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Crew skill 450 mission discoveries


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Slicing is still broken.

I have run around 75 slicing missions today and only gotten 2 Thermal Regulators, and those were from a Wealthy mission. haven't gotten a single one other than that. I had WAY more success pre-patch.

BW needs to fix whatever the hell they broke.

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Slicing is still broken.

I have run around 75 slicing missions today and only gotten 2 Thermal Regulators, and those were from a Wealthy mission. haven't gotten a single one other than that. I had WAY more success pre-patch.

BW needs to fix whatever the hell they broke.


Sorry to disappoint, but I received 4 from a crit on unsliceable. Returns have been upped, though the base return on wealthy missions is still too low.

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Ive ran several of these and the companion is gone for nearly 3 hours and comes back with crap. Is this intentional?



1 - purple ma

2- blues

1- lockbox



5 each of all 4 green mats




I forgot how many of the blue maybe 4



These returns are AWFUL for 3 hours wait and the cost to buy missions. I'm really hoping this is a bug.


Only going to comment on the bioanalysis part.

You were lucky. I did a wealthy mission this evening, and all I got were 20 of one of the useless mats. (I can't remember the name, but it is the red tube thingie)

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Additionally, we are aware of various issues with Crafting Skills. While I am not currently able to give you any solid time frame on these yet, here are our plans to address them:


1. Armormech

  • Reduction of cost for all Premium quality Medium & Heavy items
  • Reduction in the amount of blue Underworld Metals are needed for some schematics

2. Synthweaving:

  • Reduction of cost for all Premium quality Light, Medium & Heavy items
  • Reduction in the amount of Prototype Underworld Trading items are needed for some schematics

Thanks for keeping us up to date, Amber. As well as these issues, I have found that level 54 orange armour made by armormech and synthweaving crits for a mk-7 slot. I believe that it should crit for a mk-9 slot, as biochem implants at that level give a mk-9 slot when they crit.

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I wanted to add something to the discussion about what to do with the leftover hollinium (and the like) clogging our inventories right now. It is not only the case that there were actual credits that were spent in acquiring the hollinium, but there were two significant areas of opportunity costs. These are a result of the fact that hollinium came from crits on bountiful and rich missions. If you were like me, this means that you adapted your behavior to avoid the hollinium. There were two ways to avoid it: a. don't send companions on bountiful and rich missions. b. don't send companions that are especially likely to crit (either because they have high affection or an innate bonus). This behavior, which seems to me to be predictable once you figure out the pattern (or read the patch notes), has the following opportunity costs:


a. it takes you much longer to acquire the mats you need because you are sending fewer missions, they are of only moderate and adequate yield, and they are less likely to crit.

b. what green mats you do have are much more expensive per unit than apparently intended (again, you are sending missions with a lower yield and you are much less likely to crit)


I understand why the only simple fix for this can is to increase the value of hollinium so when we vend it we can get some of our credits back, but I would suggest that that increase ought not only account for the costs of the missions to acquire the hollinium but also ought to account for the peripheral opportunity costs (which to my mind would not be a slight increase but a substantial increase).

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I'm also still getting useless materials on missions and the yields on Thermal Regulators are way off.


If the vendor value of the useless blue and purple materials that are not employed in any schematics have been adjusted then it's not apparent to me, I suspect that change wasn't implemented either.


As others have posted it's still not possible to reverse engineer Armourmech orange crafted shells and a crit craft still returns a type 7 aug slot on a 54 item where as cybertech ears and biochem implants are type 9 slots.


To be honest as was posted on the PTS forums there is NO point there even being a type 7 or 8 augment slot either, they should be done away with to help de-clutter the game a bit as no-one will ever use them in anger.

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I still have useless mats from missions too. But things are a little better since 2.0.1, missions seems to return more mats than before; however, missions obtained through slicing are still broken, they really return too few materials.


I really don't understand the changes done in 2.0 for 400+ crew skills. What the interest of missions that do not provide artefact mats anymore ? This is specially boring with Slicing, I have to logoff/login just to get the appropriate missions... Where's the fun in that ?

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Anyone ran a Scavenging discovery mission ? After getting nothing but junk from an Archeology one, kinda reluctanct to waste time and money


I doubt it'll be worth the time it took to run it, seeing as you can get lucky and pull in 20+ mats on a half-hour mission now. Flog it or save it for later would be my advice.

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Sorry to disappoint, but I received 4 from a crit on unsliceable. Returns have been upped, though the base return on wealthy missions is still too low.


Still low, from what I have seen it is still often less than the cost of even running the mission. I am making more money having the unused crew members run the 400 lock box missions.

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If you guys look at the patch notes, nothing on hollineum or perfect carbonic crystals . . .


You can avoid getting these materials entirely if you run the lower Moderate yield Scavenging Metal and Archeology Power Crystal missions. It's cheaper, faster and a lot less disappointing.

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I am not running any more of the 450 level Crew Skill Discovery missions until they are actually fixed. I am done being fooled into spending over 3,000 credits and nearly 3 hours of time to get 6 Perfectly Worthless Carbonic Crystals, 8 Wholly Pointless Hollinium or equally small amounts of actual usable blue mats.


The level 340 Discovery missions always returned at least 4 of the max purple mat associated with that Crew Skill. When the missions were successful crits, the return was even greater.

Edited by Kaistorm
Edited for Typo
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I am not running any more of the 450 level Crew Skill Discovery missions until they are actually fixed. I am done being fooled into spending over 3,000 credits and nearly 3 hours of time to get 6 Perfectly Worthless Carbonic Crystals, 8 Wholly Pointless Hollinium or equally small amounts of actual usable blue mats.


The level 340 Dsicovery missions always returned at least 4 of the max purple mat associated with that Crew Skill. When the missions were successful crits, the return was even greater.

Was it a 450 Scavenging mission that returned Hollinium for you? I haven't tried any of those yet.


I did run a 450 slicing mission last night and got 6 Thermal Regulators out of a crit.

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Yes, I got 6 Hollinium on a 450 Scavenging Mission Discovery. Nothing else.


Over Night I sent 5 companions out on missions, 1 UT Mission, 4 Scav Missions, 3 returned 4-6 Hollinium(varied missions 2k - 3.7k) and NOTHING else. Thats 2.0.1 for you :(

Over the entire day yesterday I gathered a total of 86 Hollinium in my scavaging missions(more than the green metal), thats with the Legacy +3% to Augments(not sure this applies to crits?) and Max affection on companions.

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Slicing does not seem to have changed for me at all...Still not a single Thermal Regulator what-so-ever. With Risha having full Companionship her success rate should at least be 1 out of 5. Right now I'm 0/13!


OT: Risha sucks at slicing. Even before 2.0 she was no good at it. Hell, Bowdaar brought me many more Neural Augmentors than she ever did. (kinda had to laugh at the thought of wookie slicer) I eventually gave up and dropped slicing on my smuggler.


Mako and SCORPIO seem to do a much better job - 1 crit from each of them last night on 'Unsliceable'. Lokin and Torian chipped in with crits on 'Watching the Watchdogs' (This all from two sets of missions ran, per toon)

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