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Bioware stick to classic star wars


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You all must also understand that a ton of new player $$ that comes in are from people who never played either Kotor game nor read any books but loved the films and GCW era or new trilogy, They just see "star wars" and grab it based off that and the fact that this is the only SW MMO out there. Nothing is more important to a game company than new player subs. So yes I think they should cater to both.


I do agree with the OP. Simply stating that the timeline is the reason those things aren't here is kind of thin. Did Naboo and the other planets not exist 4000 years before Vader? lol. It'd be cool to see Wookies or Mon Calamari as a player race along with the other kotor ones.


I think they could add these things without throwing the game off track IF done gradually. I don't think they should "stick" to either one rigidly imo but expanding the races in this timeline would open up more for players and give new players things they recognize to make it feel more (pun here swg vets) "iconic and star warsy".

Edited by MandraMoody
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You all must also understand that a ton of new player $$ that comes in are from people who never played either Kotor game nor read any books but loved the films and GCW era or new trilogy, They just see "star wars" and grab it based off that and the fact that this is the only SW MMO out there. Nothing is more important to a game company than new player subs. So yes I think they should cater to both.


I do agree with the OP. Simply stating that the timeline is the reason those things aren't here is kind of thin. Did Naboo and the other planets not exist 4000 years before Vader? lol. It'd be cool to see Wookies or Mon Calamari as a player race along with the other kotor ones.


I think they could add these things without throwing the game off track IF done gradually. I don't think they should "stick" to either one rigidly imo but expanding the races in this timeline would open up more for players and give new players things they recognize to make it feel more (pun here swg vets) "iconic and star warsy".


Actually, Naboo is currently undergoing human colonization right now, timeline wise. Essentially, it's just miles of untouched land and clean water. No city like in Ep.I. Maybe a few small settlement buildings and such.

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You all must also understand that a ton of new player $$ that comes in are from people who never played either Kotor game nor read any books but loved the films and GCW era or new trilogy, They just see "star wars" and grab it based off that and the fact that this is the only SW MMO out there. Nothing is more important to a game company than new player subs. So yes I think they should cater to both.


I do agree with the OP. Simply stating that the timeline is the reason those things aren't here is kind of thin. Did Naboo and the other planets not exist 4000 years before Vader? lol. It'd be cool to see Wookies or Mon Calamari as a player race along with the other kotor ones.


I think they could add these things without throwing the game off track IF done gradually. I don't think they should "stick" to either one rigidly imo but expanding the races in this timeline would open up more for players and give new players things they recognize to make it feel more (pun here swg vets) "iconic and star warsy".


Lets see:


Endor: Only a top secret republic bio-lab is on the moon right now. So no.

Yavin 4: No, the jedi pretty much cleansed that place of everything and then tried to hide its existance from the galaxy.

Bespin: Well, cloud city wont be built for another 2600 years or so, so right now its just an empty gas giant.

Dagobah: Nothin' there but swamps pal.

Naboo: Currently in early colonization. No major population centers yet.

Mustafar: Very recently abandoned by the jedi (who had temples there) because a nearby gas giant was pulled close by the force after a great battle between sith and jedi causing a gravitational tug-of-war so the planet is currently in upheaval.

Kamino: Only known to a handful of beings in the greater galaxy.

Kashyyyk: No, just no. The Wookiees just started relations with the Galactic Republic after suffering from slavery by the czerka corporation for a very long time. Whilst they might have relations with the rest of the galaxy, they wouldnt be the first place to visit for anyone (especially not the empire). Besides, all it has is trees.


Utapau: Not much happening here. Sure its a planet, sure it has inhabitants, but nothing really special about it.

Geonosis: Sure, its a gladiator planet more or less, but still possible to go to. Might be added in the future.


Tatooine: In the game

Coruscant: In the game


Mygeeto: Only in the movies for a few seconds. And also more or less under complete lockdown by the Neimoidians right now.

Felucia: Only in the movies for a few seconds. Unknown who controls it at the time of SW:TOR but either the hutts or the GenoHaradan and used as an exotic resort.

Cato Neimoidia: Only in the movies for a few seconds. Owned by the Neimoidians, only the richest of the rich lived there with their treasures protected in vaults located in difficult landscape and protected by battle droids.

Seleucami: Only in the movies for a few seconds. Colonized by the Wroonians and barely even a noteworthy trading station in the outer rim territories.


So exactly which of the 16 known planets in the galaxy (apparantly) would you want them to implement and why?

The only ones i see that COULD be implemented are Geonosis and Utapau, but neither are very interesting.


As for what races they could implement, you know why they couldnt implement wookiees and ithorians. They wouldnt be able to wear any armor or outfits (visually) and they wouldnt speak basic.

Im sure you'd love to have your character howl and grunt in every conversation, but thats just not gonna happen.

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I would just like people to stop ************ about Cathar until they are actually here. It's already been decided, what's the point of crying? You don't like it, don't buy it. It's pretty simple.


Seriously. The daily Cathar threads are getting tiresome. People need to spend 2 minutes searching the forums and add their comments to the existing dozens of threads about this instead of creating new ones on the same topic every day.


You can always tells the ones who never played the KOTOR games too because they always say something about the Cathar never existing in the SW universe or being a species made up for this game, lol. We are playing a continuation of the KOTOR game after all (Revan, The Exile, Satele Shan, etc. all have ties to the KOTOR games) so it shouldn't be surprising to anyone who has played those games to see the Cathar here. You Cathar haters better hope they sell well too because they've already said future species will be dependent upon how well the Cathar do. If you want to see other species, then trying to discourage people from playing Cathar is about the dumbest thing you could do.

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Alright so we play star wars correct? So why can't we be more of the classic races that we grew up seeing? Ithorians? Calamari? any of them. I want this game to feel more like star wars. Cathar? I don't remember Cathar being that influential in the star wars universe growing up for them to be put in such a big game as this.


Because humans played all the major roles in the movies, not sidekick aliens.


This has also been discussed to death and even back from the dead on this forum. They have very solid reasons for not wanting players listening to alien gibberish for 120 hours of content. They also have very solid reasons for not wanting to completely gum up armorworks and clothing with 17 different body types.


They've announced a willingness to expand into some uncomfortable territory... such as actually considering making a Togruta. That's about the best you can hope for at the moment, so I'd start there.

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I think they would have to care about the game first. Bioware had high hopes for this game and instead of biting the bullet and moving on, they just backed off, and brought in EA. Now EA probably controls everything, making the game suck more and more. If EA was to leave, bioware take back over, bring in new sponsors, revitalize the game, and bring out a true expansion. Then maybe we would see more classic looking star wars playable races etc.
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I think they would have to care about the game first. Bioware had high hopes for this game and instead of biting the bullet and moving on, they just backed off, and brought in EA. Now EA probably controls everything, making the game suck more and more. If EA was to leave, bioware take back over, bring in new sponsors, revitalize the game, and bring out a true expansion. Then maybe we would see more classic looking star wars playable races etc.


Well then great work EA! I love makeb! All the planets should have been made that way. The story is awesome!

Thanx EA!


(and here i was thinking bioware finally stepped up, but since you are so sure that EA now has 100% control of all content, i guess i should be thanking them for the great expansion they released)

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Ok, so its all about having long sleeved robes then. Its not so much the general look of the robes, you just want long sleeves?


Still trolling the forums hard i see with your total ignorance when it comes to star wars.

All you do all day long is telling others they cant have anything they want.


You are so clueless and anti star wars it's almost like you are in charge of designing all the ugly

none star wars outfits we have in the game.You know everyone hate them so you come on the forums

to talk and defend every wrong thing in the game most players hate.And you have a fett armor avatar iconic

to OT......

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SWTOR is based heavily on the trio of new movies (re-watch them and you'll see so many of even SWTOR's creatures).


And it was a mistake. SWTOR would have been so much better if based on the original trilogy, especially considering the average age of MMO players is 28-34 (and thus they likely bigger fans of the original trilogy).


So true, sadly they launched with the idee of making wow 2 for 12 year old wow players, and we know how well that went. STAR WARS IP is the only reason they managed to keep on all the subs that they did even after the summer of dead servers last year.They would have done much better catering to adults who loves star wars and have the money to invest in the game.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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As for what races they could implement, you know why they couldnt implement wookiees and ithorians. They wouldnt be able to wear any armor or outfits (visually) and they wouldnt speak basic.

Im sure you'd love to have your character howl and grunt in every conversation, but thats just not gonna happen.


According to the wiki, Ithorians can speak basic, albeit heavily accented, which would probably get obnoxious really fast.

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I think they would have to care about the game first. Bioware had high hopes for this game and instead of biting the bullet and moving on, they just backed off, and brought in EA. Now EA probably controls everything, making the game suck more and more. If EA was to leave, bioware take back over, bring in new sponsors, revitalize the game, and bring out a true expansion. Then maybe we would see more classic looking star wars playable races etc.

You realize EA is the publisher and owner, not the developer or writer... right? Okay, just checking.

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SWTOR is based heavily on the trio of new movies (re-watch them and you'll see so many of even SWTOR's creatures).


And it was a mistake. SWTOR would have been so much better if based on the original trilogy, especially considering the average age of MMO players is 28-34 (and thus they likely bigger fans of the original trilogy).


Ah yes, then all jedi knights and sith warrior would only have the default attack (which would also be slowed down and would root your character to 1 spot while attacking) to simulate a fight between an old man and a cripple.


Also it's based on all movies, not just 1-3. Look at classes, their are so obviously based on main characters from 4-6. There's also plenty of references to original trilogy like, on Hutta there is a wookiee and a protocol droid playing a game and the protocol droid has its arms torn off. And there's plenty of references to all movies. Quit being a 4-6 fanboy and be a fan of all star wars.

Edited by Aelther
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Ah yes, then all jedi knights and sith warrior would only have the default attack (which would also be slowed down and would root your character to 1 spot while attacking) to simulate a fight between an old man and a cripple.


Also it's based on all movies, not just 1-3. Look at classes, their are so obviously based on main characters from 4-6. There's also plenty of references to original trilogy like, on Hutta there is a wookiee and a protocol droid playing a game and the protocol droid has its arms torn off. And there's plenty of references to all movies. Quit being a 4-6 fanboy and be a fan of all star wars.


and star wars is also so much bigger then all the 6 movies could ever try to show or reference


and both kotors and swtor are heavily based on the tales of the jedi series mixed in with iconic classic star wars characters from both clone wars and rebellion eras

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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1) I said Calamari for short

2) I meant influential more as to saying things we've seen in SW before

3) Why would time line mater for Alien species? (I understand the Mon'Calamri didn't have space travel yet)

4) This wasn't a winning post it was a "I don't understand Cathar choice" post.

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Still trolling the forums hard i see with your total ignorance when it comes to star wars.

All you do all day long is telling others they cant have anything they want.


You are so clueless and anti star wars it's almost like you are in charge of designing all the ugly

none star wars outfits we have in the game.You know everyone hate them so you come on the forums

to talk and defend every wrong thing in the game most players hate.And you have a fett armor avatar iconic

to OT......


Hyperbole much?


Who died and made you the star wars expert?

I grew up on the original movies. Ive engrossed myself in the expanded universe sinche the release of the first Thrawn book. I have never stopped having an interest in Star Wars, despite being an old geezer now.

But because those robes dont have long sleeves, you claim that this entire game isnt "real" star wars.

And i know plenty of people who doesnt hate them, so dont go claiming that "everyone" hates them.

Ps. My bounty hunter in-game looks almost exactly like my Avatar, so apparantly there are outfits in the game that look "iconic".

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More iconic races are always a good thing but going with the iconic part, some do not and can not speak basic, so to stay true to the "iconic star wars race" you wouldnt have voice acting just that generic alien speak and wookie rawwwars lol no thank you to that.


A lot of the NPC's we talk to in game speak in "Generic Alien Speak" and it works out just fine. I reckon that there is a huge number of players that would happily accept their avatar speaking in "Generic Alien Speak" and heaps of people would love to have their toon "Rawwars" constantly if it means we can play a Wookie! Yes please to that!

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give me the hyperspace wars, Jedi schisms, great sith war, mandalorians, rakata, gree, revan, ulic qel-droma, naomi sunrider, exar kun, mandalore the ultimate, zayne carrick, gryph, keirra holt, lost tribes, the dark council and red skinned sith over any thing after the civil war and super jedi and celestials and vong [not yong] and abeloth... and plus the EU strays so far from classic star wars eras with the outrageous stories characters and plots, unless your talking about the short time directly after the civil war before the absurdity of some of the writers and that is a short period and already done


"classic" star wars is stagnant and done while the old republic still has new possibilities and stories to be told - EDIT* actually I take that back there is a lot that could still be done around the galaxy during the rebellion it just wouldn't have luke or jedis... something like 1313


plus you know that game kotor... I don't remember bioware having a awesome "classic" starwars rpg that every body loved so much


so bioware please stick to the old republic era star wars


Yes this! Couldnt have put it better myself. And the vong guys look and feel more like something that belongs in star trek not star wars to me.

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1) I said Calamari for short

2) I meant influential more as to saying things we've seen in SW before

3) Why would time line mater for Alien species? (I understand the Mon'Calamri didn't have space travel yet)

4) This wasn't a winning post it was a "I don't understand Cathar choice" post.


1: still, its mon calamari, im sure those three letters are not too much work to put in.

2: Why this insistance on regurgitating the same material over and over? whats wrong with a bit of new stuff?

Also, most of the alien races that are in the movies cant be implemented in the game because they either dont speak basic (wookiees for example) or they cant wear outfits like we do in game without considerable work on outfits (again, wookiees, trandosians, Mon Calamari, Rodians) or they just wouldnt be believable as romanceable characters (rodians, mon calamari and so on).

3: Because some alien species dont have space travel yet, some are isolated for other reasons and some are just not very common (like wookiees). Also, Mon Calamari were very common. The supreme chancellor of the republic senate was a mon calamari at the outbreak of the war. They had space travel.

4: the cathar were chosen because alot (and i mean ALOT) of players wanted it. The cathar were a large part of the galaxy at the time of the old republic. They were important in KotOR, they were important in the KotOR comics and they were important in the mandalorian wars. Therefore alot of players who know about the time around SW:TOR are interested in the cathar.

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So true, sadly they launched with the idee of making wow 2 for 12 year old wow players, and we know how well that went. STAR WARS IP is the only reason they managed to keep on all the subs that they did even after the summer of dead servers last year.They would have done much better catering to adults who loves star wars and have the money to invest in the game.


Adults have no time to invest in the game, so it'd still be as casual and "dumbed down" (i.e simplified) to accommodate, and you'd be here complaining about how easy it is.


That's the problem with the Gamer life. When you're young, you have the time and energy to game, but no cash. Adult, You go the cash and energy, but no time. And when you hit your golden years, well, you can guess which one you're low on then.


Humanity sucks. I wanna be an immortal cyborg. Then I will never need to sleep or work again. I'll play video games all day long and be a cool crimefighter by night.

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give me the hyperspace wars, Jedi schisms, great sith war, mandalorians, rakata, gree, revan, ulic qel-droma, naomi sunrider, exar kun, mandalore the ultimate, zayne carrick, gryph, keirra holt, lost tribes, the dark council and red skinned sith over any thing after the civil war and super jedi and celestials and vong [not yong] and abeloth... and plus the EU strays so far from classic star wars eras with the outrageous stories characters and plots, unless your talking about the short time directly after the civil war before the absurdity of some of the writers and that is a short period and already done


I didnt say the old era isnt good too. the problem is like in every sequel. You know that none of the things you write or play matters, because its in the past and everything will turn to ashes anyway, no matter what it is.

Its like when you play Alderaan you know they will all be blown up anyway.

Or watching clone wars. All I can think is "oooh, poor Asohka, youre so dead..."

And I think Grand Admira Thrawn is the best villain in all the books.

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Ok, so its all about having long sleeved robes then. Its not so much the general look of the robes, you just want long sleeves?


And the overall look. TOR robes do not look like the KotOR II ones nor the nerd pic one. Yet those two are very alike. And they are based on time periods before and after this game.

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