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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Force shroud/resilience STILL broken?


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Popped it today in a warzone as I was about to lead my charge to the goal line only to be stopped in my tracks by a Sage, the SECOND after I popped FS.


So Bioware can you actually explain how FS actually works in your eyes because if you look at the text of the ability, its misleading or simply put, the ability is STILL broken and only works when it feels like it

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Popped it today in a warzone as I was about to lead my charge to the goal line only to be stopped in my tracks by a Sage, the SECOND after I popped FS.


So Bioware can you actually explain how FS actually works in your eyes because if you look at the text of the ability, its misleading or simply put, the ability is STILL broken and only works when it feels like it


Are you really complaining about sin/shadows atm? Really? We are freaking gods right now. This class is currently more broken and OP then my scoundrel was at release lol.

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Have you played infiltration/deception yet?




Let's see. 8 percent mitigation against everything (better then medium armor) from talents, 25 percent dmg reduction out of stealth for 12 seconds (back to back blackout).


Oh yeah and I can open with a knockdown that procs a 10 k maul on cloth, and follow it up with a 3 stack breach (resets every time you leave combat) project that puts someone in execute range.


I can be immune to CC during the last part of the combo and kill someone without losing one health.


Against "good players" I can follow all that up with a low slash, shadowstrike/maul. I don't even to use my defense shield. This class is currently a joke.


I also have an on demand heal now that I use with a heal pot, and if all this wasn't enough I can taunt for a ton,


Scoundrels/operatives? I can kill them without losing one health. If they get the opener (should never happen) they are still going to die, because I can go immune to everything they do, and they go immune to only half my dmg.


Add to all this, if somehow, someway I was fighting the best player in the world? I can slow them from 10 yards out and run around in circles like a ******* hitting them with 5-7.5 k projects, with an autokite channel thrown in.


I have no counter in this game. None.


When I open on a scoundrel (some sin/shadow complained about the opener, cus they are STUPID), it takes off a balistic charge (that screws over a scoundrel/op more), so that I can then maul their face off. All I need is one maul, because they are dying to spells during their shield. If I want I can go immune to all their CC as well.


If you think this class is anywhere close to balanced you are delusional.

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Have you played infiltration/deception yet?




Let's see. 8 percent mitigation against everything (better then medium armor) from talents, 25 percent dmg reduction out of stealth for 12 seconds (back to back blackout).


Oh yeah and I can open with a knockdown that procs a 10 k maul on cloth, and follow it up with a 3 stack breach (resets every time you leave combat) project that puts someone in execute range.


I can be immune to CC during the last part of the combo and kill someone without losing one health.


Against "good players" I can follow all that up with a low slash, shadowstrike/maul. I don't even to use my defense shield. This class is currently a joke.


I also have an on demand heal now that I use with a heal pot, and if all this wasn't enough I can taunt for a ton,


Scoundrels/operatives? I can kill them without losing one health. If they get the opener (should never happen) they are still going to die, because I can go immune to everything they do, and they go immune to only half my dmg.


Add to all this, if somehow, someway I was fighting the best player in the world? I can slow them from 10 yards out and run around in circles like a ******* hitting them with 5-7.5 k projects, with an autokite channel thrown in.


I have no counter in this game. None.


When I open on a scoundrel (some sin/shadow complained about the opener, cus they are STUPID), it takes off a balistic charge (that screws over a scoundrel/op more), so that I can then maul their face off. All I need is one maul, because they are dying to spells during their shield. If I want I can go immune to all their CC as well.


If you think this class is anywhere close to balanced you are delusional.


Yeah I have messed around with deception a bit and it is stronger we finally have an opener which I am happy about though I play more madness than anything and I would like shroud to work for that since its the squish. Deception is the best spec hands down for 1v1 and I am bursting down better than before 2.0 with full deception but this is in "lowbies" and I have yet to get to 55 myself and see how it all pans out.

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Yeah I have messed around with deception a bit and it is stronger we finally have an opener which I am happy about though I play more madness than anything and I would like shroud to work for that since its the squish. Deception is the best spec hands down for 1v1 and I am bursting down better than before 2.0 with full deception but this is in "lowbies" and I have yet to get to 55 myself and see how it all pans out.


Cycao I know you love madness on your sin but if you really wish to completely enjoy the spec, roll a sorc. You'll be so much happier you did because it absolutely has much more synergy with staying at 30m rather than being at melee range ;)

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They are right where they are meant to be right now. Good burst power with low sustained damage and low survivability. And compared with some of the buffs other classes have received it is no surprise the class is like that it needs to be.


They do NOT have low survivability. I have no idea what the hell you are speccing, but you are doing it wrong. You either aren't using black out after the AUTOMATIC 25 percent dmg redcution from stealth is gone (12 seconds of dmg reduction is better then cloak of pain), or you are just so bad, you actually think this is balanced.


This is what your build should look like at 50.




The last 5 points are debatable, but seeing how stupidly hard breach/project hit? I will put them in the 6 percent dmg on stun/opener talent and armor pen.


You also have an on demand heal that you can use with your WZ med pack to heal half your health back.


You also have 30 percent aoe mitigation (things like smash).


I have never played a class this OP in this game. You have 33 percent mitigation TO ALL DAMAGE along with 30 percent aoe mitigation every time you come out of stealth and do a couple attacks. You also have 15 percent more armor then cloth.


This class has the BEST mitigation going other then a tank Just wait until people are 55 and do a hybrid 12/31/3 spec. Blackout should only work with shadow technique.surging charge. If maul/shadowstrike remains like this?


Not only will you have a "tank" that can guard and put out op/scoundrel like burst, but you will also have the best melee dps spec that is STEALTH, and also completely counters the other stealth spec (makes them pointless).


This class is not "cloth". This is not DND. This class is broken.

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As much as I do enjoy my Deception Assassin they are a bit OP at the moment. The only reason I'll admit to it, is because I actually want them fixed, not just nerfed into the ground like what usually happens. I love the playstyle of Assassin and I'd love to continue playing it, just on a bit more even grounds.


Please DON'T NERF Assassins.

Please FIX Assassins.

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They are not OP at 55, mauls are largely Crit based and crit has gone to hell.


I will say this Assassins/shadows dps specs are squishy by nature and always have been. The class is supposed to be able to jump out of stealth hit someone hard and jump back into stealth. I think it about covers it for what it was designed for.


Your argument would normally make sense if it weren't for a lot of other classes being buffed so much so we have good burst?. our sustained is crap, Look at snipers if any class is OP its them but i don't bother about them i just adapt and still manage to take them down mostly.


Ridiculous to say the spec is OP is all i am saying. Only narrow minded people would think they are.

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They do NOT have low survivability. I have no idea what the hell you are speccing, but you are doing it wrong. You either aren't using black out after the AUTOMATIC 25 percent dmg redcution from stealth is gone (12 seconds of dmg reduction is better then cloak of pain), or you are just so bad, you actually think this is balanced.


This is what your build should look like at 50.




The last 5 points are debatable, but seeing how stupidly hard breach/project hit? I will put them in the 6 percent dmg on stun/opener talent and armor pen.


You also have an on demand heal that you can use with your WZ med pack to heal half your health back.


You also have 30 percent aoe mitigation (things like smash).


I have never played a class this OP in this game. You have 33 percent mitigation TO ALL DAMAGE along with 30 percent aoe mitigation every time you come out of stealth and do a couple attacks. You also have 15 percent more armor then cloth.


This class has the BEST mitigation going other then a tank Just wait until people are 55 and do a hybrid 12/31/3 spec. Blackout should only work with shadow technique.surging charge. If maul/shadowstrike remains like this?


Not only will you have a "tank" that can guard and put out op/scoundrel like burst, but you will also have the best melee dps spec that is STEALTH, and also completely counters the other stealth spec (makes them pointless).


This class is not "cloth". This is not DND. This class is broken.


And When we are susceptible to so much white Dmg which as you can see Some classes can hit for 9k at a time we need some survivability also stealth is negated these days with the new stealth detection. More like you are a joke did your scoundrel get its *** whooped or something?. My Carnage Marauder Out dpses my shadow and has better survivability.

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They are not OP at 55, mauls are largely Crit based and crit has gone to hell.


I will say this Assassins/shadows dps specs are squishy by nature and always have been. The class is supposed to be able to jump out of stealth hit someone hard and jump back into stealth. I think it about covers it for what it was designed for.


Your argument would normally make sense if it weren't for a lot of other classes being buffed so much so we have good burst?. our sustained is crap, Look at snipers if any class is OP its them but i don't bother about them i just adapt and still manage to take them down mostly.


Ridiculous to say the spec is OP is all i am saying. Only narrow minded people would think they are.


Yeah if only we had some talent that resets all the time that gave us 60 percent more crit on project/breach, which in turn gives us 10 percent more crit on melee abiltities.


Snipers? I kill them within 5 seconds while immune to their cc/knockback.


Spinning strike takes off ballistic (this is a good thing, and is far better then when I open on a scoundrel and do reduced damage on my highest hitting ability), maul, pop immunity, force potency, breach. If they are try hards and pop their dodge? Oh well, my breach/project go through it.


This is WITHOUT using my stun, vanish, low slash (to get another shadow strike/maul they can't stop).


How about sorc's? Scoundrel/op gets automessed if they open on a bubble. On my shadow I don't have that problem. I can open with a project, breach (which gives me 10 percent more crit on melee, cus one of them is going to crit), pop their bubble, low slash (makes maul proc go off) hit them for 10 k and I still have a stun, and immunity to all their cc, a vanish (to spinning kick them if I want).


You people are a joke. You play one class, then think you know jack about game balance lol.


I am a shadow who says this class is stupidly OP. Char Bruce-Lëë. Server Pot5. I have no counter. None. Zero.


My scoundrel is TRASH compared to this class. Oh and as for the guy saying you can do more damage as carnage then as deception/infiltration? LOL what? What do you have maul bound to, like the 8 button while keyboard turning? Are you not restealthing to get a 3 stack breach automatically?


Give me a break. Infiltration was fine before 2.0. I am sorry you sucked at it. It was already better then a scoundrel/op. Now? It is just a joke.

Edited by biowareftw
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Yeah if only we had some talent that resets all the time that gave us 60 percent more crit on project/breach, which in turn gives us 10 percent more crit on melee abiltities.


Snipers? I kill them within 5 seconds while immune to their cc/knockback.


Spinning strike takes off ballistic (this is a good thing, and is far better then when I open on a scoundrel and do reduced damage on my highest hitting ability), maul, pop immunity, force potency, breach. If they are try hards and pop their dodge? Oh well, my breach/project go through it.


This is WITHOUT using my stun, vanish, low slash (to get another shadow strike/maul they can't stop).


How about sorc's? Scoundrel/op gets automessed if they open on a bubble. On my shadow I don't have that problem. I can open with a project, breach (which gives me 10 percent more crit on melee, cus one of them is going to crit), pop their bubble, low slash (makes maul proc go off) hit them for 10 k and I still have a stun, and immunity to all their cc, a vanish (to spinning kick them if I want).


You people are a joke. You play one class, then think you know jack about game balance lol.


I am a shadow who says this class is stupidly OP. Char Bruce-Lëë. Server Pot5. I have no counter. None. Zero.


My scoundrel is TRASH compared to this class. Oh and as for the guy saying you can do more damage as carnage then as deception/infiltration? LOL what? What do you have maul bound to, like the 8 button while keyboard turning? Are you not restealthing to get a 3 stack breach automatically?


Give me a break. Infiltration was fine before 2.0. I am sorry you sucked at it. It was already better then a scoundrel/op. Now? It is just a joke.


You are Hilarious mate truly quit whining. the class is clearly not OP. You are moaning yet forgetting who is doing the biggest hits around. I am tired of reading this thread now. It was about resilience being broken go make a thread if you wish see what everyone's opinion is about it. Because we are hitting shadow strikes at 3k more so then 8k because of crit. You have the be the biggest dope on this planet complaining about big hits when bolster is broken 3/4 of the time guys are going round with 35% crit due to bolster. Hence all the big hits.

Edited by stephenalandavie
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At release it was possible for a centurion geared scoundrel to 2-3 shot a BM geared player. Sorry, I dont think a recruit geared assassin can 2-3 shot a WH geared player


no, but a naked sin can 2-3 shot an ewh player lol. who is op now :p

Edited by ForsakenKing
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Wake me when Assassins/ Shadows get taken into RWZs as DPS. If they nerf our burst they better buff the heck out of our sustained damage. Oh, and BTW, nobody is getting taken from 100% to 0 in 3 hits. 3 hit kills are only if they are at less than full HP. 100% to 0 is more like 5-6. Edited by RankorSSGS
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At release it was possible for a centurion geared scoundrel to 2-3 shot a BM geared player. Sorry, I dont think a recruit geared assassin can 2-3 shot a WH geared player


I also don't think that you can stack the two 15% adrenals (one pickup, one useable) plus relics and rakata adrenals. I mean come on, ANYTHING was op at launch. I was two hitted by an MM sniper before at launch, yet people say snipers have been balanced all the time (Some even say up until now, ofc).


Allegedly, Maul hits for 10k now. Assuming they all crit (Which you assume when you say scoundrels could 2-3GCD people), that's 30k damage right there. The most hp I've ever heard of someone having is 28k.

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I also don't think that you can stack the two 15% adrenals (one pickup, one useable) plus relics and rakata adrenals. I mean come on, ANYTHING was op at launch. I was two hitted by an MM sniper before at launch, yet people say snipers have been balanced all the time (Some even say up until now, ofc).


Allegedly, Maul hits for 10k now. Assuming they all crit (Which you assume when you say scoundrels could 2-3GCD people), that's 30k damage right there. The most hp I've ever heard of someone having is 28k.


Spamming Mauls is a pretty stupid thing to do. And at least one of those 3 won't be procced, so it won't be hitting for 10k.

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Yes resilience is still broken.


That the class may be OP in certain specs has nothing to do with the fact that this bug has been around for a very, very long time.


Yup I thought as much. Typical USELESS Biofail. I was hoping that it would be fixed when they cocked up 2.0 but as normal, they didnt and the fact that not a single developer will even comment, only just confirms its still broken.


My sub runs out next week and I am gone. I'm not paying to support a stupid development team who miss the glaring obvious issues.

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I've hit one 9k on my level 36 Shadow, and I max like 8.2k on my 50 Assassin, so I highly doubt people are mauling constant 10ks at 55 if bolster is just as screwed up there.


Also, why are people fussing over 9k mauls? Commando can hit back to back 8ks with High Impact Bolt and Demo Round.



Juggernaut can leap (with root) and Ravage you a 10k and then have a chance of ending Ravage CD within a GCD and getting out another 10k.


Where's all the QQ threads for those?

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Why did this thread turn into a 'sins are OP' thread?


The OP was stating a problem with a specific ability which doesn't seem to be working as intended.




Settle down guys, geez.


Force shroud doesn't work 100% of the time. Whether or not the rest of the abilities are OP is irrelevant.


I know this has something to do with latency, but it's only become a problem recently (like maybe since 1.6, 1.7), so something that Bioware did effectively bugged force shroud.


It is incredibly frustrating to see my sin whited-out from force shroud only to get knock backed/stunned with a force/tech ability. What's the point of PVP in this game when quick reflexes are thwarted by a buggy game engine :rolleyes:

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