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Don't like Cathar


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I can't wait for the Cathar to come out!!! I have been eagerly waiting since they announced it at E8 last year. I have six slots ready for them and when I take a Cathar and become a Darth; all the Cathar haters out there can bow and kiss my kitty paws. LMAO
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I don't care about the cathar one way or the other, more option are a good thing, what puzzles me is all the hype around the cathar, we are not getting any thing new, just a skin, and that is not new content, you will do the same thing with cathar as you do with any other class, out side of the looks nothing will change..expect for changing the liter box lol....:p
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The only reason I don't think they fit is they are very different to the Cathar I loved in KOTOR1... but that's probably just me. (http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20051120061957/starwars/images/thumb/4/45/Juhani1.jpg/150px-Juhani1.jpg)


My advice? Buy the cathar when they are added to the CM* and then pretend they don't exist.


* If they sell well, Bioware might give us races you want :)

Edited by Bomyne
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The only reason I don't think they fit is they are very different to the Cathar I loved in KOTOR1... but that's probably just me. (http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20051120061957/starwars/images/thumb/4/45/Juhani1.jpg/150px-Juhani1.jpg)


My advice? Buy the cathar when they are added to the CM* and then pretend they don't exist.


* If they sell well, Bioware might give us races you want :)


Have you been to Makeb? Some of the new Cathar faces look very much like Juhani.

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I for one am going to log in as soon as they are available, on a new server and create 12 cathar races all named Lion-O, Panthro, Wily Kit.... and so on and never play them. Just to piss someone off.


Ok, I'm not that nasty a person I'm not going to do that, but I guarantee servers will be flooded with those named characters. Probably gonna put a sword of omens in the CM too.

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I for one am going to log in as soon as they are available, on a new server and create 12 cathar races all named Lion-O, Panthro, Wily Kit.... and so on and never play them. Just to piss someone off.


Ok, I'm not that nasty a person I'm not going to do that, but I guarantee servers will be flooded with those named characters. Probably gonna put a sword of omens in the CM too.


They kinda did. That Cathar Sword that came out in that last Cartel Package.

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Actually that's because I spaced it and didn't fully express my thoughts. I didn't say they'd sell well, I said they'd be popular. People like me who want Cathar as a change to the norm and are subscribers will get it basically for free (price isn't set yet but they said they don't want Cathar to cost more than a month's worth of free coins to subscribers). So they'll be running around like crazy but won't necessarily have made the game any money from the "transaction" since we get the free cartel coins in the first place. Yes there will be those who pay real cash for it, but I think most people will plan ahead and keep the free coins for the race unlock and race changes (I'm stockpiling my coins since I have a bunch of toons that need adjusting).


You'd think that be the case, but it's quite obvious from reading over the forums that people tend to spend Cartel Coins simply because they have them. There's nothing they want but they've built up a credit and feel like they should do something with them, but then when something comes around that they do want they complain about the price of it or that it should be free, ie they're spending their coins are crap they don't need because they're not patient.


Bioware is well of this fact too. They know what percentage of subs spend cartel coins, and how much they spend in cartel coins as well. They''ll run the numbers and price them in such a way that they know they won't be just giving it away. The amount of people that will get them for "free" will be in and insane minority compared to those that buy them. They're always going to be like that with the Cartel Market. They know exactly how to work it so that it always favors them, not you.


Considering you're going to be doing it for each of your characters I imagine it's going to get expensive since the Barber Shop is more than likely a token that needs to be purchased every time you want to make a change.


I don't care about the cathar one way or the other, more option are a good thing, what puzzles me is all the hype around the cathar, we are not getting any thing new, just a skin, and that is not new content, you will do the same thing with cathar as you do with any other class, out side of the looks nothing will change


To a certain degree, that's enough for people.


The fact that it's simply something different visually from lvl 1-55 is what will do it for people.


Most MMOs are no different when adding new races. You might get a new starting area in certain cases like WoW, but that's not going to last you long until you're back to the same old grind/content once again.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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The only reason I don't think they fit is they are very different to the Cathar I loved in KOTOR1... but that's probably just me. (http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20051120061957/starwars/images/thumb/4/45/Juhani1.jpg/150px-Juhani1.jpg)


You must have only seen the vanilla game Cathar, who do look different from Juhani, however if you just type "Cathar" into Google Image you'll see that there's more variety, including ones that look more like Juhani.


Vanilla Male - http://swtor.game-guide.fr/files/2012/06/cathar.jpg

Vanilla Female + Aric - http://www.blogcdn.com/massively.joystiq.com/media/2010/07/cathar.jpg

Cathar Smuggler - http://cdn.dualshockers.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/SWTOR_Cathar.jpg

Makeb Male - http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d66/chuixupu/malecathar_zpsbbc8c546.jpg

Makeb Female - http://24.media.tumblr.com/980b16118d35e36253b3e617b2c7a423/tumblr_mkze7rY4rL1r7jol3o1_500.jpg


I personally don't like the Juhani style because it just looks too simple/plain compared to the vanilla models.

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I want Wookies and Togruta. Those are races every star wars game should have and are in the movies as well, not the Cathar. :confused: I dont get this choice honestly. The two I mentioned would make more sence.


The way the game was built or exists now doesn't really allow for Wookies. They can't use any of the existing armor sets without them having to be redone. They're too big for mounts that currently exist, and finally all the cutscenes are framed around the existing body types meaning if you put a Wookie player character into any of the conversations it would crop out the top half of their head.


As for Togruta's, here's the official dev response on that....


Making an alien race fully human playable is a huge amount of work, at least if you want to give players the level of customization options that they have come to expect. It takes a lot of work to make all of the customization options work together and look good, while still ensuring people still can find looks that are unique to each other.


The Togruta provide a unique problem in this regard, in regards to the tentacles. Yes, the Twi’leks have tentacles too, but they are typically behind the player, whereas the Togruta’s canonically drape across the front of the character. This means that they struggle to work with the existing animations and gear without clipping — indeed, the first screenshot you see for Ashara if you google her is one with her chin ridiculously clipping through her tentacle. While this may be acceptable for a companion who is frequently offscreen while fighting, or NPCs who we can dress and pose carefully, its much more problematic for player characters who need to be able to wear anything and perform any animation and still look good. (The Twi’leks clip somewhat as well, but much art was tweaked to make this a lot less prevalent than it otherwise would have been)


I’m not trying to pour cold water in the species discussion. Quite the opposite – if the Cathar do well, I hope to expand your options even more, and we should know the answer to that ‘soonish’. I just don’t want anyone to think that just because an alien is currently in the game as an NPC, that it is trivial to turn it into player art — it’s a TON of work to do that, and do it well.


The Cathar make sense given that they use all the existing armor, animations, etc, without having to worry about issues like clipping, or cropping, or anything like that. Plus back when the game was in Beta the race was really popular with players and the most requested race at the time. That wasn't too surprising since you see a Jedi Cathar early on if you play as Knight or Consular, which obviously alot of players where trying out early on (in Beta) compared to the other classes.

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Considering you're going to be doing it for each of your characters I imagine it's going to get expensive since the Barber Shop is more than likely a token that needs to be purchased every time you want to make a change.


Oh I'm well aware that this coin based barber shop design is probably going to be how it's run and as much as I dislike the idea, that's why I'm stocking up on coins now. lol I don't really see anything else I want (currently or in the near future) so it's not like I'm missing out in the mean time. I have the legacy unlocks I want and the gear is something I can do dailies and buy with credits if any of it piques my interest. The Phantom Chestguard (the one with the hood mind you) on my Sorc makes me giddy but the rest I shrug at. So when Cathar drops and if/when barber shop drops, I'll have the means to change everything I'm interested in changing.


I think the people who complain about prices are people who just don't plan ahead enough and rant the loudest. Cathar is something people have known is coming for a while (I wish they'd just get it over with so we can move on) and they know it will cost coins. For the most part the player base is pretty smart though it probably wouldn't seem this way since most don't go on the forums. They plan ahead for things like new raids, new pvp seasons, new expansions, changes to crafting, etc. I don't think people who stockpile free coins for the Cathar will be a minority. It's just basic math and smart management of income.


Honestly I just want them to hurry up and release it so we can move onto the next race to be worked on. A lot of the races people want are already in game for the most part too. Some people hate the Cathar, some love them. The sooner they're out, the sooner new stuff can be worked on and people can move onto being excited for what they DO want in the game.

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So playing through the new expansion pack with early access gave me a couple of oppertunites to see the cathar race again. Personally I do not like the Cathar race, and they appear really out of place in the game.


Think of it as a form of Cathar-sis till you get to play them ;)


Thank you, thank you, I'm here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress!



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Pretty much this. Having them speak perfectly is a bit of a stretch considering they are cat people...I'm not a fan actually of any sort of "take an animal from earth and make it into a race" sort of races. All the other races in the original SW universe were unique and exotic. Cat-man is neither and honestly, kinda stupid.

Trandoshans are lizard-men, Mon Calamari are squid-men, Wookiees are bear-men, Rodians are fly-men, Chandra-fan are bat/mice-people, Bothans are dog-men, Chevin are elephant-men (note the character even named Ephant Mon), Hutts are slugs, and so on (there was even a giant praying mantis in the Eisley cantina). Almost every species is Star Wars has a direct link to an Earthly creature.


Adding Cathar, a race that is one of the more well-established ones in Star Wars lore, should really not be causing this kind of controversy. People have been asking for more races since before launch, and now that we're getting them, the LEAST you can do is not yell at the developers for adding content you find "silly" or "gross".


But I will add that I do not like the new appearances. And I agree that if it were a perfect world, the Cathar would have cat-like lisps, like Juhani.

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I wonder why it took Bioware so long to finally reveal and release Cathar...


It's not like they worked very hard on it


How do you know how hard they worked on it?


Just because it seems simple to you doesn't mean it is. I mean believe it or not your assumption(s) don't = fact.





Making an alien race fully human playable is a huge amount of work, at least if you want to give players the level of customization options that they have come to expect. It takes a lot of work to make all of the customization options work together and look good, while still ensuring people still can find looks that are unique to each other.


The Togruta provide a unique problem in this regard, in regards to the tentacles. Yes, the Twi’leks have tentacles too, but they are typically behind the player, whereas the Togruta’s canonically drape across the front of the character. This means that they struggle to work with the existing animations and gear without clipping — indeed, the first screenshot you see for Ashara if you google her is one with her chin ridiculously clipping through her tentacle. While this may be acceptable for a companion who is frequently offscreen while fighting, or NPCs who we can dress and pose carefully, its much more problematic for player characters who need to be able to wear anything and perform any animation and still look good. (The Twi’leks clip somewhat as well, but much art was tweaked to make this a lot less prevalent than it otherwise would have been)


I’m not trying to pour cold water in the species discussion. Quite the opposite – if the Cathar do well, I hope to expand your options even more, and we should know the answer to that ‘soonish’. I just don’t want anyone to think that just because an alien is currently in the game as an NPC, that it is trivial to turn it into player art — it’s a TON of work to do that, and do it well.

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Level of customization? In this game? EL OH EL



And I won't be wasting a single coin on them. If I rip WoW for Pandas, how can I justify Cats?


Also if I really wanted to play a Cat, I'd do it in a game with better customization and space gameplay than this game offers. STO is that way. (STO's ground is lacking though)

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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Level of customization? In this game? EL OH EL



And I won't be wasting a single coin on them. If I rip WoW for Pandas, how can I justify Cats?


Also if I really wanted to play a Cat, I'd do it in a game with better customization and space gameplay than this game offers. STO is that way. (STO's ground is lacking though)


The way TOR's cutscenes are framed prevent it from ever having a character creator like STOs. Same goes for pretty much all of Bioware's games as almost all of them feature alot of conversations that use close up shots of character's faces.


So for instance if the cutscenes are all framed around a height of 6 feet tall, you can't allow the player the option to adjust their height to varying degrees the way something like STO does because once you make a character that's really short or really tall they're going to be cropped out of the cutscene. That's why your character's full body is always shown in all of STO's cutscenes because they pull the camera back far enough that it's going to always show your character regardless if your 4 feet tall or 8 feet tall.


TOR could have more facial customization features though, but given how much the character's face needs to animate, fit in helmets, etc, you couldn't do anything too crazy with it either.

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How do you know how hard they worked on it?


Just because it seems simple to you doesn't mean it is. I mean believe it or not your assumption(s) don't = fact.





Quote: Originally Posted by Damion Schubert


Making an alien race fully human playable is a huge amount of work, at least if you want to give players the level of customization options that they have come to expect. It takes a lot of work to make all of the customization options work together and look good, while still ensuring people still can find looks that are unique to each other.


The Togruta provide a unique problem in this regard, in regards to the tentacles. Yes, the Twi’leks have tentacles too, but they are typically behind the player, whereas the Togruta’s canonically drape across the front of the character. This means that they struggle to work with the existing animations and gear without clipping


This Damion Schubert guy makes an excellent point about the Twi'lek and Togruta tentacles. Now if you all will excuse me i'm gonna log onto my Twi'lek Sith Warrior, ride the VIP elevator up-down repeatedly with Vette and watch our ear tentacles defy gravity....

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The way TOR's cutscenes are framed prevent it from ever having a character creator like STOs. Same goes for pretty much all of Bioware's games as almost all of them feature alot of conversations that use close up shots of character's faces.


So for instance if the cutscenes are all framed around a height of 6 feet tall, you can't allow the player the option to adjust their height to varying degrees the way something like STO does because once you make a character that's really short or really tall they're going to be cropped out of the cutscene. That's why your character's full body is always shown in all of STO's cutscenes because they pull the camera back far enough that it's going to always show your character regardless if your 4 feet tall or 8 feet tall.


TOR could have more facial customization features though, but given how much the character's face needs to animate, fit in helmets, etc, you couldn't do anything too crazy with it either.


Notice the Damian quote in the post before mine? He said in the first line: "Making an alien race fully human playable is a huge amount of work, at least if you want to give players the level of customization options that they have come to expect."


What I come to expect as far as level of customization in this game made me laugh out loud by that line. Justified or not is irrelevant to what I said. It's a low level of expectation because the customization is weak sauce.

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So playing through the new expansion pack with early access gave me a couple of oppertunites to see the cathar race again. Personally I do not like the Cathar race, and they appear really out of place in the game. They have cat-like features (cat nose, and face, hair), but have Bat ears, and them having a human voice and speaking english makes it a little over the top. I feel that if Cathar spoke another language it would look a little more normal (like wookies, some robots, or other races were they use text to show you what they are saying). I cannot imagine this being a main race in the game, and honestly don't see it being used very much... I could be wrong, but again, I dont think a Cathar would be a BA sith marauder, or a powerful Sorc. Just my opinion on the matter, seeing what other people think after playing the expansion a little and seeing the cather a little more.


Mounts look stupid and out of place on fleet as well... some things we just have to accept in the game.

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Notice the Damian quote in the post before mine? He said in the first line: "Making an alien race fully human playable is a huge amount of work, at least if you want to give players the level of customization options that they have come to expect."


What I come to expect as far as level of customization in this game made me laugh out loud by that line. Justified or not is irrelevant to what I said. It's a low level of expectation because the customization is weak sauce.


I knew what you were referring to, but what you failed to grasp was that quote is referencing the amount of customization that exists in TOR not every individual players expectation of character creation since thats something that varies between person to person.


In other words what Damien is saying is that its a lot of work even within the limited system they have.

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