and personally hate them.


What does that have to do with anything?

Black crystals were amongst the most asked for when the game came out...

Just because you dont like it, doesnt mean others dont.

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What does that have to do with anything?

Black crystals were amongst the most asked for when the game came out...

Just because you dont like it, doesnt mean others dont.


Again I'm going to point out that Cathar made their debut in the Star Wars universe before the Mon Calamari...


Specifically there was a Cathar in the Star Wars Holiday Special...

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Again I'm going to point out that Cathar made their debut in the Star Wars universe before the Mon Calamari...


Specifically there was a Cathar in the Star Wars Holiday Special...


While I'm sorry you had to bring up the Special, you did cause me to go look up the rifftrax version, and for that I thank you.

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What does that have to do with anything?

Black crystals were amongst the most asked for when the game came out...

Just because you dont like it, doesnt mean others dont.


It has to do with the topic. He wanted something in game that did not exist. He was told that he could not have it because it was the wrong time period.


My point is, Black Crystals were obviously already invented by the time Luke was born, yet they were not there. So what does time frame have to do with anything?

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Where are the robes from the first KotOR then? Or even the second done by Obsidian (which look like from the movies more than this game)?


why do you need a robe? sentinels have their dresses, bounty hunters have their back pipes (tionese-rakata gear), troopers use pots as helmets, could say a few things about each of the classes gear in looks in my opinion, but all you need to know.


Insert all gear mods into the relaxed jumpsuit outfit set and look sexy, who actually needs a robe when you have that set?


DARN, SWTOR needs its own costume designer

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It has to do with the topic. He wanted something in game that did not exist. He was told that he could not have it because it was the wrong time period.


My point is, Black Crystals were obviously already invented by the time Luke was born, yet they were not there. So what does time frame have to do with anything?


Well they could be extinct actually... maby all the black core crystal were destroyed?

Just because something isnt in the movies doesnt mean it never existed.

I mean, before the prequels came out we only had 3 colours on lighsabers... why? because only three people used lightsabers...

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Alright so we play star wars correct? So why can't we be more of the classic races that we grew up seeing? Ithorians? Calamari? any of them. I want this game to feel more like star wars. Cathar? I don't remember Cathar being that influential in the star wars universe growing up for them to be put in such a big game as this.


Classic Star Wars sucks, Expanded Universe for the win...

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More iconic races are always a good thing but going with the iconic part, some do not and can not speak basic, so to stay true to the "iconic star wars race" you wouldnt have voice acting just that generic alien speak and wookie rawwwars lol no thank you to that.
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The biggest problem is in terms of gear and class animations. There is also language. Wookies, a majorly requested race, do not and are not capable of speaking Basic. Since your characters makes up the majority of spoken words in the game, would it be fun for you to listen to a wookie's moans and growls and have to read subtitles for your own character?


This language thing applies to other races too. But to be honest, There are plenty of Near-human races that don't look like humans with a recolor. Ashara's race for example. Those should be easy to do. Once they sort out the gear that is. Anyone with a twilek will know how bad the gear can clip at times.

Edited by Bomyne
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Alright so we play star wars correct? So why can't we be more of the classic races that we grew up seeing? Ithorians? Calamari? any of them. I want this game to feel more like star wars. Cathar? I don't remember Cathar being that influential in the star wars universe growing up for them to be put in such a big game as this.


Because those races would require work. And why would you do that when you can get people to pay real money for extra color options on humans?

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And this, although I hate the EU after return of the jedi, but I love me some kotor :)


Really? Grand Admiral Thrawn, Jacen and Jaina, Mara Jade, Joruus Cbaoth, the New Jedi Academy, the Vuuzhan Yong-Wars. You hate that? EU after Return of the Jedi is fantastic.

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No no, you said they were "closer" to how they looked in the movies.

Doesnt mean they were the same.

Kinda like how a suit is a suit, but they still change throughout the ages.



Of course, you are saying that these: http://www.freewebs.com/darthmoeller/tsljedirobes1.jpg

Look alot like these: http://images.wikia.com/starwars/ja/images/b/ba/Jedi_masters1.jpg

Whilst these dont: http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/indignition2.jpg




And thats just BS.


The robes we have in the game now still look like jedi robes.


Your links actually prove my point. Thanks. Check the sleeves between KotOR II and the costuming nerds pic you did. Then look at the short sleeve robes in this game. You can try to continue to be blind but hopefully you can see what you posted.

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Your links actually prove my point. Thanks. Check the sleeves between KotOR II and the costuming nerds pic you did. Then look at the short sleeve robes in this game. You can try to continue to be blind but hopefully you can see what you posted.


Ok, so its all about having long sleeved robes then. Its not so much the general look of the robes, you just want long sleeves?

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Alright so we play star wars correct? So why can't we be more of the classic races that we grew up seeing? Ithorians? Calamari? any of them. I want this game to feel more like star wars. Cathar? I don't remember Cathar being that influential in the star wars universe growing up for them to be put in such a big game as this.


Also, you have to remember, theres a Thunder Cats movie coming out soon so...They're actually being quite clever about the whole thing.


They're giving players what was asked for as well as timing its release perfectly xD

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I imagine there will be a lot more people buy the Cathar race than actually play it, in the hopes that tossing money at a race they aren't that interested in will help lead to a race in the future they are interested in.


Personally, I think a Rodian smuggler or bounty hunter would be pretty workable with both graphics and lore. So I'm still hoping for that someday.


In the meantime, I guess I will have to buy cat people to keep the dream alive. It's all part of the Grand Plan, just 3,000 years before the Grand Plan.

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Really? Grand Admiral Thrawn, Jacen and Jaina, Mara Jade, Joruus Cbaoth, the New Jedi Academy, the Vuuzhan Yong-Wars. You hate that? EU after Return of the Jedi is fantastic.


give me the hyperspace wars, Jedi schisms, great sith war, mandalorians, rakata, gree, revan, ulic qel-droma, naomi sunrider, exar kun, mandalore the ultimate, zayne carrick, gryph, keirra holt, lost tribes, the dark council and red skinned sith over any thing after the civil war and super jedi and celestials and vong [not yong] and abeloth... and plus the EU strays so far from classic star wars eras with the outrageous stories characters and plots, unless your talking about the short time directly after the civil war before the absurdity of some of the writers and that is a short period and already done


"classic" star wars is stagnant and done while the old republic still has new possibilities and stories to be told - EDIT* actually I take that back there is a lot that could still be done around the galaxy during the rebellion it just wouldn't have luke or jedis... something like 1313


plus you know that game kotor... I don't remember bioware having a awesome "classic" starwars rpg that every body loved so much


so bioware please stick to the old republic era star wars

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SWTOR is based heavily on the trio of new movies (re-watch them and you'll see so many of even SWTOR's creatures).


And it was a mistake. SWTOR would have been so much better if based on the original trilogy, especially considering the average age of MMO players is 28-34 (and thus they likely bigger fans of the original trilogy).

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